Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 135

C135 – A Good Wife and a Good Husband

Candlelight flickered, illuminating every nook of their new home.

Seated on the bed, Tang Yue held a plate of grilled meat, voraciously devouring it while Zhang Chun stood nearby, occasionally offering him sips of tea.

“Tsk tsk, your eating style resembles that of a famished wolf who hasn’t eaten in days. If others were to witness this, it might tarnish your elegant and noble image,” Zhang Chun remarked, pilfering a piece of roasted meat from Tang Yue’s plate.

Tang Yue, exhausted and ravenous from the day, wasn’t concerned about appearances. He had returned home after a long time, and with no outsiders present, his immediate priority was to sate his hunger.

“You have a point, but a growling stomach doesn’t care for etiquette,” Tang Yue retorted, motioning to the two individuals observing him.

Tang Yue choked on his food momentarily, then quickly downed half a cup of tea from Zhang Chun’s hand to clear his throat. He sighed and instructed, “You two, please step outside for now. His Highness will join me when he returns.”

With fewer people around, the Guan family had assigned two young men from the estate to serve as attendants. However, Tang Yue preferred a more intimate setting and required just one person to attend to him with tea and water.

The two attendants nodded and withdrew, leaving the room.

Just before the door closed, two uninvited guests barged in, bringing in a gust of chilly air and the scent of alcohol.

Zhang Chun licked his lips and remarked, “I miss the various wines from our hometown. The alcohol here might as well be water.”

Tang Yue glanced at the intruders. It was Zhao Sanlang and Ping Shun. He smiled and inquired, “Why have you both entered instead of enjoying food and drink outside?”

“We’ve come to pay a visit to the bride, of course. We plan to create some merriment in the bridal chamber later,” Zhao Sanlang declared with a mischievous grin as he approached Tang Yue. Playfully, he touched Tang Yue’s chin and commented, “The bride is as beautiful as a flower. Truly stunning.”

Zhang Chun couldn’t help but smile wryly. If this could be considered beauty, then their room would be overflowing with beauties.

Tang Yue popped a piece of roasted meat into his mouth. “You dare tease the Crown Princess? Drag him out and have her executed!”

“Oh, Your Highness, please show mercy!” Zhao Sanlang pleaded, feigning distress and clutching his chest as if he might faint.

Tang Yue didn’t dwell on him and turned to Ping Shun, asking, “Has the banquet concluded?”

“No, we slipped away secretly after some drinks. We came to keep you company so you wouldn’t be lonely in your new chambers.”

“Good friends!” Zhang Chun exclaimed, pouring tea for them.

To prosper in Ye City in the future, Tang Yue would need the support of these young masters from prominent families. He appreciated their goodwill and felt fortunate to have such amicable companions.

Despite his change in character, his inherent sensitivity and vulnerability remained. It was easy for him to accept someone like Zhang Chun, who extended a hand of friendship willingly. In contrast, Zhao Sanlang had always held biases against Zhang Chun. He cast a sidelong glance at him and didn’t even reach for his teacup.

Zhang Chun possessed a thick-skinned demeanor, completely unashamed. He withdrew his hand and lifted the teacup’s lid, taking a sip himself. “This tea is quite delightful; it might even be a tribute.”

Whether it was genuinely a tribute or not remained uncertain, but the atmosphere didn’t grow chilly. Zhao Sanlang huffed, his nose pointed skyward. He refrained from further coldness towards Zhang Chun.

Just as the red candle was on the brink of extinguishing, a noise emanated from outside. Zhao Sanlang and the others exchanged glances, realizing it was time to depart.

Tang Yue suddenly felt jittery. After today’s proceedings, he only experienced nerves when anticipating a one-on-one encounter with Crown Prince Zhao.

Zhao Sanlang chuckled and whispered something in his ear before making a hasty exit.

Greetings were heard from outside. Tang Yue swiftly placed the plate on the table and wiped his hands clean. Then, he settled beside the bed.

