Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 59: Help Me

Chapter 59: Help Me

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Feng Jun lay in the long grass while silently observing the small village under the mountain.

He entered the wilderness again and stayed in it for the whole twenty days. Three days ago, he was on this mountain, and he found a small village under it.

The village was very small with about 20 households and more than 100 people. They planted more than a thousand acres of land, and the fields were irrigated by the mountain stream. There were fruit trees and a breeding industry. More than 10 strong young men could hunt with iron forks or bows and arrows.

The mountain stream wasn’t far from the village, and it gathered into a small lake with a size of about 50 or 60 acres, but no one was seen fishing.

Those villagers’ clothes were similar to those of the Ming Dynasty, and it was hard for Feng Jun to understand their accent.

Feng Jun actually cared more about their fighting ability. If they could kill other people with a simple quick punch, he would stay careful when he approached them.

Luckily, they were as strong as people in the Ming Dynasty too, and Feng Jun believed that he could be one of the strongest men in their village.

However, all the villagers here had long hair.

Feng Jun, on the contrary, had short hair. Although he had stayed here for nearly three months, his hair didn’t grow much longer.

In that case, he would look very different from other people in the village.

He could buy a wig in his world, but Feng Jun also noticed that the hair bun was often one of the weaknesses when men in the village were fighting against each other for fun.

If he put on a wig, his hair could be easily pulled off.

Therefore, he didn’t bother to go back to his world to buy a wig.

He stepped back to the top of the mountain to hide his temporary abode. He then held an iron bar in his hand and carried various weapons along with a big backpack before he went to the village on the other side of the mountain. He decided to take a roundabout route to enter this village.

In that case, he had to walk at least 40 miles, but it didn’t matter. It was close to the village directly from the top of the mountain, and it was only 7 miles away, but his materials would be easily exposed.

When he was about eight miles away from the village, a sheep-gut trail appeared all of a sudden, and this was purely a trail made by people’s footsteps. The road was fairly flat, but it was winding.

After he walked more than three miles on the trail, he heard sounds of the collision of weapons at a corner, and some people were shouting in front of him.

Feng Jun stopped and quickly climbed up a big rock with his hands and feet. He looked ahead and found a man and a woman were fighting against each other. The man was in his forties, and the woman was in her early twenties.

Both of them used weapons. The woman had a hatchet, while the man used a machete, but the woman was able to stop the man’s attack and occasionally fought back.

“It’s her!” Feng Jun frowned. This woman lived in this small village. He had seen a family of five in the telescope. In addition to her parents, she also had two younger brothers.

Her father had lost an arm, so he rarely practiced fighting skills, but she was quite good at fighting, and she even urged her two younger brothers to be more diligent.

Feng Jun had to admit that he was no match for her as to their fighting skills, but the woman might not be able to defeat him if it was a fight of life and death.

However, her father must be stronger than him.

As for the man who was fighting at the woman at this moment, Feng Jun had no impression of him.

The woman shouted while swinging the hatchet, but the man smiled and said something with pride while waving the machete easily. It seemed that he was at ease in the fight.

After watching for a few minutes, Feng Jun found that the woman might lose the fight.

A while later, the woman was short of strength, but the man was still waving his machete steadily.

“What are they saying?” Feng Jun couldn’t understand their conversation because they talked too fast.

The woman was losing hope as time went by. Actually, she found a green bamboo shoot today and was greatly excited by it, but a man from the mountain stopped her from having it and said it was planted by him.

It was obviously a lie because the man was a stranger.

She was unwilling to give the bamboo shoot to the man, so the man sexually harassed her.

The woman was furious and began to fight against him. Unfortunately, the man was much stronger than her.

As a woman, she dared to walk outside alone because she was strong and she wasn’t far away from their village.

She didn’t dare walk far away because there were wild animals in the mountain.

When she was about to lose the fight, she hoped that other villagers might walk by here and help her chase the man away. She was only two kilometers away from their village after all.

Unfortunately, no one else walked by here, and she was short of strength soon.

The next second, when she thought about what she should do next, the man suddenly cut off a piece of her coat.

She panicked and looked around, searching for help, but she only saw a strange young man standing on a big rock.

Without further thinking, she shouted to Feng Jun.

Feng Jun was struck dumb because he didn’t understand what she was talking about.

The middle-aged man was very experienced, and he didn’t stop attacking her even when she shouted in another direction.

He slightly slowed down his attack and turned to look at Feng Jun.

Feng Jun thought for a while before shouting back, “What did you say?”

He tried to copy her accent and make himself understood.

However, it still took a long while for the woman to understand Feng Jun.

She believed that he was a villager from another village, so she slowed down and shouted, “Help me beat him. We can share the bamboo boot.”

Feng Jun did his best and finally figured out what the woman was talking about.

The woman must have found something valuable and the man wanted to grab it away. Now the woman wanted to share the valuable thing with him if he could help her.

Feng Jun had no interest in the bamboo shoot, but he wanted to be accepted by the small village by helping the woman.

Therefore, he shook his head. “I have no interest in the bamboo shoot, but you need my help now, right?”

Hearing that, the middle-aged man shouted, “Hey, young man, don’t be involved and you can have this woman. I’ll have the bamboo shoot.”

Feng Jun had no interest in the woman either.

Although she was good-looking, she was strong and fat in Feng Jun’s eyes.

He loved flirting with beautiful women, but he would never force them to have sex with him. He actually disdained that behavior.

The woman shouted to Feng Jun too, “You deserve half of the bamboo shoot, or you can help me call other villagers of our village over.”

Feng Jun thought for a while. “Well, how long can you protect yourself in the fight?”

The middle-aged man was mad. “Hey, do you want to die with her?”

“I don’t like the way you talk to me,” snorted Feng Jun. He pulled out a powerful crossbow from his shoulder.

The woman must have never seen such a high-tech product, but from the appearance, she guessed correctly what it was. “Don’t kill him. Catch him alive!” shouted the woman at once.

At the same time, she jumped aside in case Feng Jun hurt her by accident.

The middle-aged man was also distracted. When he saw Feng Jun take out a crossbow, he was shocked. It was beyond his imagination that the shiny iron shelf hanging on Feng Jun’s shoulder could turn into a crossbow after fiddling with it twice.

“Wow, it’s a creature!” He looked greedy.

At the same time, he clearly knew that he must survive today in order to get the creature.

When the woman jumped aside, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. “Young man, I promise you’ll pay for what you’ve done today!”

The next second, Feng Jun pulled the trigger, and a short steel arrow was shot out. It pierced into the man’s left leg.

The middle-aged man had used his movement technique to avoid the crossbow arrow, but he made a mistake in his judgment. He thought that there was only a two-foot-long crossbow, which would not be too powerful, so he didn’t look back.

Unfortunately, he was accurately hit by the arrow.

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