As long as you have the courage, fierce ghosts go on maternity leave.

Chapter 23: Becoming a Ghost Master

Chapter 23: Becoming a Ghost Master

This is a wonderfully splendid night...

In his past life, as a successful individual, particularly a socialite who specialized in grooming high-end sales talent, Alexander naturally wasn't lacking for female companionship.

However, his current body was still essentially a boy's, and this intense new experience was quite the change.

The sensation was a blend of hot and cold, both cool and warm, and it was absolutely splendid.

"Good morning, Master!"

After waking up Alexander, Su Rong's tender tongue lightly licked her lips, and she made a swallowing motion, saying, "Did you sleep well last night? Did I not disappoint the master?"

Alexander felt a surge of desire rushing to his head, and he became aroused again below his waist. Su Rong gently held his penis with her hand and then took it into her mouth.

Alexander felt intense pleasure and grabbed Su Rong's hair tightly, making her take it deeper.

He felt that he could no longer control his desire, he wanted more, he wanted Su Rong.

One and a half hours later, Alexander, who had dressed himself, stood on the ground, feeling like he had just run a marathon. Every muscle in his body was trembling with its own thoughts.

He now understood why humans and ghosts lead separate lives. Who could withstand this? It wasn't about drawing in life energy or anything else; it was simply too much to bear.

"No, I can't do this anymore! Sister, from now on... let's make it once a month... no, once a week. Once a week is enough!" Alexander struggled to get out of bed, feeling sore and weak, and sat on the edge of the bed again.

"Okay, I understand, Master!" Su Rong wrapped herself in a silk quilt, sat cross-legged on the bed, leaned slightly towards Alexander, and accepted his command. Raising her head, she saw Alexander's face and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hurry up and get dressed, tell me about the ghost world!" Alexander patted Su Rong's shoulder impatiently. The cold, smooth touch gave him a start and he quickly changed the subject.

Su Rong stood up to dress, revealing her perfect body again. Alexander hastily turned away.

It wasn't because he was a gentleman; he was just feeling drained after a night and a morning. Despite Su Rong's enticing body and flawless skin, his physical exhaustion was fighting his mental desire.

Body: You're tired, you need to rest!

Mind: No, you can have another round!

Even if his body couldn't bear it, his thoughts tempted him to continue.

Soon, Su Rong had dressed and sat down on a wooden stool, allowing Alexander to breathe a sigh of relief as he began to learn about this world.

The horror world had been here for ten years already, but even now, the veterans who had experienced various instances over these ten years couldn't claim to fully understand this world. Alexander, on the other hand, was probably the first person to lift the veil on it.

Su Rong wore a reminiscent expression, and began to recount everything she knew about this world.

"I only remember, I used to be a teacher at a school, and my name was Su Rong. I had a group of mischievous students who always loved to play pranks in class. It started with toy mice, glue, and buckets of water hung on the door... later it turned into centipedes, thumbtacks, and mousetraps placed behind the door..."

"Their backgrounds were powerful; even the principal couldn't manage them. Only at my request did he change my class."

"One day, the most obedient girl in that class came to me in tears, her body covered in scars. I promised to help her get justice, and took her everywhere to seek help and find a lawyer."

"No one was willing to help us. I even lost my job as a teacher, and moved with her into an abandoned apartment. We didn't want to give up, we wanted justice no matter what."

"It was a cold night. The apartment was engulfed in fire. After that, I don't remember anything. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in this world."

Su Rong's voice was calm, as if she were telling someone else's story. However, the tears gathering in her eyes told a different tale.

Alexander extended his hand, gently wiping away the tears from her eyes. This kind woman had clearly died in an arson, silenced by the power behind those unruly students. He really wanted to avenge this pitiful woman, but it seemed like there was no chance now.

After a long silence, seeing that Su Rong had regained her composure, Alexander held her shoulder and said, "Let the past be the past! What's going on with this world, and how did you end up in debt?"

"Actually, I don't know much about this world either!" Su Rong shook her head and said, "This city is called Youdu, a vast ghost city. It has urban areas, towns, and villages."

"Ghosts living here all have their own professions and lives. For you, schools, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, even buses, each place is equivalent to an instance, and each instance has its master. The evil ghosts owning instances are called Ghost Masters. I am a Ghost Master, and the instance I own is that abandoned apartment."

"Every month, as a Ghost Master, I can open instances and randomly invite living people to participate. I absorb their souls or fear, turning them into ghost coins, which are the most important currency in this world."

"This world is very dangerous, especially at night, there are no rules! The city outside is filled with murder and fear. Those wandering ghosts are always at risk of being hunted. Only by owning your own house can you avoid becoming prey."

"Relying on the instance I naturally have, I initially earned some ghost coins and took out a loan to buy my own house here. However, the good times didn't last."

As Su Rong spoke, a bitter smile appeared on her pretty face:

"Because all the money was spent on the house, I had no funds to buy plugins. The income from the instance became less and less. Despite my efforts to work in other instances, it was still not enough, and now I can't even afford to repay the loan."

"So that's what instances are about! You were just working part-time at the Bloody Moon School? Can I see your instance?"

Alexander finally understood, and spoke up. After all, since Su Rong was his ghost slave now, naturally, the house loan also fell on him.

"Fool!" Su Rong laughed softly, opening her hand. A surge of ghost energy rolled out, and surprisingly, a black bead appeared in the center of her palm.

"This is the instance ghost bead. It can control the instance and is also the symbol of a Ghost Master! Since I am your woman, this instance naturally also belongs to you!"

Saying this, Su Rong placed the bead in Alexander's palm and gently pressed it. The ghost bead merged directly into his palm. Then, a message appeared in Alexander's mind:

"Congratulations, chosen one, on acquiring the Tube Building ghost bead, becoming a Ghost Master. Your identity has changed, and attributes are updated!"

Did he really just acquire a horror instance?

Alexander was slightly stunned and immediately opened his attribute interface.

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