Bank of The Universe

Chapter 290: Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land

Chapter 290: Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land

No one sympathized with Qing Ling for his tragic treatment. Competition within the Qing Family was really intense. Now that he was gone, other people could take his spot.

Qing Ling had also offended the Qin Family Head, so those who used to be close to him had all disappeared.

No one in the huge Qing Family came to visit him.

Life was filled with sadness and joy and Qing Ling tasted it all. Occasionally, he would think about killing himself to give himself release.

But Qing Ling had great mental strength and decided not to do so. His cultivation wasn’t trashed by that masked expert. If he killed himself, that just showed that he was a coward.

Qing Ling forced himself to live in the end. Within the Qing Family, he was looked down on by everyone and no one bothered about him.

Even his wife didn’t meet him and went to flirt with others.

When Qing Ling learned of this, he didn’t do anything. Anyway, he wouldn’t touch that so-called wife. To outsiders, he became a man of few words, like a turtle that didn’t care about anything.

Fortunately, there was an old grandma who took care of him, giving him that bit of warmth. Even if the grandma was a mute and was only in charge of his three meals.

Since he was injured, his father hadn’t even come once. He treated Qing Ling really coldly.

Every day he would head to the lake and sit there for a full day. No one knew what he was doing. Was he just chilling out? Or, was he just a fool?

In the end, everyone forgot about him. He went from one of the 10 Tigers with limitless potential to a person who no one cared about.

But this was what he wanted.

“Only after a caterpillar goes through pain and suffering will it become a butterfly. This series of blows has allowed me understand this theory. I am looking forward to the time I turn into a butterfly.” Qing Ling sat under the sunlight. His body felt really warm. The dantian and veins that were destroyed gave off a strong sense of life at this moment.

In his darkest moment, a bright light appeared. He recalled the secret technique that he got when he was young.

Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly!

In a dream, Zhuang Zhou and a butterfly met each other and had a philosophical conversation. The ancient saint, Zhuang Zhou, used it to create a supreme technique.

Qing Ling comprehended a little bit and was waiting for the moment he turned into a butterfly.

“I should thank that mysterious masked expert. Without him dealing a blow to me and letting me off, I wouldn’t have obtained this chance.” Qing Ling felt some gratitude towards Li Xiandao.

He’d rather thank an outsider, an enemy, someone who nearly killed him than anyone from the Qing Family.

Qing Ling really excluded himself from the Qing Family.


Cold Moon Sky was huge. Li Xiandao took seven days to reach the shore.

This was mainly because Li Xiandao stopped many times to look at the scenery. As he admired the surrounding area, Li Xiandao couldn’t help but praise Cold Moon Sky for their strength.

Some talented kids reached Heaven Essence Realm at 10, even in such an environment. There were even some who reached Saint Realm.


The environment in the Nine Skies was just so much better than the Ten Lands. Moreover, Li Xiandao came from Dali Land which was much much worse.

He came to the shore and found a boatman. He bought a boat and rode it towards Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land.

Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land was on the ocean and when Seven said that it was not far from land, it was relative to cultivators. For a normal boatman, this distance was still quite far.

Li Xiandao looked at the scenery of the ocean, the blue sky, and the white clouds which made everything seem so relaxed. He just stood at the front of the boat as it shot forth like a sharp arrow.

A day later, Li Xiandao saw the so-called Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land!

On the ocean, a white fog spread. Normally when boatmen entered this place, they would lose their sense of direction. When cultivators entered they would also be trapped here.

These were the seals laid out by Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land!

It hid the island from the outside world.

When Li Xiandao looked at the seal, he shook his head, “Although the seal can be used to confuse people, this arrangement is too weak. Moreover, the seals have been set so long ago and many areas have been broken.”

This seal couldn’t trap Li Xiandao at all. On Seal Mountain Peak, Li Xiandao comprehended many seals and now these were just small tricks to him.

Standing at the front of the boat, Li Xiandao controlled the boat forwards, avoiding the attacks of some of the seals.

Li Xiandao entered Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land really easily.

“Aren’t they just too relaxed?” Li Xiandao frowned. It was so easy not because he understood seals but because the mist seal was just too relaxed.

Another person with a few hundred years of seal studies would be able to enter too.

“A holy land has such weak seals. What happened?” Li Xiandao was curious. He reached the shore and parked the boat. He stepped onto Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land.

What he saw were scenes of destruction. There was no one guarding the port and the pier was abandoned. Most of the buildings were shattered and the only thing left was flowers and grass.

“Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land has no disciples. Has it been abandoned?” Li Xiandao found the situation a bit weird. He flew up into the sky and looked down on the entire island.

It was huge. It could fit at least a few hundred thousand people. It had four ports and there was even a mountain in the middle of the island. It was huge and it looked like a dragon could really hide on this island.

Looking down from above, the island was really colorful. There were flowers everywhere.

The only thing that confused Li Xiandao was the fact that there wasn’t enough spiritual energy!

He wasn’t referring to Cold Moon Sky standards but the standards of those 10 Spiritual Energy Dragon Veins.

The 10 Spiritual Energy Dragon Veins were on this island. Along with seals suppressing, the spiritual energy should be a few hundred or even 1,000 times more than the outside.

In truth, this place was the same as the outside world.

It was three to five times thicker than on land. But spiritual energy on land should have been thicker than at sea.

The 10 Spiritual Energy Dragon Veins were gone!

Li Xiandao looked around and realized that no one was left.

He took the contract and started to search for the one who signed the contract.

He was on the island.

The contract wouldn’t be wrong.

But Li Xiandao really didn’t see anyone. He had been guided by the contract to a tomb at the mid-waist of the mountain.

Ten Thousand Spirit Holy Land’s 4th Sect Leader’s tomb!

Li Xiandao looked at the contract. It hadn’t been destroyed, so this person was not dead.

He was buried here and had faked his death?

Li Xiandao knocked on the tomb.

Peng peng peng!

“Brother, an old friend is here. Come out.” Li Xiandao said.

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