Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 144

C144 – “A Gentlemans Belly”

“The Crown Prince actually came to request money from his Royal Brother? This is quite unusual! Could it be that the Crown Princess’s dowry hasn’t sufficed for you?”

Crown Prince Zhao lifted his head calmly, a faint smile playing on his lips. “Let’s not dwell on it, Third Prince. Fifteen individuals—no need for excessive talk. One hundred gold coins per person should suffice!”

“What?” One hundred gold coins per person was an extravagant demand.

“What kind of jest is the Crown Prince making? Does he intend to bankrupt me for fifteen unrelated individuals? Where is the logic in that?”

“So, does Brother Three Kings prefer to minimize the matter?”

“1,500 gold coins—is this a trivial matter? Ha, the Crown Prince is truly affluent. Regrettably, I cannot afford it!”

“Then I have no alternative but to present this matter to our Royal Father. Farewell!”

“You…” Wang Zixian seethed with anger. Seeing Crown Prince Zhao rise from his seat, he hurriedly approached to intercept him. “Do you possess any evidence that those individuals belong to me?”

“Why would I require proof?” Crown Prince Zhao regarded him coldly. “You’re not the only one capable of making baseless claims.”

Following these words, Crown Prince Zhao promptly left. When he reached the mansion’s entrance, the steward rushed out to halt him. “Your Highness, please remain composed. The Third Prince was merely speaking in confusion. I beseech Your Highness’s forgiveness.” The steward bowed and knelt before Crown Prince Zhao.

“I’ve never heard of a servant apologizing on behalf of their master.”

“No, no. This old servant has brought something on behalf of the Third Prince. Please accept it, Your Highness.” After uttering these words, the steward presented a piece of sheepskin. Wang Dingjun received it and unfurled it. It was a property deed for a manor on the western hill and five hundred fertile acres. Though it might not exceed the value of fifteen hundred gold coins, it was sufficient to accommodate the residents of Yellow Flower Village.

He handed the document to Crown Prince Zhao, who glanced at it before instructing him to keep it. “Now that the transaction is complete, I will take my leave. Ding Jun, leave the items behind.”


After departing from the Third Prince’s residence, Crown Prince Zhao headed straight for the palace. Despite receiving three urgent orders from the king to return to the city, he had not been explicitly summoned to the palace. His intentions remained shrouded in mystery.

“Your Highness, please exercise caution when entering the palace,” Wang Dingjun expressed his concern.

“It’s just a few words. Can I really take them seriously?” Crown Prince Zhao dismounted before the palace gate, handed over his weapons, and proceeded to walk into the palace on foot.

“Your Majesty, Crown Prince is requesting an audience outside!” an inner servant bowed and reported in the palace hall.

The King of South Jin raised his eyelids and snorted. “So, he’s finally returned. Allow him entry.”

“Yes… Yes, Crown Prince will enter the palace to meet you.”

“Indeed, Crown Prince will enter the palace to see you.”

Crown Prince Zhao walked confidently into the hall, and the officials present respectfully made way and bowed.

“Greetings, Royal Father.”

“Rise. You’ve arrived at the opportune moment. Join us and hear what these people are saying about you. Attend to the Crown Prince with a seat, gentlemen.”

“Thank you, Royal Father!” Crown Prince Zhao stood and turned to face the ministers. His glance swept over them, causing them to quickly lower their heads.

Many were taken aback. Crown Prince Zhao’s gaze appeared even more stern than the King’s!

Crown Prince Zhao adjusted his attire, knelt on his seat, and extended his right hand, saying, “Please.”

All the ministers exchanged glances, but none dared to stand and speak.

“What’s the matter? Weren’t you all just sharing your joy a moment ago? Why the sudden silence? Continue. Reiterate to the Crown Prince what you were discussing earlier, and let him hear the absurdity of this matter!”

“Your Majesty, this humble official believes there’s no need to dwell on this matter any longer. How could such a preposterous claim hold any truth? Someone must have used malicious words to harm Your Highness. It’s imperative to investigate the individual who spread these rumors,” State Duke Heng stood up to defend Crown Prince Zhao.

“The State Duke’s statement is not entirely accurate. A hollow cave doesn’t produce wind, but how can we dismiss these rumors without proper investigation?”

“Heh, I’m quite confident in my understanding of His Highness.”

“Isn’t that too arbitrary? Considering the Wang Family’s reputation, it’s wise to rely on concrete evidence.”

“Then, Lord Zhan, do you have any evidence to suggest His Highness’s involvement?”

“The Yellow Flower Village is not far from the outskirts of the capital. Dispatch someone to investigate, and we can get to the bottom of this.”

“It’s no coincidence. His Highness has already left the Yellow Flower Village. If someone tampered with the situation afterward, could it be an attempt to frame him as well?”

“How convenient! The rumors surface, and suddenly, an incident occurs in the Yellow Flower Village. What conclusions might people draw from this?”

“What can people think? Crown Prince has been safeguarding the border since he was ten, protecting the nation. Crown Princess has saved countless civilians. What would lead them to believe that Crown Prince and Crown Princess are malevolent? It seems Lord Zhan is inclined to think negatively.”

“You… State Duke Heng seems to be defending Crown Prince at every turn. I wonder what his intentions are. Is he avoiding an inquiry into this matter?”

“It’s just a rumor. Who cares what he does? Rumors abound in this world. Does Lord Zhan believe he can control them all? Just yesterday, the Japanese Duke heard a rumor that one of Lord Zhan’s concubines abducted someone and threw them down a well. Does Lord Zhan intend to send someone to the dried well on his property to retrieve a corpse?”

Laughter couldn’t be restrained among the attendees. Most present still sided with Crown Prince, but being excessively protective of him in front of the king wasn’t advisable. Thus, only the influential ones spoke up in his defense.

