Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 268 She Puts On An Act

Some minutes later on campus Joanna was seen chasing after a lady wearing a black long sleeve shirt.

No matter how many times she yelled the lady's name, she refused to pay attention to her.

"Drey, please wait up," Joanna yelled as she ran to catch up with the lady walking in big strides.

When she finally caught up to Audrey she reached out her hand to clasp Audrey's hands but only for her hand to be violently shoved away by the angry lady.

"Don't touch me," She commanded sternly, her fierce glares directed at Joanna's face.

"Drey, I…," Audrey resumed walking again without allowing Joanna to say anything.

As Joanna pursued Audrey for an opportunity to be heard, they happened to run past the mean witches who were making their way up the stairs on the basketball field.

"When they said good things come in pairs I never used to believe it but not anymore," Tiffany muttered, her gaze concentrated on the two friends who were running in the corridor like cat and mouse.

"Yeah, good things really do come in pairs. The heaven seems to be on our side this time around," Nora remarked, an evil smirk plastered on her pretty face as she gazed at Joanna who was chasing after Audrey.

"I was thinking how we were gonna take care of that Tomboy to make sure that our plans are not ruined by her. I can't believe we got what we wanted without lifting a finger. This is great!" Sophie exclaimed beaming.

Just like her friends she couldn't hide her excitement.

Tiffany tilted her head to look at Doris standing on her left-hand side. "Tell our men that the target is ready to be eaten whole. They will understand what to do," Tiffany informed grinning devilishly.

"I will pass your orders to them," Doris giggled as she walked away from where her friends stood.

Tiffany diverted her gaze back to the lady whose figure was almost out of sight. "After he is done with her today and we spread the video, never will you be able to show yourself in public. The world will think that you cheated on the King. None including your friends will be able to vouch for your innocence. Just wait and see how I get back at you for all the humiliation," Tiffany clasped her fist, her gaze focused on the lady whose figure was gradually disappearing due to the huge gap between them.

Even though Audrey constantly ignores her, the persistent Joanna refused to give up just like that.

This is her chance to set things right, how could she miss it? Besides, who knows if she is gonna get such an opportunity again?

"Drey, please wait for a moment and let me talk ok?" The exhausted lady pleaded as she grabbed Audrey's hand.

"I have told you to give up because I won't give you what you want. I will not give you the chance to lie to me again," Audrey turned and glared at the panting lady.

Seeing the sweat dripping down her face made Audrey heartache. She clenched her fist to keep her emotions under control.

"Asking me to give up on an opportunity to explain myself is the same as asking me to give up on our friendship and how do you expect me to do that?" Joanna gasped.

She tried to wipe the sweat off her face with her right hand but she had to give up on that when Audrey tried to use the opportunity to run away. Joanna grabbed her right hand with both hands.

"There is no need to keep being stubborn. Accept the fact that there is nothing you can do to fix our broken relationship," Audrey started fiercely.

"Broken porcelain can be fixed and so are other things but they are some things which can never be fixed when broken no matter how hard you try just like our friendship".

She tried to free her hands from her hold but Joanna held on with all the strength she could muster up.

"Drey, I know that it breaks your heart to see us this way so stop acting tough and admit that you also want us to go back to how we were…,"

"You can keep on dreaming for all I care," Audrey declared. In a bid to free herself she applied too much force which caused Joanna to fall to the floor.

Without thinking Audrey ran and squatted in front of her with her hands stretched out for Joanna to hold onto for support.

"Why are you so careless?" She scolded, frowning.

Joanna stared at Audrey's outstretched hand intently.

[If only I had known that this was all I needed to grab her attention then I wouldn't have minded falling down a thousand times]

Joanna smiled as she stretched forth her hand and held Audrey's extended hand.

"Stop giving me that look or else people will think I bullied you…,"

"Isn't that exactly what you did?" Joanna interrupted. She refused to let go of Audrey's hand even though she was standing on her feet.

"You…," Audrey was lost at what to say when she realised that her best friend was trying to take advantage of the situation.

"I can see you are perfectly fine now so I better get going," Audrey, who managed to free her hand from her cunning friend's hold, turned to walk away.

"Ouch…," A sudden cry of pain made her turn and look behind her. She was stunned to see Joanna grabbing her right leg with a pained look plastered on her face.

"I think I have sprained my ankle. Won't you give me a hand?" Joanna asked as she stretched her hand towards Audrey.

Audrey turned and looked around her. She was surprised to see that so many people had gathered around them on the not the big passageway.

[Let's see whether she will have the heart to leave me to these hungry prey who have been waiting for a day like this to teach me a big lesson]

Joanna bet all her luck on this little pretence to pave a way for them to settle things.

"Please give me a hand hmm," Joanna begged.

Audrey was contemplating what to do when a guy emerged from the crowd and walked up to Joanna.

"Mr Aidan requires your presence in his office," the guy informed. Joanna's mood took a 180-degree turn when she heard the guy's words.

"I will go to answer his call later. As you can see I am busy…,"

"He said he needs you in his office right now," the tall guy with brown hair asserted not leaving leeway for Joanna.

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