Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 216: Arch Thaumaturge

Chapter 216: Arch Thaumaturge

When Vir stepped into his private quarters, he immediately concluded it was the most lavish lodging hed ever experienced. But more than the lavish two-story room, more than the plush, exotic furnishings, Vir stood transfixed by the view.

The floor-to-ceiling wall-to-wall windowwhich Saunak promised was Imperium metal made to resemble a windowoffered a breathtaking view of the Ashen Realm beyond. Like the windows on the higher dining room floor, it too had a magnification feature, allowing Vir to zoom in on distant peaks and beasts if he concentrated, but these windows overlooked an entirely different side of the Ash. From here, Vir saw an endless expanse of volcanic mountains, with innumerable valleys between them, stretching off to the horizon. The many peaks spewed ash and magma into the clouds, but from this distance, the violent chaos appeared calm, almost serene.

The room itself was a two-story loft with a lounging area and bathroom on the first floor, and the bed on the second. The bed stood on a balcony with low railings, overlooking the first floor and the view.

Shan circled a spot near the window a few times before lying down, stretching himself, while Vir made his way to the bathing facilities. He wondered if Saunak had retrofitted them, or if theyd come with the tower, for baths were conspicuously absent in Janaks home in Mahdi. Vir had concluded at the time that the gods simply had other ways of keeping clean.

The shower was not unlike the one Riyan had installed at his abode, allowing Vir to quickly grasp their method of operation.

He stripped and stood under the water spigot which automatically began pouring fresh, hot water on him. It felt almost transformative to him, as if the shower was not only washing off the grime of several months, but was also purifying him in some way.

He stood there for many minutes, reveling in the fact that Riyan wasnt present to scold him for indulging in such luxury.

Finally satisfied, he took a moment to look over his body, which was reflected in the floor-to-ceiling mirror that walled the shower.

Gone was the scrawny youth hed been just over a year ago. Now, sleek muscles bulged from his arms to his legs, and well-defined abs decorated his torso. His body had grown significantly, not just in height, but in breadth as well.

His gains had undone all the damage of his youth, growing up undernourished and prana-deficient, and no trace of the previously scrawny boy remained. He was a good three inches taller now, and while covered in muscles, he lacked even an ounce of fat.

It was a body that rippled with prana. So much so that it appeared like a black abyss to Prana Vision, and Vir had to exert extra effort to keep it from escaping back into the less-dense atmosphere, lest the prana burst into flames that covered him.

A nice trickbut quite inconvenient when he didnt want to destroy nearby objects from his mere presence alone.

Vir reluctantly shut off the tap and stepped into the air blast as Saunak had instructed. The Imperium contraption comprised an array of tiny holes embedded into a semicircular wall of steel that surrounded him on three sides.

The moment he did, jets of frigid air hit him, ruffling his hair, drying his skin in moments, and making every hair on his body stand up straight on end. It didnt feel bad, though. After the hot shower, the cold blast soothed him.

I should get Maiya to learn how to do this with her Wind and Ice magic. Shes practically perfect for this kind of thing, Vir idly thought, suddenly missing his dear friend.

Just when he started to feel like the air was getting too much for him, it switched to a warm gust, soothing him like a blanket that had been heated next to a fire.

He departed the bathing facility clean, warm, and tired. With heavy steps, he plodded up the spiral metal staircase to the bed on the second floor and plopped down, staring at the ornamented ceiling, taking a moment to reflect on all that had happened recently.

Fighting against Cirayus beside Maiya. His decision to leave her for the Ash. His time in this blighted realm.

The land that had nearly killed him months ago now felt normal. Familiar. The beasts that had terrified him previously haunted him no longer.

No, but I still do

Vir jolted, scanning the area, but there was no one around. It was only then he realized the voice had come from within his head.

His blood ran cold.

Ekanai? Is that you?

There was no response. Vir waited, tense, for several moments, but when no further voices came, he fell back onto the bed.

What in Yumas name was that?

Itd been ages since hed heard the demons voice in his head. Hadnt Shardul said Ekanai was gone? That theyd sacrificed themselves to save him in Mahdi?

Hes right, though, Vir reflected. He wasnt overly worried the crazy demon would take over his bodyEkanai hadnt managed that in a very long time, after allbut it was true. Vir feared Prana Swarms. He feared Wyrms and the other city-ender Ash Beasts. And he feared Ekanai.

Was he stronger than his prior incarnation now? Or would he lose if they fought?

He might never know. While there did seem to be something of Ekanai left, Vir honestly wasnt sure whether he ought to rejoice or cry.

Who was Ekanai, really? Was he as maniacal as hed seemed? Or had only the worst of him survived the reincarnation? Had he been a different person in his past life? And what secrets had he discovered about the world?

