Becoming the Luna

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

"This is a nightmare." Deidre mutters, more to herself as she locks up the door and presses her back against it. "We're also have to deal with how you're getting out of here, safely." She monologues, looking at Dream to see him furiously typing on his phone. "What are you doing?"

Dream barely spares her a glance. "Calling up Hay." He says, placing the phone against his ear.

Deidre frowns momentarily before remembering. "It's so easy to forget that the sweetheart is the Luna of a Pack, that's genius." 

"Dream? Hi." Hayden greets after he picks, confusion obvious in his tone.

"Hay, I need you to come pick me up from the bakery." Dream says immediately, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice.

This sparks Hayden's suspicions, he was actually going down the stairs, planning to stop by at the Clinic before leaving for work.

"Sure." He agrees immediately, it was a very strange request and he knows Dream isn't the type to prank him. "Give me like ten minutes, I'll be there as soon as I can." He hangs up and dashes down the stairs.

As much as he would have preferred to be on the phone, what was most important at the moment was getting to Dream, he would figure out what was wrong then.

He frowns as he slips in his car, grateful that he had decided to leave Apple with Jaxie for today, lugging the cat around was gymnastics that he wasn't willing to do after a night like yesterday.

He tries not to overthink as he drives the fastest he's ever done with the car and he's had it for over two years.

The distance to the bakery isnt much but today it's seems endless and turning on the street makes him so relieved that he hangs his head, the bookstore is open, no doubt Jennie's handiwork but he pays it no mind, parking and getting out as fast as he can.

He tugs down his sweatshirt and calls Dream again, frowning at the rowdiness that's coming from within the bakery.

"Hi, Dream? I'm outside, what's going on?"

Dream clenches his shaking hands at this, unable to show his relief. "I'm in the store."

Hayden frowns harder. "Store? Where's that? Why?" He asks, confused. 

He briefly contemplates just walking in and going to the kitchen but he didn't want the noise in the bakery stopping him from hearing Dream.

"Walk around to the right side of the building, t-there's a door."

Hayden follows his direction and is surprised to see a small crowd of upset ladies, banging at the door.

He walks up, clenching his hand in a fist when they all turn to look at him, he recognizes most of them from Dale's Pack.

"Could you excuse me?" He inquires politely, because the were standing in front of the door that he needed to get to.

Whispers of 'it's the other Luna' and 'whoa! I've never seen him before' also, 'he's so nice..."

They part for him though and he's relieved that there's no argument because they're looking particularly feral, was this because of Dream?

He walks up and knocks hesitantly. "Um, it's Hayden?"

The door opens fatser than he expected and he gets tugged inside only for Dream to pull him in a hug while Deidre is suspiciously eyeing the door like a bodyguard.

"Um, can someone tell me exactly what's going on?" He asks, letting Dream hug him but he looks so shaken up.

"We should be asking Dale." Dream bites out, raising his head up in anger.


"It's a long story." Deidre decides to explain. "I'm not sure if Dream told you he's a male Omega..."

"Yeah, he did." Hayden says quietly.

Deidre doesn't even look surprised at this. "Expected, well he bumped into Dale and long story short for some reason, every 'she' in Pine Creek think he's going to swipe Dale or something and now they all want to murder him."

Hayden looks traumatized by this information. "What the hell?" He asks with wide eyes, his arms tightening around Dream. "I thought male Omegas were special."

"You could say that but nobody minds them when they're not around but when they do show up, this happens!" Deidre throws her arms up.

Hayden thinks fast, if it was this bad outside of the bakery then he couldn't imagine what was going on inside, for all they know they could have already surrounded the house.

"I'll have to take Dream back to the Pack House with me, I'll get Virgil to address this or even better, Dale, I need to hear his side of this story, then I'll box his ears." Hayden huffs seriously.

"That could work." Dream agrees grudgingly.

"But how are we going to get out?" Hayden asks skeptically.

The siblings give him weird looks. "How did you get in?"

"Um, I just did." He shrugs, remembering how much they had calmed down when he showed up.

