Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

The members of the Mothership Battle Group assigned to the Advance-class high-speed escort ship were relatively lucky. Five days ago, they crashed onto an island after being hit by a psychic power shockwave fired by three demonic heads. The place was like a treacherous maze where dangerous creatures roamed freely, far from an environment conducive to the survival of those with physical abilities no greater than humans.

Had they landed on the continent, they wouldnt have lasted a day.

Will the rescue team really come?

When the magnetic storm subsides, we can communicate with satellites. Just hold on until then.

Various cult members with diverse horns gathered around a campfire, tearing apart and devouring grilled fish. Some had broken horns due to the impact of the crash, while others had bandages tightly wrapped around their bodies. Despite the perilous situation, the determination to endure filled the eyes of the 25 cult members.

If we look at the sky, the magnetic storm seems to have weakened compared to yesterday.

The communication equipment is roughly restored, but were a bit short on parts.

Lets try again tomorrow morning. The technicians will see if theres a way to get parts from the damaged spacecraft.

Cult members, under the guidance of a warrior with goat horns, nodded in agreement.

Its going to be tough for everyone, but we have to endure somehow. Many have left guided by destiny, but its not our time yet.

Despite being a race blessed with psychic power, it wasnt much help in this situation. Most Psychic Power techniques consumed a lot of energy. Using Psychic Power to catch fish or gather fruits would quickly deplete their energy, leading to a collapse.

Aware of this fact, the warrior focused on ensuring that the cult members moved within a limit where a crowd wouldnt form. The sailors also followed the warriors intentions, understanding the situation, even if it was frustrating.

After finishing their meal, they moved to handle their respective tasks. The leader, a warrior, tirelessly went around assisting his comrades.

Time passed, and the sixth night arrived on the island. The warrior confirmed that there were no dangerous creatures on the island. However, unexpected events could still occur at midnight, so they decided to take turns keeping watch, excluding the three night guards.

All except the three night guards fell into a deep sleep.

The fire is getting weaker.

Im going to check on something, pick it up if Im not back.

One cult member entered the forest with a rifle.

Oh, close call, almost ran out of rice.

He solved his business slightly away from the campfire. Adjusting his pants, he picked up twigs and branches around him, thinking it would be enough. Just as he was about to return, he heard a rustling sound in his ears.

The sound of leaves and branches being stepped on. Quickly dropping the gathered branches, he raised his rifle.

Whos there?

He shouted, but there was no reply. Another night guard heard his shout and hurriedly ran over.

Why did you suddenly shout?

I heard footsteps from the forest just now.


The two night guards aimed their rifles in the direction of the sound, but there were no more footsteps.

Must have misheard.


The two turned back towards the campfire. Then, once again, an unidentified sound stimulated their ears. This time, it wasnt just footsteps.

Did you hear that just now?


The two held their breath and listened. The faint sound of waves from beyond the forest, the rustling of leaves swaying in the wind. And then, a voice broke the silence.

Is anyone there?

Though small, the distinctly audible voice was undoubtedly that of a female cult member. It was clear that one of the cult survivors had made it to this island.

Uh, what should we do? Should we help?

Wait a moment. Somethings off.

It hadnt been more than a day or two since they arrived on this island. It wasnt large enough to be called a continent, and they could easily circle the island in half a day. It seemed implausible that there could be cult members they hadnt encountered.

Weve been here for a few days. There are no other ships here.

Maybe they came from somewhere else? Perhaps they had better conditions and could fly in with a spacecraft.


The statement wasnt entirely false, but there was a crucial oversight. Despite it being midnight, they hadnt heard the sound of spacecraft flying.

In times like this, we need to stick together! Hey, over here!


Before their comrade could point out the fact, the cult member had already rushed towards the direction of the voice, loudly shouting.

What are they both doing?

A while ago, I heard a womans voice from over there.


Although the two night guards hesitated for a moment, they decided to wake up the warrior instead of following their rushing comrade. The voice seemed suspicious, no matter how they thought about it.

As they moved toward the campfire, the voice of their comrade who had rushed earlier came from behind the bushes.

Hey! Help us a bit!


They are friends from the escort ship JSB-02! Dont worry!

Thats right! We ran into trouble while flying in with the spacecraft.

Please come and help us.

The voice from beyond the bushes wasnt just one persons. Multiple voices echoed simultaneously, suggesting that a group had arrived.

There was no hint of threat in the rushed comrades voice. Instead, there was only a sense of relief at meeting fellow cult members after a long time.

This is strange. Why didnt we hear the sound of the spacecraft?

We might have missed it. Lets go and check.

So, the remaining two night guards relaxed. They pushed through the bushes, following the voices.

The trees on the island werent particularly large, but it was an ambitious night. Even with flashlights attached to their rifles, it was not easy for them, non-combatants, to navigate through the darkness of the forest.

As if understanding such a situation, the voices of the cult members popped up timely.

Over here!

Here! This way!

Just a bit more!

