Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 2 (4)

Book 4: Chapter 2 (4)

Translator Note: I mistranslated a few lines in the first part of this chapter. The corrections have been made in that part but essentially theyre just: Fahren wasnt asking Christina for a ride to Tanakas land, but for her to go herself and tell him. Sophias lines at the end of that part were slightly changed due to this, but the meaning remained the same.

Territory Pioneering 2

I decided to show off the pessari grass bath additive to Gonzalez and his clan.

A result of this that I never expected was one of the members of the Twilight Company started trembling before actually reaching climax. There were dozens of people in the bath that quickly jumped out the moment they noticed what had happened.

The effect of the powder was amazing.

Im worried some of them might make a habit out of that.

Well, at least I can take that as a seal of approval. We can consider ourselves one step closer to our goal.

I guess thats good. Ill have them clean out the bath.

Im sorry that you have to do work like that, but thank you for your efforts.


The member of the clan that enjoyed himself a little too much, had been knocked out by Gonzalez. He was carried to the rest area by his friends while everyone else moved to a clean bath.

The other baths were a little hotter than the semen bath. I did this in order to create a little variety between each of the buildings. With a greater variety in the baths, visitors will have reason to visit more than one and end up staying longer.

Im sorry you had to wait a while, but I figured a demonstration would be better than just telling you.

Of course. With this, earning fifty gold coins no longer feels like a dream.

Thats my hope.

Well, its actually to bathe with a beautiful naked woman.

But every member of the Twilight Company that Gonzalez brought with him is a man. Each one more macho than the last. I cant believe it. He said the women and children stayed behind in Tricklis to order and organize the supplies wed need. Essentially, every member of the Twilight Company is working to help me.

Weve been making great progress thanks to this.

But having no women around has made my virgin heart ache for even the slightest hint of a woman. If Ester-chan were to hug me Im not sure Id be able to hold back at this point. I wouldnt hold back at all as I hugged her back and forced my tongue in her mouth, tasting every corner of her mouth.

However, I still feel like we need more variety.

There are many baths here already that are amazing as it is. Dont you think thats enough for most people?

We definitely have a good number now, but Id like to have more baths with varying temperatures and adjust the amount of the additive in some baths to create different sensations. If I can find a way to increase the different types of baths, I think we can get people to stay here for longer.

I see what you mean but I dont know If I can be of help with anything like that.

In my hometown, there were baths filled with liquor and some that had fruits floating in the water. It filled the entire room with a sweet fragrance that lingered on your skin for hours. Do you think something like that would be possible? I know it would be expensive but you can use some of the money I gave you.

Hou, are there really baths like that in your hometown?

They created a feeling like nothing else Ive ever experienced.

If thats the case, I can make the arrangements tomorrow.

Are you sure?

If we can add more to this town to create further enjoyment, Im all in. Just leave it to me.

Thank you.

Great, that will help diversify what we have to offer here.

The members of the Twilight Company have been a perfect compliment to my own skills. Theyre incredibly skilled with tools and have done amazing work putting the finishing touches on the buildings Ive completed. I went through some of the buildings and admired the doors and windows that had been perfectly fitted to the frames I had cut out. I couldnt help but respect the level of craftsmanship they possessed.

I had originally intended on creating a bit of a rushed job here. Something that would get me through the first few months while I came up with a more solid plan. But now Im thinking we can make a full-fledged town that will be able to bring in enough to pay the taxes every month. I havent been holding back when it comes to making new buildings. I think Ive been building more than a dozen every day.

Then, that will be the plan starting tomorrow.

Sounds good.

We were finishing up our now customary meeting in one of the baths.

Now that it was finished, I stood up out of the water to get out.

T-Tanaka-san! Theres a visitor here!

A young member of the Twilight Company stood in the entry of the bath.

And he was calling out my name.


Y-Yes, she looks like a young girl dressed in fancy clothes, but she u-ummknocked out one of the guards in a single attack.


