Becoming the Luna

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

"Are you okay?" Hayden asks gently, noticing that Dream had spaced out while they were crossing the foyer.

Dream snaps out of it and gives his friend a reassuring smile. "Of course, I'm just a little surprised I'm not getting accosted."

"No, you're safe here, most of the people in the Crimson Pack watched Dale grow up." Hayden explains, doing some calculations in his head. A meeting might have to be held to address this, he had some words for Dale's mom.

"Oh." Is all Dream mutters as they went up the stairs, he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Hayden had just effortlessly put scary, cold Luna Alana in her place.

He heard some of the workers talk about her, she terrified them but they all respected her reign of terror which was ridiculous to Dream.

"I need to talk to Virgil." Hayden was saying. "You don't mind staying at my apartment for a while, do you? Or you can come along if you want."

Dream ponders it over, there's no way to go back to hiding his status, he might as well stand up for himself. "I'll come along, I would like some answers as well."

They get to the fourth floor and bump into Darian who's immensely surprised to see his younger brother in the Pack House.

He pauses. "What's going on? I had no idea you were coming ove..." He starts to say before freezing up, Dream's scent hitting him.

"Good thing we ran into you." Hayden immediately takes control of the situation when Dream is looking like he might start panicking. "Could you please go down to the bakery to keep an eye on Deidre and your mom?"

Darian frowns, dark blue eyes darkening. "What? Why?"

"It's a long story, DD will explain everything to you and promise to not do anything rash." Dream quickly adds, not trusting Darian to not go after Dale if he found out what happened.

Darian's eyes narrow at this but obvious concern for his mom and sister easily wins. "Fine but stay here till I come back." He agrees gruffly, walking past. "Someone is definitely getting a black eye when I find out what's going on." He mutters under his breath, ruffling his hair as he easily trots down the stairs.

Dream exhales shakily. "It's going to be difficult explaining things to him."

"I can imagine." Hayden mutters, continuing the journey. "Let's get things under control first then we'll try and fix the other things."

He pushes open the door to Virgil's office and walks in, Dream close beside him.

Jaxie is sitting on one of the recipient chairs, Leon leaning over him, a presence Hayden had already associated with the redhead. Ian is sitting on a sofa, a small smile on his face as he strikes at his pad, Hayden could bet on Apple that he was playing a baking game or something.

Speaking about Apple, the cat hope down from Jaxon's lap to hurry over to her owner, Virgil coming behind her.

"Baby, I was just about to call you." Virgil kisses his cheek, glancing down at Dream.

"Luna Alana has been calling nonstop." Jaxon starts to say, spinning around on his chair to look at Dream in worry.

Virgil steps over to Dream, concern in his blue eyes. "You weren't hurt, were you?" 

Dream blinks in surprise, beyond shocked and flustered. "N-no, I'm fine, Hayden came for me."

Virgil settles down on his hair again after this, nodding in satisfaction and pulling his husband down on his leg. "I honestly thought females reaction to male Omegas was nothing but a bad joke."

"Mrs. Micall called, it's a couple notches up that post, it's downright nasty." Jaxon explains. "According to her, they've set up shop in her bakery."

"Alana is the one allowing all this barbarism." Virgil frowns, tucking Hayden close. "Where the fuck is Dale?"

Dream sits up little at the mention of his name, he's currently seated beside Jaxon, Apple in his arms, providing him with some sort of stability.

It's a lot strange to be sitting in the midst of almost strangers with his scent not being hidden, he feels vulnerable, uncomfortable although it equally feels freeing.

Ian perks up at this, looking up from his pad. "I've contacted Erin, apparently, he's out of town, left early this morning on some business."

"Just great." Leon mutters, straightening up. "Just like the short idiot to ghost after turning the town upside down."

"You'll head out with to try and keep an eye on things?" Virgil inquires.

Leon just glances at Dream with dead eyes. "Sure, I'll remember to not hit a girl but not if they ask." He sweeps out.

