Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 142

C142 – It’s Better to be Healthy

“Let’s proceed…” A cavalry unit galloped into the camp just outside Yellow Flower Village.

“Who dares trespass here?… Men, apprehend them!” The clattering of swords and chains echoed through the air. As Tang Yue heard the commotion and rushed out of the makeshift infirmary, the intruders had already been captured.

“You… How dare you all… I am here, and what kind of punishment do you deserve for challenging your superiors… Ah…”

“Who is Gu Dao to have the audacity to enter our camp? It’s none other than the Third Prince himself, turning up unannounced.” Crown Prince Zhao raised his right hand, prompting the soldiers who had initially subdued Wang Zixian and his companions to step back. They stood at attention nearby, still keeping their weapons trained on them.

Wang Zixian straightened his clothing and rose to his feet. He glared up at Crown Prince Zhao, preparing to admonish him, but a guard by Crown Prince Zhao’s side stepped forward and remarked, “Even the Third Prince doesn’t bow in the presence of the Crown Prince? Doesn’t this constitute insubordination to a superior?”

Tang Yue silently applauded Wang Dingjun’s quick thinking. He approached Crown Prince Zhao with a smile and said, “Ah, so it’s the Third Prince. You’re all travelers from afar. It’s quite chilly outside. Why don’t you come in and have some tea?”

Wang Zixian gave Tang Yue a once-over and heard him continue, “Oh, I nearly forgot. Our place is filled with patients suffering from various illnesses, some of which are contagious. Third Prince, would you like to take a look inside?”

Upon hearing the mention of infectious diseases, Wang Zixian hesitated to move any closer, feigning nonchalance. “Humph, there are probably no patients left. I suspect they met their end at the hands of the Crown Prince long ago.”

“What do you mean, Third Brother? Illnesses can be cured, you know. Death doesn’t have to be the outcome,” Tang Yue retorted confidently. “As long as I’m here, dying won’t come so easily.”

Wang Zixian recalled that Tang Yue had healed the man who had been impaled by his sword in the chest, removing the parasitic insects from his body. He realized there was nothing Tang Yue couldn’t cure.

“The villagers of Yellow Flower Village suffered from malaria, which means they had parasites in their stomachs. Due to poor hygiene, they experienced headaches, fever, and diarrhea. Third Prince, haven’t you undergone all of these symptoms?” Wang Zixian inquired. “If I could extract those parasites from your stomach, I can certainly do the same for the villagers, don’t you think?” Tang Yue smiled with a hint of malice.

Wang Zixian’s face darkened. Tang Yue’s words brought back that haunting memory that he couldn’t erase, deepening his animosity toward Tang Yue.

However, his motive for being here wasn’t about Tang Yue’s medical skills. What did it matter if Tang Yue’s abilities were genuine or not?

Wang Zixian produced an imperial decree from his sleeve and tossed it to Crown Prince Zhao. “The Crown Prince has repeatedly defied imperial orders. Have you considered the consequences?”

“I don’t require my Royal Brother’s assistance!” Crown Prince Zhao replied indifferently. He briefly glanced at the imperial decree, then handed it to Wang Dingjun.

“I don’t wish to trouble myself. The Imperial Decree clearly entrusts me with the affairs here. The Crown Prince should return to the Palace and report, ensuring the Queen’s peace of mind.”

Crown Prince Zhao had initially assumed that the King would postpone this matter after the messenger returned yesterday. He hadn’t anticipated Li Xian’s arrival today.

In essence, the unfounded rumor had indeed found its way into the King’s thoughts. Even if the King didn’t believe it entirely, doubt lingered.

The fundamental trust between father and son had eroded. How could they still speak of a father-son relationship?

“Prepare to return to the city!” Crown Prince Zhao’s composed voice rang out. The others immediately began organizing themselves efficiently, dismantling the tents, packing their belongings, and loading the carriages. They also distributed the remaining food to the villagers.

The villagers of Yellow Flower Village had long held Crown Prince Zhao and his spouse in high esteem, considering them saviors. They held deep respect for these two benevolent figures.

Tang Yue had left behind some medicine for the villagers weakened by malaria. Their focus had shifted from treatment to recovery, a process contingent on their own efforts.

“Godly Doctor, we heard that you’ve established Huian Hall in Ye City. Can we visit you there in the future?”

“It’s best not to!” Tang Yue stored away his medicine box. Seeing the glum expressions, he offered a reassuring smile. “It’s better not to visit places like the medical shop. It’s ideal to remain in good health and free from calamities.”

“Indeed, indeed. In the future, when we venture into the city for business, may we pay our respects to you at Huian Hall?” The villagers regarded Tang Yue as their savior, and while they lacked material wealth to repay him, they showed their gratitude through simple gestures.

“You’re welcome. However, I’m rarely at the medical shop. The same applies when you encounter Elder Chen and the others.” The villagers had witnessed the busy schedule of the elderly doctors, so they understood. They expressed their heartfelt thanks.

Imperial Doctor Wu pulled Tang Yue aside with concern and asked, “Is it really okay for us to leave like this? There are a few patients who haven’t fully recovered yet.”