A young girl that can knock out a grown man in a single blow. Only one person comes to mind, but shes supposed to be in Kalis with the noble mage. What would she be doing out here?

It would be easier to just go out and ask her. If I leave her alone for too long, I know shell cause trouble. If she were to actually kill someone I doubt Id be able to smooth things over with the Twilight Company. I need to maintain a good relationship with them if I want to make my town a success.

All right, Ill be out there in a minute.

No, s-shes, umm.

Youre in my way, move.


The young man was sent flying.

He was kicked in the back and sent flying in a beautiful arc in the air before landing with a big splash in the bath.

A moment later, the person that sent the man flying stepped into the room.


Just like I thought.

What is this place? Its so hot and humid. Its unpleasant.

A frown appeared on the loligons face as soon as she entered.

This dragon is as brazen as always.

The young man that was sent flying just surfaced out of the water and, ah, thankfully hes not dead. Luck seems to be with me today. I dont know what the other members of the Twilight Company wouldve done had the loligon killed one of their own.

Did you come here for me?

I started talking to Christina while healing the young man.

What are you doing in a place like this?

Well, Im sure you can tell that Im currently enjoying myself in a nice hot bath.

Fortunately, my son was protected by a towel I had wrapped around my waist.

I want to show her and I dont want to show her.

Either way, it only took thirty seconds of the loligon staring at me before I started to get hard. If I dont get out of here and change soon, I know Ill do something that will compromise my mission here.

Why do you look so happy to be sitting in hot water?

Humans consider this a place to relax.

And these baths are even more relaxing thanks to the pessari grass additive.


What is it? Interested?

Christinas eyes narrowed as she looked around the bathroom.

The sclera which is normally white was pitch black while her iris was golden and seemed to be glowing. Her unique eyes already created a mysterious aura around her but it was made all the more eery when coupled with that faint smile that crept across her face.

Its really unfortunate.

Despite everything I know about Christina, I still want to shower her with my love and french kiss her.

I feel like I should experience something like that for myself. Im getting in.


My heart just skipped a beat.

Young girl.



W-Wait a minute, Christina.

Even Edita Sensei has never blessed me with such a bountiful feast. My heart was pounding at this point. Its disappointing that there are other people here that will be able to witness such a magnificent scene and Id rather reserve such a sacred moment for myself, but before I could even raise my voice to stop her I noticed something terrible.

This bastard stepped forward into the bath without removing her dress. She sank into the bath fully clothed without a single look of concern. She broke the one sacred rule without even batting an eye. Shes making it a habit of disappointing my virgin self.


Once the water was up to her shoulders, she showed a reaction similar to a humans. This girl endured several direct hits from my fireballs, but her loli form seems to be more sensitive than her dragon form. A wrinkle appeared between her brows at first, but this expression quickly melted away into pure pleasure.

how is it?

I waited for her to settle in before asking this.

Aho-oh, its n-nothing special! It doesnt feel amazing at all!

So it really does feel amazing.

The loligon cant hide the pure bliss covering her face.

Of course not. Well, at least you seem to be enjoying it somewhat.

T-Thats only because youve added recovery magic to the water! You did strange things to the water, human!

I was planning on keeping it secret, but within seconds of entering the bath, Christina was able to identify my secret ingredient. Does that mean something like this is already common in this world? No, Gonzalez nor his men had ever experienced anything like it before.

You figured that out just by soaking in it?

Fu~n! Yep, thats right! Its easy for someone as great as me to detect it!

I see.

So? Arent I amazing? Im definitely amazing, right!? I guessed what you added to the water correctly, didnt I!?

Yes, youre amazing, and you guessed correctly.

It might be that this dragon is special.

Or at least thats what I want to believe.

Thats right! Im amazing! You also gave the correct answer! Thats right, it cant be helped. Im just that amazing. To a small creature like you, Im a being of such unfathomable power and magnificence that you can only begin to comprehend the sheer magnitude of it all!