“State Duke Heng is being unreasonable!”

“Lord Zhan is trying to sow confusion and harm Crown Prince. It’s unclear what his intentions are!”

Lord Zhan was so infuriated that he appeared to be fuming. He turned and knelt before the King of South Jin, saying, “Your Majesty, I’m simply concerned about the welfare of the people. History has shown instances where entire villages were wiped out due to outbreaks. His Highness is benevolent, but he is still young. This humble subject is merely worried about his ability to handle this situation.”

The King of South Jin nodded and turned to Crown Prince Zhao, saying, “Zhao’er, it’s your turn to explain what transpired in Yellow Flower Village.”

Crown Prince Zhao raised his gaze and cast an impassive look at Lord Zhan. “Are you finished?”

Lord Zhan lowered his head, his expression inscrutable.

Crown Prince Zhao sneered. “I recall writing a memorial and submitting it. Everything in it was true, no falsehoods.”

“Oh? Zhao’er, is there truly a plague in Yellow Flower Village?”


“Did Crown Princess indeed cure it?” inquired Wang Yao.


The officials erupted into a frenzy, engaging in hushed discussions among themselves.

Throughout history, plagues had always posed a grave threat to emperors and courtiers. Their mere presence signified widespread death, claiming numerous lives. It was a significant blow to a nation with a sparse population.

“Your Highness, could you provide more details about the nature of the illness afflicting the villagers in Yellow Flower Village? Why did it emerge during the winter? What remedy did Crown Princess employ, and how did it manage to heal the affliction in a mere three days?”

It all sounded utterly fantastical!

“For matters pertaining to medicine, you may inquire with Imperial Doctor Wu. My knowledge in this area is limited.”

“Guards, fetch Imperial Doctor Wu immediately,” ordered the King of South Jin with eagerness. He had perused the reports before, but rumors were rampant, casting doubt on their veracity.

If, however, the reports held true, it would be a boon that could extend his legacy for generations to come. Once this matter was made public, who would dare not to laud him as a wise and capable ruler?

Imperial Doctor Wu swiftly arrived, poised to kneel and pay his respects, but the King of South Jin halted him before he could do so.

“My love, please, tell me how the plague was resolved.”

Imperial Doctor Wu respectfully clasped his hands together, his face brimming with excitement as he recounted the events in Yellow Flower Village one by one. His demeanor was marked by both enthusiasm and a profound nervousness.

“Before the Crown Princess’s arrival, this humble official had no choice but to suggest that His Highness consider burning all the afflicted patients to death, as it is the customary method of dealing with such cases. However, His Highness did not agree. He argued that the afflicted were not yet deceased, and it would be inhumane to end their lives while they still clung to them. Instead, he advocated for isolating the patients, and once they passed away, their corpses would be cremated to dispel the malevolent spirits.”

“Initially, I felt helpless in the matter, but with Crown Princess’s arrival, she personally examined the patients’ symptoms and identified it as malaria. She was also aware that artemisinin could cure this ailment. All the necessary medicines and equipment were promptly procured from the Crown Princess’s apothecary. The patients indeed made a full recovery after consuming the prescribed soup and medication. Crown Princess is undoubtedly a miraculous healer, and I hold her in the highest regard!”

“Malaria? What kind of disease is that?” Lord Zhan inquired.

“Malaria is caused by parasites within the human body. Typically, it arises from consuming tainted meat or contaminated water.”

“Is it just such a common ailment?” Lord Zhan expressed doubt. “Perhaps it is simply my own inadequacy as a physician,” added Imperial Doctor Wu with a tinge of self-deprecation.

Imperial Doctor Wu chose not to elaborate further. Instead, he said, “Indeed, I share the same sentiments. Therefore, I intend to resign from my position as Imperial Physician Shu Zhengzheng and dedicate myself to the study of medical texts in the hopes of making progress during my lifetime.”

“Ah…” The news left everyone momentarily taken aback. However, some individuals harbored sinister suspicions. “Could it be that Imperial Doctor Wu is seeking promotion at this juncture because he is privy to information he should not possess and wishes to withdraw?”

Imperial Doctor Wu’s anger flared, and he locked eyes with Lord Zhan, challenging him, “What do you imply, Lord Zhan? I have always been upright and possess an unblemished conscience. I solemnly swear that if I utter a falsehood, I shall meet a grisly end!”

State Duke Heng sneered, remarking, “There are those who perpetually assume that others are akin to themselves. It is not uncommon for a lowly individual to scrutinize a gentleman’s integrity.”

“Very well, I am solely interested in understanding the miraculous nature of this cycad grass. Can it truly cure any ailment?” Lord Zhan inquired.

“As per Crown Princess’s assertion, artemisinin possesses the capability to treat all ailments, with outstanding efficacy against rodent-borne diseases,” replied Imperial Doctor Wu. “It can even address common insect infestations. Its applications are incredibly versatile, Your Majesty, I implore you to treasure it!”

“Haha, if this holds true, then Crown Princess is undoubtedly a divine healer, a boon to the populace, and a blessing upon South Jin!” The King of South Jin couldn’t help but express his exuberance. The words of praise were echoed by those around him.

The King of South Jin was inclined to believe in the authenticity of this matter. After all, the efficacy of medicine could not be easily fabricated. Otherwise, the arrival of another patient would expose the ruse. Lord Zhan’s skepticism appeared somewhat unfounded.

Casting a brief, measured glance at Lord Zhan, the king did not engage in immediate confrontation. Instead, he urged Imperial Doctor Wu to continue recounting the events of that time.

For those accustomed to the confines of the palace, the world beyond its walls held a captivating allure. The extraordinary events that had transpired were far more fascinating than the daily routine.

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