Becoming the Luna

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Dream unconsciously pushed Hayden behind him even as they stepped backwards right into someone else.

They scream bloody terror in fear when their free hands get snatched up, the Werewolf that had grabbed them starting to laughing evily.

He doesn't get far when Dream vengefully smacks him on his face with his pan, anger on his face even as his eyes flash a deep amber.

Hayden joins in instantly, going for the Werewolf's legs and soon they had him on the ground, beating the shit out of him.

At least until they feel their arms get dragged behind their back, pulling the both of them away from the Werewolf in the ground who looks half fainted away.

Dream manages to land in a couple last minute kicks, struggling against the person that held him.

Unfortunately, it was the Alpha of the Pack who readies himself to hit Dream until his scent wafts into his nose, he goes rigid in shock, easily suppressing the fiesty Omega who was glaring daggers up at him.

"You're pregnant?"

"Surprise, surprise motherfucker." Dream snarls at him, landing a clear kick to his groin which make the Alpha double over and a couple snickers start up from the rest of his Pack members who hand now shifted back and were standing in a lazy circle, in the case either Omega decided to take off again.

This time the Alpha doesn't hesitate, reaching out to smack a still captive Dream.

Hayden breaks away from the person holding him at this point, the Werewolf thinking that he wouldn't pose much off a fight.

Running to land a flying kick on the exact same spot Dream had aimed for.

The Alpha crumbles down to his knees at this, his hold on Dream going lax.

"Oh for fuck's sake" he curses under his breath, growling aggressively when another bout of chuckles start up at his expense, his Pack members instantly shutting their yap.

"Somebody get Bob off the ground." He ordered, referring to the Werewolf Dream and Hayden had both ambushed who was still lying prone on the ground, more than a little bloody.

He looked up to the male Omegas who had scrambled back away from him, still crouched on the ground.

One looked worried, the one they had planned to snatch from the very start while the other male Omega, the pregnant one looked mad.

"You know for male Omegas, one pregnant"

"That's both." Dream mumbles under his breath, pissed.

The Alpha blinks in shock, easily rising to his feet again. "What?"

"We didn't kick your head, I said, that's both we're both pregnant and for Alphas of Packs too, don't you think this was stupid of you to do?"

"Bold words coming from an unmated, pregnant Omega." The Alpha taunted cruelly, lacing his fingers together.

Dream flinches back like he had been slapped, all of the color draining from his face, this makes Hayden tuck him closer in his arms, the worried look on his face transforming to anger.

It was the way he was, anger was truly a foreign emotion to him but not when it came to the people he loved, then he could easily bash someone's head in or go after someone obviously way powerful than he was, fighting for the people he loved, gave him strength.

"This is but an unforeseen circumstance, I'll adopt the children of course, it's only rightful for me to do so" the Alpha continued magnanimously, Hayden measuring his head for a rolling pin target.

"For your information, there is no way they'll find you all the way out here, in a town lots of states away so you might want to be getting settled into your new lives." He leans forward at this, hovering over them ominously, gold Alpha eyes out on display, dominance pouring out so violently it makes Dream and Hayden shiver involuntarily.

"And if you pull another shit like you did this night, you're getting the consequences, pregnant or not." He straightens to his full height at this, visibly calmer now that he feels that he had cowered both Omegas.

"They're not my pups anyway, I couldn't care less if you lost them." He adds to himself.

"You son of a" Hayden is already raging, Dream stopping him midsentence, they couldn't risk it.

The Alpha narrows his eyes at this, seeming satisfied with their lack of a response. "Good, take them back" he half yawns, turning around. "This is going to fuck up my sleep cycle." He complains pettishly even as the Werewolves in front of him part for him to pass through.

"Come on, get to your feet." A quiet looking Werewolf walked up to then to say, he exuded authority and was either the Head Beta or something similar.

"Don't touch me." Dream snaps at him, getting to his feet and helping Hayden up. "Who was the two bit imbecile that put me in this dress?" He suddenly asks out of the blue.

Hayden smiles a little at this, thinking that Dream's spirit had been broken.

The quiet Werewolf does a double take at this, color flashing briefly across his cheekbones as he steadily looks away from them.

"Um the Alpha ordered to." He clears his throat to say.

Dream's eyes narrow menacingly at this, the Werewolf in front of them gulping from the intensity of his stare - he was going to bash that bastard's head in, he just needed to get his hand on a trusty bat. 

"I see." Is all Dream says, walking arm in arm alongside Hayden in the direction they were directed to.

Hayden on the other hand was quietly calculating, he knows his mom most likely forgot but he had been told, once that there was a tracker on him, all the LeBarons had one and he had hoped he wouldn't ever be in need of his.

Frankly, he doesn't even know where it's located and it's such a distant memory that it's just coming to him now.

It wasn't repeated because the whole point of a tracker was to keep it a secret, it wouldn't do if they kept talking about it.

But he remembers and he knows now that they just had to hold out for a bit, he would tell Dream later when they got some privacy good. He wanted these sleazy Werewolves to get was was coming to them, especially their Alpha.

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