She looked satisfied as she joyfully spoke about her power.

Still, watching her dress floating in the water as she gestures around is surprisingly more erotic and enjoyable than I expected. Shes also getting close enough that I could now reach out my hand and touch herah, my resolve is dwindling.

This is the only positive about the loligon so why cant I enjoy it?


N-No, I cant.

The dragon is the noble mages idol.

We made a promise between men.

Damn it. Its so painful.

w-what is it? Why are you staring at me? Oh, is that it!? You want to go!? Aah!?

No, Im sorry, I was just lost in thought. I have no intention of fighting.


The expression on her face changed from pleasure to annoyance to hostility before finally ending on relief.

What a restless expression for a loli. It reminded me of a squirrel looking down from the canopy of a tree at a potential threat.

anyway, oi, did you make this?

Christina was looking around the bathroom while scooping water into her hands.

Yeah, well, me and the Twilight Company led by Gonzalez.



Nevermind, its nothing.

Even though Ive only known her for a month, Ive started to notice that just by looking at her face you can read the mood shes in and despite her not being human shes full of a wide array of emotions. I was watching her as she was looking down into the bathwater when a spark of inspiration hit me.

If its okay with you, Id like you to assist me with my work here.

haa? Why would I help you?

Oh, right, your magic is far superior to my own and only with your wondrous magic will I be able to turn this town into what I want it to become. Which is why I need your help.


At first, she was surprised to hear me say this, but a smile quickly spread across the loligons face.

H-Hou? You require the assistance of my marvelous self!?

Yes, Christina-sans magic is truly splendid.

Oh-ho, now youre starting to understand.

So what do you say?

If youre going to praise my magic that much, well, I dont see why I cant at least consider helping you.

What an easy dragon.

No wonder theyre close to extinction.

All right, fine. I cant refuse someone thats in such desperate need of my help.


Only if you will acknowledge that without a doubt my magic is superior to yours!

Yes, I admit it. Your magic is unparalleled.

O-Of course it is!

A delicious smile spread across her face. It took everything I had not to reach out and pat her head.

If I were to praise a monkey, I might be able to get it to do a simple task and reward it with food, but this dragon is capable of much more advanced tasks. If I can train my loli dragon, Im sure shell be a great asset to my town development.

So will you help me?

I guess it cant be helped. A great being such as myself should take pity on lesser beings from time to time.

Thank you, Christina-san.



Thats the first time youve ever thanked me and also used my name! Youre finally starting to understand your place, human.

I guess that is the first time Ive done that since we met.

But Im surprised shed remember something like that. Surprisingly, she seems like a thoughtful dragon.

Thats actually a good thing that I wasnt expecting from her. If I train her right, that should make it easier for her to interact with other people without me having to worry about her killing everyone.

O-Oi, Tanaka, who is that girl?

Gonzalez whispered from my side.

Oh, right, I never introduced Christina.

Ah, sorry for not introducing you two. This is Christina-san.

who is this guy?

This is a companion of mine.

A companion? Dont tell me you mean

No, not in that way.

oh, I see.

The loligon looked a little relieved. Maybe she was thinking I had found a fellow fireball user to fight her with.

Still, that reaction was lovely.

Just so you know, Ill never forgive you if you hurt him or any of his friends.

I-I know! You dont always have to tell me that!

Thats good to hear.


Christina turned away from me.

But she still enjoyed the bath so much that she made no attempt to leave.

I like seeing a member of a different race enjoying aspects of human life.

Now then, we can save work for another day. You travelled all the way out here, so use the rest of the day to rest and recover and we can start our work together tomorrow. Although, Im sorry, but Im not sure the comfort level youve grown accustomed to while living in Lord Farhens manor can be matched here.

Im not worried about that!

Im glad to hear it.

A powerful workforce that requires zero wages get!

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