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Chapter 85: hungry wolf

  Chapter 85 Hungry Wolf

  The blind man fell to the ground, and the five dogs also rushed up.

   Don't blame them for being slow, it's Xu Shixian and Xu Shixiang who reacted a step slower and let the dogs go too late.

   Fortunately, no dog stepped forward, so Xu Shiyan shot three times, directly killing the blind man.

  Five people, two guns, and five dogs, beat a black blind man. It is really a bit of a bully, and the black blind man was not wronged at all.

  Xu Shiyan whistled, and the dogs stopped biting and went back to wait obediently.

  Xu Shiyan and Xu Shian held guns on guard, and the three brothers stepped forward and turned the blind man over.

   Opened the guts and took off the guts, hung the internal organs of the black blind man on the tree to worship the mountain god, and then cut up the meat and fed it to the dogs.

   "Brother, don't feed the dog too much, just half full. Let's go back the same way later and see if we can kill the two wolves."

  Xu Shiyan had a thought, and decided to clean up those wolves later.

  I saw it when I came here in the morning. There are a total of four wolves, not many in number. If you cooperate well, you should be able to gain something.

  Animals like wolves harm many livestock a year, and sometimes enter villages to harm children.

  After entering the mountain, everything is under the command of Xu Shiyan. Whatever Xu Shiyan says, the brothers can do as they please.

  So the five dogs were only half-fed, and Xu Shiyan and the others did not delay, and dragged the black blind man who had about 300 catties left to go back.

   Walking to a place about a mile and a half away from the wolf, Xu Shiyan and others stopped.

   "Brother, fourth, fifth, you look at the dog, just stay here and don't move around.

  When you hear a wolf barking, hold down the dog and stop barking, and let the dog go when you hear the gunshot. "

  There are dogs around, and they must bark when they see wolves. Cooked wolves are already very vigilant, if there is a dog barking, they will definitely turn around and run away.

  One and a half miles is seven hundred and fifty meters. To these dogs, it is nothing at all, and they will arrive soon.

  The dogs were handed over to the brothers, and Xu Shiyan and Xu Shian dragged the blind man's body to the front.

  He wanted to use the corpse of the blind man to lure those hungry wolves into the bait.

  When he came to the vicinity of the wolf, Xu Shiyan checked carefully, and he was relieved that there was no sign of the wolf returning.

  Wolves are cunning by nature. As long as they are not disturbed, they must go back and forth one way and never go the other way.

  So, the two brothers threw the dead body of the blind man not far from the wolf, and each of them found a tree to climb up, and waited on the tree with their guns in hand.

  In the bitter north wind, the two sat on the branch of a tree and did not dare to move, for fear of making a noise and scaring away the wolves.

   I didn't know how long I had been waiting, but there was a long, miserable cry from the distant hillside.

  Experienced hunters can tell as soon as they hear it, those hungry wolves ran for nothing all morning and got nothing, so they could only walk back crying hungry and cold.

   Neither of the two brothers spoke, they waited silently, staring at the bottom with all their attention.

   Sure enough, I saw a few black spots coming from a distance, and when I got a closer look, it turned out to be four hungry wolves.

   A few hungry wolves apparently wandered around and couldn't find anything to eat. On the way back, they sniffed the ground lightly with their noses.

  When they came to a position tens of meters away from the corpse of the blind man, the wolf's nose twitched, as if smelling something, he immediately raised his head and looked around.

  There is no abnormality around, but there seems to be blood in front.

  The wolves immediately cheered up, their ears pricked up, their steps hurried, and they scrambled towards the direction of the smell of blood.

   Then, right in front, a black blind man who had been disembowelled to death was found.

  A hungry wolf with red eyes, why would he think about why there is a dead black man here?

   As long as there is stuttering, who cares about those?

  Several wolves swarmed up, bared their teeth and let out whining noises, and began to bite Heixiazi's corpse.

  The two Xu Shiyan brothers saw the opportunity and shot almost at the same time.

  The marksmanship of the two brothers was not bad, and those wolves were only focused on eating meat, so their vigilance was greatly reduced, so the two wolves fell down in response.

  The remaining two wolves ran away when they heard the gunshot. Xu Shiyan's second shot had already fired, and the bullet penetrated Qinglang's shoulder blade and shot out obliquely.

  The running wolf suddenly pounced forward, struggled to get up and wanted to run again, but couldn't get up to speed.

  At this time, Xu Shiyan fired the third shot again, and the wolf was shot and couldn't get up again.

  The gunshot rang out, and five dogs rushed out of the forest quickly.

   Coincidentally, the direction in which the only wolf escaped happened to be the direction in which the five dogs were rushing.

  The five dogs immediately surrounded the wolf. The yellow dog led the way and gave the wolf a bite.

  The wolf wasn’t too big in the first place, but if he was surrounded by five experienced dogs, what would happen?

  In no time, the wolf was wounded in several places, screaming in pain, trying to run but unable to get out of the dog's encirclement, and was trapped by five dogs for life.

  Xu Shiyan and Xu Shian slipped down from the tree, and followed them with guns on their shoulders. Seeing this, they simply ignored it.

  Just let the dogs vent a bit, because they didn’t have much room for them to beat the black and blind just now, and they didn’t have enough to eat. I guess the dogs are also aggrieved.

  Five dogs and a wolf were entangled together. Surrounded by the five dogs, the hungry wolf dodged left and right, but still couldn't avoid the bite of the hunting dogs.

   Not long after, Hungry Wolf gradually slowed down due to wound pain and excessive physical exertion.

   One inattentive, and the big yellow dog took out the back door again. The painful wolf howled and turned around trying to shake off the big yellow dog, but was accidentally bitten on the neck by the flowery dog ​​again.

   Not to be outdone, the wolf turned around and bit the flower dog, but the other side was bitten by the green dog again.

  The other two dogs also took the opportunity to come up, each biting one place and tearing hard.

  How can a wolf withstand the bite of several dogs? This time, he couldn't break free at all, and could only lie on the ground and howl.

  The wolf has been bitten to death by the dog, and there is no possibility of escape.

  Xu Shiyan took out the knife he was carrying with him, put a stick on the handle of the knife, stepped forward and pierced the wolf's neck with a knife.

  The knife twisted in the wolf's body, pulled it out, and then plunged in hard.

  The wolf howled, his body twitched twice, and then stopped moving.

  Brothers Xu Shixian also rushed over at this time, seeing the situation in front of them, they were all overjoyed.

  Although there is not much benefit in beating wolves, you can’t sell them for a few bucks, but it will save the scourge and prevent the wolves from wreaking havoc.

   "Third brother, I'll come, you rest." Xu Shide snatched the knife and disemboweled all four wolves to prevent the stink from covering them.

   "Well, fourth child, let's feed the dog this time, let them all be full."

   When hunting dogs go into the mountains, they are not afraid of being injured, but they are afraid that they will not be able to bring down their prey.

  These dogs have followed Xu Shiyan into the mountains more times, and they will be injured or something, but as long as they are full of meat, they will hunt even harder next time.

  So hunters can't be stingy, and must feed the hunting dogs.

  Xu Shide responded, and cut up the wolf meat and fed it to the dogs without hesitation.

  For dogs, as long as it is meat, they will eat it, and wolf meat is the same.

  (end of this chapter)

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