Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 69 Adjusting And Reliance (Sophia POV)

I was currently a student of one Master's direct subordinates. It has only been 1 day but she has crammed so much knowledge into me that my head hurts. Most of it was useless knowledge like how amazing and powerful Master is.

I wasn't able to leave the cave until night fell where I finally got some free time to do what I want. They were arrogant, they thought I wouldn't try to plan something bymyself… but were they wrong?

Lots of Amazonians came up to me asking what the plan was, but… I had no plan.

I was scared… if I lost my entire tribe I would have nothing left. Mom died in the blood crawler incident when I was first born and now even though my dad survived the next blood crawler incident, he died from a much more powerful being.

The Amazonians unsatisfied with my response just clicked their tongue before walking away. I felt like a disappointment. Maybe if I had the courage or the power, I might have been able to at least put up a fight so I wouldn't die with shame heavily weighing on my shoulders.

"I'll just go to sleep since I will only get more depressed if I keep failing my tribe's expectations," I muttered to myself.

As I arrived back at the cave, I saw Aika waiting for me. She didn't even let me speak as she quickly took my hand and led me towards Master who seemed ready to be changed.

As I helped the other maids out, I still felt fearful towards her. My hands slightly shook as I helped remove her clothes. I didn't even realize that I was so scared I started to subconsciously call her master in my mind.

Once she had finished changing into a black nightgown, she dismissed all of the maids except for me who gestured for me to kneel in front of her.

All of the maids had left the room as they went down a hallway to the right including Aika.

"Now tell me… why did you lead your people this way," Master says.

I was too scared at what would happen if I told her the truth so I tried to avoid it but she saw through my lie and got angry.

She stands up and grabs my chin as I'm forced to look into her eerie eyes. She proceeds to threaten me with her words as my heart starts to sink.

I was desperate…

Clinging onto her legs I confessed and begged for forgiveness.

She told me to keep quiet so I wouldn't wake up Miss Homura and Miss Kumo who were sleeping on the bed.

Barely holding back my tears, her mood suddenly switches and she surprisingly forgives me. She then proceeds to tell me that she wants the power of the Amazonians for her kingdom.

Only sounds and nods of confirmation leaked from me.

Aika came back into the room to help me onto my feet. As we walked down the hallway, no words were spoken even until I arrived at a room with 2 beds and 2 desks right next to each other.

Lying down, the softness of this new bed instantly sent me to sleep. I felt like I was back in my mother's embrace even though I was too young to even remember what happened at that time. It was just something I knew.

The next day I woke up before the sun rose to help clean Masters home which is apparently a castle. The room that she slept in wasn't very castle-like until I heard they were going to surprise her today. Once the surprise was finished, they will finish up the room and turn it into a hub that connects most of the hallways.

Time passed and I wasn't able to see her reaction since I kept cleaning throughout the day, making sure everything was nice and tidy. Not a speck of dust was acceptable according to Aika.

I also heard that the place we live is now a kingdom recognized by the system. I wasn't happy nor was I not happy, it's just… there. What benefits do you even get with it?

The day after, I attended a practice session with Master and most of her direct subordinates. She taught us something called martial arts which were similar to what we used when fighting with our bare hands in my tribe.

I understood quickly what to do and not long after we had sparring sessions.

I only fought Mister Akito since he was one of the best and I continued to lose to him. If I fought anybody else I would quickly win so I had to overcome the challenge known as Mister Akito.

I never won…

Some time passed as Master decided to go hunting with Miss Kumo since she was getting slightly depressed for some reason.


Even more days passed as I kept cleaning the castle but had another routine to do. All of the maids in the castle were put through extensive training to become proficient in martial arts.

I felt my body become stronger and gain more muscle but the elves kept their same slim body. Surprisingly, they were almost as good as me in martial arts. Their thin bodies allow them to do very quick moves, taking me by surprise most of the time.

During those few days, I had fun doing my routine. Cleaning was nice and relaxing while when I sparred and practiced with the elven maids, it was a nice workout and I felt myself getting stronger each passing hour.

