Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 6 (5)

Book 6: Chapter 6 (5)

Aufschnaiter Family

D-Dont you think youre overdoing it?

I can handle it.

The same evening my relationship with the JC ended, I was drinking away my sorrows at the bar on Richards airship. I was on my fifth glass of an expensive liquor handed to me by a maid working behind the bar.

Drill-chan decided to join me and took the seat beside me. We passed each other as she was aimlessly wandering around the ship. She asked where I was headed and I gave her an honest answer. She decided to join me on her own.

Considering she already started drinking earlier in the day, she must have a good alcohol tolerance.

A virgin who can hold her liquor is cute.

Still, theres something about your face that makes me certain theres a reason youre drinking so much.

Youve known there was something off about my face since we first met.

T-Thats not what I meant.

Sure. Sorry, then.

Im fine.

A few more drinks wont hurt.

Is it about something that happened yesterday? Or did something happen today?

No, theres nothing going on.

Ara~n? Youre awfully curt today, arent you?

Oops, I slipped up a little there.

This is the first time Ive ever had drinks with a girl. No, to be more accurate, this is the first time Ive ever had drinks with a girl thats chosen to be there without receiving any form of payment.

Her choosing to be here has led to my love for her to grow.

In this moment of despair, shes the only one offering me any happiness.

However, happiness is fleeting.

Whats going on with you?

I remember that look in her eyes.

Back in the library, we were watching the BL scene between Professor Bus and Pi-chan. She was intently watching them with the same glitter in her eyes that she has now. She knew she had information she could use against the two of them. Shes looking for a similar opportunity now.

Thats fine.

I want to vent anyway. Besides, my drinking partner is a beautiful loli with big breasts and an intact hymen. I might regret it later, but Im going to indulge her. This can be my thanks for drinking with me. Maybe if I give her some good info, shell go out for drinks with me again.

Ive made some mistakes and Im reflecting on them with the help of some expensive alcohol.

Mistakes? That must be rare for you.

Thats a lie. My entire life is nothing but one mistake after another that has led me to wasting my night drinking at this bar.

Is that supposed to be an insult to me?

I actually have a lot of respect for how you live your life.

She lives her life to the fullest. While others may talk about wanting to do something someday, she chooses to do whatever thought enters her mind. These desires may be fleeting, but she does what she thinks is best for herself. A good word to describe her is adaptable. How else would she end up with a high demon as a servant?

Im glad I can share a drink with her.

You can flatter me all you want, were still not having sex.

Thank you for the update, but Im not in the mood anyway.

Ive drank too much and I doubt I could get it up anyway.

Tonight is all about drinking.


What is it?

Nothing, really. I was just thinking Gerosu would love to see you like this.

Please, dont. I dont think I could live with myself if I started complaining to a man over drinks.

You shouldnt think of it as complaining. Youre just opening up.

Thats one way of thinking about it.

Has Drill-chan always been so insightful?

I love that about her.

We should get married.

Aah, maybe its because Ive been apart from Sophia-chan for so long, but Im feeling strongly attracted to Drill-chan. It might be because shes the only girl around me that has a hymen.

It must be nice to be Gerosu. I envy him.

I want to be personally trained by Drill-chan.

there really is something wrong with you.

Im just in the mood to drink and having you here just improves my mood further.

And you are trying to hit on me too.

It doesnt mean anything. Just drunken ramblings.

Hmm? Well, then, Mr. Rambling Drunk, I have a question for you.

Ask away.

Drill-chans eyes moved and she looked past me for a moment.

It looked like she was staring at something over my shoulder. I set my glass down on the counter and glanced over my shoulder, but I could only see the empty doorway leading out to the hall.

Is someone out there?

No, its nothing. This could get interesting, so best not to mention it.

What is that supposed to mean?

You really are an idiot, arent you?


A self-aware idiot.

