Battle of Ascension

Chapter 115: Come Here, Get the EXP

Chapter 115: Come Here, Get the EXP

Hearing what Randy said, the surrounding people shocked as they looked at Randy with their eyes opened wide.


How could a monster became their boss' benefactor? Moreover, the monster was the Territory King. From what they heard, the Territory King was smart and cunning, it proved by the Territory King raided by Dragon Dynasty.

The Dragon Dynasty's forces lured to the trap which set up by the Territory King. Later the Dragon Dynasty's force crushed by the Territory King itself.

Yet now they heard Randy said the Territory King in the front was his benefactor which unbelievable for them.

Randy noticed after he blurted out just now, the surrounding was looking at him with a shock expression.

"Let's retreat first," Said Randy as he backed and followed by the rest.

The Territory King hadn't noticed the presence of the Randy and Garuda's members. It went to the west of its cave.

Randy saw the Territory King intended to go, he looked at Gusti and said, "Gusti, ask your two friends to follow the Territory King,"

Gusti nodded his head and asked his two friends to trail the Territory King. Afterward, two Garuda's members followed the Territory King.

"So, what do you mean by it was your benefactor?" Asked Zhen Yi as she curious. Udin, Gusti, and the rest focused on Randy as they also wanted to know why the Territory King could become Randy's benefactor.

They didn't ask about the reason why they should retreat first or what the plan to raid the Territory King. They were more interested to know how the Territory King became Randy's benefactor.

Randy fell silent as he didn't know how to answer it. No, it was not because he didn't know how to but he didn't want to.

Randy shook his head, "Lets we talk about it later, now lets we discuss our arrangement to kill the Territory King,"

"Eh, you still want to kill your benefactor?" Asked Zhen Yi as she was surprised.

She thought Randy asked them to retreat because of the Territory King was his benefactor. So, he didn't want to kill, but she was wrong.

After hearing what his wife said, Randy felt like he was a bad guy who killed own benefactor. Randy could smile wryly as he could not share the story between him and the Territory King.

"All right let's focus on the Territory King. Me, Zhen Yi, Udin, Gusti, Akihiro, and Asuka, will confront the Territory King and for you guys" Randy paused, held his chin as he looked at the Garuda's members, "You guys secure the zone where we fight the Territory King. Don't let others enter or disturb us when we fight the Territory King,"

Garuda's members looked at the man and woman which called Akihiro and Asuka, Udin and Gust included. Earlier they curious what the identity of the man and the woman who followed Randy, but because they felt angry to him they didn't ask. Now, Randy introduced the man and the woman, they felt familiar with the name of Akihiro.

Akihiro and Asuka were another reason made Randy late for 2 hours. Actually, at 9.30 am, he was ready to depart after finished the 'battle'. But, after he came out from his room, he saw Akihiro and Asuka waiting for him.

Akihiro and Asuka wanted to join his guild also apologized to Randy as Akihiro lied about his name when the first time they met. Afterward, he came to know that they came to join his guild and also Zhen Yi told him that she was the one who invited them to join the guild.

Afterward, Akihiro and Asuka told him why they lied about his name. It was because the Eternal Shogunate was hunting them and made a wanted post about him even. That was why he used a fake name as he didn't know who Randy was and afraid Randy would report him to Eternal Shogunate as the reward posted in the forum for him was tempting.

Randy and Zhen Yi listened to their story for a half hour. Hearing the story told by Akihiro why the Eternal Shogunate was hunting them, Randy was surprised. It was the little brother of Ryou Tokugawa, Serizawa Tokugawa who ordered to catch them.

The story almost the same as his story, the different was the start. Akihiro and Asuka were a couple in the first place while he and Zhen Yi were not. After Serizawa met Asuka for the first time, he lusted over her beauty.

Serizawa investigated the identity of Asuka and found out she was a member of the Eternal Shogunate and had a boyfriend. He used his power as the little brother of Ryou Tokugawa to force Asuka to become his woman. But rejected by Asuka afterward Serizawa falsely accused Akihiro was a traitor to threaten her. But Asuka didn't relent which made both left the Eternal Shogunate guild.

