Battle of Ascension

Chapter 37: Humaniod Monster

Chapter 37: Humaniod Monster

Randy lie down on the ground for 10 minutes before finally, he could get up, then he ate the breakfast Zhen Yi made.

"I cannot believe that your ability only so-so despite your high stat," Zhen Yi says while shaking her head.

Randy face flushed with great embarrassment. he felt ashamed to get beaten black and blue by his wife. He only can focus on his food, not respond to his wife words.

They ate the breakfast in silence. afterward, Randy continues his rest for 20 minutes before they continue their training.

30 minutes later, still the same result. Randy lie down black and blue on the ground even though he still could not do any counter-attack but, he managed to block two attacks of many attacks from Zhen Yi.

"Alright, our training finished here, we will continue tomorrow. I will go no," Zhen Yi said to Randy after their round 2 training finished.

Because the gap level, Zhen Yi cannot kill the beast together with him. If Randy following her, he only could become a burden to her because the beast Zhen Yi kill is much higher level than Randy or maybe even he could get injured by following her.

They parted up, Randy still lying on the ground. He thinking about what beast he would hunt today. He estimated that the wolf which killed his two best friends already died, so he doesn't plan to hunt the Black Wildcat anymore.


Meanwhile, at Teleportation Site in Jakarta City the 5 swindlers still waiting for Randy and Zhen Yi.

They didn't give up and kept waiting. From 6.30 am till now 8.30 am, they even didn't see Randy today.

"They didn't go hunt today, even the man didn't show up. Should we go now? we are running out Gold now, better we go hunt the beast," Says the army men with displeasure. They were waiting for this two people for 3 days and didn't get any result.

"Wait for 30 minutes more, if the still not show up yet, we will go hunting," Decided the bald men. Apparently, the bald men are their leader.

"Maybe that bitch really scared of us," The mohawk men says with an evil smile.


Meanwhile, Randy walked to the west of Jakarta Territory. On Jakarta Territory only could be found two beasts, Demonic Rabbit and Black Wildcat. He already slaughtered ten thousand of Demonic Rabbit and he could not find any Demonic Rabbit again here. West is where most Demonic Rabbit stays, but now there it no Demonic Rabbit anymore.

Randy kept walking to the west of Jakarta Territory. 15 minutes later there is a notice from the Battle System.

Battle System: You have entered Tangerang Territory.

What he saw is different from the other place, In from of him is a city. Ruined city from the real earth, the building use cement not wood. The difference is the gate, there was a broken gate.

Randy entered the city. Just he entered the city, a beast walk out from a broken building.

"Eh!?" this is not beast. Is it like an Orc? about 2 meters tall with green skin, black hair that reached its shoulder, not only the skin but the eyes also green but the face was like a human. The weirdest thing was this creature only wore green underpants.

The creature also noticed Randy but after a few moments, it ran back to the broken house.

"Eh!? Run?" He stunned by action the creature. Usually, every time he met a beast, the beast always pounced on him without thinking but, this creature running after it saw him.

Randy guessed wrongly, the creature didn't run. It came out again with a weapon. Yes, he ran back to the broken house to take the weapon. The weapon it bringing was bat made of wood but bigger than a normal bat. It was about as big as his thigh.

He immediately used [Basic Detection] skill after the creature came back, the information of this creature appeared in his eyes.


[Demon Kolor Ijo]

Grade: Uncommon Monster

Level: 14

Stat: ???


"Demon Kolor Ijo? not only the appearance is weird, the name of this monster also weird," Randy said silently.

Randy looked at Demon Kolor Ijo and Demon Kolor Ijo also looked him too. It scanned Randy from the head to tiptoes. After scanned him, it shook its head. He didn't know why, but he felt goose bump being scanned by this monster.

Suddenly, the Demon Kolor Ijo yelled "GROAAARRR," and it rushed toward him while raised up the bat in its hand. Randy immediately pulled out his sword, ready to fight against this monster. This is the first time Randy meeting a monster. When he went to Banten Territory, he only met a beast.

The speed Demon Kolor Ijo about same as the Elder Black Wildcat, but he didn't know about the strength. He would block first to measure the strength of this monster, if he could handle easily then he would hunt Demon Kolor Ijo from now on, to leveling up.

In a few seconds, the monster arrived in front of him. It aimed to his head with its bat. Randy immediately blocked the attack using his sword.


Even though its weapon made of by wood but the sound of clashing their weapon was like a metal against metal. Randy confirmed the strength of this green monster, it was about 2 times of the Elder Black Wildcat. He still could handle it.

Seeing its attack blocked, it was launching its hand to punch Randy stomach. Randy always observed the movement of the green monster, when it used its hand to punch him, he immediately rolled to left. These were what he learned after fought against Zhen Yi this morning, don't only focus on the weapon the enemy but also observed the enemy movement. Randy managed to dodge timely.

"Groaar, groaar," the green monster yelled. The green monster became irritated after its attack failed to hit him. These what Randy thought because he didn't understand at all what it said. So, he just guessed wildly in his mind.

The green monster rushed to him again, the same pose as before. It raised its weapon and ran to him even it aimed the same place as before, his head. Randy lightly step to his right, evaded the green monster attack then slashed his sword to its left shoulder, afterward, he stepped back 5 meters from the green monster.

"GROAARRR," The green monster screamed in a pain, blood flowed from its shoulder. Even the blood was green-colored. The green monster clutching its wound with the right hand, then it turned toward him. It stared Randy with full of a fury and hatred.

The green monster picked up its weapon on the ground and rushed again to him. This time the pose different, it dragging the weapon not raised it up. Arrived in front of him, It was swinging its weapon from the right side, aimed at his head. The green monster this time intended to smash his head from the right side.

Randy lowered his upper body to dodge the attack and succeed. He held the sword with his two hands then stabbed to the chest of the green monster. The weapon pierced the body of Demon Kolor Ijo to the back, green-colored blood flowed through Randy sword.

The Demon Kolor Ijo screamed, Randy immediately pulled out his sword and distancing himself 5 meters from the green monster. He looked blood flowed unceasingly from the green monster chest, he thought this monster would die in a few seconds later. However, It was somehow survived after getting stabbed in the chest.

Randy frowned looking at this bloody green monster,"It turned out this monster Vitality quite high," He muttered in low voice.

Even though it survived, but it was heavily wounded. The Demon Kolor Ijo rushed again but this time the speed was much slower than before. After all, with a wound like that, it was already miracle this monster survived.

This time Randy didn't wait for the green monster to attack him, he immediately approached the Demon Kolor Ijo with fast speed. It was shocked by his speed, with heavy injury and shocked by Randy's speed, It could not react to Randy's attack. Sword in his hand mercilessly stabbed at Demon Kolor Ijo throat, he pulled out his sword right away after successfully pierced its throat and slashed again at its throat.

The Demon Kolor Ijo clutching the throat with its hand and slowly collapsed on the ground before it died with wide open eyes.

Randy took a deep breath and inserted his sword into the sheath. He looked at the collapsed green monster, it seemed he could take nothing from a monster, unlike the beast. He checked the Exp he obtained after killing Demon Kolor Ijo.

Yesterday, he was on a killing spree, attacked the fourteenth nest of Black Wildcat and killed about seven hundred Black Wildcat and an Uncommon Black Wildcat. He got about 17 thousand Exp, 77050/204800 Exp shown on the stat window before he killing the green monster. Now 77750/204800 Exp After killing the Demon Kolor Ijo, his Exp increased by 700 Exp.

He obtained much higher exp than killing the Black Wildcat, He needed to kill 200 the green monster to level up. He decided that he would hunt this green monster from now on.

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