I dont know what youre hoping to get out of this, Doris-san, but Im afraid you might be wasting your time.

You think so? So, theres nothing else you want to tell me?.

Thats right.

I played with my glass on the counter, tipping it back and forth.

Now that I think about it, its been a long time since Ive had to cut alcohol with water or a mixer. Ever since I got my recovery magic, I havent had to worry about the alcohol upsetting my stomach. This might be the most useful feature of my recovery magic.

Alcohol is delicious. It shouldnt be tainted by mixers.

Hey, can I have another?

Drill-chan shook her empty glass at the maid.

Shes not done yet?

Im not going to let her outdo me.

Excuse me, Ill have another one of these.

Is that a good idea? You could buy a house for the price of one bottle of that.

Its so cute that Drill-chan is willing to keep this middle-aged busamen company. I wonder if she has nothing better to do. Maybe shes decided that Im a decent drinking companion. If so, Ill definitely keep up with her.

After all, all of my drinks are on Richards coin.

Hell, if it means I get to drink with Drill-chan, Id happily pay for everything.

Theres just something irresistible about her.

That doesnt matter. So, what do you say? Would you like a glass?

Eh? Y-Youre serious?

I dont mind opening another bottle for you. After all, were neighbors in territory and its important that we deepen our relationship. I hope that the Ahan family and myself can grow closer. I guess what Im trying to say is that I dont dislike you as much as I thought.

really? If thats how it is, sure, Ill take a glass.

The maid bartender nodded and took out a new glass for Drill-chan. She then grabbed an identical bottle to the one I had been drinking from and poured the familiar amber liquor into the glass. She poured about  double shots worth of liquor.

I guess Drill-chan takes her liquor straight.

Two glasses were lined up side-by-side on the counter.

Id like to propose a toast to the deepening of ties between Viscount Ahan and Baron Tanaka.

Ill drink to that.

Im going to drink until I pass out tonight.

Im going to give into the alcohol.

No matter how much I hated myself for what Id done and dreaded our arrival back in the capital, the airship continued at the same pace as always toward the Penny Empire. I told the captain that I wanted to stop in Dragon City before returning to the capital.

When we next stop, my life as a noble of the Penny Empire will be over.

I dont know if I can take this anymore. My heart feels like its about to beat out of my chest.

It wasnt long before Dragon City appeared below us.

I dont feel as if its been that long since I was last here. Its a similar feeling to returning home after the New Years holidays with work the following Monday. In total, Ive only been away for close to a month.

And yet, why is the city almost unrecognizable?

What happened?

The cityscape was nothing like what I remembered.

W-Wow you built some incredibly tall buildings here.

Yeah, we sure did.

Drill-chan and I were standing on the deck looking out over my city.

A massive skyscraper had been added to the centre of my city. The top of the tower pierced the clouds and even from my vantage point on the airship, I was unable to see the tip. If I were to compare it to Tokyo Tower, the Burj Khalifa, or any other skyscrapers, this one would be the tallest by far.

I came out on the deck to get some fresh air and collect myself before my dreaded conversation with Gon-chan, but the sight of this tower has now taken over my thoughts. Theres no doubt that Christina allowed herself to get carried away.

What were you thinking building something like that, loligon?

Richard is going to be angry when he finds out.

This is taller than any building in Kalis and its not even close.

is something like that safe? Did you get permission to build it?

Uh, Im not sure.

I wonder if theres another building in your country thats close to being as tall as this.

The answer to that seems obvious.

I can already imagine how the petty and vain nobles of the Penny Empire will react.

I doubt theres anything they could do to take down this skyscraper considering its creator is the loligon, but if they tried, it would lead to a war between an Ancient Dragon and myself and the Penny Empire.

I can see how much time and effort went into the minute details of its outer wall.

This is clearly her masterpiece.

Im going to see whats happened here.

Life with you is never a dull moment.

I already had enough on my plate and now I have to deal with this.


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