Becoming the Luna

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Dream actually goes through with it, packing up a cute little basket and covering it up with a red checkered blanket like he's little red Riding Hood about to make a trip through the woods, except this time he's the wolf.

He makes his way down the street, knowing that Renee was most likely down at the Pack House, her car wasn't in the driveway which was a godsend because she would most likely ambush him in a bear suit.

He languidly makes his way into the cover of the trees, not feeling the urge to shift just then maybe he would after his picnic, he deserved the sandwiches in there after putting his room in order.

Absently he thinks about his future, skipping a little as he lightly brushes his hand over the rough bark on the tree trunks.

He hasn't thought much about it but he mostly wanted his independence, mating was supposed to give him that but in his opinion, and from what he had seen mated Omegas lost even more of their freedom.

He could kick ass but yet his mom treated him like he would break if he so much as breathes the wrong way.

As a matter of fact, everyone he's ever met treated him like that and it was exasperating.

The journey to the creek is uneventful and he is starting to wonder if he would have been better off making the journey in wolf form but he's hungry and holding the delicate basket with his teeth wasn't an activity high on his bucket list at the moment.

He settles down on the checkered blanket and casually munches down on his sandwiches, polishing off the filling food.

He considers taking a nap but is too jittery to do so and decides to tire himself out first by taking a run in wolf form, napping in the woods isn't his best move but he's bored and feeling spontaneous so that was what would happen.

He pushes himself to his feet and takes off his shirt, stretching a bit although unnecessary, there's no reason why he can't.

A couple of squirrels have been eyeing him up anyway, he would have the time of his life chasing them down.


Dale decides to walk to the woods, if it has been a long time since he came to Hayden's bookstore then it's been an even longer time since he's been at this street.

The quiet street brought back memories of being a carefree teenager and being in love and getting over his sister's death in the arms of a short teenage boy with a big heart.

He passes by Mae and Shana's shared house, they spent more time down at the clinic anyway.

Renee was also down at the Pack House when she wasn't shuffling between the city and the town to keep her pregnant older sister company.

He walks down the middle of the street, leisurely, taking his bloody time, he didn't have anything fun to go back to anyway, except maybe his nagging mom and more paperwork.

He takes off his shirt when he walks into the entrance of the woods, folding it carefully, his body wasn't horrible but he wasn't interested in walking down the street half-naked.

Shifting is swift more a means of a distraction than for fun or anything else and he immediately starts into an all-out run.

Paws pounding, muscles shifting, the wind in his pitch-black fur was actually doing wonders for his crappy mood at least until it hits.

At first, he convinces himself that he's just hallucinating and that's why his brain is reproducing the very distinctive scent of Jasmines and honey.

Softer sounds of much smaller paws breach his ears and he instantly goes into predator mode, leaning close to the ground as his speed increases.

Dream was just happily, all by his lonesome chasing after squirrels when a vaguely familiar scent of mint breaches his nose and the threatening sounds of paws.

He didn't question why whoever it was seemed to be chasing him, all he could think about was how much trouble he would be in if he bumped into that person and immediately broke out into a run.

No one was supposed to know about him or everything his mom had worked so hard to keep safe would come crumbling down, shifting rendered his scent suppressants useless, whoever was in the woods with him would know instantly that he was an Omega if they bumped into him, he couldn't allow that.

He pushes himself harder than he's ever thought possible, leaping over hedges and ducking under shrubs. 

Dale didn't think, letting his wolf take over the hunt, he runs faster than he's ever had over what he's not exactly sure of, it's like he gets a whiff of Jasmine and honey, and his brain short circuits.

In the distance, he catches a flash of blue-grey and he runs even faster making a great leap.

Dream howls in terror when he gets ambushed from the side, his much smaller wolf getting trapped under their gigantic black paws.

How the fuck did whoever this is catch up? Although he had been busy playing his senses were very much alert and he had noticed immediately the other Werewolf had stepped into the area around him.

Unless he had some mad teleportation skills, Dream should have been able to get home before the person would even think about catching up unless...

He stiffens when a low threatening growl resounds in his ribcage, the low rumbling sound bouncing around in his head.

Long ass fangs get bared beside his head and he's immediately rolling to his back, without any go-ahead from his brain, his wolf terrified into submission.

He nearly rolls his eyes out of his head in frustration when his wolf bares their neck to the side, whimpering softly.

Like get up and fucking go you squealing idiot, no no, don't you dare shift back! Don't... Too late.

He curses under his breath when his wolf fades away to escape the onslaught of dominance that the black Werewolf hovering threateningly over him keeps exuding.

Dale nearly falls on his face when the smaller Werewolves shifts back under him and he gets a face full of the person that has been haunting his dreams and every one of his waking hours, it wouldn't be a good plan though because he's still very much in wolf form and would only flatten his poor Jasmine.

Dream crosses his arms in anger, glaring up at the wolf on him. 

"Are you just going to stand there staring at me? Why are you so fucking big anyway?" He complains darkly.

Dale blinks in surprise, deciding to just go ahead and shift, it wasn't like the upset Werewolf who looked like he would like to smack him would even recognize him, they only met once.

"Jasmine." He breathes in awe when he gets his human form back.

Their position is very compromising, he had the other trapped under him, bare arms bracketing him on both sides.

Dream stares up at him like his brain was pouring out of his ears. "What did you call me?" He asks in disbelief, the tattoo on his chest catching his attention.

Dale nearly swallows his tongue in apprehension at this. "I-I meant you smell like Jasmines." He stutters, internally panicking.

Dream's look of disgust only intensifies, mentally screaming, how was he going to explain this to his mom? He was dead.

"Please get off me." He bites out uncomfortably when the stranger above him looks like he was starting to get comfortable in their ridiculous position.

Dale blinks, immediately forgetting how to use his arms and legs when Jasmine says those words.

Eventually, he gets them untangled and watch nervously as Jasmine daintily picks himself off the ground.

"Were you stalking me?" He demands, still upset. "Who the fuck goes around chasing down people in the woods?" He shoved his face in the dark-haired's personal space, uncaring that he's definitely over a foot shorter and they're both half-naked.

"I ah..." Dale rubs the back of his head, at a loss for words. "I um... Y-you're an Omega?" Was the only words that remotely made sense that finally tumbled from his lips.

"And you're an Alpha, wanna trade stories?" Dream sasses, cursing as he takes out the twigs and dried leaves in his hair.

Dale just stares outrightly at him, his last two brain cells going dead, it was Jasmine, the person who he never thought he would ever see again, standing right in front of him, in the flesh and very shirtless.

Dream glances at him. "Is there something on my face? You know this is all your fault and if you tell anyone about my status, I will find you and I will skin you alive." He threatens darkly, blue-grey eyes flashing.

Dale flinches. "Y-yes miss... I-I mean..." He winces, clamping his big mouth shut - he fucked up.

Dream whips around at this and old memory popping in the forefront of his brain. "You again..." He accuses, eyes narrowing.

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