Randy noticed Udin, Gusti and others of Garuda's members were focusing their sight on Akihiro. It was like his first reaction after Akihiro introduced himself as Akihiro to him.

"Yeah, you guys must know him. He is the ranking 14 on the Level Ranking, Akihiro Tanabe," Afterward Randy pointed his finger at Asuka, "And she is Akihiro girlfriend, Asuka Ogasawara, level 50 archer. They are the new members of Happy Guild,"

After Randy introduced the man, the Garuda's members' face looked bright as they understood why the name was familiar. It was because he was in the top 20 Level Ranking.

"All right, get ready for the fight," Randy clapped as he stood up. He noticed the twos which Gusti ordered to trail the Territory King were back, he also noticed the Territory King was back to its cave, brought a blue deer in its right hand.

Just as the Territory King wanted to enter its cave, Randy rushed. He wanted to test the water first as he was not clear which stronger between the Territory King in the front or The Green Lord. He used Detection as he was rushing toward the Territory King and one by one information of the Territory King appeared in his eyes.


[Demon Genderuwo]

Grade: King Monster

Level: 102


It's also King Grade Monster and two levels higher than The Green Lord, but it didn't have skill. Also, his benefactor's speed was slow, he knew that in his first meeting with it.

It could not catch up to him even though his level was far lower than it. Yup, it was the humanoid monster he met when he went back from Bogor Territory to get Ascension Chest. A monster with all over its body covered by black fur and had 3 meters tall.

He ran from this monster after his Basic Detection skill failed to detect it which made him met Zhen Yi. That was why he called it a benefactor.

Also, Randy frowned as he looked at his Demon Genderuwo's information. Now, He was sure that the one posted about the Territory King's information raided by the Dragon Dynasty was wrong. In the post said the Territory King was Ancient Grade Beast and level 80, yet this was the second of Territory King he found and the monster was far superior compared to the one in the forum.

He thought The Green Lord was a mutated monster that was why the information in the forum was different. But now after he looked at the Demon Genderuwo's information he was sure the post was the trick of the Dragon Dynasty.

Dragon Dynasty wanted the other guilds also suffered like them. That was why the Dragon Dynasty faked the Territory King's information. It was only his speculation though.

Meanwhile, the Garuda's members dispersed to do their duty. It was zoning the area of the fight, so there was no one would disturb the fight.

Zhen Yi, Udin, Gusti, Akihiro, and Asuka followed Randy after he rushed to the Territory King. Among the fives, Akihiro and Asuka still doubted Randy about his decision to kill the Territory King.

Even more, after they checked the Demon Genderuwo's information. King Grade Monster and level 102. Compared to the Territory King raided by the Dragon Dynasty was far superior yet the Dragon Dynasty failed despite had more people than Happy Guild.

Now, Randy only brought 5 people with him to raid the Territory King while the hundreds were zoning the area which left him speechless. He thought Randy was too arrogant after he got the champion in the Ascension Tournament, also he thought there was a special tactic to kill the Territory King as they managed to kill the Territory King a few days ago.

But they saw Randy just rushed to the Territory King with no explanation about that tactic which made them even more depressed.

"It's Territory King you know? not a normal monster which they were hunting daily," Said Akihiro in his heart while his mouth twitched as he looked Randy which almost arrived at the back of the Territory King.

However, Randy shocked him after Randy arrived in the back of the Territory King as it didn't realize Randy was in its back, Randy kicked its back with his right foot which made the Territory King flew, entered the cave accompanied with a "BOOM!" sound after that.

But what shocked him didn't stop here, the Territory King rushed out after getting kicked to inside the cave. It roared indicating it angry while threw a punch toward Randy, here what made him shocked. Randy blocked the Demon Genduruwo's big fist with his right palm, but Randy didn't fly off or wounded like what he imagined. Randy only getting pushed back for a few steps.

Soon, there was something that made him even more shocked and left him speechless.


There was an incoming message, and he checked it. The message was from Randy and he opened it which made him speechless and shocked,

"Come here, get the EXP. The monster is weaker than The Green Lord,"

Speechless because Randy could send a message despite confronted the Territory King. Shocked because Randy said the Territory King was weak.

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