Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 90 - 90 Cultivation is So Simple (Three Updates for Monthly Passes)

Chapter 90: Chapter 90 Cultivation is So Simple (Three Updates for Monthly Passes)

To Liang Haiqing’s surprise, Feng Jun nodded without hesitating and agreed.

He really wanted to ask, “Why are you so confident? Don’t you know those guys are ferocious and ruthless?”

However, in the end, he controlled his curiosity well and just smiled, nodding, “Then it looks like our cooperation will have no problems.”

“There is still a little problem,” Feng Jun replied with a smile, “I have to see what terms Li Dafu offers me.”

“Psh,” Liang Haiqing snorted disdainfully, “They’re no match for us. Compete with us as a state-owned enterprise? Hopeless.”

Before long, the store manager came back after making a phone call, and sure enough, she indicated that Chairman Li attached great importance to this cooperation. However, the price could only go as high as thirty-three million, though they could offer thirty kilograms of gold as part of the payment.

Thirty-three million in gold would be about one hundred and ten kilograms at the industry rate; Li Yongrui had originally agreed to pay twenty percent in gold, which would be twenty-two kilograms.

Chairman Li also had another remark, which was that if Feng Jun was willing to do a transparent deal, paying the full thirty-three million in gold was no problem.

No matter what, after encountering Henglong, Li Dafu had increased their offer by three million and provided some more gold—their sincerity was unmistakable.

Yet, it was Liang Haiqing’s words that rang true: in the end, they were a public sector unit and couldn’t possibly go all in with a price war.

Feng Jun shook his head, “Then forgetit, we’re still two million short. I plan to deal with Henglong.”

The store manager knew that her company had done its best; she looked meaningfully at Boss Liang, “Henglong really goes big.”

Liang Haiqing coughed lightly and spoke without expression, “Who dares to talk big in front of Li Dafu? We just have more flexible policies, it’s easier to turn a smaller ship.”

The store manager had her suspicions but didn’t dare to speak bluntly. She could only probe, “Is it all a cash transaction?”

“Of course,” Liang Haiqing’s face remained calm, “We don’t have that much gold on hand to lend you if you were to ask.”

She was well aware that Henglong likely had their own secretive gold channels, but such matters were known tacitly, definitely not to be carelessly spoken of, or there would be serious trouble.

So she stopped looking at Liang Haiqing and turned to Feng Jun, forcing a smile, “Since that’s the case, we can only look forward to our next cooperation. I’m sorry.”

Feng Jun grinned, his smile as bright as the sun, “No worries, I should be the one apologizing for having you run around for nothing.”

The store manager smiled and shook his hand before leaving, reminding him on her way out, “Xiao Yezi is still single, you know. If you want to chase her, you’d better hurry.”

No matter how much self-interest was involved in her words, there was no doubt she was keen on playing matchmaker.

However, Feng Jun was startled by her words—he hadn’t even considered what kind of girl he wanted to marry; he just wanted to indulge himself and enjoy life while he was young.

So an idea suddenly popped into his head: before he understood Xiao Yezi’s intentions, he should slow things down.

Once Li Dafu’s people left, the folks from Henglong relaxed even more. Liang Haiqing went straight to the point, “Thirty-eight million, do you want cash or a bank transfer?”

“That’s a big amount of money. If it’s transferred out of your corporate account, both of us will have a lot of trouble,” Feng Jun replied with a smile, “I’m not mistaken, right?”

Liang Haiqing gave a nonchalant nod, “Of course, I have to answer to the other shareholders of the company. The money can’t just be taken from a personal account… Do you mean you want cash?”

Thirty-eight million is not a small sum in cash, not to mention even if it’s all in new bills, it would weigh close to a ton.

Feng Jun nodded, “Twenty million in cash, you can deposit into my bank card. I’ll carry the remaining eighteen million with me.”

Liang Haiqing gulped inwardly, but managed to nod slightly, “That much cash will require three days to arrange.”

Those in the jewelry business, particularly in private purchases of gold and jade, have an abundance of cash which is quite convenient, but thirty-eight million is still pushing it.

Feng Jun shook his head decisively, “I’ll only give you two days. If you can’t manage, we’ll collaborate some other time.”

He wasn’t incapable of waiting an extra day, but longer nights breed more dreams. An additional day could lead to all sorts of shenanigans by the other party. It was better to reduce their time as much as possible to avoid complications.

Liang Haiqing hesitated briefly before nodding decisively, “Alright.”

The brevity of his decision made one wonder if he had intended to take only two days from the start.

After finalizing the details, Feng Jun turned and left. The people from Henglong dispersed as well.

Young Master Yuan had been silent all day. It was only after everyone else had gone that he looked to Liang Haiqing, “Boss Liang, should we…?”

A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes. Though he was quite wealthy, the prospect of gaining thirty-eight million in one go was too tempting to ignore.

Liang Haiqing slowly shook his head, “This guy is very tricky. What does he want gold for? We are too precious for… such risks.”

