Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 277: The One You Should Worry About

Chapter 277: The One You Should Worry About


For every occasion, there is a protocol, a set of rules that must be followed. Lady Dai Jie showing up unannounced to the doorstep of the Eternal Flame Clan, though far from the norm, is still within the bounds of decency. However, now that Lord Feng Gui has opened the doors of the Eternal Flame Clan to her, she cannot simply leave. The Eternal Flame Clan is not some cheap hovel, and Lady Dai Jie is not a mere messenger that can be dismissed without even a passing glance.

Lady Dai Jie has been welcomed by the Eternal Flame Clan. Thus, she must enjoy the hospitality of the Eternal Flame Clan for a few days.

It is the way of things.

A residence inside the compound has been provided for her. It is modest yet elegant. More importantly, unlike the rest of the Eternal Flame Clan, it is not dominated by the color red. The floors and furniture are made of polished wood, and each room is decorated in earthy tones, giving the house a quiet, soothing atmosphere. Dai Jie finds herself tempted to sit by one of the windows and open a book.

Alas, there is no time for that yet.

She already has a guest.

“Lord Feng Shang,” she greets the man as he approaches her porch, “I was not expecting you.”

It is not, she realizes as she speaks, the real Lord Feng Shang. Rather, it is one of Feng Shang’s soul fragments fashioned to look like himself. It explains why she failed to notice his approach. Even now that he is right in front of her, it is hard for Dai Jie to sense his presence.

“Why come to me like this?” She asks, both puzzled and slightly intrigued. “I am but a guest here. If you wished to discuss anything, you merely needed to summon me, Lord Feng Shang.”

“My wife is not particularly fond of the Divine Frozen Palace, Lady Dai Jie,” Feng Shang replies, as composed and serene as always. “I could not fail to greet someone of your stature, but I also saw no need to trouble my wife.”

Hence, the soul fragment. People notice where an Emperor goes, but they are considerably less likely to take note of a simple fragment, especially one as impressive as the one before her.

However, impressive or not, the fact that Lord Feng Shang has decided to meet her like this causes Dai Jie to feel a slight sense of trepidation. No one looking at her would notice, of course. She has trained too much to present herself as anything less than perfectly poised.

That does not mean she is.

Lord Feng Shang’s presence here is a hint of something she has long suspected, a picture she has carefully assembled over the course of several decades ever since that incident. The month Feng Shang and her dearest older sister spent together, isolated from the rest of the world.

“Lord Feng Shang is a man of unquestionable character,” Bai Lianshi told her the one time she asked her about it. So angry and so cold had been her aura at what Dai Jie tried to imply that Dai Jie never once brought up the subject with her again.

Even now, Dai Jie does not know, not with certainty. However, Feng Shang does not know she does not know. Still, this timing… The scandal it could cause...

For the first time in nearly a century, Lady Dai Jie has very little idea of how to navigate a conversation.

“How has Lady Bai Lianshi been doing?” Lord Feng Shang asks at last.

The ever-composed, ever-graceful Lady Dai Jie tries her best to keep her usual gentle smile even as she tries her hardest not to cough blood.


“Elder Brother!”

Liu Jin smiles as Feng Hao dashes out of Lady Ling’s mansion and catches him in a hug. It is far more affectionate than Feng Hao usually is, but it has been quite some time since they last saw each other.

He must have missed him a lot.

“Why did it take you so long to visit?” Feng Hao asks him. The child tries to sound angry, but the joyous grin on his face cannot be contained. “It’s been weeks since you returned. Elder Brother!”

“I apologize, Young Master,” Liu Jin says, rubbing Feng Hao’s head. “Many things happened in the Storm Dragon Empire, and I did not wish to complicate things for you or your family before making everything clear before the Eternal Flame Clan.”

“I heard about that!!!” Feng Hao says as he lets go of Liu Jin. “Elder Brother is Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire, right?! How did that happen? Elder Brother, you have to tell me!”

“Patience, Little Light,” Lady Ling says as she walks out of her mansion. As usual, she is dressed in fine silks and adorned with jewels. Several servants trail behind her. “Emperor Qing Jin must talk with me before he can regale you with tales of his heroic deeds. You can spend time with your instructor later.”

Liu Jin cannot stop the amused smile on his face. From Emperor to Instructor in one breath. Lady Ling is far too skillful. A different sort of man might feel offended, but Lady Ling spoke like that precisely because she knew he wouldn’t.

