Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 172:120, Chen Kainan, long time no see! Visit again the self-built house at No. 139!_7

Shock! Astonishment! Amazement!

They couldn’t believe it, looked at each other in disbelief!

Lin Changshui was completely befuddled.

The others also didn’t expect Lin Mo to suddenly pull such a move.

Coming back to his senses, Lin Changshui went out the door and finally saw that ferocious beast of a car!

Li Jinshan also came over.

Followed closely by Xu Qin and Zhao Huixian.

Although they didn’t know much about cars, they could tell that this Range Rover was definitely not cheap!

Lin Changshui stood in the yard, stunned for a long time.

Xu Qin ventured to ask, “How much does this car… cost, approximately?”

Li Jinshan, who knew a bit about cars, said with a smile, “It should be over a million, the configuration seems quite high too. Our previous factory director bought one.”

Over a million?

Over a million?!!

Xu Qin couldn’t hold back and slapped Lin Mo on the arm, “You child, how could you buy such an expensive car!!”

Although she seemed angry, scolding Lin Mo.

But actually…

Which mother wouldn’t be happy to see her son become successful?

“Aiyo, mom, this is…”

Just as Lin Mo was about to explain, he saw his mother tearing up.

“No, mom, I… Mom, if you are unhappy, I’ll return it tomorrow…”

“Return what? Mom’s not unhappy! I’m too happy!”

Lin Mo was taken aback, then laughed, “Aiyo, you scared me. Come on, both moms, both dads, don’t just stand there, come and take a look. The car’s interior is so beautiful, and it has a lot of space. From now on, our whole family can go on trips together!”

About an hour later.

Since it was really late, Lin Mo urged his parents and in-laws to rest.

Anything else could wait until tomorrow.

Lin Mo and Li Jinwen also retired to their bedroom.

Li Jinwen, who was pregnant, also needed to rest early and couldn’t get too tired.

In bed.

“Husband, this feeling is really nice, no shortage of money, no pressure in life, and our parents are getting healthier day by day.”

“Yes, it is good.”

“I really hope no more bad things will happen to our family in the future.”

“Don’t worry, nothing will, our family has been through such a catastrophe, from now on it’s time to enjoy our blessings!”

“Yes! Husband, good night!”

“Good night, wife!”

Li Jinwen, held by Lin Mo, quickly fell into a deep sleep.

As for Lin Mo, despite roaming around all day and driving for a few hours, he still had no trace of sleepiness.

Although he seemed cheerful in front of his family members.

The immense pressure he was carrying inside was known only to him.

With the dawn approaching, he would be leaving for Rakshasa City.

He would temporarily depart from these joyous times.

An ordinary Lin Mo would slumber,

Another crazy Lin Mo… was about to awaken!

The next day, early in the morning.

The sky was just beginning to brighten.


Lin Changshui woke up very early today, earlier than usual.

He quietly got out of bed, picked up his walking stick by the side, and slowly made his way to the door.

At this moment, Xu Qin was awakened by the rustling sounds and asked in puzzlement, “Old man, it’s not even dawn yet, where are you going?”


Without turning back, Lin Changshui awkwardly said, “I, I’m going to the toilet.”

Xu Qin pointed to the chamber pot under the bed and said, “Isn’t there a chamber pot there?”

“The chamber pot isn’t clean, I’m going outside,” Lin Changshui said and proceeded to leave the bedroom at the fastest speed he could manage.

Not clean?

Having used a chamber pot for a lifetime, now he says it’s not clean?

Xu Qin didn’t understand what her husband was up to, maybe he needed to do a number two?

But she left it be,

She touched the bank card under her pillow and fell back to sleep contentedly.


As the sky brightened, Lin Changshui reached the gate, trembling hands opened the large iron door, and his gaze immediately became fixed on the jet-black Range Rover parked in the yard, its appearance dominating and commanding attention.

Leaning on his walking stick, he circled around the Range Rover a couple of times.

His mouth curved into a smile, and his wrinkled face revealed a joy that he couldn’t hide!

Then he looked down at the Rolex Submariner “Hulk” on his wrist and sincerely felt that even if it cost him a few years of his life, it was worth it!

The “Hulk” watch, the Range Rover.

He had only dared to dream about these two things when he was drunk or asleep.

But now, he possessed both of them, and they were both given to him by his son.

The feeling was just too comfortable.

Touching the Range Rover’s hard shell, the glossy paint, and the conspicuous headlights.

Following that, he peered through the window at the luxurious interior, vividly recalling the times he sat in the backseat of his boss’s Range Rover.

Back then, he only worried about whether his clothes would dirty the car and felt uneasy sitting inside, even holding back the urge to use the toilet without daring to speak.

But now,

They actually owned a car like this!

If this was a dream, then let the dream continue indefinitely!

Lin Changshui stood by the Range Rover, looking left and right, yet no villagers passed by for quite a long time.

“Don’t these guys always get up early? Flow come none of them are awake today?”

Lin Changshui waited anxiously.

Although he was standing for a long time and his feet started to ache, he was willing to endure it!

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