“Don’t worry. I informed His Highness that we will bring along those severely ill patients. As for the rest, they should continue taking their medication on schedule and pay attention to their diet.”

Imperial Doctor Wu let out a sigh of relief and praised Tang Yue by patting his shoulder. “The younger generation is remarkable.” He thoughtfully acknowledged that Tang Yue’s achievements at such a young age were commendable.

Upon his return, he would disseminate the news of Crown Princess’s successful malaria treatment far and wide, ensuring that the world knew about Huang Hua Artemisia’s incredible properties. Simultaneously, he would highlight Crown Princess Tang’s magnanimity and her extraordinary skills. She was indeed a person of unparalleled expertise!

“Young Master, would you consider publicizing the use of Huang Hua Artemisia for treating malaria?” Imperial Doctor Wu inquired of Tang Yue. Unconsciously, these elderly men had grown accustomed to addressing Tang Yue in this respectful manner.

“Certainly. Malaria is prevalent in the hot and humid southern regions, especially during the mosquito-infested summers. We must encourage people to cultivate yellow flowers and artemisia selengensis. Wild sources won’t suffice.”

Artemisia selengensis had a strong and bitter taste, dissuading regular consumption by people. Hence, there was no immediate threat to the plant’s existence.

With the newfound understanding of its value, manual cultivation would be necessary to meet the rising demand.

“I may need to inform the Imperial Court about this matter. It’s crucial that the King approves,” Imperial Doctor Wu suggested.

Tang Yue harbored a more elaborate plan in his mind, but he needed to confer with Crown Prince Zhao before disclosing any further details. For now, he simply nodded without elaborating.

The items were swiftly packed, and before their departure, Crown Prince Zhao instructed the Yellow Flower Village chief to relocate to the outskirts of the city in the event of more snowfall. They would return to rebuild their homes in the spring.

The tents they had occupied were only suitable for emergencies and wouldn’t withstand additional snowfall.

As Tang Yue boarded the carriage, Crown Prince Zhao mounted his horse, ready to depart. However, he noticed Wang Zixian and his group standing at a distance, causing him to furrow his brow.

He called out, “There’s nothing more for you here. The Crown Princess and I have done what we needed to do. Why linger?”

“Since Royal Father has tasked me with overseeing disaster relief here, I naturally have other responsibilities. Look at these villagers; they’re all frail and emaciated. It’s evident how much they’ve suffered,” Wang Zixian explained.

As Crown Prince Zhao and his retinue prepared to leave, the villagers gathered to bid them farewell. They stood in rows at the village entrance, their hunched forms clad in tattered clothing, their cheeks gaunt and pallid. They resembled refugees.

Crown Prince Zhao rode his horse forward, positioning himself at the forefront and gazing down at Wang Zixian. “This time, Third Brother arrived empty-handed. How do you intend to assist with disaster relief?”

“The food supplies will arrive shortly. Crown Prince, are you concerned that I might steal your glory? Or perhaps…” Wang Zixian sneered, as if taunting Crown Prince Zhao for harboring guilty secrets.

Tang Yue rolled his eyes at Wang Zixian’s words. How could someone be so irritating? While their hearts were filled with darkness, they couldn’t help but feel that darkness permeated the entire world.

Did they truly believe that their fabrications could manifest into reality?

Tang Yue shot a glance at Wang Zixian’s affected demeanor, and it left him feeling uneasy. He spoke with agitation, “Your Highness, if you wish to stay here, then let him stay. We’re all in the same predicament. Perhaps Third Brother desires to savor the flavor of insects?”

Wang Zixian returned Tang Yue’s cold smile with a malevolent glare. The juxtaposition of their expressions seemed to cause Wang Zixian great discomfort.

“Indeed,” Tang Yue continued, “Brother San Wang, did you bring any spare clothes with you? If you intend to spend the night, we may only have room for you in the three cabins at the village entrance.” He paused before adding with mock concern, “However, I must kindly inform you that those rooms have been occupied by malaria patients. There might still be a few insects lingering around. You might as well relish the experience again.”

The soldiers and villagers in the vicinity all lowered their heads simultaneously, struggling to stifle their laughter. They had never witnessed Doctor Tang’s venomous side before.

People who earned the doctor’s disdain likely possessed some unsavory qualities. No one felt an ounce of sympathy for Wang Zixian.

“Let’s depart!” Unable to contain himself any longer, Wang Zixian left with a flick of his sleeves.

“Third Prince, don’t go…” someone began.

“Silence! Opportunities abound!” Wang Zixian glanced back at the village before departing at a swifter pace than his arrival.

Crown Prince Zhao observed their retreat with a thoughtful gaze. He summoned Wang Dingjun and whispered to him.

Wang Dingjun’s eyes gleamed with understanding. He lowered his head and nodded in agreement. Soon, he led his men in pursuit.

“Let’s move out!” The group set off, advancing steadily toward Ye City.

Tang Yue drew back the curtains and waved at Wei Yan, who was running to catch up. This young man possessed qualities that appealed to him: filial devotion, optimism, and determination.

In his previous life, Tang Yue mused, if he had encountered such an individual, he might have spared him a few more glances.

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