Awakening The Gluttony Talent: I Become Stronger By Eating

Chapter 82

82 All Advanced

In the open space of the mine in the blood-sucking wasteland,

Song Yu, Chu Shiyu, Qin Yong, and the others were all enjoying the remaining mammoth meat that Lu Yu had cooked.

Although it was only some remnant meat, the mammoth was huge to begin with, and the amount of remnant meat was enough for many people to eat.

No one had ever tasted such delicious meat before. Most importantly, it was such high-grade Fearsome Beast meat.

Coupled with the fact that they had expended too much energy during the earlier battle, everyone was absolutely ravenous. They all wolfed down their food in a hurry.

Finally, they finished eating the remaining mammoth meat until they were so full that they felt bloated.

“It’s too delicious. This is the first time I’ve eaten such high-level Fearsome Beast meat.”

“That’s right. In the past, I would feel uncomfortable after eating only B-class Fearsome Beast meat. Yet when I ate this A-class Fearsome Beast meat, I didn’t feel any ill effects.”

“Why do I feel a hot sensation inside my body, like it’s full of strength?”

“I think I’m about to achieve a breakthrough.”


Before anyone could discuss how delicious the mammoth meat was, they all felt their bodies fill with strength, as if their strength was increasing.

Many people even felt like they were about to achieve breakthroughs. They sat down and hurriedly meditated, carefully conditioning themselves to prepare to advance.

Lu Yu was also watching them curiously.

Previously, although Lu Yu had also let his family eat the Fearsome Beast meat he had cooked, at that time, the level of the Fearsome Beast was relatively low. Therefore, after Lu Yu’s family ate it, they only felt their strength increase a little and their physical fitness improve a little, but they did not reach the extent of breaking through to the next level.

This time, not only was the food made from an A-class Fearsome Beast Mammoth, it was also cooked using the second cooking method of the Sky Valley Culinary Methods, the Spring Water Stewing method. Coupled with several extremely rare seasonings, the power contained in the mammoth meat this time was unsurprisingly incredible.

Coupled with Lu Yu’s Gluttony Talent, the food that he cooked could also allow others to absorb the power within.

Lu Yu was also very eager to see what kind of enhancement this mammoth meat would bring to these people’s abilities.

After a while, a wave of power fluctuations came flooding out. Qin Yong was the first to open his eyes and stand up.

Qin Yong looked at Lu Yu in surprise and came up to him.

“Captain Lu, thank you so much. I actually advanced two levels from a Junior Martial Master to the Advance Martial Master!” Qin Yong said excitedly.

Under normal circumstances, for a Junior Martial Master to achieve breakthrough to the Intermediate Martial Master level, he would require several months of hard work, let alone leapfrogging to the Advance Martial Master level.

This was especially true for ordinary people like them. Without a good background, they naturally could not enjoy rare training resources. They could only rely on themselves to train and improve. Sometimes, it might take them even longer to level up.

However, this time, after eating the high-level Fearsome Beast meat that Lu Yu had cooked, he had actually skipped one level and advanced to the Advance Martial Master level in half a day. Qin Yong was overjoyed beyond words.

Hearing this, Lu Yu nodded slightly and said, “Be quiet. The others are still in the midst of their advancement.”

After learning about Qin Yong’s gains, Lu Yu had a rough understanding.

Previously, Qin Yong had already reached the Junior Martial Master level, but he was not far from advancing to the next level.

In addition, Qin Yong’s appetite had been larger than the rest. He had consumed more mammoth meat by comparison. That was why he had leapfrogged to the Advance Martial Master level in one shot.

As they didn’t have Lu Yu’s Gluttony Talent, they couldn’t completely absorb the power within the meat. Therefore, after eating it, they would only be able to advance in small steps, unlike Lu Yu who could directly advance to the next major level.

However, even so, it was already extremely incredible.

After all, if an ordinary person wanted to advance a minor level, they would need to train hard for a long time and expend a huge amount of sweat and even blood to successfully advance.

The path of the martial arts was very difficult. Every minor advancement required unimaginable hard work.

However, with Lu Yu’s help now, they could easily advance one or two minor levels. The effect was extremely unbelievable.

Qin Yong was extremely excited. He had always admired Lu Yu. This time, he had followed Lu Yu to the blood-sucking wasteland to carry out a dangerous mission. And now after experiencing this advancement, he admired and respected Lu Yu even more.

With the way things turned out, Qin Yong was even more determined inwardly. As long as Lu Yu was willing, Qin Yong would follow him for the rest of his life to repay him.

And it was also by following such a hero would he have a chance to change his life.

Although Qin Yong was very excited and eager to express his immense gratitude, after hearing Lu Yu’s words, he tried to hold back his excitement and stood to one side to prevent himself from interfering with the other people’s development and advancement.

After Qin Yong advanced, more people advanced one after another.

Among Qin Yong’s subordinates, three were Advance Martial Arts Warriors, and the rest were Martial Masters.

The three Advance Martial Arts Warriors all advanced to the Junior Martial Master level. They were all extremely excited. They had never thought that it would be so simple for a Martial Arts Warrior to advance to the Martial Master level.

As for the other Martial Masters, they had also advanced by one small realm. Most of them attained the Advance Martial Masters level, while the rest were able to reach the level of the Intermediate Martial Masters.

Not long after, Chu Shiyu also opened her eyes and stood up.

There was no power fluctuation coming from Chu Shiyu’s body, and she had yet to increase her strength.

However, the originally weak Chu Shiyu had rapidly recovered with the help of the mammoth meat. She looked refreshed and was in much better spirits.

Chu Shiyu looked at Lu Yu in surprise and slowly said, “My injuries have all recovered. Not only has my strength recovered to my peak, but I also feel like I’m about to break through. Perhaps it won’t be long before I can advance again.”

“That’s good.” Lu Yu nodded with a smile.

To be honest, Lu Yu wasn’t surprised by Chu Shiyu’s situation.

After all, Qin Yong and the others were all Martial Masters or lower-level Martial Arts Warriors. Their strength was relatively low, so they could advance directly.

As for Chu Shiyu, her strength was relatively higher. She was already a Junior Grand Master, so it was not surprising that she did not advance to the next level.

However, Lu Yu could also sense that Chu Shiyu’s strength had increased significantly. Although she had not advanced, she was not far from advancing. The mammoth meat had also given her tremendous benefits.

At this point, only Song Yu was left sitting in the open space.

The others had already completed their meditation and completely absorbed the power of the mammoth meat. Apart from Chu Shiyu, who was at a higher-level, the others had all completed their advancement. Qin Yong had even advanced two minor levels in one go, so he had gained the most.

On the other hand, Song Yu was still meditating and absorbing energy with a serious expression, adjusting the aura in her body.

Seeing this, Qin Yong couldn’t help but ask worriedly, “Is Captain Song okay? Why hasn’t it ended yet?”

Chu Shiyu tried sensing around her, then said with a smile, “Don’t worry, she’s fine. On the contrary, she gained the most compared to the rest of us.”

Qin Yong and the others were somewhat confused after listening to her. After all, they were only Martial Masters and their strength was relatively low. They could not sense Song Yu’s current situation.

Beside them, Lu Yu also looked calm and assured.

Song Yu’s ability wasn’t weak to begin with. She was a peak-level Martial Master. From her aura, it was obvious that she was about to advance to a Great Martial Master.

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