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Chapter 104: talents

  Chapter 104 Talent

  Zhou Changhe intends to make Xu Shiyan famous and let others know Xu Shiyan's ability.

  After all, Xu Shiyan was going to move to Donggang, so he was new to Donggang and was unfamiliar with the place.

  The cadres of the brigade are not familiar with him, and they don't know what skills he has.

  If you have no ability, you can only follow others and do some vigorous work.

  But if you have some skills that others don't know, it will be different.

  When encountering a problem, the leader must be the first to think of who can do it. This is the difference.

   Don't underestimate this ginseng hunting, it is also a skill that others don't know, don't care about the size of the skill, as long as it can come in handy, that's fine.

  As soon as Zhou Changhe said that, brigade secretary Yu Shouguang's eyes lit up.

   "Xiao Xu, are you a member of the Dongjiang Yan brigade? When did it happen? I heard that your brigade lost the club before?"

  Everyone in the communes in the entire county knows about the throwing of sticks by the brigade along the Dongjiang River.

   What's more, the Xijiang Brigade, Xinhua Brigade, and Yanjiang Brigade under the Donggang Commune are just across the river from the Dongjiang Yanbrigade. They are very close, and everyone knows everything.

   "Well, after I lost the club last fall, I couldn't find anyone in the team to help me, so I stepped in temporarily."

  Xu Shiyan didn't mean to show off, but nodded very modestly and low-key.

  Yu Shouguang patted the table when he heard it, "Oh, look, you almost missed someone, didn't you?

  Old Zhou, you have done a great job. "

  Yu Shouguang was so happy, but Zhou Changhe was taken aback, what's wrong? "Old Yu, are you okay?"

   "Cut, what can I do?

  You don’t know, after Dongjiangyan lost the stick last year, he invented a kind of reference thing called a ground gun.

  When we went to a meeting, we heard people say that it was made by a young man, and it is very useful to see the reference.

  Xiao Xu, you made that ground gun, right? "This is all nonsense, if you don't go to see the ginseng by yourself, who would bother to fix those?

  Xu Shiyan didn't expect that even Donggang knew about the stuff he poked out.

   "Well, it's just a little gadget. The previous Orion's method has been slightly improved. It's okay to use it for viewing."

  He can't say that he came up with it all by himself, so he can only find such an excuse.

   "Come on, I'll wait for you to move here, and help our brigade get ready.

  Let me tell you, as long as you set up that gun, many participants are looking for it.

  Our place is different from that along the Dongjiang River. Our place is closer to the Songjiang River.

  You also know that Songjianghe is both a town and a forestry bureau, as well as Linjian, Forest Railway and other places, where there are too many people, chaos will arise.

   Several brigades in Donggang have participated in the field, as well as the commune and state-owned fields. Where can they not be used? Needless to say, Yu Shouguang was so happy.

   It was Zhou Qingguo who mentioned it to him before, saying that a distant relative was in the Dongjiangyan Brigade and wanted to move here.

  With Zhou Qingguo's face, Yu Shouguang naturally couldn't say anything else.

   Anyway, it’s just a few more people. There are 350 households in the second brigade, and there are more than 1,700 people. What’s the difference?

  Who would have imagined it? He just picked up a treasure. If the other brigades know it, they can **** people from him if they don't have it all.

   "Xiao Xu, I'll give you a letter of introduction later, you take my letter of introduction and go back to change your household registration, and move here while the river is still freezing.

   If you don’t have enough people to move, the brigade will help you send people and sledges. "

  Those who are capable will like everywhere, regardless of their ability, as long as they are useful.

  Don't say anything else, he just needs to let the wind out, saying that the guy who made the ground gun is in his second brigade, and everyone else has to come to him?

   Once you ask, you will owe the favor. It is all benefits, and fools push the benefits out.

  Actually, the transfer of agricultural household registration in the same province in this year is not troublesome. As long as you find a receiving place, you can settle down without a letter of introduction.

  Transferring from farmers to non-farmers or moving from Shandong to this end, it will be troublesome and require various procedures.

   Yu Shouguang just wanted to show how much he valued Xu Shiyan when he said this.

  He was worried that on the other side of the Dongjiang River, he might not let people go easily.

  With the letter of introduction, and Yu Shouguang's face, Dongjiang will definitely not be stuck.

  Xu Shiyan really didn't think about it so much. In his opinion, it was just a change of household registration. Zhao Dahai had such a good relationship with the Xu family that he wouldn't stop him.

  Of course, having a letter of introduction is absolutely different, at least it proves that the Second Brigade attaches great importance to him.

  No matter when, no matter who, being valued by others is always a very pleasant thing.

   "Success, then I'll go back and do it as soon as possible. Secretary, don't worry, I definitely don't hide anything. I can teach ground guns, cracking cannons and so on."

  The Second Brigade has been growing ginseng for so many years, and there are only fixed candidates to see the ginseng. Xu Shiyan didn't expect to let him go to the ginseng.

  As long as you can get a foothold here smoothly, it’s just a ground gun, so you can teach me, there is no need to hide it.

   They are all happy people, so it doesn't take much effort to talk and do things.

  Yu Shouguang felt that Xu Shiyan was a young man who could handle him well.

  Xu Shiyan also felt that the cadres of this brigade are quite straightforward and nice.

  People and people are like this, talking and chatting, and drinking a little wine, the chatting will become closer.

  After the meal was over, Xu Shiyan really followed the brigade cadres to the team headquarters and issued a letter of introduction.

   Then Yu Shouguang specially arranged for someone to drive Xu Shiyan to Dajiang with the sledge.

  Xu Shiyan drank a little swayingly at first, but was blown by the cold wind all the way, and when the alcohol passed, he became more energetic.

  Arrived by the river, thanked the person who brought him back, Xu Shiyan crossed the river back to the village, and went straight to Zhao Dahai's home.

   "Uncle, are you at home?" The two families knew each other so well that they didn't need to look out of the way.

   "Third brother? Why are you here? Did someone tell you? What the hell, these people really owe me."

   I didn't want to see Zhao Jianshe walking out angrily as soon as I entered the door, and the two happened to walk towards each other.

  Xu Shiyan was taken aback, why didn't he feel right? "Jiangshe, what's wrong with you? Who messed with you?"

   "My third brother, how can you still hold your breath at this time?

  Your errand of looking at references has been overwhelmed by others, why don't you ask me in a hurry? "

  Zhao Jianshe is straight-hearted and has a loud voice. He thought Xu Shiyan already knew, so he didn't care, and just yelled out.

   "Huh? Kancan's job was rejected?" Xu Shiyan understood why Zhao Jianshe was so angry when he heard this.

   "Look at you, is it worth getting angry about this little thing?"

  Xu Shiyan had guessed a long time ago that there must be a fork in the work of watching the ginseng after the year, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

  He is ready to move to Donggang, and even bought the house, does he care about whether to see the reference or not?

   "It's not just your errand, my dad was also raped." As a result, Zhao Jianshe's next sentence directly confused Xu Shiyan.

   "What? Jian Jian, please explain to me clearly, what's wrong with my Uncle Zhao? Why can't I still get a job?"

  Zhao Dahai is a few years younger than Xu Chenghou. He is only fifty-three this year. He is doing a great job. How could he be slapped?

   "Zhao Jianshe, you bastard, you don't know what to say all day long, why are you telling your third brother these things?"

  In the east room, Zhao Dahai's voice came out.

  (end of this chapter)

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