In order to have some fighting experience that includes the pressure of death, half of the maids and I would go hunting to also level up. Only till later did I find out Akito had been watching over us in case any one of us was about to die.

As I walked down the hallway of the castle, I ran into another maid. I wanted to ask her a question since I've been troubled by many questions through the passing days.

During the few hours I spent outside in Masters kingdom, I saw how it wasn't that large, probably about half a mile in width, but the houses were much more compacted and gave off a very friendly and inviting feeling.

"E-excuse me, am I allowed to ask you a question?"

"...what…" the elf maid responds coldly.

"Why is this place so developed?" I ask.

"It was a contribution of most of the high-ranking people here. Master contributed a lot, but there are also contributions from her direct subordinates. All of the main jobs that are needed to expand the kingdom are split into all of Masters direct subordinates," the elf says.

"Well… how do you have so much knowledge? I'm assuming you didn't start off with so much knowledge, right?"

"Partly. Master helped us start our jobs when we were spirit elves besides the ones who knew how to hunt, make weapons, and make shelter. We've already had that ingrained into our clear bodies since we were first born as spirit elves.

When we evolved, suddenly we had knowledge of how to speak and more information on our designated jobs that Master assigned us. I don't know why this is a thing but I assume it is due to the system," says the elf.

Surprisingly she was pretty knowledgeable but that should be expected of Masters personal maids.

"Thanks," I say before continuing down the hall.


Master finally came back today and for some reason, I felt happy. I didn't understand why, maybe I wanted to prove to her that I am strong now since she has always ignored me after the time she threatened me.

When I heard rumors that Master had defeated the second strongest mountain guardian my jaw dropped from shock. I only thought they were myths but it seems they are actually real.

I couldn't help but feel happy for her achievement… when I should still be mad at her.

Even when I walk through the kingdom, I should hate the citizens of my enemy but strangely feel satisfied. It might be because I see my tribe members thriving and advancing in this kingdom. Though there are very few amazonian kids, I still feel happy when I see them smiling when they go to a restaurant instead of smiling to go hunt monsters like a bloodthirsty animal.

Speaking of her kingdom, it has expanded greatly, being a little less than 3 miles in width. Especially with this new species, the fire harpies, residing in our kingdom. Our manpower has doubled, allowing us to expand even farther and faster.

Though they have been in the kingdom for a couple of days now, I paid them no mind until some of the fire harpies became maids for Master. It was nice that I got more free time to train but, there is this one fire harpy who sort of acts like the leader of the maids, despite her being here for only 1 day now.

I decided to ignore her since if I did get in trouble I would probably get punished and I didn't want that new dungeon that Mister Akio made in Masters castle to be used on me.

Anyway, the biggest news that I heard since Master came back would be that she has 3 wives now and they are people I already know. Miss Kumo the crawler who actually evolved during the time Master and her were out, Miss Homura, and Miss Aika.

Today I had the privilege to clean up for breakfast at the dining table. I saw Master talking with her wives and Miss Aimi who apparently runs a clothing store now.

"Oh I forgot I need a new maid leader," Master says, making my ears perk up slightly.

I-it should be me right. I've been the maid who's been working the hardest and even is the best at fighting and-

"Lucy, I want you to be the new leader of the maids," Master says, making my heart sink.

W-what did I do wrong? Maybe Master still dislikes me. I've changed. I'm happy that my tribe is thriving in your kingdom. What did I do wrong? Please like me. I've accepted it. I won't retaliate. I would never retaliate. Please…

I was barely holding back tears as I felt my hard work was for naught.

Raising my hanging head, I looked at Master. She was staring at me with eyes of expectations. Those eyes weren't the eyes of somebody who dislikes somebody, she expects something of me.

Maybe once I become better at the things she expects of me, then she will recognize me. I don't have any idea what the thing she expects of me is, but I will work on everything. I will become better at everything I can do.

So please don't abandon me...

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