“It is best if you do as your mother says, Young Master,” Liu Jin says, patting Feng Hao on the back. When he sees the child is torn between protesting and obeying, he adds, “There will be plenty of time to share stories later. There might even be time for us to spar.”

Feng Hao’s face is almost blinding. It makes Liu Jin feel incredibly guilty about taking so long to visit.

“I’ll definitely show you how much I have grown, Elder Brother!”

There is really no need for that. Liu Jin can sense how much Feng Hao’s cultivation has advanced. Already Feng Hao has gone from the First to the Sixth Level of the Spirit Realm. He’s not that far off from the level of a Core Disciple, and Liu Jin suspects the only reason he’s not there yet is that his tutors have been holding his growth back out of concern for him.

Still, Liu Jin waves and says, “I look forward to it,” as Feng Hao returns to Lady Ling’s mansion.

Liu Jin and Lady Ling are left alone.

“Shall we go in?” Lady Ling asks him.

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“Of course,” Liu Jin says.

Few words are needed after that. Lady Ling guides Liu Jin to a room he has already visited many times. It is where they always have tea whenever he comes to visit. In less than a minute, the servants have everything ready for them.

It takes five whole minutes after that for either of them to say anything.

“I do not appreciate being lied to,” Lady Ling says.

“Under the circumstances, I did not believe it wise to be upfront about my identity,” Liu Jin says, taking a small sip from his tea. It is not poisoned. “There was no guarantee anyone would have believed me. At worst, I’d have looked like an opportunistic scoundrel.”

Not that keeping his identity a secret had stopped people from thinking of him as such.

“Oh?” Lady Ling arches an eyebrow. “You will not claim you never technically lied?”

“What point would there be?” Liu Jin shrugs. “Whether a lie left my lips or not, the truth is I wanted to keep my heritage hidden, and I did so until it was no longer viable.”

“And after I showed you so many kindnesses too,” Lady Ling says, sighing and shaking her head.

Liu Jin tries his hardest to keep his face blank. Lady Ling has been amicable to him during his stay in the Eternal Flame Clan, but saying she has shown him many kindnesses is a great exaggeration. Compared to Elder Xue, Lady Ling barely merits a mention.

Then again, Lady Ling did allow him to spend time with Feng Hao. From her perspective, that might be the greatest favor of all.

“You will have to excuse my poor manners, Lady Ling,” Liu Jin says, calmly meeting her stare.

The smile on Lady Ling’s face becomes a little tight.

Lady Ling is a powerful and incredibly well-connected cultivator. When Liu Jin first met her, he had done so knowing a single word from her could end him. However, that’s no longer the case. Liu Jin is no longer just a promising young talent. He is the Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire and an official ally of the Eternal Flame Clan. Lady Ling’s cultivation might still be stronger than his, but that difference will keep shrinking with every passing year.

Lady Ling might be someone he needs to be cautious of, but she is no longer someone he needs to fear.

“It seems I must,” Lady Ling concedes, finally smiling. “How could I possibly hold a grudge against such a dear friend of my husband and child?”

How can she, indeed?

“I assure you that I am very grateful to your husband, Lady Ling,” Liu Jin says. “Without him, my country would still be in the hands of madmen. That debt is not one I ever plan on forgetting. The same goes for all the kindnesses you have shown me. And, of course, your son is someone I treasure as though we were related by blood.”

That seems to mollify Lady Ling somewhat, a good thing since Liu Jin wishes to remain on Lady Ling’s good side for the foreseeable future. After all, if Lady Ling hates Feng Zhi for the potential threat he poses to Feng Hao, who is to say she will not grow paranoid about him and Lu Mei in the future?

Lady Ling might have once suggested that he take Lu Mei as his own when he was just another disciple, but Liu Jin doubts that Lady Ling is pleased about it now that he is the Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire. His and Lu Mei’s union will eventually result in the rise of a new and highly influential branch of the Feng Clan.

Who knows what could happen in three or four generations?

“Such heartfelt feelings reassure me,” Lady Ling says, placing a hand over her chest, “so allow me to give you some advice. One of the reasons you hesitated to come here for so long is due to your ties to the Divine Frozen Palace. Is that not so?”

Liu Jin hesitates for a moment before nodding.

