Becoming the Luna

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Hayden rouses with a jolt, clarity coming like a rush of water, it's like one moment he's fast asleep and the next he's so hyperawre without even having to open his eyes.

A frown furrows between his brows as the first thing that registers is why there were so many scents and smells, like he had fallen asleep in a perfumery.

Each one vivid and so distinct, no two scent merged which was even stranger than the fact that his nose was suddenly working so well.

He catches a whiff of strawberries and dark chocolate and his eyes snap open, awareness clicking in place instinctively...

it was Virgil's...

He had no idea why he knew that or how he even knew that but he just did, it was certain.

When he starts to adjust to the onslaught of scents that are so vivid he can almost see them in color, everything becomes too loud.

Ticking sounds seeming to come from every conceivable corner, the slightest rustling sounding so loud like it had been amplified, his heartbeat a steady thrum in the background.

He covers both ears with his hands and sits up in a rush, then ever so carefully opens his eyes and his increased hearing gets buried under the new fact that the world was like a HD version of what he usually saw.

A curtain was slightly opened to the side and the soft stream of sunlight instantly captures his attention, each particle in the ray of light swimming invitingly.

A sound from the kitchen alerts him and he shakes his head, looking down at his hand, his memory was blurry, mind fudgy.

What had happened?

His nose gets tickled and he sniffs softly, eyes widening when he can smell Virgil's rut...

He drops his hands in horror, that's not right... He starts to look around rapidly, where was Virgil?

He felt imbalanced, like a person who had no idea that they had hearing issues until they got fixed and they felt free and could feel the clarity.

Something was off...

Virgil had woken up first, skin tight as he felt the thrum of his rut returning, he cursed, getting up to distract himself.

He could also sense that Hayden would be up soon and wanted to be around for that, preparing a light breakfast which was currently well on it's way to being a disaster.

But the sour scent of dying roses was powerful enough to overpower the smell of burning bacon and he quickly puts off the fire, tossing away the towel in his hand as he hurries back to the bedroom, what could be wrong?

Immediately he walks in, Hayden swivels his head in his direction, relief wafting out from him in the scent of blooming flowers.

"Hayden? You're up." He hurries over, not missing the way Hayden winces and wrinkles up his nose so cutely.

"Virgil?" His familiar voice comes out in a whisper. "What's going on? Did you burn bacon? How do I know that?" He panics immediately he asks.

"Calm down." Virgil says softly, knowing Hayden's hearing would be oversensitive as well as basically everything else, engulfing his mate in his arms.

A gentle wave of Virgil scent blankets Hayden and he melts like butter, limbs going lose, heart rate slowing down.

"Are you okay?" Virgil starts slowly, rubbing a soothing pattern onto his clothed back.

"Yeah." Hayden replies, taking a deep breath of the calming scent, his thoughts were jumbling up in his head and this was clashing with the amount of sensory input coming in but this was helping, his thoughts held at bay.

"Does anywhere hurt?" Virgil asks, circular motion steady.

Hayden hesitates slightly, he doesn't know why but his mind is telling him that something is supposed to hurt but nothing does.

"N-not really..." He shrugs lightly. "Just..." He trails up, reaching for the crook of his neck which felt a little sore. "M-my n-ne... Ah!" He jolts when his wandering fingers make contact with the suspicious spot on his neck, pleasure lancing through him.

Virgil easily catches his hands and lead them away from his neck, the bite mark was still tender, it wasn't wise to prod it till it properly healed.

He's not surprised with Hayden's disorientation, it was expected for him to be overwhelmed after waking up, he was actually being a lot calmer about the weird things happening.

"What... What's that?" Hayden asks shakily, taking in a ragged breath.

"Your mating mark." Virgil says simply, already leaning over to brush his lips over it but stops himself in time and instead kisses Hayden on the jaw.

He response elicits a sharp gasp from the other, something tumbling around happily in his head and heart, Hayden knew he was curious about it but this amount of excitement for it was weird.

"Why..." He trails off, looking up at Virgil. "Why am I so happy?" He asks in confusion, a soft warmth searing his eyes, making him cover them up with his hands.

Virgil smiles fondly when Hayden covers up his amber eyes without even knowing why. "Come, let me show you something." He invites softly.

It wouldn't help anyway if he were to bombard Hayden with information, he would have to carefully ease him to the knowledge that he was now a Werewolf.

Hayden glances up at him, his weird feeling eyes forgotten for a brief moment as he allows Virgil help him off the bed.

He strangely already knew the answers to all his questions but it was covered with a white film, he could only grasp it with the edges of his fingers, never fully seeing or knowing what it was.

He looks down at his legs, frowning slightly, he was wearing black socks before right, Virgil was in his rut, right? He looks up to Virgil with questions in his eyes, he could smell it...

His throught processes screech to a halt again when a situation that couldn't be logically explained shows up and he shakes away his thoughts, trusting Virgil.

Virgil's warm hand is firmly wrapped around his and he can feel the internal heat and the steady thump of blood going through the veins in his wrist... Hayden was more than a little freaked out.

Virgil stops in front of the mirror and puts Hayden in front of him.

"Look." Is all he says and Hayden does.

Mouth dropping when the first thing he notices is the shade of his eyes and the soft glow emanating from them.

"Did you buy me fancy contact lenses that I know nothing of?" He asks dryly.

Virgil swallows his laughter. "No..."

Hayden moves forward sharply, cutting off his sentence and before Virgil can ask what's wrong, he sees Hayden bare his teeth in front of the mirror, his canines were too long to not catch his attention.

He pokes them suspiciously like he expected to find a clasp that would reveal them to be fake.

"Are you a Vampire?" He asks over a shoulder.

This time Virgil cracks up, laughing hard. "What? No!"

"I mean..." Hayden waves vaguely at himself. "You bite me and now I have a fancy new eye color and sharp teeth."

Virgil only laughs some more. "You're taking this better than I had expected."

Hayden shrugs, still curious and elated. He guess he was so used to being around weird and strange occurrences that perhaps nothing but a flying person could shock him now.

"But I thought you said that one had to be born a Werewolf." He mumbles, staring wide eyed at himself, a hand creeping up his neck.

Virgil stops him in time, pulling up the hand for a kiss. "And you were."

"What?" Hayden whips around. "My mom isn't..."

"We know, it's your dad."

Hayden's mouth shapes into a small 'o'

"M-my dad?" He stutters slightly.

"It has to be." Virgil says in a steady voice, pulling Hayden in for a hug. "Mating bites usually trigger the dormant wolves in part Werewolves but there's a low chance of that happening."

"W-What..." Hayden starts to ask, stepping back a bit to look down at himself. "I-I... I'm an Omega? How do I even know that?" He throws his hands up in frustration.

Virgil chuckles lightly. "It's instinct, baby don't panic."

"You need to eat." He tags on when Hayden's stomach growls a little.

Hayden regards him steadily. "It's definitely not going to be your charred bacon and you need to eat too, I hear your stomach rumbling." He says decisively, marching out of the room.

Virgil hurries after him. "Don't tell me you plan to cook?" He panics. "I'll do it, just rest some more."

Hayden waves him away, able to smell Virgil uneasiness even without having to look at him, this was going to take some getting used to.

"I'm perfectly rested, love and your rut is going to hit soon again, isn't it?" He stops and walks back to Virgil to cup his face.

"I love you." He says steadily, kissing his mate full in the mouth. "But there's no way you're going to prepare breakfast in time."

Virgil wraps a hand around his waist when he's about to make away, pulling Hayden flush against himself again as he leans forward to deepen the kiss. "I love you too."

"Then don't cook again."

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