Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 211: Law of Ash

Chapter 211: Law of Ash

Vir jumped off the same cliff for the second time that day. This time, he fled in fear. Whatever was pursuing them was lethal; few organisms shone so brightly to Prana Vision. In fact, Vir hadnt seen such a signature since his time in the Mahdi Realm. Whatever it was, they were no match for it.

Four centuries, Cirayus said as they fell. Four long centuries of living and fighting and I am still nothing against these beasts.

Vir hit the ground and Leaped, bounding through the forest with blinding speed.

A heavy crash told him their pursuer had followed. Worseit was moving fast, approaching steadily.

Vir related to Cirayus feelings. Hed only just obtained great power, but against Wyrms and Prana Swarms, what did it matter? He was still nowhere near those forces of nature, and even with the Ultimate Bloodline Tattoos, even with Chakras, he truly wondered if hed ever get there.

Still, it was one thing to feel that way after a year of active training. But four hundred years? Would Vir accept reality as gracefully as Cirayus had?

Their pursuer neither roared nor screamed, but the sound of ancient trees cracking and breaking more than made up for it. In a way, that was even more terrifying.

Its gaining on us! Cirayus shouted.

Were in the middle of a forest. Its not even slowing that thing down!

Wheres a Wyrm when you need one? Cirayus muttered as they ran.

Shan stuck close to Virs side, sensing the impending danger.

What about your Artifact? Vir asked. Were close, arent we?

Aye, Cirayus said. Though theres no telling how much farther the Ash Gate is. The orbs brighter than ever, but we could still have a day or two left. We need more information on the enemy.

They both changed the trajectory of their next bounding leap. Instead of shooting forward, they soared high, clearing the treetops.

Vir whipped around, searching for their pursuer. He didnt have to search hard.

Oh. That.

Well, it could be worse, Cirayus said as they fell back down together.

Not much worse, Vir replied.

The beast that followed them wasnt a living being at all. It was an Imperium Automaton Guardian, though the only trait it shared with the Yaksha were the three faces, one on each side of its head.

Its faces, however, werent alive like the Yakshas had been. They seemed etched out of stonelifeless, except for its glowing blue eyes.

The smooth, white automaton stood sixty paces in height, nearly as high as the trees, and instead of legs, its four-armed torso was attached to a spherical base that was twice as tall as Cirayus.

Imperium Guardians are relentless, Cirayus said. Well need to lose it or occupy it with a greater threat than us.

Shouldnt be hard, with all the monsters around. Just

Aye. Cirayus grabbed Vir, hoisting him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Hey! Vir protested, flailing.

Vir had hoped hed never have to rely on the giant to carry him again, but alas, his hopes were dashed quite brutally.

Shan shirked away, refusing similar treatment.

Just be sure you keep up, Cirayus said to the wolf.

The giant jumped up to a treetop and bounded his way across the forest canopy several times faster than before.

Shan kept up. In fact, the wolf ranged ahead of Cirayus, predicting his path.

The Guardian slowly fell away behind them, though neither harbored the delusion that the Imperium creation would simply give up.

The moment we exit the forest, that Automaton is going to catch up, Cirayus said. Im already going as fast as I can.

What about those peaks? Vir asked. Think we might be able to hide from it there?

Worth a try, lad. I was thinking the same. Cirayus angled for the base of the jagged peaks nearby.

He soared high, scaling the sheer mountainside with ease. While Cirayus leveraged Balancer of Scales to reduce his weight, Shan dug his prana-covered claws into the mountain, creating secure handholds with each bounding leap.

The author's narrative has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

The summits of the mountains in the Ashen Realm were not safe places. Continuously ravaged by lightning, they werent anywhere a living being ought to venture. Furthermore, the sheer sides offered little in the way of purchase, forcing Cirayus to traverse horizontally in search of a ledge.

They had no such luck. Fortunately, they didnt need it.

Vir fired a Blade Launchensuring to draw prana in from the air, and not from Cirayus, who clung to the side of the mountain.

Clever, Cirayus said. Do you see now what I mean about power?

Sure comes in handy, Vir said, firing more attacks at the black rock. Each strike gouged out a chunk of the mountainside.

Cirayus helped by smashing the cut rock, allowing them to tumble down the mountain, while Shan observed from nearby.

Working as a team, they quickly hollowed out a cavity large enough for all of them. To call it a cave was generous, but it gave them a safe harbor from the storm.

Any bets on whether that Guardian can climb? Vir asked.

Well, Cirayus said, Ive never seen their type climb Though I hardly believe them incapable.

You think they just choose not to? Vir asked.

If you were the Gods, would you cripple your creations with such a glaring deficiency?

Good point, Vir replied. The Yaksha certainly had no issues following me up. I wonder if each ones built for a different purpose.

Or if theyd all gone insane It was a very real possibility. Who could say what corrupted rules governed these ancient beasts?

The Guardian arrived at the base of the mountain and slowed. It didnt climb.

It didnt need to. The Automaton primed an attackone that Vir had seen before.

Everybody down! Vir roared.