Fortunately, there were no osmanthus flowers, red dates, or peanuts beneath the blanket. Otherwise, the situation would have been truly challenging to confront.

The door swung open. Crown Prince Zhao, adorned in vibrant red attire, entered. His footsteps remained steady, and his eyes gleamed like torches as he strode to the bedside in a few brisk strides.

Tang Yue, not being a woman, didn’t feign a bashful expression. He raised his head and inquired, “Have you consumed too much alcohol?”

Crown Prince Zhao shook his head and seated himself beside Tang Yue, drawing close.

At such proximity, Tang Yue detected a faint aroma of alcohol on his person, not overpowering but rather pleasant.

“You’ve been waiting a while, haven’t you?” Crown Prince Zhao’s hand traveled up Tang Yue’s shoulder, traced his neck, and gradually ascended.

Tang Yue’s cool fingers brushed against his skin, causing a shiver. Goosebumps dotted his neck.

Swiftly, he withdrew his fingers and moved to the table to pour a glass of water. “It hasn’t been long. With them by my side, time passes swiftly… Here, have a sip of water.”

Crown Prince Zhao tilted his head slightly and murmured, “Feed it to me.”

Tang Yue raised an eyebrow but didn’t decline. After taking a sip of water, before he could properly set the glass down, Crown Prince Zhao pulled him onto the bed and rolled over.

The cup tumbled onto the carpet with a muffled thud, followed by an intense kiss. Tang Yue gently pushed him away, yet his powerful frame remained unmoved, and he offered no resistance.

When their hands involuntarily ventured beneath each other’s wedding attire, Crown Prince Zhao suddenly remembered that they had yet to drink their Hehuan wine.

Releasing his hold on Tang Yue, he licked his lips, begrudgingly got out of bed, and poured two cups of wine.

Tang Yue’s cheeks flushed. He slowly sat up, adjusted his collar, and accepted the wine glass from Crown Prince Zhao with one hand.

This wine glass held a unique charm. Its shape resembled a cucumber being sliced open, and it was believed to embody the essence of ‘Yun.’ This tradition had endured through the ages. Even though wine-drinking remained a practice, this distinctive glassware had long disappeared.

“After savoring this wine, one can peacefully slumber,” he remarked, intending to down the wine in a single gulp.

Tang Yue’s heart skipped a beat. He reached out, clasping Crown Prince Zhao’s hand, and smiled gently. “Hehuan wine isn’t meant to be consumed in haste.”

Confusion filled Crown Prince Zhao’s expression as his enchanting eyes fixated on Tang Yue. Tang Yue guided him to the bed and nestled him close. “First, we both need to have a glass of wine.”

A sultry heat welled up in Crown Prince Zhao’s eyes. “I had thought… wine should be imbibed like this…” With those words, he tipped the glass, pouring the wine into his mouth. He then held Tang Yue’s chin, allowing the wine to flow into his mouth.

“Oh…” Before Tang Yue could savor the wine, he had swallowed it in one gulp, almost choking. When he regained his composure, Crown Prince Zhao’s intense gaze was fixed upon him. “It’s your turn.”

Tang Yue blinked, inwardly wondering, “Where did I learn this audacious move from? It hardly matches his usually serious demeanor.”

After consuming the Hehuan wine, they reclined side by side on the bed. The vivid red bedclothes, intricately embroidered with gold, filled their vision with festive hues. In the candlelight, it felt exceptionally warm and tinged with ambiguity.

Crown Prince Zhao held Tang Yue’s hand and turned to face him. “I have a gift for you.”

Surprised, Tang Yue turned his head and broke into a radiant smile. “Coincidentally, I have a gift for you as well.”

Crown Prince Zhao’s brilliant eyes deepened as he leaned in, bestowing several kisses before releasing him.

Tang Yue rose from the bed and retrieved two bamboo scrolls from the box he had brought. Placing them on the bed, he unfurled them one by one. “One of these scrolls contains my medical knowledge, with remedies for common ailments. Some of the formulas are borrowed from other medical texts, utilizing readily available herbs. I believe Your Highness can make these simple formulas accessible to the public, easing the burden on common folk.”

