As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels

Chapter 6.5

Chapter 6.5

The Gusu Family was a well-known Wulin family in the region, but their prestige had declined in recent years. The reason for this was that the familys Old Master Gusu Yi, master of the Lingyun leg-fighting style, had been poisoned a few years ago and was left paralysed in bed.

It wasnt as if there werent any outstanding children in the Gusu family, but when set against their grandfathers reputation, they simply couldnt measure up. Additionally, the children didnt receive any guidance or support from their elders. Naturally, with generations and generations of exceptional talents quickly emerging within the Jianghu, these young juniors could barely keep a foothold, resulting in the Gusu Family being progressively pushed into the background during the past two years.

Although they had kept a low profile, the Gusu Family never gave up on searching for a miracle doctor to cure Gusu Yi. However, none of the famous doctors in the Jianghu had the ability. Everyone said that there existed only two miracle doctors in Medicine Valley who could cure Old Master Gusu in this world.

But where was Medicine Valley? Only few people in the world knew. Hence, the Old Masters ailment dragged on for over three years.

Fan Yuan couldnt help but sigh. Being able to persist even after three years of having the poison in his body, this old man was really capable. However, things had to progress in this way after all. If not, where would there be a chance for the female lead to show-off her skills?

Putting his thoughts aside, Fan Yuan stretched lazily and sat up, feeling his stomach begin to grumble. It had been midnight when he finally escaped from Yan Rui last night. He hadnt eaten anything the entire night and had instead been forced to engage in that kind of exercise it wasnt surprising that he was starving.

Xiao Wu, have the male and female lead woken up?

Not receiving an answer for a long time, Fan Yuan muttered softly to himself, Im starved, Ill just go and have my breakfast first.

Xiao Wus mechanical voice sounded a little unnatural when it replied, Ding, they didnt come back last night.

WHAT??? Fan Yuan got off the bed, putting on his shoes and clothes in a hurry. Why didnt you tell me this earlier?! What if they ran into an accident?

Those two fools are too naive, if they meet with a transmigrator or a person who has been reborn, they wont be able to fight them.

He tidied himself quickly and dashed out of the room, only to rush headfirst into someones embrace. Fan Yuan had a small stature, being half a head shorter than the man he had bumped into. Thus, his nose slammed into the mans chin, the pain leaving him teary-eyed for a good while.

Despite his indignant demeanor, there wasnt much time to say anything as he had to go and find the two leads. Simply glaring vehemently at the person in front of him, he turned and ran downstairs.

As he walked, he asked the system, Xiao Wu, whats wrong? You seem quite off today.

Xiao Wu let out several Dings, before replying in a low tone, Im sorry.

Fan Yuan frowned, Xiao Wu was acting too strange. Everything was clearly fine last night, why didlast night? He froze suddenly. He was on the pleasure boat yesterday, could it be that he forgot.

Fan Yuan stood in place, desolate, remaining silent for a long time before he slowly started, Actually, about thatI can explain.

Xiao Wu also felt quite embarrassed. Although its level wasnt very high, it still had many things recorded in its system. It had a comprehensive knowledge of BG and BL texts, but to understand such information was a complete other thing. Witnessing with your own eyes as your own master acted out the actual thing live with another man, as a pure little system, it was still a child!

Fan Yuan hesitated for a long time, but he still didnt know how to explain himself. He had been watched while doing the deed, he felt a bit bad!

Just then, the male and female lead turned a corner and emerged from an alley, looking tired as if they had a sleepless night. Fan Yuan let out a quiet sigh of relief, thank god nothing happened.

He quickly walked over, Brother Xiao, Brother Gao, where did the two of you go?

When Gao Sui and Xiao Ziyun saw him, their eyes widened in surprise and then they both suddenly laughed. Fan Yuan felt a little perplexed.

Xiao Ziyun said, Brother Bai, we got separated from you at yesterdays temple festival, we couldnt find you even when we returned to the inn. Where did you go?

Fan Yuan was stunned, so they both spent a night outside looking for him?! No wonder their clothes were slightly wet. His face reddened in embarrassmenthe had actually added onto their troubles.

Fan Yuan felt quite moved and replied apologetically, When we were at the temple festival last night, I realised that my money had been stolen. I thought that I could catch up to the thief quickly with my martial arts skills, but I didnt expect that they had high-level flying skills, and I lost him outside the city. It was too late to rush back and I thought you guys had fallen asleep, so I didnt want to disturb you. I didnt expect you guys to search all night for me.

Gao Sui smiled, Brother Bai doesnt need to blame yourself. All is well as long as youre safe, but you cant disappear without saying a word in the future.

Xiao Ziyun echoed, Precisely, but last night we were in the wrong as well. We simply played around and ignored you, I hope you dont mind.

Fan Yuan immediately shook his head and said, No, no, Ive never been too fond of crowds and I didnt want to ruin your fun, so I was a bit distant, thats all.