"You don't even know how much influence a Luna holds?" Deidre asks in disbelief.

Hayden shrugs, having never thought about it. "Let's get you out of here first then, will you be okay, Deidre?" He asks worriedly.

Deidre just waves him away. "Of course, these kind of male Omega haters can be ridiculously self righteous." She snorts. "Hypocrites, the lot of them, they'll think mom and I are the victims and not the other way around."

Hayden nods, uncomfortable with this explanation but relieved all the same that they'll be okay.

He bundles Dream unders his arm and swings open the door, the crazies on the other side move in to attack but pause when they see Hayden and decide to attack him with just words.

Dream takes his first real breath when he's safe in Hayden's car, breathing in the understated scent of roses.

Hayden is in a similar situation, not hesitating to immediately peel out of the place and head back to the Pack House.

"What the hell? I don't understand them, how does attacking you make Dale notice them?" Hayden questions.

Dream just rubs his face, exhausted. "I don't fucking know, I just wished they'd leave me alone, I mean I hid my scent all my life to avoid situations like this and I get into a situation exactly like this, exactly this." He groans under his breath. "I'm killing Dale the next time I see him."

Hayden just concentrates on getting Dream to a safe place, he didn't think they would try to attack him because if who he was but he wasn't taking any chances.

He just realized he didn't know much about male Omegas. 

"Why is all this happening?" He asks carefully. "What did male Omegas do?"

Dream leans into the soft seats and takes a deep breath, unsurprised to find his scent leaking out, the emotional rollercoaster he had been on just this morning was enough to cause that.

"Ever heard the myth that male Omegas only give birth to Alphas?"

Hayden frowns. "I'm not sure."

"Well, that pretty much explains everything, with how much Alphas are revered it would explain why they dislike us so much."

Hayden nods in understanding, if male Omegas were preferred for that fact, it would explain why all the females felt threatened by Dream's presence.

"Is it true though?" He asks curiously. "Not to be insensitive."

Dream glances at him. "It better be, I'm not getting trolled only to find out that why I was hated on wasn't even real."

Hayden huffs out a laugh at this. "You've never met another male Omega, I take it."

"Nope and I'm not about to get pregnant, I don't know how my mom did it three times."

Hayden laughs out loud at this, the tense atmosphere dissolving.

"Thank you, Hayden, for helping out." Dream says quietly, voice thick.

Hayden gives him a bright smile. "I'm glad I couldbe of help, really." He shudders. "I don't want to imagine what could have happened if it escalated."

He parks the car in Virgil's designated spot and gets out, going around to stick close to Dream, just in the case of necessity, he wasn't taking chances.

They had only taken a few steps forward when they bump into Dale's mom, the hostility on her face makes Hayden unconsciously tuck Dream behind him.

"Hello, Luna Hayden." She says icily, behind her Erin moves her weight from one leg to another uneasily.

"Hey Luna Alana." He replies to her carefully, Jaxie had said that he wasn't obligated to call her by her husband's name now that they were technically holding the same positions.

Her green eyes narrows disapprovingly at this as she cuts her glare to Dream. "I was just coming up to meet with you, how do I hear news like your Pack having a male Omega from outside?" She asks icily.

Hayden just gives her a blank look. "When did we start swapping Pack members statuses?" He fires back.

She bites her tongue at this, shock flashing across her face. "Well then, I'd appreciate it if he kept himself away from my son." She throws her head up, keeping eye contact with Dream who tries to look away.

Dream bites his lip in discomfort, breathing easier when Hayden holds his hand tight.

"Dale is all grown up, Alana, tell him to stay away from my best friend." He sasses her, walking away with Dream in tow.

Luna Alana just stands still with her mouth gaping, shellshocked.

Erin hides a laugh behind her palm which she quickly swallows when the Luna glares at her and adjusts her expensive suit lapels, snapping her fingers behind her.

"Come along, Erin." She snaps rudely. "You look like a horse with that grin."

"I'm sorry, Luna." She ducks her head sheepishly, hurrying after the obviously upset woman.

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