Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 77 - 77 Thunderbolt Immortal Technique

Chapter 77: Chapter 77 Thunderbolt Immortal Technique

“The hell with the Spirit Beast!” Gu Family’s Thirteenth Young Master leapt up, bent over to pick up a stick wrapped in cotton cloth, and lit it in the bonfire.

This was their homemade torch, the broken strips of cloth were smeared with animal fat, which could be lit at night to light their way as they traveled.

With a vault, he had landed on the back of a horse and shouted, “Chase! This must belong to my Gu Family!”

Gu Family’s Thirteenth Young Master could see it very clearly from the side— the two-wheeled vehicle could move on its own, emit dazzling white light, and most importantly—it could carry people!

This wonder far surpassed anything he had seen before.

At this moment, he had only one belief: even if he had to slay the two men, he must acquire this object.

As for the origins of the Divine Doctor and the background behind him, with such resolve, none of that mattered anymore.

Gu Shisan moved quickly, and the others were not slow either. They leaped onto their horses and followed suit.

The last to mount was Lao Liu, who grabbed Jia Xingwang and threw him onto the back of ahorse, “Can’t leave you alone here, kid.”

They acted so hastily that they didn’t even have time to pack up their luggage on the ground, which contained varied items—lest this scoundrel should take them.

Of course, Lao Liu’s taking the kid with him was not just because he couldn’t bear to part with those pots and jars; mainly, they wanted to pursue those two, and this kid could be useful at any moment.

Lao Liu was delayed by just about ten seconds, and Gu Shisan had already dashed nearly a hundred meters away.

Riding a motorcycle or riding a horse, which is a little faster?

It depends on the circumstances. Leaving aside the comparison of acceleration, if it’s on a good road, the motorcycle is definitely much faster. On rough, uneven paths, or surfaces covered with rubble and sand, the horse would have the advantage.

The ground in this realm was not particularly flat, especially here where it was just a minor path leading into the mountains, not a main road, so the road conditions were even worse.

But Feng Jun’s motorcycle was subtly faster than the horses, because…the motorcycle had a headlight.

The knights following him also held torches, but how far could a torch shed light? Riding a horse on a night journey was truly not fast.

However, riding was also tough for Feng Jun, the road was too rough, he had to slow down frequently, and sometimes the motorcycle would stall.

Gu Shisan initially felt quite despairing in the chase, but when he noticed that the other was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, he thought for a moment and then realized, unable to hold back a laugh, “Haha, two wheels ultimately can’t compare to four legs.”

Feng Jun, however, cursed in front, “If you find it unsatisfactory, then don’t chase, you damn pretentious bastard!”

Gu Shisan could not understand this six-character mantra, but that did not hinder his comprehension. Hearing the tone of the other party, he became furious, “He must be kept behind, dead or alive.”please visit ” sitestorys(.)c0m ” maybe y0u will enj0y the captivating sh0rt st0ries.

Hearing this, the brawny man at his side reached out and took off a javelin, ready to throw it.

Their current distance was about two hundred meters—a walk in the park for a martial master of his stature.

Although the darkness affected his accuracy, the rider on the motorcycle was using a headlight, so they could see very clearly from behind.

It was then that Gu Shisan shouted urgently, “Stop, what if my vehicle gets damaged?”

He had already considered the two-wheeled vehicle as his own, and to him, killing was a minor thing, but damaging the vehicle would be heartbreaking. While Feng Jun was riding, there was a clunk and the motorcycle stalled again. At this time, Lang Zhen had been jostled to the point of being disheveled. When he initially sat in this vehicle, he found it quite novel, but now, he just wanted to escape from it—if he didn’t get away, his butt would split into eight parts.

He sighed in distress, “Doctor Feng, can’t we just run smoothly for a while? I’m feeling a bit queasy.”

“It’s just motion sickness,” Feng commented nonchalantly, “The road’s condition is too poor. If it were a bit smoother, even if their dozen horses were tied together, they wouldn’t be able to catch up with me.”

Lang Zhen muttered softly, “If the road conditions were a bit better, the horses would also run faster.”

To him, this self-propelling two-wheeled vehicle was an unadulterated surprise. Could this be the Mechanical Techniques of a Cultivator? Too bad it couldn’t fly; being limited by the terrain, it really wasn’t very fast.

The current speed of the motorcycle was about thirty kilometers per hour, but the horses were even slower, at around thirty kilometers per hour—this wasn’t the riders’ normal pace. One could only say that the terrain and the night imposed restrictions on both parties.

But Lang Zhen didn’t notice that Feng Jun had stopped twice in succession and quietly dropped a couple of things onto the ground.

After another hundred meters or so, Feng Jun turned his head to look at the pursuers behind him.

Lang Zhen was really startled, “I’m saying.Jookat the road, the road! ” Although he was someone with great skill and bravery, it was his first time on a motorcycle and he really wasn’t used to it.

Feng Jun ignored him and kept riding until suddenly he squeezed the front brake hard and the rear end of the motorcycle swung forward, “Cover your ears!”

“What?” Lang Zhen was stunned for a moment and hurriedly reached to cover his ears.

But as soon as he let go, he lost his balance and was flung to the side.

At this moment, his foundation really showed. With a twist in the air, he arched his back and landed on the ground as light as a feather, standing firm and steady.