Gao Sui and Xiao Ziyun finally felt at ease. On the other hand, Fan Yuans heart was full of complicated emotions. These two fools were too honest, making him feel extremely guilty when he lied. It was no wonder that the original host attached so much importance to them, even he felt very touched.

As they were chatting, a young man in blue came over smiling, I presume you are Bai Muyuan, the one they call Brother Bai?

Fan Yuan glanced at him and promptly turned away, refusing to answer while assuming a wooden expression. Just now, his nose was slammed into by this man. It still hurt!!

Ding, he is Gusu Moliang, Xiao Wu reminded.

Gusu Moliang?! They were going to visit the Gusu Familys house right after this! If he offended the host, who knows if he would be given small shoes to wear! It would be better if he didnt act too haughtily.

Fan Yuan quickly turned his head and gave the man a nod. He said softly, Precisely so, may I know who you might be?

Gao Sui hurriedly helped to introduce, Yes, Brother Bai hasnt been acquainted. This is Brother Gusu, Brother Gusu Moliang.

Xiao Ziyun added, Brother Bai still doesnt know, after we were separated yesterday, we met Brother Gusu by chance. We were just about to visit his manor.

Gusu Moliang smiled sincerely, It brings me immense pleasure to have friends from afar. Our Gusu Family hasnt invited guests to our manor in a long time. Today, it is quite wonderful that we can invite some like-minded friends to come over.

His eyes lingered on Fan Yuans face for a brief moment, and he continued in a soft, apologetic tone, I accidentally hurt Brother Bai today, I hope you will forgive me.

Naturally, Fan Yuan forgave him. He wasnt a person who held grudges. Hearing the other persons sincere apology, his anger completely dissipated. He waved his hand and replied, Brother Gusu speaks too seriously. Since you are a friend of Brother Xiao and Brother Gao, you are also my friend.

The group went to change into more presentable garbs, then the carriage sent by the Gusu Family arrived. Xiao Ziyun suddenly pointed at the white horse by the side, This horse is really beautiful, can I ride it?

Of course, Gusu Moliang agreed happily, But can Brother Xiao ride a horse?

Xiao Ziyuns face turned slightly redobviously not, but she was reluctant to give up on riding the white horse, leaving her in hesitation. Gao Sui always followed her, and when he saw her in distress, he said, How about this, Brother Xiao can ride on the horse with me.

Xiao Ziyuns eyes brightened as she asked uncertainty, Is that really okay?

Gao Sui nodded hard, at that moment his boyfriend force was at its MAX.

Fan Yuan saw the two get onto the white horse, with Gao Sui supporting Xiao Ziyun from behind, his face a mask of seriousness. Inwardly, he was surprised. In such an ambiguous posture, the male lead didnt realise that anything was different. Was he too slow or too slow.

While Fan Yuan had been lamenting the male leads dense nature, Gusu Moliang had come over at some unknown point in time. He asked thoughtfully, Does brother Bai want to ride a horse or the carriage?

Fan Yuan didnt know how sharp he was, so subconsciously he replied, Of course I want to.

He suddenly halted his speech. Only then did he remember that Gusu Moliang had come on horseback, and naturally, he would also ride his horse back home. The male and female lead had also gone on horseback, so now he was the only one who would take the carriage, this was different from what was agreed upon!

The swelling in his inner thighs hadnt subsided yet, so it would hurt greatly if he rode a horse. But then, this was also the culture of the Jianghu. In this world of martial arts, if he was the only one who rode on a carriage while the other three opted for a horse, he would be laughed at by the public. Fan Yuan was quiet for a while as if he was looking death calmly in the face, before answering, Of coursethe horse.

Seeing that his expression wasnt too good, Gusu Moliang asked thoughtfully, Brother Bai knows how to ride a horse? If not, I can. Ride with you.

Fan Yuan quickly waved his hand and interrupted him, Naturally, I know how to.

After that, he went over to a strong black horse, stroked its mane, swiftly flipping his body over as he got on the horse. His movements were clean, elegant and beautiful, his white coat serving as a striking contrast against the black horse. Moreover, his face was as charming as peach blossoms, filled with a spirited aura, it was so beautiful that anyone who saw it would be unable to look away.

Gusu Moliang was transfixed, left rooted in place for a long time before he came back to his senses. He quickly turned over and got on his horse, riding into the depths of the city together with Fan Yuan.

Only Fan Yuan knew what kind of suffering he was feeling. The original hosts body belonged to those ultimate little shou types, it was simply too delicate. The injuries in his inner thighs were constantly rubbed against the horses back, it was burning with pain! The only thing he was thankful for was that he and Yan Rui hadnt gone all the way yesterday. Otherwise, dont even mention riding, the male and female lead would probably have to carry him to the Gusu manor.

Since riding a horse was much faster than riding a carriage, the party soon arrived at the Gusu manor.

