Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 102 - 102 I’m Not a Good Person (One more for Alliance Leader Taolang)

Chapter 102: Chapter 102 I’m Not a Good Person (One more for Alliance Leader Taolang)

Is that so? Feng Jun inwardly expressed his high skepticism of these words.

He wasn’t an unfeeling person, but he was decidedly not a pushover either.

Therefore, he spoke with calm composure, “Since you like it, you can contact me in the future if you have any needs.”

Upon hearing this, the beautiful sales guide leaned forward in her seat and turned her head, addressing him seriously, “You know that’s not what I mean.”

Feng Jun inwardly sighed, yet his face showed no emotion, “Wasn’t it… just now?”

Biting her lip, the beauty spoke up, “Since neither of us is seeing anyone, why can’t we try dating each other?”

Are you okay? Feng Jun looked askance with disbelief, “You’ve only seen me buying a car. Do you even know what I do for a living?”

“I’m not in a hurry to know that,” the beauty expressed, showing her lack of concern, “You can tell me slowly.”

To her, knowing that this man was not only young and handsome but also very wealthy was enough. For that reason, she didn’t hesitate to put aside a girl’s modesty and actively seek a relationship.

So, she really is a materialistic girl! Feng Jun inwardly sighed again.

He had no prejudice against such girls. These days, everyone was like that. If not talking about material things, then what? Serving the people?

But for this woman to aim at seizing the opportunity to become his girlfriend— that was beyond what he could accept. “We’re not on the same path. For a man, turning a fling into a husband is truly depressing… Do you want me to be unhappy?”

His words were soft with an undertone of firmness. The beauty, slightly embarrassed, couldn’t react too strongly. After a moment of silence, she inquired softly, “How do you know we’re not meant for each other?”

Feng Jun didn’t want to answer such a question, so he bluntly made a proposition, “How about I introduce you to another car insurance?”

“Ah, there’s no need for that,” the sales guide sighed with disappointment, “I just rarely feel an attraction to someone, and I didn’t expect to be turned down. Now I finally understand what those guys I’ve rejected must have felt like.” “Just as you can reject others, others can certainly reject you,” Feng Jun replied with a smile, “If everything always went as you wished, where would the fun be in life?”

Upon hearing this, the beauty couldn’t resist showing off a bit, “I’ve hardly been turned down by anyone from childhood till now.”

A pampered girl, Feng Jun thought as he chuckled, “I didn’t reject you, right? It’s just that we’re not suitable for dating, that’s all.”

The beauty turned her head to look at him again, “I’m really curious, why are we not suitable?

“How should I put it?” Feng Jun coughed slightly, thinking to himself that she really wanted to know, so she shouldn’t blame him for being impolite.

“I must admit, I’m not a good man, but I still hope to meet a good woman… I know it’s disgraceful and unfair to women, but most men are like this.”

The beauty indeed seized upon the crucial point, scoffing coldly, “You think I’m not a good woman?”

I can only say, you might not be a bad woman! Feng Jun inwardly murmured but only let a slight smile curl at the corner of his mouth, “In this day and age, calling someone a good person… has become an insult, hasn’t it?”

The beauty was momentarily at a loss for words, then snorted lightly after a while, “You really have a slick tongue.”

“Alright, let’s go for dinner,” Feng Jun couldn’t be bothered to say more, but one couldn’t just walk away after such an encounter; one had to aim for a proper closure, “What would you like to eat?”

The sales guide loved seafood, so they chose a fancy seafood restaurant. Funiu was inland, so the seafood couldn’t be said to be that great, but the place they chose was passable, with most of the seafood still being live.

They ordered a whole big table of dishes, and in the end, even the sales guide was a bit overwhelmed, “That should be enough. We won’t be able to finish even half of this.”

“Don’t worry about it. I can finish it all by myself,” Feng Jun gave her a glance, speaking with a cheerful grin, “Order more of what you like… Take the chance to nourish your body.”

The words “nourish your body” somewhat provoked the sales guide, who, without a second word, ordered six oysters for Feng Jun, “You should nourish yourself as well.”

She did it with a bit of a mischievous intention, thinking that since Boss Feng didn’t care about money, they could just leave the rest if they couldn’t finish.

But she never expected that Boss Feng was truly a big eater. Nearly ninety percent of a full table of dishes ended up in his belly. She only ate ten percent and felt so full she couldn’t bear it.

By a little after eight o’clock, dinner was mostly done. Feng Jun signaled the waiter for the check. Before the bill arrived, his mobile phone started ringing; on the line was the young man from the real estate agency.

The young agent on the phone explained that he had made contact with the owner in the Huasheng Residential Community. However, the owner would be heading to the capital city tomorrow, so if they wanted to meet, tonight would be the best time.

Feng Jun cast a glance at the beauty by his side, feeling content after a nice dinner, “Wanna skip going home tonight?”

“I can’t do that,” the beauty firmly shook her head repeatedly, “My mom would kill me… unless you agree to date me.”

