Asuka of the Scarlet Sky

Chapter 58

D-Do you really intend to fight Thunderbolt-san!?

Yuuto raised his voice to Asuka inside the training room in the mansion.

Asuka who silently swung the weight sword, wiped off her sweat and answered.

Isnt that obvious? Its a duel. I must accept it

Seeing Asukas expression, Yuuto made a sorrowful face. Its not an atmosphere where she would listen.

Its my fault. Asuka-sama has nothing to do with this so Ill apologize to Thunderbolt-san

Its different, Yuuto

Asuka interrupted Yuuto midway. Yuuto became silent from Asukas serious tone and stared at her.

Its not about the love affair. Im sure that Thunderbolt-san bet everything and challenged me to the duel. Can you believe it? Against me? The ordinary apprentice swordsman Asuka Retroliva is being challenged by Certain HitThunderbolt to a duel

Asuka held the sword in front of Yuuto.

Yuuto drank his saliva due to the fighting spirit.

Its the girl from that time. Right now shes not wearing any treasure tool he made.

I know. Even I think that its no good. On the high ranks of the heroes, Im surely the ordinary woman. Thats why I cant just run away

The grip shes holding made a creaking noise.

She mustve thought of this all the time.

Its scary that she always turned her eyes away.

For him, shes much more deserving to be a hero.

But, she wont run anymore. She cant run away.

Because, its been said. That girl clearly said.

It would be no good if its not her.

I really prove what you said. Ill never allow anyone to call you a liar

Asuka looked straight to Yuuto.

Even though shes wearing the strongest armor, holding the strongest sword, theres still a place she cant reach.

Then, shell believe in him. To support him, Ill be the strongest in the world

Ill win against Thunderbolt-san

Yuuto wasnt able to say anything more in front of Asukas determined expression.

He cant say anything. He was the one who made her a hero.


But he ran. He cant let them fight.

The 10th and the 9th in the hero rankings. The fight they will take will never end safely.

(I dont care if I get hated. Ill take responsibility and stop this)

Even if it ended with him being bound by the infatuation, its still fine. Not caring what would happen to him, Yuuto ran through the road of the capital.

He heard Thunderbolts house from Risty so he ran full speed there. Coming up to here, he has no choice but to make withdraw from the start.

Okay, a bit more. Hey!?

Yuuto suddenly stopped. However, upon seeing the unexpected person that appeared in front of him, Yuuto thought that its perfect and he spoke up.

Ruby-san? I-Im glad. Sorry, Thunderbolt-sans house

Yo, I was waiting for you

However, Yuutos eyes opened wide from Rubys misdirected answer.

While looking down on Yuuto, Ruby told him that its no coincidence.

I thought youd come. So I waited

Ruby approached him slowly and Yuuto retreats vigilantly.

Her tall figure always has an overpowering impression. Yuuto is being careful from Rubys big breast but Ruby still stared at him directly.

Good eyes. You have the determination. You want Thunderbolt to withdraw in the duel right?

Hearing Rubys words, Yuutos face brightened. Ruby also came to stop the duel. He thought so Yuuto tried to ask Rubys cooperation.


However Yuuto saw an unbelievable spectacle the next moment.

Please. Please accept the duel

Ruby lowered her head while saying so. The head of Ruby thats higher than 2m is rubbing deeply on the ground where Yuutos feet is in.

Wai!? R-Ruby-san!? Please raise your hand!

Yuuto was in panic. The 6th in the Hero ranking, Safety Zone Ruby Sapphire Diamond1. Its a person whod never lower her head.

Sorry but I wont. Not until you consent. Im her buddy after all

Ruby mutters as she dogeza, Yuuto is at loss. Its her best friend Thunderbolts duel. Isnt it normal to stop it? Yuuto stares at Rubys lowered head.

I think I dont know why. If shes my friend I should stop her I thought. Its reasonable. The duel isnt a question of power after all


Yuuto stopped speaking.

