Becoming the Luna

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Dream takes his sip of water and looks away, at another table where a lady was laughing at something her date said. 

"Male Omegas are like freaks of nature, the ostracization isn't popular because of how uncommon male Omegas are but it is there."

Dale's frown intensifies, female Omegas weren't treated like that, it didn't make sense to him. "It's something outside their control, why would people..." He trails off, just stunned.

Dream glances at him, wondering why it bothered him so much, it was easier to pick on male Omegas because of how coveted they were so naturally, they received hate from the females of their species who looked down on them simply because of something way out of their control.

The other males simply looked the other way because it wasn't like there were enough male Omegas to go around, they didn't want to get on the bad side of the females.

He shrugs, unwilling to have this kind of vulnerable line of conversation with a total stranger that was also an Alpha.

Their food comes and Dream instantly digs in, this was what he came here for anyway and he doesn't hesitate to tuck the food away.

Dale just stares open-mouthed at him, all the dates he has been on the ladies always ordered fancy salads and tossed the food around with their forks without really eating anything.

But here's Dream, stuffing a large bite-sized chicken in his small mouth like he didn't just finish a picnic a couple of hours ago.

"Is something on my face?" Dream asks after a swallow.

Dale blinks. "No, there's nothing there."

Dream gives him suspicious eyes but goes back to his eating, he would like to sightsee a bit before having to go back but he had only been offered lunch.

He sighs sadly as he tucks in his sandwich, the food was nice but sightseeing would be even better.

"Is something wrong?" Dale asks in concern.

"No." Dream said shortly, he needed to cut off whatever this was, maybe he could have Dale drop him off at Hayden's store.

Dale swallows copiously, maybe Dream was right, Alphas acted like the entire world was supposed to fall at their feet, it didn't seem weird to him because he was one and no one else seemed to fault it.

He's always received special treatment all his life, everything came so easy, dates, hookups, it was a little bit uncomfortable to be treated this way.

"Um, here you can have mine." He pushes his food across the table to Dream.

Dream gives him a scrutinizing look and Dale freezes up, some of his panic must have shown on his face because Dream relents and takes what was offered.

"You're weird." He mutters, thanking him.

"What? Why?" Dale splutters.

Dream shrugs. "You bought me food as an apology even though you didn't have to and you agreed to keep my secret without trying to blackmail me into doing something for you."

Dale's brain flatlines, he could have done that??!! It would have been an underhanded way of getting Dream where he wanted him but everyone would have been happier in the end right?

He hums, mind far away.

"So, thanks." Dream says quietly.

"You say that an awful lot." Dale notes, leaning forward slightly to properly watch him eat more.

He had to admit he had been instinctively structured to believe that Omegas weren't allowed to eat lots because they always seem uncomfortably thin well except Nina but now that he really thinks about it, everyone looked down on Nina like she was doing something wrong for being chubby - in Dale's opinion she was adorable.

Dream shrugs, he hadn't thought about it much but he wasn't ashamed to be grateful or to apologize when it was needed, his mom thought him that much. "Is it bad?"

"No." Dale assures him, thinking of how maybe he should appreciate people more often.

He still couldn't get past how much Dream could eat so much, rosy cheeks puffy and still remain that miniature size.

"You have that look on your face." Dream notes darkly.

Dale raises his brow, confused at his coldness. "I do?"

Dream just sighs, tossing his napkin on the table. "You're all the same, let's go." He says shortly, getting up.

He had been willing to give Dale the benefit of the doubt but the mocking look he had on his face as he watched him eat like it was unnatural to simply want sustenance, he wasn't going to deal with that.

"What, why? Aren't you going to finish stuffing down?" Dale asks in surprise, getting up after him.

Dream gives him a piercing look, shoves his hand in his wallet while keeping eye contact with Dale, and pays the bill.

"No, no, you don't have to do that..." Dale refutes desperately, still wondering what was going on.

"Neither do you." He cuts him off.

As he turns around to make his way out a lady bumps into him, she has her hands over her face, and when she looks up to apologize Dream notices that she's in tears.

Her apology gets cut off however when she notices Dale, pain flashing in her wet blue eyes. "A-Alpha? I've been waiting for over an hour, f-for our date, y-you were not picking up your phone..." She whispers in a shaky voice, glancing briefly at Dream and putting two and two together. "A-ar-are y-you two... Oh my God..." She gasps, looking like she was about to break down again.

Dale just looks aghast, Dream turns around in horror to see the telltale expression on his face, disappointment heavy in his blue-grey eyes.

It was easy for Dale to forget that the girls his mom set him up with were not just her puppets but real, actual people with feelings, and his choice to ignore and run away instead of confronting his mom is hurting someone else.

"One hour?" Dream gasps in disbelief. "And you kept waiting? Why the fuck would you do that? Any guy who isn't waiting for you or hell, doesn't come to pick you up doesn't deserve you." He tells her seriously.

The crying girl just glares at him. "Easy for you to say, you're the one on a date with him, I'm sorry for talking back." She says to Dale who is just speechless.

"First of all, ew, no thank you, he bought me apology food, and secondly, I'm getting the fuck out of here." Dream raises his hands in surrender, making no hesitation to walk away.

He couldn't understand Alpha-crazy girls, one just stood her up and she was apologizing for not being polite about her confrontation? Oh for fuck's sake!

"Dream! Dream!" Dale calls after him, hurrying out after him while the girl just stands in the middle of the restaurant, confused.

Dream just increases his pace, planning to get a cab and escape to his house.

Dale easily catches up with him. "It's not what you think." He tries to explain, stepping in don't of him.

Dream stares up at him blankly. "Why are you explaining to me? I don't care." He says coldly.

"At least let me drive you home then." Dale offers, slightly terrified that if he lets Dream go this time he won't see him again.

Dream rolls his eyes in disbelief. "Unbelievable!" He throws his hands up. "You're just going to abandon a girl obviously heartbroken over you, how selfish can you get?"

Dale frowns, lost. "W-What?" He splutters, realizing that he hadn't given her a second thought after he saw Dream leaving, obviously upset, maybe he was truly an asshole.

"Get out of my way, I'm leaving." Dream sighs in exasperation. "I'd be grateful if you kept my secret but if you don't I won't be surprised." He finishes off coldly, sidestepping Dale and stomping off.

Dale just watches him go, stricken and unable to do anything else, his heart sinks deeper into the pit of his stomach when Amy, the crying girl who he just remembered her name, latches onto his arm with sobby eyes, apologizing and trying to coax him on a date.

Dream lets out a steady stream of curses under his breath glaring hard out the window as the taxi sped away, he had been willing to give the world a benefit of the doubt since most of the things he knew were hearsay but seeing all that his mom had warned him about in real life hit hard.

He couldn't believe Hayden was friends with someone like that, he couldn't believe that his desire to see Paper District had thrown him into the middle of a situation like that.

He sighs miserably, relaxing into the seat of the car, he would have been a hundred times better off staying in the house.

Rewatching the same old shows or even baking something, no, he had to disobey his mom and manage to get entangled with an irritating Alpha, he couldn't even feel sorry for the girl that had been jilted, not when she didn't even feel sorry for herself.

He was just grateful his scent was hidden, it would have been a catastrophe if that weren't the case and he winces unconsciously, that would have been the stuff of nightmares.

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