The next moment, a flash of fire was followed by two consecutive loud bangs, and fist-sized stones scattered chaotically.

Feng Jun and his companion were almost two hundred meters away from the point of explosion, but this distance was really nothing, considering he had thrown down two two-kilogram TNT explosive packs.

The two explosive packs were placed about seventy to eighty meters apart, perfectly blasting the head and tail of the pursuers’ formation.

Those who hadn’t experienced a TNT explosion couldn’t imagine the immense power of two kilograms of TNT.

Even Lang Zhen, who was two hundred meters away, felt a tightness in his chest that made him involuntarily stagger back three or four steps.

As for the pursuers, their situation was much worse, with three or four of them being instantly blown to pieces, while the rest were knocked off their horses. Bear in mind that they were in the midst of pursuit. Although not particularly fast, they weren’t slow either. Coupled with the power of the TNT explosion, all of the men were unseated from their horses.

Among the dozen or so horses, only two struggled to their feet and ran off, with one collapsing after running less than a hundred meters, never to rise again.

Put simply, besides those blown to death or unconscious, the least anyone suffered was complete disorientation from the blast.

Lang Zhen was the first to snap out of it. Guided by the motorcycle’s headlights, his body shot out like an arrow, “Watch me finish them off!”

Though he claimed to be going in to deal finishing blows, with a flick of his hand, he launched one sleeve arrow after another.

These were his preferred hidden weapons, made of bamboo with iron arrowheads – economical and deadly. In his days of escorting cargos, many a bandit had fallen to them. At this moment, however, he employed his hidden weapons to guard against any dying struggles from his foes.

A cornered beast still fights. The death throes of these martial artists could be astonishingly powerful, and he had no intention of capsizing in a drain.

It had to be said, caution was seldom wrong. Gu Shisan in his blue clothing, who was at the forefront of the chase, although the explosion had sent his mount flying and caused him to somersault several times in disorientation, managed to deflect the sleeve arrows flicking his sleeve as they came flying towards him.

Seeing this, Lang Zhen was horrified and shot several more sleeve arrows in quick succession.

Gu Shisan waved his hands repeatedly, causing the arrows to vanish without a trace, even though he himself seemed not yet fully conscious.

Just then, the headlights of the motorcycle swiveled to shine directly into his eyes.

Feng Jun’s motorcycle had been modified, and the bright headlights were those unscrupulous xenon lights. In any case, he believed no one in this space would be driving towards him, and honestly, the xenon lights were brighter and helpful for illumination.

Gu Shisan was dazzled by the bright lights and suddenly found himself blinded. The next moment, he felt a shock to his chest, followed by another shock near his Dantian, as he was hit by two arrows in quick succession.

Looking at the steel arrow in the opponent’s chest, Lang Zhen glanced to find that Feng Jun had now brought out a finely made small crossbow.

Having landed a successful hit, Feng Jun was far from courteous. He shot seven or eight more arrows, turning Gu Shisan into something resembling a porcupine, before reluctantly putting away the small crossbow.

Lang Zhen stood dumbfounded for a while before timidly speaking up, “Divine Doctor, the thunderous roar just now… was that Immortal Technique?”

Feng Jun lifted his chin, “Go finish them off. I suspect some are still alive.” Without hesitation, Lang Zhen drew his short knife and went over, slicing open the throats one by one with an expressionless face, as calm as if he were stepping on ants.

Jia Xingwang, on the other hand, was luckier, having been directly blown to bits by the explosion, thereby spared from another cut.

Lang Zhen finally approached Gu Shisan, stopping about five or six meters from him. He flicked his sleeve and launched another arrow, striking his opponent in the back.

Gu Shisan was tough indeed. He quivered once more and spoke with difficulty, “Immortal Master… spare my life!”

He finally realized what kind of person he was up against. Who else could use Immortal Technique but someone extraordinary?

At this very moment, his heart was filled with endless regret. Everyone said he couldn’t afford to provoke such a person, so why didn’t I believe it?

As a child, he had seen Immortal Masters and knew just how terrifying cultivators could be. His grandfather, the Clan Leader of the Gu Family, was already an Innate Expert, yet he was extremely respectful in front of that young Immortal Master.

At this moment, apart from regret, there was also a hint of complaint in his heart. In his memory, Immortal Masters were always lofty and exalted… If you’re a cultivator, why impersonate a commoner?

“Spare your life?” Feng laughed lightly, “If I went with you to Yangshan, would you spare mine?”

Gu Shisan didn’t dare to argue. Facing the ground, he did not see the other taking up the crossbow again, but struggled to speak, “I deserve death, I was blind, my Gu Family is willing to offer a generous gift to make amends to the Immortal Master.”

“Oh? What valuable things does your Gu Family have?” Feng Jun asked with a smile while coldly pulling the trigger.

Just as Gu Shisan opened his mouth to speak, he felt a sharp pain in his neck as an arrow pierced through the back of it.

“You…” His limbs spasmed involuntarily a few times, and finally, with a shudder, he moved no more.

Lang Zhen, without a second’s hesitation, brought down his knife, muttering to himself, “Truly, a martial master at his peak is not easy to kill. It’s fortunate that his Qj Sea was penetrated first!”

(Updated up to here, calling for clicks, support, and favorites. With New Year’s Day approaching, there are only two days left, everyone please hurry up and make your monthly ticket counts known.)

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