Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 2 (2)

Book 3: Chapter 2 (2)

Conflict 4

We were still at the all too familiar frontline base. We had moved from the cabin to a large tent to hold a strategy meeting.

The tent had no luxury items like tables or chairs, so we were all sitting on the ground. Neither Ester-chan nor the noble mage voiced any complaints. Even though theyre nobility, theyre not arrogant like most other nobles.

Thanks to Gonzalez, we were able to recruit his clan without any issues.

I understand. It does sound dangerous.

Gonzalez let out an exaggerated groan when I explained the situation to him.

will you still help?

Yes. I already told you I would and a member of the Twilight Company will never go back on their word.

Thank you. Ill definitely return the favour someday.

You dont need to worry about that. Until this war is over, I wont be able to fulfil my promise to eat a proper meal with you. Besides, if it means we can save the people of Tricklis, its worth the danger.

In addition to Gonzalez and I, the tent was filled with Ester-chan, the noble mage, Sophia-chan, Christina and several members of the Twilight Company. Thanks to the latter group, the tent was filled with muscular men wearing little clothing.

We couldve asked people to leave, but Im sure if we tried to keep them out when this directly concerns them, a riot wouldve started. So we really couldnt keep them out. In fact, we wanted them to hear everything so they could decide for themselves if they wished to help.

Im actually worried about Ester-chans succubus blood kicking in due to so many ikemen surrounding her and giving her the desire to breed.

Im also concerned about Sophia-chan. She only desires attractive men and there is a lot to choose from in this tent.

Lets go over everything once more.

Sounds good.

More than anything, Im trying to not think about Ester-chan and Sophia-chans ikemen orgy.

Right now, I just need to progress this meeting.

Ester-san, when will the enemys army arrive?

Its hard to judge the distance because we were travelling on a dragon, but the distance between our two cities isnt great so they should be arriving around sunset. Were still sending out scouts to monitor their progress, but this seems like a reasonable time for their arrival. In any case, we should make haste with our preparations.

I agree.

Its true that Drill-chans city wasnt very far from Tricklis. In fact, apparently, the two cities used to belong to the same country. I bet if there were a mountain range between them, theyd have a more peaceful relationship.


What is it, Fahren-san?

Im getting tired of waiting. Im going to survey the area and set up a few traps.

The noble mage nodded to Ester-chan before standing up to leave the tent.

Are you sure?

If it means well have fewer casualties on our end, Im all for it.

Okay then. Thank you and please do your best.

Of course, leave it to me.

The noble mage left the tent. Perhaps he was just trying to live up to his self-given title, but a man like him is most useful when hes acting on his own. It may seem selfish of him to do this, but he already knows our plan and is just looking for ways to improve it.

But the noble mages actions inspired one more person to speak up.

Dont I get any thanks for helping? I flew all of you here and to that city. However, not a single one of you has even bowed your head to me.

Well, from the beginning, wasnt it your idea to come here to try and find me?


It seemed like she had a lot to say so I thought it would be best to stop her before she got going.

Our plan will hopefully involve as few casualties as possible.

So why is she even here?

So, then, w-what should we be doing?

Please follow the orders of Ester-san, the noble mage, and the Ahan Baron. Ill be focusing entirely on healing everyone and wont have time to give you individual orders. I know it may be a selfish request but if you can focus on preventing the enemy from targeting me, it would be a great help.

Eh!? You expect us to protect you!? How can you call yourself a man!?

Drill-chan was upset when she thought I was trying to hide in the back.

Shes still cute even when shes angry.

I wont let the enemy lay a single finger on you!

The long-haired man said some reliable words.

Its no wonder hes her favourite.

Compared to that guy, the noble mage may even be inferior. I feel anxious having them on our side considering they were our enemies just days ago, but Christina is our insurance policy if they try to betray us.

The long-haired man will follow whatever Drill-chan does, so we just need to keep her on our side. Unless she commands him to do otherwise, hell keep helping us.

I guess its actually good that the loli dragon is here. Theres no better deterrent than an overpowered dragon.

I know we were enemies just days ago, but please cooperate with us, Ahan-san.

What would me and my people have to gain from helping you?

How about a guarantee that a certain dragon wont attack your castle again?


Drill-chans frustrated face is also cute.

Although, I should really refrain from taunting her so much. I feel like Ive been pushing her a lot over the last few days and now Im worried that she wont put up with much more.

Im just joking. Ester-san, isnt there something you can offer her so we can make peace?

I turned to the loli lord to make sure she understood.

Who knows.

Ester-chan looked deep in thought.

Liz, are you trying to make me upset!? Im not someone you should be playing with!

I gave Ester-chan a stern look and told her to be serious.

Doris, I can send you goods from my territory to help you rebuild your castle. Of course, this wont be free but I will sell you it at market price and wont charge any tariffs. Does this sound agreeable?

Is that really all you can offer me?

Do you think it will be easy gathering the materials needed to rebuild an entire castle? The goods you buy from me here will be of a good quality at a reasonable price, and do you really want to pay high import costs for something that you cant even guarantee the quality of? In fact, the price Im offering will be quite cheap considering shipping costs.