As if putting in effort to prevent them from getting lost, the voices were guiding them.

At the end of their journey following the voices, they arrived not in the forest but on the beach. Standing alone in a spot where the sand was deep and well-trodden due to the waves was a female cult member wearing reinforced clothing.

Whats going on? Where are the others?

Even to the night guards question, the female cult member remained silent. She just stared at them with an expressionless face.

A moment ago, the voices that had echoed simultaneously were nowhere to be seen. Neither were the spacecraft they claimed to have arrived in.

At that moment, as they gazed towards the swaying waves.


The waves should have crashed onto the beach, but something unseen seemed to be blocking them in mid-air. The moment the cultist recognized the unnaturalness, they sensed a strange smell lingering in the air. There was a peculiar scent subtly woven into the air, fundamentally different from the salty sea smellan unpleasant odor.

Not alone in feeling the strangeness, the cultists companion took a step back. His gaze was fixed on the shadow of a woman standing alone on the sand with an eerie face.

Following his gaze, the cultist looking at the shadow felt a sensation of goosebumps all over their body. Initially, they thought the wet sand looked black, but that wasnt the case. All the black sands in front of them were shadows.

Are you leaving?

The figure of the female cultist wavered like an illusion. Simultaneously, the shadows twisted and moved.

And a voice echoed.

Leaving us alone to go where?

Dont leave us.

Join us.

Together with the voices of their kin, the shadows overwhelmed them.

The warrior of the Advanced-class high-speed escort ship opened his eyes in an unknown foreboding. Typically, goat-horned cultists were known for their proficiency in psychic Power techniques related to physical enhancement. He joined the warrior group by utilizing his innate abilities, but he had one special aspect.

An outstanding crisis detection ability.

Thanks to his faster perception of danger than his comrades, he had escaped death on the dangerous battlefield more than once. So, once this mission was over, he planned to retire from the warrior group and prepare for the Prophets Test. While his ability was far inferior to true prophets, with talent, he believed he could overcome it with practice.

However, the ability to detect imminent danger like foresight suddenly activated.

Swiftly, the warrior grabbed the weapon he had placed beside him. He enhanced his senses with psychic Power.

His heightened ears caught faint sounds from outside the makeshift tent.

So, if we detach this, itll work?

Yes. When you combine it with these parts, it can be activated immediately after attachment.

I see. Is there anything else needed?

If youre taking it with you, take this as well.

The voices were of a male and a female cultist.

Night guards?

Seeing fellow cult members casually conversing indicated that the situation was not critical. However, his brain, triggered by the crisis detection ability, still sounded alarms.

Get out of here immediately.

Moreover, there was an essential fact.

Among this group of survivors, there was no female cultist.


The warrior, who had been contemplating, finally decided to personally investigate the situation. With a pounding heart and trembling hands, he gently lifted the entrance of the tent.

And then, he regretted his actions.


Alright. This should be fine.

Not far from the tent, there was a partially destroyed ship. Something enormous, almost too large to capture in one glance, was there. A horrifying, unprecedented monster was disassembling the elongated arms of the ship.

Wwill you spare me?

II worked hard too! Spare me, please!

Darn it! Me too!

More horrifying was the something on its back. Five cult faces, pallid and nauseating, were embedded like lesions, continuously crying for mercy. Among those faces, there was one that the warrior recognized.

Ive told you everything I know! Please!


As the smooth voice of a woman flowed out of the monsters mouth, the faces that were screaming fell silent. The monsters white eyeballs moved, and it turned its gaze toward the warriors tent.

Saw that, huh?

The warrior, meeting eyes with the creature, wished it was all just a dream.

Ive got everything I need.

Until the cooldown of the nightmare horizon ends, there is plenty of time. So, I traveled around the crash sites checked by the Mother of the Sky, collecting parts to enhance the weaponry of the advanced escort ship.

Theres nothing wrong with having a high level of armament.

The stronger the ship becomes, the more weapons can be utilized through corrosion.

Today is the 6th day. I can depart tomorrow.

I am on my way back to the continent of Utopia-02, carrying the newly acquired components and ship weapons.

This is the last target. The other ships crashed on entirely different continents, making them too far away.

By the way, its been a while since I used the metamorphosis and the face-changing combo.

Both are abilities that I used as my main in the game. In reality, these two abilities have an unofficial but crucial synergy.

With the face-changing ability, I can choose the victim to apply the metamorphosis organ.

Originally, when using the metamorphosis organ, it would discard the stored genes and replace them with the new ones upon consuming a new gene. Therefore, the target for implementation changed every time I consumed a gene, controlled by pheromones.

Thats the weakness of the metamorphosis organ.

The inability to change the target for implementation through will.

Due to the limitation of pretending to be a certain target and the feeling of disparity that comes with increasing size, the metamorphosis organ was challenging to use continuously until late in the game.

Originally, that would be true, but

When the face-changing ability intervenes, everything changes completely.

