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Chapter 69: downhill home

  Chapter 69 Down the mountain and go home

  In the Northeast, it is more than 30 degrees below zero in winter, and it is freezing cold. I can't do anything except go up the mountain to collect some firewood.

  So most people rest in winter, also called cat winter.

  It's cold, and the three aunts and six women in the village can't get together to chat at the entrance of the village, but it doesn't delay them from visiting and chatting.

  Dawn is late in winter, and there is nothing to do. Most people eat two meals.

  It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time to go home and cook, but as soon as I came out, I met Xu Shiyan and his wife.

   Several women's eyes lit up immediately, and they came over to chat and inquire by the way.

   "Hey, what are you pulling on this sledge? Something so old?

   Otherwise, San’er has to be capable. Going to the mountains to see ginseng and hunting, and bringing so much meat to your parents at every turn, it’s really greedy. "

   These people not only talk, but also use their hands, reaching out to turn over the things on the sledge.

  Xu Shiyan naturally refused to let them rummage, so he hurriedly stopped them.

   "Auntie, these dogs are not very good-tempered, you guys don't get too close, a bite is not worth it." Xu Shiyan could only talk about things through the dogs.

   Not to mention, those dogs were really baring their teeth.

  They are on the mountain all the year round, and they are trained by old Li to not recognize anyone but the owner and protect things more.

  Some dogs don’t care when outsiders enter the door, but if they walk away with something in their hands, they will definitely bite you to death.

  A good dog not only protects the owner, but also protects wealth.

  These dogs were just like that, when they saw someone approaching the sledge, they would stare viciously and whine.

  Frightened, the women quickly withdrew their hands, "What kind of dog does this have? Such a dead temper."

   "The dog Kansan has a strong temper, otherwise how can he do it?" Xu Shiyan smiled.

   "Auntie, it's getting late, we just came back, we have to go home and have a look, we can talk when we have time."

  Living on the mountain for a few months, it was really peaceful. Now that I am back in the village, I have to deal with these people again.

  Xu Shiyan couldn't help but sighed, and he didn't know how lively the house would be.

   After finishing speaking, Xu Shiyan yelled at the dogs to move on, and went straight to Lao Li's house at the west end of the village.

  Although the couple have gone up the mountain, the furniture and everything are still in the Li family, so they have to leave a place to stay so that they can come back for the New Year.

  Just arrived at the gate, before entering the door, just in time to see Mrs. Li coming out to hold firewood.

   "Oh, it's San'er and his wife who came back? I've been talking about it for the past few days. It's the twelfth lunar month now, and you two should go down the mountain and come back for the New Year.

  Look, I really can't help but mutter, isn't this coming back today? "

  Old Mrs. Li met Xu Shiyan and his wife, and they were very affectionate.

   "Yeah, it's the twelfth lunar month, and I'm going home to celebrate the New Year. Auntie, how is my uncle? Is he better?"

  Xu Shiyan drove the sledge into the courtyard, first unhooked the dog, and tied it to the nearby kennel.

  These dogs were raised by Lao Li, and they are brought back to be raised in Li's house every year in the twelfth lunar month. The dogs are no strangers here.

   "It's okay, half of my body is still not moving, and I can't speak clearly.

   Well, at least one life was saved, which is not bad. "

  Old Li Tou stayed in the commune hospital for nearly 20 days, and returned home after his condition stabilized.

  He is old and has a cerebral hemorrhage, which will definitely leave sequelae. No one can do anything about it, he can only take medicine and acupuncture.

   "I've been too busy this fall and haven't seen each other yet, so I haven't thanked you yet.

  The doctor said it, but luckily you didn’t move it indiscriminately at that time, and you even bled it, at least this saved the old man’s life.

  If it weren't for you on the mountain, our old man would probably hang himself. "Old Mrs. Li said while wiping tears.

   It is not to be suspended, but to be certain.

  In his previous life, Xu Shiyan went to work in the Da’an Coal Mine, but did not work in the field. When he came back during the Chinese New Year, he found out that the old Litou was gone from a sudden illness while watching on the mountain.

   After all, it was a memory from many years ago, and it was not a particularly important thing. Xu Shiyan didn't think of it at all before.

   After Lao Li had an accident, he thought about it carefully before he remembered it.

   But this cannot be said to Mrs. Li. Xu Shiyan can only comfort him, and then quickly unload the things from the sledge and send them to the warehouse for storage.

  This autumn and winter, Xu Shiyan has been pulling things a lot.

  Pine nuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts filled a sack, and a lot of meat and skins were saved.

  Of course, you have to bring everything back when you go down the mountain to celebrate the New Year. Sell what you need to sell, and keep the rest for yourself.

  Everything was moved down and packed, and Xu Shiyan carried a pheasant, a hare, a piece of venison and a piece of pork, and entered the east room.

   "Uncle, aunt. I just came back from the mountain, and I don't have any good things. They are all made on the mountain. Keep it for eating."

  Old Mrs. Li was feeding the old man water, when she saw Xu Shiyan brought something, she waved her hand quickly.

   "Oh, San'er, why are you being so polite?

   These things, you should take them to your parents, we old couple have nothing to thank you, how can we still accept your things? "

   "Mother, if you want to say that, you will be offended.

  What is the difference between us and a family? I don't have any other skills, just don't dislike you two elders.

  My parents’ side, and what’s more, I’ve been paddling a lot in the mountains this winter.

   It’s thanks to my uncle, my uncle is amazing, and those dogs are well trained. "

   Without those dogs, Xu Shiyan could still hunt, but certainly not as much as now.

  Xu Shiyan admired old Li from the bottom of his heart. When he was young, this old man was absolutely extraordinary.

   "San'er, here it is, here it is, keep it, keep it." Old Li didn't slip through his words, and it was a bit difficult.

   "Sit, sit." The old man struggled to raise his hand, beckoning Xu Shiyan to sit down.

   "No, sir, I just came back and haven't visited my father yet.

  I'll go there first, and we'll talk again in the evening. "

  I lived on the mountain for several months, and I must go to see my parents when I go down the mountain. This is the rule.

   "Hey, hey, night, night, talk."

  Old Li is so old, can he not understand this little rule? So he waved his hand at Xu Shiyan, signaling him to go see his parents.

  Xu Shiyan came out of the east room, went back to the west room to change clothes, and then dragged the sledge with Su Anying to Xu's house in the east of the village.

   "Father, mother, we are going down the mountain." Xu Shiyan shouted as soon as he entered the gate.

   "Lao Liu, Jinfeng, Xiaobo, come out and see what delicious food I brought back?"

   After all, they are relatives of flesh and blood, and the relationship is still different.

  When I first came back from rebirth, I was full of resentment and disliked everyone.

  Having lived on the mountain for so long, Xu Shiyan's thoughts have also changed a little.

  No matter what, they are also parents and mothers, and those who should be filial should still be filial.

   Of course, it is an eternal truth that the smell is far away and near is smelly.

  Come back to visit once in a while, just bring something home, but don’t get too close.

   Otherwise, Xu Shiyan doesn't think he can bear the old man's bad temper.

  (end of this chapter)

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