Feng Jun was astonished, “When you were with your ex, you could stay out all night?”

“How could I?” The beauty gave him a disdainful look, “He just owned a house and a car and thought no end of himself. He also had a bad temper… My mom didn’t like him, saying that apart from his good looks, there was nothing remarkable about him.”

Please, in Zhengyang City, having a house and a car is considered pretty good, okay? Feng Jun found himself somewhat speechless. Just a few months ago, he was still complaining about the house prices in Zhengyang.

However, he did feel a twinge of jealousy, “Is he really handsome?”

“Not as much as you,” the beauty gave him a small smile, “He’s a bit of a sissy, not like you with your manliness.”

Feng Jun nodded, paid the bill, and then took another glance at her, “Really can’t go home?”

“I can stay,” the beauty looked at him with a sly smile, “but you know the condition… it’s your call.”

“Then I’ll call a taxi for you,” Feng Jun pulled out his mobile phone, “I have an appointment with a real estate agent to look at a house, I can’t take you home.” “I’ll go with you,” the beauty was indeed not shy, “After viewing the house, it’s not too late for me to go home… I just can’t be back too late.”

The villas in the Huasheng Residential Community were really nice, a three-and-a-half-story building with an additional floor below ground, which strictly speaking made it four and a half stories.

The villa even had a small yard, not only with two garages, but also over fifty square meters of garden space.

The owner was a man in his sixties, who impatiently expressed that this was supposed to be his retirement home, and he would not have sold it if he hadn’t been desperate for cash.

The young real estate agent whispered by the side, explaining that the old man’s son had embezzled funds to play the stock market and had made a mess of it; he was now locked up in custody, and the whole family was scrambling to raise money for him.

The decor of the villa was simple yet luxurious, made with genuine materials. This was a house that had been lived in for seven or eight years. It was a personally designed decoration style by the owner, not the kind of “buy a house, get a free luxury decoration” that had become popular in recent years.

Feng Jun wasn’t particularly impressed with the house, because not only was it in a busy area, but also to demonstrate its high status, the community had connected to two power lines for automatic switching in case of power cuts, eliminating the risk of blackouts.

To Feng Jun, a villa that couldn’t fit a generator wasn’t a good villa.

Especially the old owner, who had a face full of deep resentment, as if he was doing Feng Jun a favor by selling the house.

His tone was also very sharp—understandable, given his son’s situation, anyone would be in a bad mood.

Feng Jun could understand the old man’s frustration, but he wasn’t about to let himself be mistreated. He was there to buy a house, not to be insulted.

So after a brief look, he lost interest.

It was the sales guide who seemed quite enthralled, running up and down the floors several times, and even thoroughly enjoying the home theater in the basement.

When leaving the villa, her eyes were filled with excitement.

Feng Jun was certain that if he bought the house for her, not only would she stay the night, but giving birth to a child out of wedlock for him wouldn’t be an issue either—perhaps two or three?

But… why would he do that?

Considering the presence of the owner, he refrained from provoking the man and simply indicated he’d look at a few more places.

The old man was quite rude in response, “If you’re going to decide, do it quickly, several people are interested in buying.”

Feng Jun just smiled and walked away—when it all comes down to it, I’m the one with the money, as if Zhengyang only has your villa to offer?

The agent, astute as he was, knew Boss Feng wasn’t pleased. While escorting him to the car, he murmured, “I’ve contacted a few other properties, and we’re finalizing details. There are two… we should be able to confirm by tomorrow.” Feng Jun nodded, “This place is indeed nice, but it’s a bit noisy. As long as the property management is good, it doesn’t matter if it’s a bit secluded.”

The young agent drove off, but the sales guide couldn’t help but exclaim in the Passat, “Such a nice house and you’re not interested? Having a house like that in my lifetime would be more than enough for me.”

Feng Jun glanced at her, speaking with a smile, “Don’t be so easily satisfied, okay?”

“How is this being easily satisfied?” The sales guide looked at him discontentedly, “It’s over forty million! I wouldn’t be able to afford it even if I didn’t eat or drink for five hundred years.”

Feng Jun shrugged, “You’re still young, you have a long way ahead, who can guarantee you won’t make something of yourself in the future?”

The beauty sighed with a tinge of regret, “If I could marry you, none of this would be a problem.”

Feng Jun slapped his forehead, “I told you, I’m supposed to take you home, why leave you hanging in suspense, what’s the fun in that?”

“Of course, it’s fun,” the beauty giggled, “Actually, I’m already regretting it, I shouldn’t have…”

Hearing this, Feng Jun no longer paid attention to her and focused on driving instead. Nowadays, once girls start speaking crazily, they could be bolder than men, and he didn’t want to make hasty promises for a moment of thrill.

Before long, they arrived at a factory’s residential area, and about three hundred meters away from the community entrance, the beauty asked him to stop, “There are a lot of acquaintances in the neighborhood, it wouldn’t be good for them to see.”

(First update, congratulations to the alliance master Taolang..)

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