The face-changing ability operates by copying the genes of the enemy and storing them in the body. It also allows me to retrieve some of their memory information when absorbing them, enabling me to question them and extract information.

The crucial point here is that the stored genetic information can be extracted and used by the metamorphosis organ.

It allows me to create pheromones that disguise me as one of the chosen targets from the stored genetic information.

Almost no one knows about this fact.

As far as I know, Im the only one who has used both abilities simultaneously. Since very few people naturally acquire the metamorphosis organ, those who attempt to use both are exceptionally rare.

Ive fooled quite a few people with this.

As I continued to trick many people using the metamorphosis organ, some of them started to figure out strategies. They would ask for a password known only to them or throw a bait by catching a new prey and making it impossible to disguise as the previously mimicked target, and so on.

However, they were unaware that I had a means of disguising myself in multiple forms through the metamorphosis organ.

Of course, there are drawbacks to this as well.

The face-changing ability can store genes from a maximum of five individuals. Therefore, I can disguise myself as the appearance of up to five different people at once.

If only there was a way to increase this limit.

In the game, there was no way to increase the limit, no matter how much I searched.

It might be different in this world.

In a place where elements not present in the game are emerging one after another, there might be a way to increase the limit of the face-changing ability.

With such thoughts in mind, while swimming, I felt a familiar ripple.

Number 26, which I hadnt noticed, approached me, fluttering its fins. In the distance, the figures of the Mother of the Sky and Adhai looked small on the moonlit sandy beach.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Why did you come all the way here?)]

The creature responded with a cheerful wave, perhaps enjoying swimming like a typical marine creature.

Ill be leaving this planet tomorrow.

The next destination might not offer many opportunities for swimming. Its better to let the creature enjoy its favorite activity to the fullest right now.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZ (Sure, lets go together.)]

I enjoyed the last swim in the planets night sea with Number 26.


In the pitch-black expanse of space, a small spaceship traversed the infinite cosmos. Those with an interest in spacecraft would quickly recognize that the ivory-colored elliptical design ship was the cultists escape pod. Additionally, those more discerning might notice the severe damage near the rear, particularly around the superluminal engine.

The inability to perform Faster than light travel in this vast space was a serious problem. Moreover, for an escape pod with minimal provisions and medical supplies, entering the cultists sphere of influence without the superluminal engine would take at least half a year. It was far from sufficient with only a weeks worth of rations on the escape pod.

In other words, they were left with two choices: starvation or suicide.

Captain, this is the last of our provisions.

Im not hungry; you eat.

I cannot allow that. Havent you gone without eating for three days already?

The two inside the beautifully designed escape pod were the captain and crew who had escaped from the Imperial flagship Judicator of Damocles 08.When they last escaped, the aftermath of the battleships explosion severely damaged the superluminal engine. Currently, they were stranded in the vastness of space.

While the escape pods flight speed was exceptionally fast, without the superluminal engine, it would take quite a long time to escape the cultists influence. A weeks worth of rations was nowhere near enough to reach safety.

In essence, they were left with two options: death by starvation or suicide.

Captain, I made a promise with the others. I promised to ensure that you dont die in vain.


Please, help me keep that promise.

Just give half.

As the crew member was about to hand over half of the combat rations to the captain, the ship suddenly came to a halt.

Whats going on? Is it a space anomaly?

Ill check!

They quickly manipulated the controls to examine why the ship had stopped.


Someone is forcibly pulling our ship.

While it could be that the cultist ship had luckily discovered them, the probability was low. The interstellar region they were passing through was an empty space where no faction had a presence a suitable hiding place for a hostile space pirate.

Haha, it seems fate is trying to claim us.

Well fight to the end.

They gripped the weapons stored inside the escape pod. Soon, the sound of a plasma cutter operating near the door of the escape pod echoed.



As the door fell, they rushed out.

Though they had gone without food for several days, the captain, having experienced countless battlefields in the past, tried to use the last bit of psychic power to attack the enemy. However, the opponent was more agile than expected. The adversary, clad in a white suit with a sleek figure, effortlessly dodged the captains attack and transformed its arm into a blade, aiming for the captains neck.




Meanwhile, the other crew member had been subdued by another figure wearing an eerie suit that seemed like a fusion of a walker and reinforced clothing.

We dont surrender to the Spacedogs.

Spacedogs? Do I look like a Spacedog to you?

The one who had subdued the captain retorted with a cold sneer. Only now could the captain thoroughly examine the opponents appearance.

Surprisingly, the opponent with exceptional combat skills turned out to be a woman. A woman with elongated horns on the left side of her head.

You are not a cultist reveal your identity.

In response to the captains words, she replied,

My name is Si-hyun Yujin, The new captain of Judicator of Damocles 08 and Ive come for you.

Yujin? Could you be from the MegaCorps Yujin family?

Si-hyun Yujin, the former shadow of MegaCorp and the current captain of the Judicator of Damocles 08 had come to find those who had failed their purification mission.

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

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