With a heavy sigh, Vir turned his head to look at the falling Ash outside. He supposed hed find out once he obtained the Foundation Chakra.

Most would write this realm off as a wasteland. A place only fools would venture to. Fools like Ekanai, perhaps. And my father

But Maion Garga had seen something different.Hed seen the same thing Vir did.

A land full of opportunity. A land lush with prana, and ripe with challenging beasts against which to test ones mettle.

Despite knowing just how far he had to go to attain the heights Cirayus spoke of, Vir was still proud of all that hed achieved. Hed gained innumerable abilities. Hed met a living goddess and had worked with her to craft his own personal Artifact. And hed multiplied his bodys prana capacity. Though it still only allowed him one, perhaps two Talents outside the Ashen Realm, he suspected it was far beyond anything anyone had accomplished before. Plus, there was still room to grow. More prana to store inside his body.

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Then there was Prana Current. While hed obtained a powerful ability, hed only just begun to scratch the surface of its applications. What were its optimal uses? How could he better integrate his Artifact Chakram with this new ability? And how should he shift his fighting style, now that he had access to powerful ranged weapons?

These thoughts lingered on Virs mind as he drifted asleep, eyes pinned on the horrificyet majesticlandscape in the distance.

Vir awoke to the soft chiming of a bell. At first, he wondered who mightve been playing such a melodic tune for him, before realizing it was the doorbell.

Coming! he yelled, though he doubted hed be heard. Imperium metal walls muffled sound perfectly. Along with just about everything else. Nothing got through.

Vir hurried to don his robe before answering the door. He was surprised to find both Cirayus and Saunak waiting.

Well? Its been four hours! Saunak said.

Four hours!? Was it really that long? Vir thought, panicking, glancing at Cirayus. But the giant merely crossed his four arms and looked back guiltily.

Granted, he was tired, and the bed had felt like hed been sleeping on air Even so, he couldnt believe so much time had passed. The toll of the recent battles must have truly been creeping up on him. That, and the endless twilight and incessant danger meant that sleep never came peacefully in this realm.

In fact, hadnt he dreamed of exactly this? Hadnt he wished for a safe haven within the Ash? Now that hed finally found it He found himself reluctant to leave. Not just because of the luxury and the safety.

How much could I learn from Saunak? From his century of research into who knew what?

Vir wouldnt complain even if they spent a month with the old demon, though he knew it was a fools hope, with his four-armed giant guardian around.

How about a tour? Saunak asked, grinning like a child about to show his friends his secret hideout.

Which, Vir supposed, was exactly what this tower was.

Lets go, Vir replied, trying to keep the happiness off his face. For Cirayus sake, of course.

Vir was about to call out to Shan, but the wolf was fast asleep by the window. Recognizing the toll that the journey had taken on his new friend, Vir let him continue sleeping.

With a spring in his step, Saunak led them back to the central elevator shaft and activated the lift, lowering them.

Were not stopping to see your experiments? Vir asked as the platform sped by a half dozen laboratory levels.

Bah! I run my more mundane experiments on these floors. I doubt youd find the physiology of avian Ash Beasts interesting.

Actually Vir thought, but was interrupted by Cirayus.

Damned bloody waste of time, if you ask me, the four-armed demon grumbled. Saunak, Im warning you. Try anything, and your head separates from your neck.

Yes, yes. Im glad to see you havent changed one bit in the past one hundred years, the white-robed thaumaturge replied. Truly the same musclehead youve always been.

What? And you have? Cirayus asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.

Saunak slammed a button on the elevator, bringing it to a jerking halt. He turned, staring Cirayus in the eyes.

What is this? Cirayus asked, immediately on guard. What tricks are you up to now, Saunak?

Youll find a century alone does a lot of things to a demon, Cirayus. Plenty of time to think, you see? And meditate. Saunak fell silent, then continued in a lower voice. Ive reflected upon some of the actions I took back then. I suspect I would not repeat those experiments now. There are other ways. Better ways. Slower, perhaps, but only in the short term. Its the long term that truly matters, in the end.

You want me to forgive you! Cirayus said incredulously.

Nothing of the sort, Saunak replied, a hair too quickly. I just

Dont tell me you think that repenting at this point does anything for you? I know youre not that nave. If you think for an instant, itll erase the atrocities youve committed

I dont, Saunak replied flatly. No one can change the past, Cirayus. You know this better than most.

Aye. Aye, that I do. And I also know what too little too late looks like, Saunak. Im staring at it.

I dont know what all he did, Vir ventured, but isnt it good that hes changed?

Lad, dont let him deceive you. This demon has killed hundreds in the name of research.

And I acknowledge that, Saunak shot back. But you cannot ridicule me without also acknowledging the many thousandsnay, tens of thousands of livesmy inventions have saved. Who brought pranic tablets to the Demon Realm? Who helped the Panav tap into their true healing potential? Who educated the realm of the weak points of the dozens of Ash Beasts? Have you ever once considered that, to this day, Demonkind happily uses the fruits of my labor, all while reviling me as evil?

