Becoming the Luna

Chapter 231

Chapter 231

After Dream finishes up his tale, Virgil's eyes widen as everything clicks in place. Dream is Jasmine.

He pushes a hand through his hair, remembering how affected Dale had been by just bumping into Dream just once.

Everything added up, his reaction to Dream, the familiar scent, things were about to get a lot more complicated.

"Is something wrong?" Hayden asks him, instantly noticing his change of mood.

Virgil smiles up at the concern in his eyes. "No, I'm fine." He replies to him, turning his attention back to the room.

"I doubt Alpha Ascott has heard of this." He starts to say.

Jaxon shrugs. "He has more or less step aside, the only person that can address this is actually Dale."

"Or Luna Alana." Hayden adds darkly.

"Doubt she would." Jaxon shrugs.

"Then she shouldn't complain if her Pack members turn up looking less than glossy because I won't hesitate to defend the members of my Pack, does she even see what this could do to both Packs?" Virgil grinds out.

Dream's brows furrow at this, he didn't want a Pack war just because of his status.

"This is a delicate issue that has to be handled carefully." Jaxon muses. "Hopefully it'll blow over and until then we'll make sure you don't walk around alone, it might be dangerous." He adds to Dream.

Dream's expression darkens at this, he still didn't have his freedom. "And keep Dale away from me."

"Yes, that too." Jaxon agrees immediately.

Virgil winces at this, that would be particularly difficult to do, the drama would just be beginning if they thought that would be possible.

"I almost forgot..." Hayden mutters to himself, separating Virgil's hands from his so he could get off his legs and go make a call. "I'll be right back." He throws over a shoulder, stepping out a connecting door.

In this bustle of everything that had been happening he had almost completely forgotten to ring up Jennie, it was late enough and he was unsurprised to see texts from her.

"Hi, Jennie." He says into his phone when she picks up.

"Hey, boss, is Dream okay?" She asks immediately, concern coloring her voice.

Hayden smiles a little, unsurprised that she already knew what was going on. "Yes, he's with me, do you mind handling the store for the rest of today?"

"Of course not!" She accepts cheerily, eager to help. 

"You can close early, I don't want you overworking yourself." He says sternly.

Jennie says something to someone off the phone before coming back with a relieved laugh. "I won't, I'm just giving novel recommendations nothing much, now go, um sure you have a lot on your hands."

Hayden smiles again, this time easier, he could always count on the bubbly brunette. "Thank you, Jen."

"Anytime, say hi to Dream for me, and don't worry, they're staying out of the store." She reassures him, hanging up.

Hayden makes his way back, the conversation had gone on without him.

"I've tried his cell, multiple times." Jaxon was saying with something like frustration. "He's going out of town, who puts off their phone when they're going out of town."

Virgil shrugs, looking up immediately Hayden steps back in and makes right for him. "I don't know, I see him doing that." 


Dale takes a drink from his bottled water, already exhausted, usually, these meetings gave him relief and a sense of satisfaction especially when they were going well, much like this one was.

But his mind has been in a constant state of unrest ever since Dream had stormed away, if the other Werewolf had been mad at him, he could handle that but no, Dream had been disappointed, hurt even.

He was basically done here but he was tempted to hang around just to delay having to return to town, the bags under his eyes weren't even a surprise.

He decides to check his phone on a whim and curses at the number of notifications that pour in, his mom's endless calling was expected even if this was like triple her usual amount, no... The notifications that made him worried were the one from Crimson's Pack House, Jaxon's personal line too, what the hell was going on?

He lurches to his feet and sweeps out the room, no one bats an eyelid at him, he could guess he wasn't their favor at the moment, he was basically stopping them from building their dream project in Pine Creek, a prime spot.

He wasn't obligated to stick around though so he hurries to his car while dialing up Jaxon, it barely rings before the other picks up.

"Finally, where the hell did you keep your phone?" Jaxon immediately scolds.

"Sorry, what's going on?" He asks immediately, putting the cat in gear.

"Put it on loudspeaker." He hears Virgil's voice say faintly - well looked like the entire team was there.

He does the same with his device to give him the freedom to use both hands.

"Where are you?" Virgil demands impatiently, he sounds pissed.

Like Dale knew the other Alpha wasn't the best company but he was just cold and gruff, this time however he was full-on pissed.

Dale narrows his eyes, unhappy with being in the dark. "On my way back, look is someone going to tell me what's going on?"

"Have you spoken to your mom?" Jaxon asks.

Dale clenches his teeth. "No."

"Well, I don't know what you did but every female in your Pack wants to murder my Pack member." Virgil says crisply.

Dale's frown intensifies. "That doesn't make any sense."

"Tell me about it!" Dream quips without thinking, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Dale nearly crashes into another car, choking. "Dream? Is that Dream? Why is he there?" He asks immediately, grateful that he had left the city and the road was free now or he would have rammed someone else's car by now.

"Yeah and he's somehow the most wanted..." 

His mom starts calling at this point and he glances down in exasperation, hanging up on her without even thinking.

"Because they think he's going to steal you away or something, what the hell is that all about?" Virgil snaps.

Everything clicks into place like an ugly puzzle piece and Dale speeds up. "Shit." He curses reflexively.

"Shit is right." Virgil says coldly. "Get your ass back here, you've got some explaining to do."

Dale winces when Virgil hangs up, he had never seen Virgil this mad, especially not at him but he could understand the Alpha's anger.

He would feel the same if a member of his Pack was threatened, especially one that was really close to the Alpha's mate.

He curses again under his breath... Amy, it had to be the irritating Werewolf.

He had immediately distanced himself from her after Dream had left, after apologizing to her sincerely, he even offered to drive her home which she agreed although her shameless flirting all through the way back made him regret his offer.

She had seemed fine when he dropped her off but was obviously still mad at Dream, thinking he was the reason that not only the Alpha had stood her up but he also canceled their date.

He doesn't know how she managed to spread the news so fast, like were they all on a group chat or something?

His heart was in his throat as he drove as fast as was legal, it wouldn't help his case if he was given a ticket or pulled over.

Dream's secret was out and it was all his fault, well fuck... Wasn't this wonderful? He thinks sarcastically.


Dream sobers up after the phone call, he hadn't meant to speak up, Dale's reaction to his voice had been hilarious and if he wasn't a hairsbreadth away from rage he might have found it humorous.

Jaxon had spent the past couple minutes explaining to Dream that it couldn't have been Dale who caused it, at least not directly.

Dream didn't say much, petting Apple whose purrs were calming, he was just a little overwhelmed, going back to his usual way of life now was close to impossible.

Right now he wanted his room but he wasn't even sure that was safe because of the batty girls that were persecuting him for something he didn't even do.

Why were they all so insecure anyway? He thinks to himself, rolling his eyes.

He had moved to the sofa while Ian had gone out to get snacks, Virgil and Jaxon discussing about some Pack matter or the other.

"You okay?" 

He looks up in slight shock, he had been so lost in thought he didn't even hear Hayden come over.

"Not really." He says honestly.

Hayden saddens at this, Dale was his really good friend but he had never wanted to hit him as much as he currently did.

Hayden settles on the couch beside him, legs crossed and tucked underneath him as he throws his arms around his friend's shoulders.

"It'll all turn out okay." He reassures the other.

Dream pushes his long blonde hair behind his ear, sighing depressively. "I hope so."

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