The guest rooms had already been arranged a long time ago. Last night, the male and female lead searched for Fan Yuan for the whole time, so they immediately headed to the guest room to take a rest. That certain place of Fan Yuans was so numb with pain that it was a struggle to walk, but his expression remained leisurely on the outside as he was escorted to his room by a servant girl.

As he just entered the guest room, before he could even turn around, a solid, sturdy chest suddenly plastered itself against his back. Fan Yuan was pinned against the door, unable to move.

Behind him, a mans low and hoarse voice came, carrying hints of anger, Yuaner, Daddy searched for you the entire night. Say, how should I punish you?

In his heart, Fan Yuan was really amused, this guys lines were getting more and more smooth. However, his face revealed fright as he stammered, This place-this place is the Gusu manor, how dare you come in? If someone finds out.

Yan Rui held Fan Yuan close against his back and laughed lowly, So what if someone finds out? What is the Gusu Family to me? So what if they follow the righteous path in the Wulin? They are merely a group of dancing clowns. Have I, Yang Chengtian, ever regarded them as anything in my eyes? But this is Yuaner worried about Daddy?

Fan Yuan immediately turned around in protest, his voice full of poison, Im not worried about you! In fact, I really wish you were caught by those hypocrites!

The look in Yan Ruis eyes gradually turned deep, and he gazed down into Fan Yuans eyes, murmuring, Is that so.

Fan Yuan turned his head away and refused to answer. What the original host said here were just words of anger. No matter how Yang Chengtian treated him, the man had raised him for eight years after all, Bai Yuan could never bear to be truly cruel to him.

Yan Rui chuckled as he slipped his hand around Fan Yuans waist, easily untying his belt, Baby, let Daddy see how your injury is.

Fan Yuans heart trembled, Yan Rui wanted to touch him. This realisation made his blood begin to boil. He suppressed the excitement in his heart, but his face was unyielding, Dont touch me!

Yan Rui naturally saw the excitement flowing out from his eyes, and his lips curved up as he said, You were raised by me, of course I can touch you.

After that, he quickly removed Fan Yuans underwear, quickly pulling open his smooth and delicate legs with his knees. He rubbed his thick hands on Fan Yuans butt for a good moment. Seeing that Fan Yuans body had already turned soft while his struggles were becoming less and less focused, Yan Rui carried him to the bed.

Fan Yuan hit him fiercely and yelled repeatedly, Let go of me, Yang Chengtian! You pervert, I am your son

Yan Rui released Fan Yuans hair tie, using it to bind his hands to the headboard. He carefully examined the wound on Fan Yuans leg, and found that it was bleeding from being rubbed against. This caused Yan Rui to frown deeply and he quickly exchanged points for the best condensed jade dew from the marketplace and dabbed on his wound gently.

This posture was really embarrassing, Fan Yuan felt incredibly embarrassed and he turned his face away from Yan Rui, only to suddenly feel that his injury felt very cool and comfortable. He subconsciously peeked at Yan Rui, and just one glance made him gasp loudly. He said in a hurry, Condensed jade dew that can regenerate muscle and skin?! Youre too reckless and wasteful! Its just a simple scratch, not a disfigurement!

Yan Rui raised his head to look up at him before replying seriously, Next time dont push yourself anymore.

He knew what he did was wrong so he didnt quibble, softly agreeing.

Fan Yuan appeared extremely resistant to his touch on the outside, but he was secretly very worried. Although the original story described that medicine was applied, the place where the original host was hurt was that place, whereas his thigh was the one that was hurt. However, when he thought back to how a certain someone looked like a delicious feast, he truly felt that what happened last night was too boring! However, discontentment was just discontentment. He was after all still a man of high moral principles. It was impossible for him to open his mouth and actually ask Yan Rui to do more, so he could only sulk in his heart.

When Yan Rui had used up all the medicine, Fan Yuans face turned red in embarrassment and he yelled in a displeased tone, Youve applied the medicine, you should leave now!

Yan Rui leaned and whispered into his ear, Do you really hate me that much?

Not waiting for Fan Yuan to answer, he gave a low laugh, It doesnt matter if you hate me. Anyway, you can only belong to me.

Fan Yuan gritted his teeth and said, When you adopted me back then, it was all for this?

As soon as his voice fell, he heard two knocks on the door. Fan Yuan was completely shocked, and Yan Rui looked at the door with annoyance.

Ding, its Gusu Moliang.

Fan Yuans jaw was practically about to drop, OK?

His pants were thrown on the ground in a mess, and he had his hair scattered as he lay on his back against the bed! His hands were currently tied to the headboard and the bottom half of his body was naked, with his legs open to expose his private part..f*ck, what the hell was going on!

This part wasnt written in the script!

Supporting male lead N, please read the script carefully!

Its immoral to disturb people when they are engaging in good stuff, do you understand?!

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