Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 40: Online Game

Chapter 40: Online Game

Wang Haifeng was still curious about what had happened between Feng Jun and Wang Weimin.

Feng Jun, however, had no interest in telling him the long story.

Wang Haifeng said later, "You can apply for your passport in Zhengyang City; you don't need to go back to your hometown."

Actually, Feng Jun already had a passport, and he used to plan to have a honeymoon trip abroad with his girlfriend when they got married, but unfortunately, it didn't come to fruition.

Feng Jun shook his head. "Anyway, I'll be busy for a while."

"Don't forget to answer my calls," said Wang Haifeng.

"I've called you a hundred times the other day, but I still couldn't find you."

Feng Jun rolled his eyes. "You did the same thing to me!"

Wang Haifeng curled his lips. "Fine, do you have a fixed abode?"

Feng Jun shook his head again. "Not now."

He didn't want to tell Wang Haifeng that he had a new place to live now.

Afterward, he still went back to the factory and packed his stuff up.

The old man didn't care much about it, because he already received the rent for this month and Feng Jun's generator was still in the room.

"Are you moving?" asked the old man curiously.

Feng Jun gave him a glance. "No, my friend lost his girl again."

The old man asked, "The same girl?"

"Yeah." Feng Jun gave a heavy nod, and a taxi stopped in front of him at this moment. He began to move his suitcases into it.

In the following three days, Feng Jun stayed in the villa.

He kept charging himself day and night, and the print at his wrist had darkened much as the energy points grew from 25 to over 50.

It didn't seem very efficient, but Feng Jun had to pay attention to his surroundings when he was charging himself.

He couldn't let the distant relative find out what he was doing.

The biggest problem was that the generator consumed diesel oil at a crazy speed.

It piqued the electrician's curiosity.

Feng Jun refused to tell him what he was doing. He only told him to fill up the diesel oil every day, and he was willing to pay him more money for that.

The electrician shut his mouth at once.

As long as he could make extra money every day, he didn't care about what Feng Jun was doing.

He only reminded Feng Jun to be careful. Because he consumed electricity rapidly, the distant relative might be suspicious of him.

Exactly because of that, Feng Jun could only intermittently charge himself during days.

Luckily, he already accumulated enough energy points for his tests.

The first thing he needed to do now was to tap into the potential of other applications on his phone.

He must be well-prepared with adequate materials and some skills to protect himself.

The wilderness had bad natural conditions and was also very dangerous. The destructive power of the orangutan and hedgehog battle surprised Feng Jun too.

Even though Feng Jun really wanted to find more magical jewels, his life was more precious.

To be honest, he wanted to learn Dharma spells.

He majored in arts in university, so he didn't lack imagination.

It was impossible to learn Dharma spells in his world, but they existed in the game world.

Therefore, Feng Jun decided to play an online game with his phone.

Since he was able to make the coins in QQ farm disappear, it wouldn't be difficult for him to learn Dharma spells.

He was willing to accept challenges.

However, he couldn't do that test in a remote villa.

Both the signals and reception here were of bad quality.

As a result, he planned to go to the city for the test.

It wasn't convenient for him to go to Zhengyang City because the roads here weren't flat either.

Fortunately, the distant relative needed to deal with something in Zhengyang City, so he gave Feng Jun a lift.

When Feng Jun arrived at Zhengyang City, he didn't go back to his rented room in the factory but booked a room in a hotel instead.

After that, he went to buy a lot of food and remembered the phone number of two nearby restaurants so that he could order take-out in the following days.

At 11 am, he went back to his room and began to search for a game with his phone.

The screen of his phone was too small, so he decided to buy a laptop after this test.

Before long, he chose a game, which was adapted from a TV show.

After downloading the game, he logged in and started to play it.

The game was fool-friendly, and he soon reached Level 30. When he entered the City of Vermilion Bird, he touched the screen with his left hand.

The next second, he was in the game world with all kinds of ancient buildings around him.

There were other game characters by his side, but they were obviously non-playable characters.

When he wandered about, a man ran by him with a nickname shining above his head.

"A live human being!" Feng Jun was surprised, but it wasn't important.

What he needed to do now was to buy cultivation techniques from a shop in the City of Vermilion Bird.

According to the game setting, he could only buy common cultivation techniques in the shop, and he had to fight against beasts to get good ones.

However, Feng Jun didn't care about the quality, because the cultivation techniques would be powerful in his world no matter how bad they were.

He bought three kinds of cultivation techniques from the shop. One was the movement technique, one was the knife technique, while the other was the gun technique.

The second he touched the piece of paper with the gun technique written on it, it disappeared. The notes about gun technique showed up in his mind after that.

He didn't learn the other two cultivation techniques. Instead, he put them into his storage bag.

After that, he walked to the northeast, because he knew players teamed up there to fight against beasts.

The first team he joined wasn't reliable and soon failed.

The second team wasn't good either.

Feng Jun learned from his experiences and joined a good team later. He then finally got a cultivation technique book.

The leader of this team saw what Feng Jun got and asked him for it.

However, Feng Jun was unwilling to exchange it for spirit stones.

The leader was displeased when he refused to do that. "Dude, a hundred intermediate spirit stones are a lot. I give you a very generous offer because we're teammates."

Feng Jun sneered, "Sorry, I want to send this book to my wife, so I can't give it to you."

The leader was mad. "Let's see!"

Without delay, he disbanded the team and began to fight against Feng Jun with his friends in the game.

The next second, five game players attacked Feng Jun from five different directions.

If Feng Jun left the game right now, he might lose his equipment, so normally, game players wouldn't quit at this moment.

The five game players knew that very well, so they tried to force Feng Jun to give them the cultivation technique book by doing that.

In their eyes, although a cultivation technique book wasn't very valuable, it was better than other low-level equipment in the game.

Anyway, they wanted to grab the cultivation technique book from Feng Jun.

In fact, if Feng Jun was willing to give them the book of his own accord, they would give him spirit stones.

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