Becoming the Luna

Chapter 243

Chapter 243

"Virgil?" He calls out again, going towards the anteroom, his rings clink against the door handle and he lets out an almost invisible smile.

"Vir... Oh! There you are!" He exclaims in relief when he pushes open the door and finds his husband perched tersely on one of the sofas.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" He hurries over to Virgil who looks pale and shaky.

Virgil swallows copiously, hands clasped to hide the fact that they are shaking violently.

He lets Hayden cup his face, looking into the other's calming grey eyes, bouncy, tawny colored locks framing his delicate face.

"Yeah." He replies, his voice coming out in a pained whisper.

Hayden doesn't look convinced but he decides to not push it. "Not a big fan of childbirth, huh?" He asks softly, resting Virgil's head against his chest so he can run his hands through the Alpha's light colored hair and offer comfort.

Virgil swallows again, that was over - simplifying things but yea... "Not particularly." He mumbles vaguely, breathing in deep the familiar smell of vanilla.

Apparently, Renee had been a bad influence on his husband with buying him vanilla scented things while he was younger and it seemed to stick, vanilla scented toiletries dominating their bathroom, Virgil wasn't complaining though, that scent in relation to Hayden was ambrosia.

Hayden hums and just quietly hugs his lover, offering support.

Virgil basks in this, internally grateful that Hayden wasn't female or an Omega Werewolf, or anything frightening like that, he wasn't sure he could handle it.

He had been mentally imbalanced to see Apple in that vulnerable and dangerous position, there were a lot of things that could have gone wrong.

Just thinking about it makes his legs weak and his head swim and that was how he felt about his pet, he couldn't even imagine how it would feel if it were someone he loved.

"Where's Apple? Is she okay? Are the babies fine?"

Hayden laughs at his earnestness, placing a gentle kiss on his blond hair - Virgil would make a great dad.

"She's fine, love, she's just asleep, the babies are fine too, come check on them?" He invites, leaning back to look in his eyes.

Virgil slips his eyes shut to hide his panic. "Sure, just give me a couple minutes."

Hayden beams, leaning down to press a soft kiss against his lips. "Alright, I need to call my mom anyway." 

Virgil watches him go silently as he tries to put himself together, Apple is fine, the babies are fine too, nothing went wrong.

Hayden on the other hand was already ringing his mom up.

"Hi, mom."

"Morning, baby." Renee responds, her smile evident in her words. "How are you?"

"Fine, mom, how's Aunt Candy and Grammy?"

"I can't wait for the baby so I can ship Andy away and Maggie is fine, she's filling up the house with her knitting though."

Hayden laughs at this, filling his mom in on Apple's birth.

Renee was horrified that none of them knew that the cat was even pregnant, and estactic as well because... kittens!

"Maggie has been considering getting a cat to keep her company because Candy is leaving after she's recovered from the birth." Renee was saying when Hayden started talking about maybe gifting one to Ruby.

"But that's not important now, they're still newborns, that reminds me, how's Dream and of course, sweet Ruby?" She asks, already updated on what was going on.

"They're doing just fine, Dream is currently watching over Apple." Hayden says.

He hears his mom sighs forlornly. "I leave for a couple weeks and everything fun happens." She complains petulantly.

They exchange pleasantries for a couple more minutes before hanging up.

He expects to find Virgil at the apartment when he gets back and is a little surprised to just see Dream, excitedly talking to Ruby on the phone as he describes what each baby looks like.

Virgil comes in not long after though, armed with cat supplies that Suzie had speedily brought over.

Apparently Ruby wouldn't be able to come over either because they were busy with redecorating her room, there were talks of a get together the next day though, that sounded like fun.

Dream leaves after Virgil offers for Ian to take him down to the bakery, leaving just them with their pet and her new litter of squirming kittens.

They spend the rest of the day customizing a corner for them, the entire process fun.

"Is Dream aware that a get together means Dale is coming as well?" Virgil asks when they're all done, he had taken the day off for it. He doesn't add the fact that they'll also be the only single people there, no need to make things more awkward.

Hayden glances at him. "Yes, is there any problem with that?" He asks naively.

Virgil smiles and kiss him. "No." He says getting up. "Have you decided what we would do yet? At the get together that is."

Hayden makes mental calculations. "Dream will be back soon, we'll bake some pastries, and we'll play lots of card games..."

"Drinking games?" Virgil pokes his head out of the kitchen where he had gone to get a drink of water.

"What? No!" Hayden exclaims.

"I know, baby." Virgil gives him a gummy smile. "You should take a nap, I need to go get a couple things done." 

"Fine, see you later." He waves the Alpha away, choosing to get a shower first.

Apple was back to grooming her sleeping kittens again, their eyes still tightly shut as they shakily moved around in search for milk.

He decides to take Virgil's suggestion, he's been stressed out all day anyway with the birth of Apple and fixing a place kitten-friendly.

He wonders what they could do tomorrow, he didn't want anything that would involve leaving the apartment just yet, he wanted to keep an eye on Apple plus there was Ruby who could get triggered.

They could just hang around in the big enough living room, talking and playing games, it sounded like a really nice idea.

He undresses out of his jeans and top, as he decides to clean up before taking a short nap.

Sluicing down, his eyes catches the birthmark on his thigh, it was fancy to brag about it, you know, having a birth mark shaped believably like something.

It seems nature was against him, what? With everything prompting him to adopt a child but there was a little too much going on at the moment but the perfect time would come, just anyday now.

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