The determination was seen from Rubys body. A yell that is stronger and gentler than the thirst of blood was issued from the lowered head.

I get it. Raise your head

He mustnt let the hero of a gentle heart be covered with mud. Yuuto spoke as he had given up.

She, Thunderbolt is a child abandoned by the village and her parents

The words that came out from Rubys mouth made Yuutos eyes open wide.

Leaning on the wall at the back alley, Ruby folds her arms and looks in front of her.


Yuuto wasnt convinced by the sudden confession and asked Ruby.

The 10th in the hero Ranking, Certain HitThunderbolt. Why did such a thing happen to a girl with a brilliant military service.

You know about Thunderbolts demon eyes right?

Of course. She has such an amazing eyes, yet why?

Ruby smiles from Yuutos words. Looking on the boy who knows nothing2, she slowly clenched her fist.

Demon eyes are originally an ability of a demon just like its name. She was born with that sort of eyes

Yuuto also noticed it from Rubys explanation. Certainly, Thuderbolts eyemask is originally used to seal a demon.

She was born from a noble family. She was born from that house. It seems that it was cruel. Its a prof that they had associated with the demons

Yuuto was surprised hearing that. He never thought the past of Thunderbolts eyes.

Just how much hardship she had before she became a hero? Yuuto imagined a lonely hero.

She thinks that her own eyes are cursed power. Still, she can do nothing but rely on it. She has nothing after all

Ruby clenched her fist. Her figure is rich. Unlike her whos expressing gratitude from the bottom of the heart, Thunderbolts curse only torments herself.

Thats why she put on effort. Her archery and flight magic wasnt an inborn talent. The effort and blood that flows she obtained is the proof of her identity

Ruby tells proudly. Yuuto understands. Ruby admits. Thunderbolt lived through the way of respect.

However, Rubys face sank coldly after taking pride in her best friend.

But, her efforts werent recognized

He can recognized the anger in Rubys eyes. Firing a light of, Yuutos back shook.

Why, Yuuto asks, Ruby put strength on her fist.

Do you know how shes evaluated? Coward, cheater, dishonest, nothing

Those are the words Yuuto asked. However, Rubys expression was more than what Yuuto imagined.

I was jealous. They way Thunderbolt fight is just perfect hit.3Then, the surrounding fellows throws at her are the worst4

Its said that shes a coward that doesnt show up.

Its said that shes a coward that aims at the back.

Its said that shes a fellow that can be defeated.

ThatsT-The role is different

For instance an arena, a battle where shed go upfront would make her certainly weak.

But, assuming that she won, or even if shes defeated, her results would still be clouded.

However, more than that. The thing thats deep inside Rubys discernment made Yuuto held his breath.

Its said that the demon blood thats flowing on the demon eyes of her made it inevitable for her to be dishonest

The moment he heard that, Yuutos temple bursted.5

Dont fuck with me. Is that what a hero do?

Yuuto even forgets his tone as he think of a single girl.

Just what does she feel as she continue to draw her bow.

Seeing Yuutos expression, Ruby looked at him with gentle eyes.

Finding out that her best friend wasnt wrong, she clenched her fist.6

Even if its called a Hero, theyre decided by physical strength and power. There are a lot of people that are like a scoundrel. Even I am not living in a road of just praise

Ruby stared at her fist.

Shes different. But, piling up her achievements, she was appointed with Certain Hit as an alias but she has no allies

It wasnt recent until I met her, Ruby bit her lip in vexation. If she had met her earlier then she mightve saved her.

Ruby looked back. To the companion of the Swordsman Scarlet Sky. Brilliant, a fragment of the hero thats the center of the spotlight.

She intends to prove it to you. Her own brave figure. That shes not a coward

Thats why, watch with your own eyes. Ruby says so, Yuuto cant say anything back.

Yuuto could do nothing but nod, Ruby muttered Thank you

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