So? If you dont think its good enough I have no problem rescinding my offer.

I-I get it! Lets just get this over with and shake on it!

Drill-chan looked upset as she barked this out.

Well, in a way, shes taking responsibility by paying for the materials herself.

Is this good enough?

Yes, thank you Ester-san.

This really isnt the way I would expect two noble lords to act. However, at the same time, they both appear knowledgeable about trade between other countries in the world. Theyre definitely more competent than me.

I can really understand why Gonzalez cant stand the nobility. Especially if this kind of frivolous talk between nobles is commonplace.

Anyway, the imminent enemy attack is what we should be focusing on now.

We went over the final details of the plan and confirmed everyone understood their roles.

Now then, is everyone okay with this plan?

I looked around at everyone once more.

And nobody seemed to object.

I took this to mean that everyone approved of the plan.

This is the last step that will lead to the end of this conflict. Everyone, do your best.

I clapped my hands together to signify the end of the meeting.

Ill also do my best.


A few tense moments passed and the enemy army arrived not long after our meeting ended. Their banners appeared near the edge of the horizon. An army of infantry intermixed with cavalry marched towards us.

At the same time, from a smaller separate group behind the main army, multiple spells were shot out towards us. A torrent of flames and pillars of ice came raining down above several members of the Twilight Company.

The magical barriers put up over our army nullified most of the attacks.

However, not all of the attacks were blocked and we were left with even more injured fighters.

Thanks to earlier battles, we already had many injured before I even got here.

We cant afford to lose anyone when the enemy already has more than twice our numbers.

Thanks to this, I had no time to carefully examine the battlefield.

I instantly began channeling my recovery magic.

Im going to cover the entirety of the meadow with my magic.

A massive magic formation swallowed up the meadow. The warm glow emitted by the magic circle healed all that it touched. A few seconds passed before all of the injured were healed.

Unless they were instantly killed, my magic will completely heal them.

All right.

The plan I devised for Gonzalez and his company was rather simple.

He and his men will fight in the rear guard as normal.

However, they have all been instructed to avoid any killing blows.

That is all they must do.

this is good. No one has died yet.

My recovery magic heals any injured regardless of them being a part of our army or the enemy army.

I sent out a pulsating healing wave every five seconds.

From this point onward, its an endurance contest to see which will give out first: the enemy soldiers or my recovery magic.


I let out a roar as I sent another wave of magic throughout the meadow.

Gonzalez and his macho men were healed instantly.

are some of the enemies out of range?

I asked this question to no one in particular and expanded the range of my healing.

As I was concentrating all of my efforts on recovery magic, it was left to Ester-chan, the long-haired man, and the noble mage to manage the defensive barrier. Especially considering how much damage the long-haired man can do, Im glad hes not involved in the fighting.

All of us were floating in the sky over the battlefield.

Our support system for the Twilight Company was working perfectly.

We were positioned about ten metres above the centre of the battlefield.

When I fought with Gonzalez before, I had to focus on removing the injured from battle because we didnt have any mages dedicated to maintaining the barrier. Thanks to the efforts of Ester-chan and the others, I can heal the entire battlefield without worrying about getting attacked.

Until the enemy army has given up, I will have to keep this up.

By the way, Sophia-chan is nowhere near the battle. She was sent to a hill overlooking the meadow. With the Goddess of Luck watching over us, I know we can win. I believe in you, Sophia-chan.


With another roar, I released another surge of healing magic.

Once every five seconds. Once every five seconds.

Everyooooonnnnneeee~, please stop! Stop right nooowwww~! Dont you recognize the voice of your beautiful lord!?

Drill-chans ear-splitting scream rang out over the battlefield.

I wish there was some way her screams would actually stop the enemy.

Cant you hear your lord telling you to stop fighting~!?

However, it seems difficult to persuade a soldier that is fighting in a life or death situation. No matter how much she yells, none of the enemy soldiers reacted. But what else would you expect? Theres an enemy army right in front of them threatening them with their weapons.

The Twilight Company has been instructed to stop their attacks if the enemy army appears to be giving up.  However, the numbers are starting to overwhelm them. They are only a few hundred trying to fight against thousands. Telling them to hold back has also seemed detrimental to their combat ability.

My healing isnt prioritizing one group over the other, and I can feel my hands starting to shake due to the exhaustion building up in me. I need to remain in control. If I slip up for a single moment, our plan will fall apart.

I just need to focus.

Fu~n, how worthless.

The only person in the air with us that wasnt helping was Christina.

She was floating immediately next to me, gently moving up and down. Her being so close to me makes me feel uncomfortable.

Im working my hardest while shes doing nothing.

But the white fabric peeking out beneath her dress is giving me motivation.

Because shes floating in the sky, her dress was lifted easily by the slightest breeze.

Christina-san, I have more important things I should be focusing on so Im only going to say this once. If you do anything that causes our plan to fail, Ill really get angry this time and Ill shoot ten fireballs at you simultaneously.

I-I understand!

Recently, I feel that Christina has started listening to me more.


Once every five seconds, once every five seconds.

I must activate my recovery magic regularly.

Keeping the same rhythm is important.

This is a marathon.


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