Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

If there were Hulk mutants in Megacorp, then in StarUnion, there are Screamers. They are quite similar in the aspect of forcibly modifying criminals into combat weapons and boasting terrifying exteriors. One difference is that Hulk mutants are often seen more as mercenary allies than enemies, whereas Screamers primarily appear as adversaries.

Unlike Hulk mutants, who possess some intelligence and a degree of autonomy despite being under machine control, Screamers are merely sound in mind while their bodies are subjected to mechanical control.

Quite literally a machines prison,

As its said. Though named Screamers if the embedded life support AI doesnt permit, they cant even properly emit a sound.

Just like the one rushing towards me now, making a raucous noise. It spotted me and shouted about finding an enemy upon seeing me, but its merely an automatic dialogue output based on specific situations inputted to its AI.

As it closes in, its sharp, spider-like claws aim to tear flesh from bone. I swing my combat arm to parry the attack, expecting its foot to easily bounce off, as usual. But

With a thud, its claw pierces my armored exoskeleton.


Its not deeply embedded, but it surprises me nonetheless. Since becoming a Junsei, this is the first time someone has pierced my exoskeleton in melee combat since Muriel.

But it doesnt end there. Its waist twists grotesquely, and the two metallic legs attached to its back glare at me menacingly.

Quickly, I twist my head to block the claw with my exoskeleton and pivot my body, using the generated torque to swing my tail forcefully.

The thick tail covered in armor brushes past the ground. At its end, the pincer collides with the creature. The Screamer hit by the Swamp Kings club is slammed into the corridor wall.

Kuuu, Kuuu

Despite the momentum enough to shatter upon impact, it doesnt die. Apart from a few bent metallic bones, it seems intact.

Why so resilient?

Ive fought Screamers countless times, knowing their capabilities fairly well. However, the defense and offense of this one before me are beyond standard.

Its been upgraded.

Kuuu Kuuu

Backing off, the Screamer exhaled roughly, wary of me. Whether it recognized through our exchange that Im not an easy opponent or not, its movements are cautious.

I, too, carefully assess the foe.

Who knows what additional features it might have gained.

Though unlikely, it might be concealing means to threaten my life. Thus, I must remain vigilant during this fight.

Then, it lunged at me once again.

This time, instead of leaping onto the corridor, it traversed between the walls and ceiling, pounding six metallic legs into them.

Perhaps to sow confusion.

I can also traverse walls like it does. Following its lead, I leap towards it, sticking to the walls and ceiling as I advance.

Our distance rapidly closes. Just before collision, it raises two front legs high.

Its target is my neck. Like an icicle, its sharp blade aims for my throat.

Rather than blocking its attack, I simply drop from the ceiling. Its strike grazes futilely against my rear exoskeleton.

Undeterred, it attempts to cover above me, aiming to seize my throat. But before that, my tail intervenes, grabbing its legs with the pincer at its end. Despite shrinking in size, it hasnt lost all its strength. I apply force with the pincer.

[Risk of damage to legs 1 and 2.]

The creature attempted to break free with mechanical noises, but being firmly held, its resistance was futile. Unable to withstand the tightening force on its metallic legs, they snapped. As liquid sprayed from the tubes connected to the broken legs, the creature widened its eyes.


Its breathing became coarse. I swung my combat arm.

At that moment, the creature gave up on the restrained legs. Withdrawing as it discarded the legs, my attack ended in vain.

Taking a few steps back, the creature bent its remaining legs and forcefully pushed. With its sturdy metal skeleton, it climbed onto my back. In that state, its legs coiled around my neck and the exoskeleton of my back like a noose.

I thought it was attempting to strangle me, but that wasnt the case.

Near the creatures grip on me, a long, thin tail resembling a scorpions tail emerged. Unlike a scorpion, it had rotating saw blades instead of a venomous sting.


While still holding onto the creature, I forcefully slammed its back into the corridor. With all my strength exerted along with my weight, the entire hull trembled slightly.

[Impact detected. Irreversible damage.]