“I cannot deny that,” he says. “I am aware of how such things can be perceived, so I can only be grateful that your husband showed the wisdom to listen to my explanation.”

“That is natural. However, I am not the one you should have worried about. Whether you are married to a girl of the Divine Frozen Palace or not, you will marry a girl of Feng blood. That is non-negotiable. Thus, the issues with the Divine Frozen Palace are left as a problem between your future concubines.” She smirks. “My husband and the representative of the Divine Frozen Palace are too concerned with official positions, but the oldest son does not need to be the one who inherits, and the official wife needs not be the most important. The title of Empress is only that. My husband has taken several women, yet I am the one he keeps at his side. The rest have to content themselves with whatever scraps he gives them. That did not come about without effort on my part. It will be the same between your women.”

As expected of Lady Ling, it is a very dark way of looking at things, but it is one that is backed by her experiences. Her words are not to be dismissed.

“I thank you for your insight,” Liu Jin says. “However, if you say you are not the one I should not be worried about, that means…”

“The right and honorable Lady Feng. That silly little woman.” Lady Ling’s smirk gains a vicious edge, and Liu Jin can only be grateful that the feeling is not aimed at him. “Her marriage to Lord Feng Shang was arranged, and his eyes have never once strayed. He is too duty-bound. Consequently, she has never once had to compete for his affections. A woman like that can only feel inferior to the Five Fairies of the Divine Frozen Palace. You cannot imagine how much that makes her hate them.”

Liu Jin thinks back to the emotion in Lady Feng’s eyes.

“I believe I have some idea.”


Once he and Lady Ling have been mutually assured that they will not turn on each other anytime soon, Liu Jin makes good on his offer to spar with Feng Hao.


Feng Hao’s attacks are swift and powerful. It is not just his strength and speed that have increased. The sharpness of his movements and the fierceness of his fire have grown by leaps and bounds while Liu Jin was away. As he is now, there are not many Inner Disciples that can stand against him.

And yet, despite being against such an outstanding prodigy, Liu Jin is only half-paying attention to the fight.

His body flows through the forms he knows by heart, easily reading Feng Hao’s movements and dissecting his style. The power of the Earth Realm is an inconvenience, but one he is learning to deal with. The effects of the increased gravity around his body are not something he should be fighting against but rather something he needs to learn to work with.

“Not bad,” Liu Jin says when Feng Hao tries to hide his Qi in the middle of the fight after creating a blinding flash. “But not good enough, Young Master. If you want to hide your Qi in battle, it should be like this.”

[Art of the Roaming Thief]

Feng Hao is left wide-eyed when his fist goes right through Liu Jin’s head. The mirage fades away as Feng Hao’s body passes through it, carried by his momentum. A shove to the back from Liu Jin knocks him down, but the child quickly rolls to his feet and keeps attacking.

Maybe he should teach Feng Hao Art of the Roaming Thief?

The thought provides a welcome distraction for Liu Jin as he spars against his younger opponent, but it is not one that last. Liu Jin’s thoughts eventually drift back to a more pressing issue now that things have been settled with Lady Ling.

Xiao Shuang’s letter.

“Little Shuang wished for this letter to reach you. It is our hope that this is the first of many messages between the two,” Lady Dai Jie said to him once their meeting ended. Liu Jin received it gratefully and waited until Lady Dai Jie was out of sight before greedily devouring its contents. He has since read it five more times and already has it memorized.

Even now, he can perfectly recall Xiao Shuang’s words.

Dearest husband,

You have no idea how much it heartens me to know you are safe and well. Not only are you safe, but you have rescued my dearest cousin, whom I believed to be dead. In a way, though I never doubted your survival, it feels like two people dear to me have returned from the grave.

Husband, this Xiao Shuang cannot imagine how many tribulations you have conquered during the time we have been apart. I have no doubt that, at every turn, you acted in the most virtuous of ways.

Nevertheless, there are so many things I wish to say to you in person, husband. I wish to tell you of the friends I have made. I wish to tell you of the sights I have seen. I wish to share even the most mundane details of my life with you. The world around me is no longer made of an empty room. I wish to share it with you, and I wish you to share your world with me as well.

Husband, I wish to see you.

The faces of Lord Feng Gui, Lady Ling, Lady Dai Jie, and others flash through his mind. Their words all echo in his ears.

Just what is he supposed to do?


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