Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 177 He Showed Up

In an instance, Joanna left where she stood and went to stand in front of him. Together, Joann and Amos walked closer to where the guys stood.

"It's them again!" Amos exclaimed with a frown on his face. "Are they making things difficult for you?" He questioned, his murderous glares darted from one face to the other.

"Do you know them?" Audrey asked, her suspicious gaze focused on Amos' face.

"Of course I do. I know them very well," Amos said. He ignored Joanna's nudge by the side which was meant to call him to order.

[What the hell is he up to now? Is he willing to reveal the identity that he had suffered so much to hide?]

Joanna looked at Amos as though she was staring at a stranger. She decided not to interrupt again seeing how suspiciously Audrey looked at the two of them.

"I thought you said you returned to the Kingdom not long ago. How do you know the notorious boys of the Kingdom?" Audrey questioned.

As the three of them were busy talking, the four guys had a proper look at the guy who arrived not long ago.

Logan didn't find anything special about the guy in glasses until his eyes met with his.

The moment they looked eyeballs to eyeballs the memory of all that happened during their detention in the palace flashed before his eyes.

Logan's legs weakened. He staggered backwards like an intoxicated man despite the fact that he didn't sip alcohol that day.

How could he forget the dreadful eyes of that wicked man which made life a living hell for them for over four months?

His eyes always felt like it was piercing through his soul, how could he ever in his entire life forget those eyeballs?

"They are the guys who always ran away each time they saw Joan so how could I not recognize them?" Amos replied to Audrey's question with another question.

The once anxious Joanna was only able to relax when she listened to his response.

After satisfying Audrey's curiosity, Amos focused his attention on the four men.

[Wasn't he very relaxed earlier so why has he gone back to his previous self?... He is acting as though he had just seen a ghost, why]

Audrey was surprised to see Logan trembling like a wet leaf.

Curious to know why Logan was reacting this way, Audrey followed his line of sight to see whom he was looking at among the three of them.

[It's him?]

Audrey was stunned to see that it wasn't Joanna who made Logan react this way but the man by her side.

"Your Ma…,"

"Will you guys scram from here or are you waiting to see what I will do?" Amos was quick to interrupt Logan.

The chilliness of his masculine voice made Logan tremble even more. He began moving backwards.

"What are you guys still waiting for?" Logan shouted when he noticed that his friends hadn't moved an inch from their previous position.

"Would you only leave when he shoved a dagger into our hearts?" Logan asked fearfully.

He soon disappeared there. His friends followed suit almost immediately.

After they had left Audrey left where she stood and moved to stand in front of Amos.

"Why is it that the guys are more afraid of you than they do with Anna?" Audrey asked, her doubtful glances not moving from Amos' face.

"Is there something about you that we don't know?" Audrey added.

"What could he possibly be hiding…,"

"Anna, I wasn't talking to you so let him be the one to reply," Audrey cut in before Joanna finished what she had to say.

"Maybe they are more scared of me than she because I am a guy…,"

"Those guys you see there are not weak-hearted so forget the fact that they act the way they do in front of Joanna. They would never react the way they did except someone did…,"

"If there is another reason they reacted differently toward me, how would I have known?" Amos interrupted sternly.

Although Amos had a reasonable defence Audrey didn't look convinced with his reply. She didn't press the matter further despite her doubts.

"I will leave you two lovebirds to talk…," Joanna extended her hands and held Audrey's right hand.

"Why don't you stay…,"

"I refuse to be a third wheel so talk with your man without any restraints," Audrey was smart enough to reject Joanna's suggestions.

She pushed Joanna's hands away before she strolled away.

There was silence and awkwardness after Audrey left. Although they were standing beside each other, none was confident enough to turn and look in the other's direction.

"About last night…," the two of the choruses at the same time.

At the same time, they turned and looked at each other.

"Go on first," Amos said meekly.

For two minutes Joanna didn't say anything. In fact, her head went blank at that moment. Earlier she had tons of questions and complaints but now that he was around, her mind instantly froze and was not able to think of anything.