Crown Prince Zhao ran his fingers over the newly carved bamboo slips. The characters were meticulously etched with a carving knife, as Tang Yue preferred this method over using a brush.

“It’s a great privilege to have you as my spouse.”

Tang Yue glanced at him. “We can discuss this later.” Tang Yue’s second gift was the knowledge of papermaking.

Paper was undoubtedly one of humanity’s greatest inventions. Tang Yue had experienced a period of life without paper, finding it exceptionally inconvenient.

“What is… Pulp Farmer?” To someone unfamiliar with the concept of paper, the term sounded foreign.

Tang Yue provided a detailed explanation of paper’s uses, whether in work or education, highlighting its indispensable nature.

As he elucidated, Crown Prince Zhao’s eyes grew increasingly brighter. Eventually, he embraced Tang Yue with excitement. “I… I am overjoyed!”

“Ahem, don’t celebrate prematurely. While I understand the benefits of paper, I only possess a basic understanding of its production. Its success will rely on the skills of the craftsmen under your command.”

While many are aware of the raw materials used for paper, such as bamboo, bark, and hemp silk, the actual papermaking process remains relatively unknown.

Tang Yue had a close friend from the countryside who possessed homemade yellow paper, incense, and Buddha worship materials used for ancestral rituals. He found it fascinating and eagerly sought information from him. Combining his scientific knowledge, he even devised a program he believed could work.

However, to determine its feasibility, experimentation was essential.

Crown Prince Zhao was overcome with excitement and couldn’t contain his enthusiasm. Tang Yue didn’t dampen his spirits and, once he had calmed down a bit, inquired, “What is His Highness planning to offer as a gift?”

Crown Prince Zhao regained his composure, displaying an expression that Tang Yue had never seen before. He wished he could capture it with his camera, but it vanished in an instant.

He rose from the bed and gently pulled Tang Yue to his feet. “Come with me.”

After a few steps, Crown Prince Zhao halted abruptly, turned back, and asked Tang Yue, “Does the paper Qing mentioned truly exist?” It all seemed so surreal.

Tang Yue nodded. “Yes, it does.”

Crown Prince Zhao rushed back and draped a cloak around Tang Yue’s shoulders, guiding him briskly.

As they entered the adjacent room, Tang Yue realized it was a study, albeit with two rooms—one that served as the actual study, and another that was more luxurious and comfortable.

Tang Yue ventured a bold guess that this room was a gift from Crown Prince Zhao, and he was quite content with it.

However, Crown Prince Zhao led him to a red cloth and encouraged, “Uncover it and take a look.”

Tang Yue was perplexed, but he complied with the request. As the red cloth was unveiled, a peculiar object met his eyes—a cylindrical device crafted from iron, its purpose not immediately apparent.

“What is this…?”

“Haven’t you always wanted a… centrifuge? I followed the blueprint you provided and had the blacksmith repeatedly forge it. This is the closest we could get to what you described.”

“Li… Li scheme?” Tang Yue’s voice trembled with excitement as he approached. He took hold of the iron cylinder, scrutinizing it closely. This was the treasure he had yearned for.

Swallowing hard, Tang Yue couldn’t resist lifting the lid of the iron container, revealing a series of grooves, just as specified in his blueprint.

“If you turn this knob, the iron container will spin at high speed,” Crown Prince Zhao pointed out, indicating a button.

Tang Yue experimented, and indeed, there was a rumbling noise. While the machine’s speed and quality couldn’t rival modern devices, it filled him with hope.

He stood up and embraced Crown Prince Zhao tightly, burying his face in his shoulder. “Your Highness, you will undoubtedly be a great ruler in the future!”

Crown Prince Zhao returned the embrace, taking in the comforting scent of Tang Yue’s presence. “I believe that with you by my side, South Jin will grow stronger and stronger.”

The two of them held each other tightly, sharing their joy and excitement.

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