The Guardians eyes glowed hotly. A beam of light lanced out, striking the mountain. An explosion of rock thundered above them, raining debris down upon the three.

Ordinary demons might have been crushed, but Cirayus simply smashed the boulders as they dropped, while Blade Projections cut down rocks headed Virs way. Prana Armor handled the ones he couldnt strike.

Shan simply dodged them all, his prana-coated claws digging into the sheer face with ease.

Vir! Cirayus roared.

On it, Vir replied, sending more Blade Launches into the cave, deeper into the mountain. There would be safety there. The Guardians weapon was directionalif they couldnt see it, it couldnt see them. Which meant it couldnt harm them.

Or at least, so Vir hoped. With both Balancer of Scales and his abilities, Vir and Cirayus worked quickly as a team to hollow out the cavity.

But not before they were lanced by another of the Guardians light beams. It was the same attack the Yaksha had used against the Wyrm in the Mahdi Realm. Vir had clearly witnessed its destructive power. He knew what would happen if they allowed such a blow to hit.

Vir handed off the task of gouging into the cave to Cirayus, who hacked away with his talwarSikandar was far too large to maneuver in such a small space.

Minutes later, they had a tunnel that bored deep into the rock. Deep enough for the Guardian to abort its attack.

Now, the only question is whether it follows, Vir said, sinking partially into the shadows of the cave to peer at the Guardian from a nearby shadow. Time passed at half its normal rate.

Well? Cirayus asked, his voice coming through low and slow. What do you see?

The Automaton hadnt moved an inch.

Its just staring at us, Vir reported, leaving the shadows.

Well, then I sppose we wait, the giant said, taking a seat.

Shan circled a few times before lying down.

Is there really nothing we can do? Vir asked.

Cant fight it. Cant outrun it. All we can do is hide. Let this be a lesson, lad. Never let your strength go to your head.

Hard to, when all we can do is cower in fear and hope our enemy moves on.

Aye, that might be easy, here in the Ash, where every other beast reminds you of your own impotence, Cirayus said. But what of the Demon Realm? Lad, when you entered the Ash, you were weaker than most demons. That is no longer true. But strength doesnt make you invincible. Even the greatest among us die.

I know, Vir said softly. I wont be nearly as strong outside the Ash. Even if I retain the same level of prana within my body, Ill have to ration it carefully.

Not only that, Cirayus said. Your powers Theyre unlike the tattoos demons use. Quite unlike them, actually.

Vir narrowed his eyes. Which means if I want to stay hidden

Youll have to hide your abilities as well. Dance of the Shadow Demon is out of the question, Cirayus said. Everyone knows thats an Iksana bloodline ability. And you are not a Ghael.

Vir mulled it over. Leap and Blink should be fine, right?

Yes. Well have to inscribe fake tattoos on youtemporary tattoosto make it look as though your powers stem from them. Movement arts wont be an issue.

I see. Then I can use Haste, too. And Prana Vision is invisible, so I should be able to use that freely. What about Prana Blade and Blade Launch?

Plenty of strike enforcement magics exist, Cirayus explained. Though, none that use Ash prana. We can claim your katar is an Artifact that channels Ash prana. Shouldnt be much of a stretch, seeing how you have a true Artifact already.

So, it sounds like Dance of the Shadow Demon is the only power Ill have to hide? Vir said. It didnt sit right with him that hed have to hide one of his most versatile abilities, but there was something that worried him as well.

What about the Iksana? he asked. You'd mentioned that you'd inscribe fake tattoos on me, which will work for most people, but what about the Iksana who have Sight? The moment they see me, theyll learn who I am, right?

Aye. Thankfully, the Iksana rarely venture out of their caves and their tunnels, though well require a solution eventually.

Vir immediately thought of mejai armor, and how it scrambled the wearers prana signature to his eyes. Imperium metal had a similar quality.

Might be something Prana Current could help with? He wondered. It was something to test once he got to the Demon Realm.

Over the next hours, Vir alternated between meditating on his Foundation Chakra and spying on the Guardian.

To their frustration, the Automaton hadnt moved. Whatever made it take an interest in them remained.

Virs tension began to mount. Even after a full day, the Guardian remained. While they had food and water for days, the claustrophobic environment weighed him down.

Ironically, it was that exact pressure that helped his meditation. He was close to the Foundation Chakra. He could feel it. Hed also used the time to pull prana into his body, further expanding his blood capacity.

He wasnt sure if hed have such a chance once he left the Ash, so he strove to push his limits every moment he could.

Just that even if he learned it, itd be useless.

The Chakra? What if

Cirayus? Vir asked. Have you ever tried fighting an Automaton?

I value my life, lad, Cirayus replied, narrowing his eyes in concern. Not even your father was that reckless.

Virs heart began to pound.

Does that mean youve never tried attacking it?

Never. Ive only ever come across such a being twice before, and each time, I hid as quietly as I could.

So, youve never tried using your Chakra attacks against it?

I have not, Cirayus admitted. But lad, this is an Imperium Creation. We should assume it has complete mastery over its Chakras.

Maybe. A smile crept onto Virs face. Or maybe not Hear me out.

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