Jaxon looks worried. "Think they'll be okay?"

"I fail to see the problem." Dream mutters under his breath.

Hayden also looks worried. "I mean, Darian had already gone down there."

"Doubt it can get any worse." Virgil murmurs, face buried in Hayden's neck.

Jaxon winces at this, unable to disagree. "I can't believe Alpha Ascott and his Luna looked down on your dad's decision to hand the running of the pack over to you and they go and let something like this happen." He complains.

"It's all because Luna Alana keeps treating her son like merchandise." Ian quips.

Dream frowns at this, he hadn't heard this side of the story, he also notices that most of the blame is falling to Dale's mom and not him, maybe he's been too quick to judge.

"Dream, I apologize for all this." Jaxon says honestly.

Dream quickly waves this away. "No, no, it's fine, I'm surprised I'm even getting this much support." He says absently, petting Apple's fur.

Virgil and Jaxon share tight looks at his words. "Um, mind telling us what happened?" Jaxon prompts.

Dream musters a breath, honestly wishing he could go back a day before and not leave his house. "Sure..."


Mae paces a bit, to and fro, the rest outside were also looking pretty uncomfortable. Half an hour had already gone by and still, no news, was something wrong?

Her heart nearly leaps out of her mouth when the door opens slowly, she spins around in time to see Alicia standing in front of the door with a wide smile on her face.

She steps out to reveal Shana easily carrying Ruby, an even wider grin on her face.

Mae doesn't remember when she starts to smile but her lips curve and mellow warmth fills her.

Elated gasps and happy little sounds escape the other health workers, Sophia tearing up a little.

"Apparently, she's not the little spitfire we all thought, she's just a little baby that has been looking for where to fit in." Alicia explains solemnly.

Sophia breaks down at this and Laura makes a choking sound and asks for a tissue.

"You are all like Ruby!" The dark-haired child raises her head from where she tucked it in the curve of Shana's shoulder to say and everyone instantly melts.

"I can see why she has you wrapped around her finger." Mae mutters to Shana, staring at Ruby with wide eyes.

"I'd love to hang around but Laura and I have to be on duty right now." Doctor Brad says, latching onto the other woman's hand. "And Shana, you're definitely allowed to adopt her, if she wants that."

They had all gravitated back inside the hospital room and Shana's mouth drops at this, Ruby drifts to a corner of the room, picking and dropping equipment with excitement while Alicia and Sophie run after her.

"W-What? I didn't even..."

"You didn't have to." The doctor smiles kindly

"We can all see it." Laura continues. "And I think you'll both make wonderful moms."

"I hope you didn't forget to take a video for Matteo!" Laura calls over her shoulder as Brad pulls her out.

"You bet!" Sophia calls back, holding her phone in front of Ruby who tries to climb up a shelf.

"Help me with her so she doesn't break something." Alicia panics, grabbing at Ruby who easily scales the sturdy shelf like a small monkey.

Mae just pulls her shellshocked girlfriend into her arms. "Want to take our daughter out to shop for new clothes?" She invites, cupping Shana's face.

Shana looks up at her with teary eyes. "Yes, I am." She nods, leaning forward to kiss Mae.

She doesn't get far when Sophia yeets a pillow at their head. "This is no time to get lovey-dovey." She scolds them, her cellphone long gone.

Mae and Shana look up to see their daughter currently sitting on the highest shelf and throwing down cotton swabs.

"What in the name of..." Mae trails off, eyes wide.

"Good luck with her." Alicia clucks sympathetically, glancing up at Ruby again. "Come on sweetheart, come down."

Ruby just ignores her and pushes more bags full off cotton off the shelf.

Shana walks up and pulls up a stool so that she's level with the little girl. "Hi, Ru, come along now." She invites sweetly.

Ruby grins at her, a couple of teeth missing, brown eyes shining as she stretches out slender hands, the hospital gown loose on her frail body.

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