Indeed, it was a matter of not being worth the potential loss. He was very tempted by the hefty sum, but he couldn’t afford the possible consequences.

Hearing this, Young Master Yuan smirked and backed off, “I was just thinking that this guy might have a smuggling channel on hand.”

The jade of exceptional quality, Feng Jun had already displayed three pieces, but they were of dubious origin, making it difficult not to suspect foul play.

“Who that has a smuggling route is easy to provoke?” Liang Haiqing shook his head and spoke slowly, “We’ve already done three deals with him, and we could well continue. Even if we could get our hands on that smuggling route, can we really keep it safe?”

“Exactly,” Young Master Yuan nodded upon hearing this, “After all, we’ve been reaping the benefits of that route already, right?”

“All right, let’s stop thinking about this,” Liang Haiqing said with a smile, speaking leisurely, “Time to round up some cash…”

After changing vehicles several times with the jade in tow, Feng Jun returned to the Penglai Grand Hotel.

Today, he seemed confident in peddling jade, but who would know that his nerves were strung tight all the while?

Once back in his room, he felt as if he was completely drained, his whole body sore and limp, taking a good while to recover his energy.

Even so, he dared not fully relax. Who knew if someone was tailing him?

Exhausted as he was, he still didn’t dare let his guard down; he sent a message to Xiao Yezi, but got no response.

With nothing else pressing, Feng Jun thought of the Tai Chi Breathing Technique he had acquired and decided to practice it sitting up straight on the royal bed as described in the secret manual.

The Tai Chi Breathing Technique he had was the Nine Forms Thirty-Six Diagrams. He had translated it thoroughly before, so even without the book, he remembered the first three forms quite clearly.

Lang Zhen had made it clear, mastering the first three forms would allow one to consider advancing to martial master, and mastering the latter six could lead to a breakthrough to the level of Innate Expert.

There Feng Jun was, sitting in meditation, recalling the contents of the book while channeling Qi according to the acupoint diagrams.

He had previously searched online and was now quite well-versed in many related terms.

The first form’s first diagram… was rather easy, involving only the connection of a few acupoints, not very hard.

The second diagram, still involving a few acupoints, wasn’t difficult either… No wonder this was the Basic Breathing Technique, it really was quite easy to grasp.

Unconsciously, he had gone through all four diagrams of the first form.

This “Tai Chi Breathing Technique” was really simple. Feng Jun found it hard to believe, was he now an Intermediate-Level Martial Warrior?

But then he thought about the strength of an Intermediate-Level Martial Warrior on that plane and felt that, after being enhanced by the spatial transformation, he really wasn’t any worse off.

Logically, one should only practice the second form after mastering the first, but after repeating the first form, Feng Jun felt there were no issues, so he decided to challenge the second form.

The second form was a bit harder than the first, but he still quickly practiced all four diagrams of the second form.

Then he practiced the second form again and found it was a lot easier than the first time.

Just how much easier this was is hard to quantify, but mainly the second form involved passing through a few more acupoints. The first time was somewhat challenging, but the second time was a breeze.

Feng Jun could hardly believe it, was he already a High-Rank Martial Warrior? “I might have snatched a fake ‘Tai Chi Breathing Technique’.”

However, having already practiced two forms, it seemed fitting to at least attempt the third, whether it was real or fake.

It wouldn’t be the end of the world to start over if it came to it… after all, he felt like he was making rapid progress.

The third form truly wasn’t easy, the first three diagrams involved opening the eight extraordinary meridians and the Small and Large Circulatory Cycles, and he struggled through the practice. When finished, he surprisingly felt hungry.

Fortunately, Feng Jun was no stranger to hunger, so he took out a pack of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing vigorously as he told himself, “After I finish the third form, it’ll be time for dinner.”

The fourth diagram was a bit strange as it dealt with the reverse flow of the circulatory cycle. Lang Zhen had once commented on this diagram – “Doing it backward, isn’t that switching heaven and earth? But perhaps this unceasing rotation regardless of Yin Yang… is the true meaning of Tai Chi?”

If there had been a real cultivator present, they might have warned Feng Jun about the dangers of reversing the circulatory cycle; at the very least, he’d lose all his progress, or worse, he’d enter a state of cultivation deviation.

But there was no one to guide him, was there?

And Feng Jun thought losing all his progress wasn’t that big of a deal; he could just start all over… after all, the process was fast.

This fourth diagram truly presented a challenge; the Qi he had cultivated within his body simply wouldn’t obey, always instinctively following the natural flow instead of reversing it.

But Feng Jun was stubborn. The harder it was to control, the more determined he became to persist—it was this relentless perseverance that got him into a 985 university.

He couldn’t tell how long he had persisted, but eventually, he reached the final step, bringing the Qi back to the Dantian to transform the elixir into a divine potion.

But this “elixir”… damn it, it just wouldn’t transform.

Feng Jun reached out to his side, thinking it was time for a Foundation Establishment Pill.

(Triple release finished, summoning subscriptions and basic monthly votes.)

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