Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 733: God of the Nightshades

Chapter 733: God of the Nightshades

Xu Qing looked at the enormous dreadnaught, then walked toward it. As he neared, its reflection appeared in his eyes. Flames surrounded it, with the high heat causing everything to ripple and distort. The fluctuations coming off it seemed to encompass two aspects.

The first aspect was Xu Qing’s mark that came from his old dharmaship. Although the old ship had been dismantled in preparation to make the dreadnaught, those pieces had been reused as the new foundation.

The second aspect of the fluctuations were that of the ancient sun. Xu Qing had carried that ancient sun at his waist for a long time in the Moonrite Region, and had therefore developed a close connection to it. After sensing the fluctuations, Xu Qing realized that the dreadnaught didn’t seem anything at all like a stranger. All he had to do was mark it as his own, combine the two aspects of the fluctuations, and then he would have full control of what was essentially the same ancient sun as before, just upgraded.

As everyone looked on, he floated up until he was over the ancient sun, then took a deep breath and sent his divine sense into the sun. There was no resistance at all.

In hardly more than ten breaths of time, Xu Qing’s divine sense filled it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out from inside. It was like a gigantic sleeping beast waking up. The flames surged, and the energy grew more shocking. The sun trembled as it floated up, passing Xu Qing like an actual rising sun.

Xu Qing hovered there, his hair whipping about, his aura connected to the huge violet sun, causing him to feel great pressure. Everyone looking on felt immense weight pushing down on them.

Around then, the Captain spoke. “Keep it up, little Ah Qing! It’s time to witness a miracle! Although Violet Roundy is mighty, it’s not quite on the level of a real Dawning Sun. The explosion of a Dawning Sun can take out half a region! But if Violet Roundy detonates, it won’t take out more than half a prefecture.

“But that’s fine. Based on my calculations, after it absorbs some of Crimson Mother’s flesh, it will become vastly more powerful. Although, I suggest you don’t do any experiments here. Let’s go somewhere else. Perhaps Forbidden by the Zombie?”

The Captain licked his lips, and his eyes shone bright with craziness. Truth be told, because that violet sun had Xu Qing’s fluctuations, he was the only one who could actually control it. The Captain had already confirmed that personally.

Xu Qing looked down at the Captain, then blurred into motion. An instant later, he appeared atop the sun.

A throne rose up beneath him, and he sat down. He sent his divine will out. The ancient sun rumbled loudly, like a roaring god.

The anxious Captain quickly flew up to join Xu Qing, and then the sun zipped away, quickly leaving the Seazombie ancestral land. The violet sun was gone, leaving behind only a few expanding ripples.

When it appeared again, it was far out over the Forbidden Sea, in the air above Forbidden by the Zombie. Though there was no blood visible in the black seawater, a powerful stench of gore filled the air. The mutagen here was different from other places, roiling with such intensity that it formed a mist on the water. In the past, that mist was so thick it blocked out the sun. But the events which played out not too long ago had affected the forbidden ground significantly.

“This place’ll do. Alright, it’s go time, little Ah Qing! Let’s see what that piece of Crimson Mother’s flesh will do.”

The Captain glanced down at Forbidden by the Zombie, the craziness in his eyes shining more brightly than ever.

Xu Qing turned to the Captain. “Eldest Brother,” he said coolly, “does this positive attitude of yours have something to do with certain plans you have regarding Forbidden by the Zombie?”

The Captain’s expression suddenly became very somber. “Little Junior Brother,” he said solemnly, “how could you say something like that? I’m your Eldest Brother, so of course I’m interested in you improving your battle prowess. In fact, I’m more concerned about your own breakthroughs than my own.”

Xu Qing’s face remained completely without expression. He didn’t believe the Captain’s nonsense. And given how well he knew the Captain, he could easily guess what was really going on. After Xu Qing just looked at him for a very long moment, the Captain awkwardly smiled.

Lowering his voice, he said, “Little Ah Qing, there’s no one in charge of Forbidden by the Zombie right now, so it’s the perfect place for experimentation. After all, what happens on the off chance that... Violet Roundy explodes? It could very well break open the lair of the previous master of this forbidden ground. And that fellow must have a ton of treasure stockpiled!

“Now, I’ll give it you that if Violet Roundy doesn’t power up and instead explodes, it would be dangerous. But what in life isn’t dangerous? And could that danger possibly surpass dealing with Crimson Mother? I’m not scared! Worst case scenario, this life ends, and I have to start a new life. And when I do, I’ll resurrect you!”

Licking his lips, the Captain thumped himself on the chest. “Besides, based on my speculations, after you put Crimson Mother’s flesh inside, there’s only a thirty percent chance that Violet Roundy will explode. And that means there’s a seventy percent chance of success! Think about what success would mean! This thingy would be more powerful than an actual Dawning Sun. You won’t even need to worry about cultivation! You could use it alone to crush countless species.”

The more the Captain talked, the more excited he got. “You’ve got to take the chance, little Ah Qing!”

Xu Qing’s face twitched slightly. He knew the Captain was crazy, and he knew the Captain liked to risk his life. But Xu Qing wasn’t interested in putting his own life on the line for something as meaningless as this.

Just as he was about to refuse, the Captain suddenly pulled out a piece of Crimson Mother’s flesh and jammed a golden jade slip into it. It surged with teleportation fluctuations.

Xu Qing looked at it.

The Captain cleared his throat, then removed the jade slip and tossed it to Xu Qing. “That’s a new invention of mine. After absorbing Crimson Mother’s godsource, it can sustain the pressure of personhood and allow for safe teleportations away. Don’t worry, we won’t die.”

