Battle of Ascension

Chapter 66: Red Goblin

Chapter 66: Red Goblin

"Nah maybe I will know a way to hunt the Red Goblin later," Randy mumbled and continued walking toward the deeper forest.

After 10 minutes walking, the Red goblin attacking him again. It attacked him from the top of the tree with a dagger in its hand. Also, the Red Goblin not alone, they were five at once attacked him from all directions.

He killed the one in the front of him while dodging the attack from the right, left and behind of him. The others Red Goblin attack missed. After the attack failed, they jumped back to the tree and ran. Yes, they ran after the ambush was failed.

He really was stunned. Chased the Red Goblin? Even though his speed was faster than the Red Goblin but so what? He cannot even attack them which on the top of the tree. His weapon was a sword, not bow.

Cut the tree?

He looked at the tree which a much bigger than his body then looked at his thin sword. He also felt weird with this tree. The tree was only 9 meters but the body of the tree was so big even the size of branch almost the same as his body.

"Shana, what tree is this?" Randy asked casually. He really didn't have any hope for her to answer his question. Lately, when he asked her, she answered: "Due to level restriction blah blah blah"

"I don't know," Shana popped out on his shoulder and answered innocently while looked the tree.

At least he got a different answer, he thought. But from Shana expression, she really didn't know.

"But you can use your [Basic Detection] skill to check it," Shana continued.

"Eh!? I can use [Basic Detection] skill on the tree? But the skill description only said that detect the level and the name beast or beast?" Randy exclaimed in a surprise.

"Just try it, why would you keep asking me," Shana answered in an annoyed tone.

Randy then used the skill on the tree.


[Osneam Tree]

The wood of Osneam Tree is good material for creating a table, chair, even a house. But you need a special tool to cut the tree because of the tree is hard.


It really works, the information of the tree appeared on his eyes.

"How hard the tree that needed a special tool to cut it?" Randy held chin while looking at the tree. To cut the tree, he needed a special tool. Then he took out the ax he got from One-Horned Demon Kolor Ijo to test how hard the tree was.

He held the ax with his two hands and swung it with his full strength toward the tree in the front of him.

The result was shocked him. The ax bounced back after it hit the tree. Then he looked the place where he hit. There was a mark left by the ax, only a mark. Then he looked at the tree again. The diameter tree was almost 2 meters.

Randy gave up for his plan to cut the tree. It was impossible for him to cut the tree.

After he just stored the ax to his Storage System, suddenly there was a movement on the top tree. Without looked toward the top of the tree, he backed for 2 meters from where he was stood just now.

He saw five Red Goblins where he just stood now. Due his bloodline, his five senses getting enhanced so he could hear the sound of the movement Red Goblin on the top of the tree.

He could easily evade the attacks because of the sound of their movement. Afterward, Randy didn't let them jump back toward the tree, he quickly rushed toward the five red monsters.

Because of the small and thin body of the Red Goblin in one slash, the four Red Goblin getting the cut into two parts by him easily while one of them managed to move slightly but still get a cut on its chest. He didn't let it run. With another step forward, he kicked the head of the last Red Goblin.

The Red Goblin's head was getting smashed and scattered on the ground by his kick.

Randy didn't think that his kick could shatter the Red Goblin's head. Also, is not that the body of Red Goblin was too fragile? He thought the reason for Red Goblin's body getting cut easily was because of his sword but only with his kick, the Red Goblin's head shattered like this.

He became skeptical now. Was it true the Red Goblin was level 20 monster? The body of the Demon Kolor Ijo was better than this goblin. At least, when he kicked the Demon Kolor Ijo, its head never shattered like this though the result was the same, 1 kick 1 kill.

But to think about it, the Demon Kolor Ijo was easy to hunt why this goblin was more troublesome. When the ambush failed, the goblin will run even though one of their comrades died. Meanwhile, in the case of the Demon Kolor Ijo was easier. He only needed to let one of the Demon Kolor Ijo screamed and the crowd of the Demon Kolor Ijo would be swarmed toward him.

"For now, I will explore the Tangerang territory to open the map. Anyway, I cannot actively hunt the Red Goblin, so just let them ambush me and I will kill them," Randy planned.

So he just aimlessly wandered in the forest while the Red Goblin kept ambushing him continuously. The more he walked the more Red Goblin ambushing him. At first were five goblins but later became 7 goblins and even just now 12 goblins ambushed him.

The goblins even managed to hurt him. There were 2 cuts on his neck and blood dripped from the wound from his neck. The cuts weren't deep it was just like a scratch wound.

The description Red Goblin in his mind was "Weak but troublesome"

He preferred to fight against the endless of the Demon Kolor Ijo than this Red Goblin. They only did a sneak attack like an assassin from the top of the tree. If the attack failed, they will run.

But he realized why Zhen Yi gave him a suggestion to hunt here. The Red Goblin here really could help him in training. The Red Goblin could help him to improve his reaction by the sudden attack.

It can be said that the Zhen Yi attack also sudden attack. Even though he could see where she was and where the spear aimed for but It will change the target and he cannot react to the sudden change of the spear. That was why he always got beaten black and blue.

His reaction was so slow, his move was predictable, and he was not flexible enough to adapt to the sudden change. That was what his wife said to him. Her suggestion was that he needed more experience in fight and hunt. He should hunt the various kinds of monsters that had a different style of fighting, strength, speed, and more.

He kept wandering aimlessly in the forest until 1 pm before he decided to eat his lunch.

He opened the lunch box. The menu for lunch was Pan-Fried Lunar Rabbit with Seven-Colored Mushroom and Star Cucumber.

Actually, the real name of the recipe was Pan-Fried Lunar Silk Lamb with Seven-Colored Mushroom and Star Cucumber. But his mother changed the meat. His mother used the Demonic Rabbit meat. She was really seriously only used the rabbit meat even though there was someone who selling the lamb.

The mushroom was really 7 seven colored from the top to the bottom. The first time he looked at the mushroom, he hesitated to eat it or not. Because of the mushroom color, he thought it was poisonous. But when he ate it, he cannot describe the flavor of the mushroom. It was delicious but he cannot describe how delicious it was.

Like Its name, the shape of cucumber was a star-shaped. Even though the name of the food, the color of the food, and the shape of the food was weird, but the food flavor was really tasty. He never bored to eat this rabbit meat.

After finishing the lunch he straight to continue his hunting. He was hunting till 6 pm before he went back to the ruined city. He didn't sleep in the wilderness, so he went back to the ruined city. Anyway from here to the ruined city was only 10 minutes of he ran.

On the way, he was in deep thought about how he was going to hunt the Red Goblin. He could not just passively wait for the Red Goblin attacked him. He checked the Exp he got today. He only gained about 500k Exp.

Minus 400k Exp. Yesterday he got more than 900k Exp despite he was hunting level 14 Uncommon monsters. Yet, today he was hunting level 20 Uncommon monsters but the Exp he got was less than yesterday.

Tonight he should act as assassin again to get more Exp. Not long after he arrived at the ruined city. But he didn't enter the ruined city instead he searching for wood. He wanted to eat dinner first before he starting to kill the Demon Kolor Ijo.

He roasted the Demonic Rabbit, simple and fast. Finished his dinner, he put all of his equipment in the Storage System. Because he acted as an assassin, he didn't wear his set armor. He pulled out his sword from the sheath and entered the ruined city.

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