Due to that impact, the creatures body was partially contorted. The legs holding me loosened.

Yet, as a final act, the creatures tail slashed at my rear exoskeleton. Upon collision with the exoskeleton and saw blades, intense sparks flew, illuminating the dark corridor.

This is it!

I grabbed the creatures tail and swung it towards the wall as if swinging a baseball bat. From the creature, which was partially embedded in the wall, machine components and life-sustaining fluids spurted out.

Despite the mess, the creature vigorously wriggled its remaining legs to harm me somehow. As a finishing move, I stabbed its body with the six horns on my head.

Queee GaaaaaKeek

The life support AI controlling the creature fell silent after those words. Tubes attached all over its body were severed, all legs were broken, and its tail, torn off entirely, was in my hand.

Soon, it spat out the tube fragment it had in its mouth. While it had a murderous glint when fighting me, facing death, it looked much more serene.

[Th-thank you]

It tried to say something while looking at me, then shook its head.


Ive never seen a Screamer this strong. Though the battle wasnt long, it inflicted considerable damage on me.

It damaged my head exoskeleton.

Though a small scratch, its not to be ignored. If its further upgraded from here, it could become a mass-produced weapon capable of inflicting fatal injuries even to an Amorph.

The kids are in danger!

There are at least three Screamers on this ship. Even I couldnt defeat it easily, It would be much harder for the kids. Moreover, unlike me who has sturdy defenses, Number 26 or Adhais defenses are nothing special. If they get hit by the rotating saw blades on the creatures tail, theyll die.

I quickly moved away from the Screamers corpse.

Until I fought the Screamer, the constant sound of gunfire echoing through the corridors had now ceased. It meant the fight was over. With that thought, an inexplicable sense of unease crept over me.

As I ran towards the nearest Adhai, a fork in the corridor appeared before me. Taking the right corridor would lead straight to Adhai.

I increased my speed and quickly checked the right corridor.

There, I found numerous fallen bodies and the Mother of the Sky. Among the fallen bodies, I spotted the mangled Screamer.

And one of the fallen creatures had large wings and a long tail.


The moment I saw Adhai lying on the floor, my heart sank. But then, the creature lifted her head.

Disgusting! Seriously! Disgusting!

I told you. It would be disgusting.

Me Friend Talk Distrust Mistake

Adhai scratched with her front paws, equipped with tentacles instead of a mouth. The creature, diligently cleaning her tentacles, spotted me.

Adult Welcome.

You came?

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ (Is everyone okay?)]

Why so surprised? Oh, is it because of this guy?

The Mother of the Sky, grooming her feathers, looked at me and responded indifferently.

This one was much stronger than the Screamers I knew. Looks like you fought one too.

[ZZZ (Yeah)]

It seemed like the Mother of the Sky was in charge of the Screamers.

Looking at the Screamers corpse, its head was separated from the body. The Mother of the Sky must have decapitated it with her talons. She precisely aimed for the soft flesh rather than the tough metal parts.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (Seems like it had reinforced the metal parts. Well done.)]

Huh? You havent checked yet?

[ZZZ ZZZZ (What do you mean?)]

Making incomprehensible sounds, she pointed at the dead Screamer with her front claw.

She indicated the creatures neck area. Examining the back of the neck, I saw traces of several attempted slashes.

Their bodies arent human.

[ZZZ (What?)]

Theyre too sturdy for humans.

She lightly scratched the Screamers skin with her claw. Gryphons claws were extremely sharp, so even a light scratch should have torn flesh. However, there was only superficial damage to the Screamers skin.

Originally, there wasnt much difference between a Screamers head and torso and that of a regular cyborg. The metal skeleton covering its body was sturdy, but the biological tissue wasnt modified separately.

Hence, in the game, the weakness of Screamers was precisely their vulnerable torso. Depending on how the head was modified, sometimes they came out wearing helmet-like masks, so it should be considered an exception.

Come to think of it, the one I fought was also tough.