Saunak stepped back, taking a deep breath to calm himself. Do you not see the hypocrisy?

No. It matters not, he continued, activating the lift again. I have never worked for fame or glory. Hate me all you want. I know what Ive contributed to my people. And I know it is more than any other demon alive.

Cirayus expression remained grim, but he said nothing. Did he perhaps agree with Saunaks words?

Vir could understand the complexity of the situation. On the one hand, Saunak had quite obviously committed atrocities against demons. Hed admitted to it himself, after all. Yet those very atrocities had brought about benefits that might have saved innumerable lives. How was he to be judged, then? Was he a hero? Or a criminal?

Vir couldnt decide. But he did know one thingif the Demon Realm truly considered him a criminal, then why hadnt they also ceased using his inventions? Wasnt he right? Wasnt that a form of hypocrisy?

These questions lingered in Virs mind as the lift descended below the entrance hall, continuing underground, and plunging them into near-darkness. Only a single red light ring shone above them, casting a menacing glow upon the lift.

The floors ceased, replaced by bare rock and metal framing that surrounded the shaft.

As you can see, this part of the compound is even more secure than the tower.

More secure? Vir asked. Have you even had any security issues during your time here?

None, Saunak announced proudly. No Ash Beast has found its way inside. But why should that matter? One can never be too safe.

Paranoia, Cirayus scoffed.

And whats wrong with that? Saunak countered. Only the paranoid survive. Perhaps Shari and Maion would have, had they shared my sentiment.

Vir bit his lip. He suspected no amount of paranoia wouldve saved them. Certainly not his mother, he felt.

After descending several hundred feet underground, the lift slowed, and more brightly lit floors revealed themselves.

Welcome to my lab, Saunak said theatrically, stepping proudly off the lift into a dazzlingly white room.

Vir didnt even know where to rest his eyes. Every square inch of the lab was filled. Either by tables with books, tables with beakers, tables with suspicious instruments that looked like implements of torture, or worse.

On the walls in the distance, packed from floor to ceiling, were cages. Innumerable, and of identical sizes, many contained Ash Beasts of all sorts. In them, Vir saw several of the foes hed fought in the Ash, along with some hed never seen.

But unlike their wild brethren, these made no noise. In fact, they barely moved at all.

Harmless, I assure you, Saunak said. Theyre boisterous in the beginning, of course, but the months and years of imprisonment beat the resistance out of them.

And you say youve changed, Cirayus spat. Still up to the same antics as when you were Arch Thaumaturge for the Garga. Still violating the sovereign rights of other beings. How is this any different from the vile research that led to your banishment?

Hes Gargan? Vir thought. Cirayus had never mentioned that fact. Probably because he found the very thought distasteful. Thats interesting, though. I wonder if he harbors any lingering attachment to his people.

Your eyes fail you in your old age, Cirayus. It is different, Saunak said, holding up a finger. It is nothing alike. These are Ash Beasts, not demons. Beings that have lost their minds long ago. My work here involves trying to restore some semblance of sanity to these poor creatures. To see if we might cure Ash Beastsand thus, unfortunate demonswho lose themselves to prana poisoning.

What about those? Vir asked, pointing to some animals sporting mechanical limbs instead of their natural ones.

Eh. Saunak shrugged. Just some other experiments.

Uh, right

Virs eyes landed on a table filled with schematics. Walking over for a closer look, he frowned. They showed a contraption, though it didnt resemble any Vir had seen before. It looked vaguely like the Altanis fast attack airships, though it was smaller. Much smaller.

These are airship designs, arent they?

Saunak clapped in joy. Right you are, boy! A result of five years of effort. A dead end, sadly.

Why? Whats wrong?

The mad thaumaturge threw his hands up in defeat. They need far too much prana to operate, Im afraid. Tricky to control, too. And how am I going to test it? I only have one life, and as compliant as my Ash Beast friends are, they make for awful pilots.

Wed best move on, Cirayus suggested, two of his hands idly grasping Sikandars hilt. The enormous weapon lay draped across his back, which made navigating around the clutter-filled room somewhat problematic for the giant.

Dont you dare knock anything over, Saunak said, eliciting a scoff from Cirayus.

Please. Im not some child, only a few decades old.

A few decades? Vir balked. Did all demons think along similar time horizons? Or was it just Cirayus?

Fine, Saunak spat, before turning to Vir. Tell me, boy. Do you have anyone close to you?

What kind of question is

Do you wish you could see them?

Uh, yes? Who wouldnt?

Saunak grinned devilishly. Then allow old Saunak to make your wish come true. Follow me.

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