With her gaze lowered she started, " As you know, I am a bit inexperienced in the aspect of intimacy…," She started fiddling with her nails.

"I am sorry if I got carried away and did something I shouldn't have done," Joanna swallowed her pride and apologized even though she had constantly told herself last night she did nothing wrong to deserve what he did to her.

Hearing her apologise when he was the one at fault made Amos feel more guilty.

"I am the one who should be apologising and not you," Amos said in remorse. "No matter what would have been the reason, I shouldn't have left you alone in the house the way I did. So, I apologise," Amos apologised with all sincerity.

There was still awkwardness even though two of them had apologized and they didn't like this at all.

"Also, I am sorry I ruined our first date. I will try my best to make it up to you," Amos said.

"Why the fallen expression? You are making me look like the villain here," Joanna said as she started walking in the direction leading to the main campus.

Amos followed her closely.

"Also you are making it sound like I had looked forward to how things will progress last night more than you did," Joanna muttered shyly.

Amos startled her when he jumped and stood in front of her.

"Didn't you?" Amos asked as he stared into her wavering eyeballs.

He lifted his right hand and placed it on her face. "What sounds were these beautiful lips of yours making last night again…," Amos' index finger stroked her moist red lips. He looked as though he was in deep thoughts.

"I think I have recalled it now," Amos smirked as he brought his mouth close to her right ear.

Before he could open his mouth to talk Joanna raised her hands and pushed his chest away.

"Stop fooling around…. People are watching," Joanna said as she resumed walking.

He only did so little but her ears had turned beet red. She walked in big strides so that Amos walking behind her would not see her reddened ears.

"It's not like I care about them…,"

"I know you are shameless but save my face ok. I am still an unmarried woman and I wouldn't want my chances of getting the most eligible bachelor in the Kingdom as my husband to get ruined by you," Joanna said smiling.

She was caught unawares when he appeared in front of her. She halted in her track.

"That most eligible bachelor in the Kingdom and beyond is standing right in front of you so you don't have to search anymore," Amos said grinning.

His grin grew darker when he got a glimpse of her beet-red ears.

"And why are your ears so red?... Do you feel hot?" He asked, his evil grin hidden behind his innocent expression.

He raised his hand to touch her left ear but Joanna quickly beat his hands away.

"Keep… keep your hand away from my face," flustered Joanna warned as she covered her ears.

"Why are you acting so shy? It's not like we haven't gone beyond seeing and touching each other's nude body so…,"

"I won't talk with you anymore because I know I will only end up getting bullied by you," Joanna said as she pushed him aside and started walking away.

"Where are you going? Have you forgotten that you need to go to the cafe," Amos shouted after the lady hurrying away like she was being chased?

"It looks like you know my schedule even more than I do now…,"

"That is because in the entire world it's I who loves you the most," Amos shouted, not giving a damn that his words attracted the attention of other students.

"Shameless, that is what you are," Joanna said, not stopping to look at him.

As usual, Amos followed Joanna to the cafe. After being directed to his reserved seats by Leah, Amos patiently waited for Joanna to get changed.

"Please what can I get you, Sir," Leah, a slender and not-so-pretty lady, asked politely, not minding that they were almost the same age.

"Leah, leave his orders to Joanna and go attend to other customers," Mrs Parker, whose gaze has been on Amos ever since he arrived, said loud enough for Leah to hear.

"Sorry, our other staff will attend to you soon," Leah bowed and left the brown table.

When Joanna came out of the dressing room after changing into her work outfit, she was surprised to see Mrs Parker standing at Amos' table with a sweet-looking young lady standing by her side.

"Who is that? And why is she making flirtatiously glances at my man?" Joanna asked her glares directed at the lady smiling bewitchingly at Amos.

"Be careful of what you say because that is Mrs Parker's cousin you are talking about…,"

"Mrs Parker's what?" Joanna shouted, not able to hide her emotions.

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