Earlier, I had slammed the creature into the wall with it still attached to my back. Considering my strength, not only should the tubes and legs have been crushed, but its body itself should have been shattered. However, it didnt die immediately, and after delivering a valid strike with its tail, it died.

Then theres only one answer.

Genetically enhanced humans, or

[ZZZZ ZZ (Hulk Mutant)]

She nodded silently.

They made Hulk Mutants into Screamers.

Although I said it myself, it was hard to believe.

Understandably, the StarUnion and MegaCorp are at war. The likelihood of core technologies like the Hulk Mutant production method flowing to the StarUnion is low. And even if they somehow obtained it through espionage, turning it directly into Screamers wouldnt be easy.

The StarUnions genetic manipulation technology isnt advanced.

Apart from cloning technology, in other areas, both in terms of technology and infrastructure, it lags behind MegaCorp. Having the technology alone doesnt solve the problem of production.

First, lets see if Number 26 is safe

What? What are the kids doing without me?

At that moment, a wave of psychic energy flew towards me. It was Number 26.

In the dim corridor, there was a thudding sound, and soon after, it revealed itself.

The Mother of the Sky and I were surprised to see Number 26s appearance.

Brought a big guy for dinner.

Due to its increased size, the creature, occupying about two-thirds of the corridor, was holding two Screamers with the psychic power technique Bind.


[Anomalies detected due to unknown power.]


[Activity impossible due to unknown power.]

Even the two Screamers were still alive. Despite their metal skeletons and legs twisted like pretzels, they were alive.

Upon seeing that, Adhai fired a telepathic message.

Little adult That Disgusting


I Tried it Disgusting

Is that so? Then I guess I should dispose of it.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Wait, theres no need to do that)]

As soon as Adhais telepathy ended, I quickly gestured to Number 26 as I saw the heads of the two Screamers twist oddly.

[Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom (I need to grow quickly so Ill eat well)]

Does the big one want it for growing?

[ZZ (Yes.)]

Then eat a lot and grow a lot!

[ZZZ ZZ (Thank you.)]

As Number 26 released its restraint, the Screamers collapsed to the floor. They tried to move to attack Number 26, but with every component of their metal legs twisted, they couldnt budge.

Looks like theres no Black Silver mixed in.

If it were Black Silver alloy, Number 26 wouldnt have been able to subdue them so easily. I affectionately patted the body of the creature larger than me in praise.

[ZZZZ ZZ (Well done)]


The creature glowed faintly with delight.

Having patted Number 26, I stood before the incapacitated Screamers.

Lets check right away.

I have a useful tool for identifying unknown entities.

One of my psychic abilities, Insight.

Obtained from hunting a policeman named William in the Space City in the past, this ability randomly reveals information possessed by the enemy.

All we need to confirm is the species name.

As Insight activated, purple flashes emanated from my eyes, illuminating the dark corridor. And before me appeared a translucent text box.


Species: Hulk Mutant

Status: Enhanced (Screamer Surgery)

Equipment: ]

The information confirmed by Insight was as we predicted.

A Hulk Mutant turned into a Screamer.

What does this mean?

There are individuals cooperating between StarUnion and MegaCorp.

The war between the two factions has lasted for hundreds of years. There have been sightings of humans from MegaCorp expressing hatred towards the machines from the StarUnion.

Of course, its known that there are individuals in the upper echelons of MegaCorp who secretly sell employees to the StarUnion for credits.

But leaking important war weapon manufacturing techniques is a different matter altogether. After all, if they lose the war, credits wont be the issue.

Theres only one entity that would do such a thing.

There are players in both MegaCorp and the StarUnion who create new Screamer variants.

And its fairly easy to guess who the player from the StarUnion might be.

Unless theyre part of the Machinery Assembly, or even more than that, they couldnt do this.

Only androids can be part of the Machinery Assembly. Players cannot enter.

So, the opponent must be someone more powerful than the Machinery Assembly within the StarUnion.

The Grandmaster.

The current Grandmaster has close ties to players from MegaCorp.

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

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