Xu Qing mulled it over. He looked at the jade slip, and then at the violet sun. The reality was that he was really interested to see what would happen after he put Crimson Mother’s flesh into the sun. And a look had appeared in his eyes that mirrored the Captain’s craziness.

Finally, his eyes shone with determination and he lifted his right hand. A violet worm emerged from his palm and entered the teleportation jade slip. The worm teleported away safely. After the cultivation base reached a certain level, all cultivators could be reborn through regeneration to a certain extent. Having accomplished that, Xu Qing took out a fist-sized piece of Crimson Mother’s flesh. Mutagen instantly erupted. Colors flashed in the sky and winds kicked up.

Looking enlivened, the Captain backed up and took out a second golden jade slip. Noticing what Xu Qing did, he sent a blue worm into the jade slip, and sent it teleporting away.

Seeing that the Captain was ready, Xu Qing took a deep breath and prepared to send Crimson Mother’s flesh into the violet sun. Before he could, a cold voice echoed out.

“Do you two have a death wish? If so, you picked a good spot. The feng shui makes this a very unique location. It’s the perfect place for two graves.”

As the Captain blinked a few times, Xu Qing looked in the direction the voice came from. Ninth Sib appeared, floating down toward Xu Qing. Looking at the violet sun, he nodded.

“Not bad. If you add Crimson Mother’s flesh, then it’ll definitely be enough to send you on your way. In fact, I’d say there’s a ninety-nine percent chance that will be the outcome. You might have sent some of your godsource away, but your true forms will be wiped out in an instant, so whether or not you end up regenerating will be up to chance.

“That said, you do have those teleportation jade slips. They should get some of your treasure away. I have to admit, the two of you are really skilled at being suicidal. By the way, do you two have any last words?”

Ninth Sib looked at Xu Qing and then the Captain.

Xu Qing didn’t say anything, but he put away the piece of Crimson Mother’s flesh and dispelled any thoughts of putting it into the sun. If the chances of it detonating were that high, then it made more sense to explode the sun in a place where it would make a difference. It wasn’t something that should be wasted.

Most importantly, he needed to be far enough away to be safe. Either that, or make sure he could teleport away before the detonation.

The Captain shrank back a bit. He hated to admit it, but Ninth Sib’s prediction seemed a lot more reliable than his own. If the chances of success were that small, then putting his life on the line didn’t make that much sense. Having reached the conclusion that this was definitely the best idea, the Captain smiled sarcastically.

Ninth Sib laughed coldly. “So you’re not going to attempt suicide?”

Xu Qing shook his head. The Captain was just as quick to do the same.

Ninth Sib snorted coldly, then vanished into thin air, leaving Xu Qing and the Captain behind on the open sea. The two of them looked at each other.

The Captain sighed. Lowering his voice, he said, “What a pity. How come I feel like a kid that was caught by the adults before he could set off some fireworks? I mean, if we’d succeeded, then we would have such an amazing destructive force to use as a threat! Even the emperor would have had to treat us politely! I just can’t accept this!”

Xu Qing nodded. He also felt it was a pity. With the wave of his hand, he pulled the ancient sun toward him. It shrank down into a little sphere that dropped onto his palm. After hanging it at his waist, he looked around and then projected a divine will message to the Captain.

“Be patient, Eldest Brother. With some additional preparation, and a bit more confidence, we can try again!”

The Captain nodded earnestly. “You’re absolutely correct, little Junior Brother. I’ll make some additional preparations. And when we have the chance, we can go visit my ex-wife. We can put on a really big fireworks show for hēr!”

With that, he threw his arm over Xu Qing’s shoulders, and the two of them made their way off into the distance.


Up in the air, Ninth Sib sighed. As far as he was concerned, these two really were far too suicidal. That said, the two of them had plotted for years against Crimson Mother, and had gone up against hēr with mere Nascent Soul cultivation bases.... Thinking of it in those terms, he realized things weren’t as dramatic as he’d imagined.


In the Nightspirit Region, on the front lines with the Nightshades, the war had reached a critical juncture. King Heaventide had led his forces against the Nightshade cultivators. Blood flowed like rivers, and immortal skills descended like rain. Deceased souls floated up constantly.

After suffering defeat after defeat, the Nightshade forces had gathered together. In the middle of the army were seventeen Nightshade priests in long violet robes, who prostrated to the canopy of heaven in some sort of ritual.

“The new moon, lord to me; Revered Ancient’s true trustee; the living hosts suffer; they have a blissful guarantee.

“Give myself to my Lord, no bitterness for me, from bitterness I’m free, undecayed for all to see.

“The new moon, lord; from the Revered Ancient community; all living beings far and near; as Violet Lord do address thee.

“Souls offered, lord to me; pāramitā an actuality; sing with joy when you see; the return to our world ends happily.”

When King Heaventide saw that, he sneered. “Trying to summon a god? Your god is asleep and can’t pay any attention to you.”

Despite his words, King Heaventide was shaken. After all, he had heard the litany and realized that Crimson Mother wasn’t mentioned. Instead, there was some new figure named Violet Lord.

His eyes narrowed, but at the same time, he didn’t want any delays. With the wave of his hand, he sent hordes of cultivators surging forward to wipe out the Nightshade army. Yet at that exact moment, the sky which previously contained the glow of a Dawning Sun now shone with a violet glow. Then, a huge violet moon appeared in the sky, pulsing with terrifying pressure.

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