Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 92 - 92 The Dilemma of Good Scenery (Second Update)

Chapter 92: Chapter 92 The Dilemma of Good Scenery (Second Update)

Feng Jun and Feng Jing had been chatting recently, and their communication was this kind of leapfrogging style.

Anyway, the two of them would talk about whatever they thought of, often talking to themselves but still managing to connect with each other.

As for onlookers feeling a bit in the clouds, that was inevitable; even the two of them might not fully understand each other.

But oddly enough, both of them quite liked this kind of soaring, freeform conversation and even felt a bit like they understood each other as confidants.

It was only then that Feng Jun remembered that he seemed to have opened a stock market account as well.

Luohua Time: You’re not one of those fund shills, are you? [Questioning]

Feng Jing: If I were a shill, would I say I’ve lost money? You’re pretty “solid” up there. [Contempt]

Luohua Time: So you know I’m “solid”? [Sneaky Laugh]

Luohua Time: What the hell, you’re saying my intelligence… is a “solid” injury? [Angry]

Feng Jing: Rest assured, those fly-by-night funds couldn’t afford a shill like me. I’ve got seven figures in the stock market!

Luohua Time:… Do you think having seven figures in the stock market is a lot? [Questioning]

Feng Jing:???? Bluffing. Give me six figures, and tonight, I’m all yours [Shy]

Luohua Time:?? I’m only worth five figures, and you’re that much more

expensive than me? [Angry]

Feng Jing: Alright, enough nonsense. Everything’s in the red today. How much did you lose?

Luohua Time: Sorry to disappoint you, but I really haven’t lost anything. [Sneaky Laugh]

Feng Jing: Wow, you’re actually a pro, [Flirty] a master. I’ll treat you to dinner tonight; will you grace me with your presence? [Happy]

When Feng Jun saw this, he couldn’t help but grit his teeth. His buddy was actually not holding any stocks, so that’s why he hadn’t lost anything.

However, he definitely couldn’t say that, so he typed his response with a smile.

Luohua Time: It’s an honor to be invited by a lady. You name the place.

Feng Jing mentioned a place that was just over a kilometer away, a Xiang Cuisine Restaurant.

Feng Jun thought it over and felt it was a bit inappropriate to leave the Mutton Fat Jade Pillow at the hotel, especially after he had offended some weird guy… Today’s young people are quite scheming.

So, he put on his backpack and even went to a clothing store to buy a pair of trousers to change into.

As he walked to the Xiang Cuisine Restaurant, Feng Jing had already arrived. She hadn’t reserved a private room but had taken an individual table instead.

Feng Jing was wearing a black tight long-sleeved T-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. The jeans were studded with brass rivets above the knee, and she wore a pair of black low-cut sneakers that showed her pale ankles, giving her a somewhat non-mainstream vibe.

On the back of her chair, she had draped a light coffee-colored coat, clearly having worn it here.

Feng Jun greeted her with a smile, “Hello, finally seeing a live one.”

“You little guy are all talk,” Feng Jing might dare to say things like “tonight I’m all yours” on WeChat, but when they met face-to-face, she didn’t actually have that kind of uninhibited vibe.

Whether they admitted it or not, there was some difference between the online and real world, and she wasn’t the only one to react this way.

Feng Jun, however, stepped forward and opened his arms wide without any concern and said with a grin, “Come on, give me a hug.”

This move was suggested by Wang Haifeng, an old -hand at this, who was very adept at handling such situations.

He always said that just because you chat well online doesn’t mean you can be just as open in person. At times like these, a man needs to take initiative to bring the atmosphere back to that of an online chat.

Influenced by this kind of environment and mood, a woman’s nervousness will relax—even if she isn’t nervous—providing a smooth transition that will make her act more naturally as time goes on.

Of course, there was a prerequisite for all this: the man had to be genuinely interested in the woman.

Feng Jun also chatted online, but he usually had a clear purpose, often setting the agenda before meeting up.

He wasn’t like Wang Haifeng, who really was a master of flirting—no wonder, given Coach Wang had the looks, the build, and the wealth, not to mention very high standards.

Coach Wang usually only considered making a move after seeing the girl in person.

After hearing him boast about his pick-up artistry, Feng Jun reflected on his shortcomings and naturally borrowed what he needed when the occasion called for it.

Seeing his move, Feng Jing was visibly taken aback, yet she stood up, naturally punched him playfully, and laughed as she chided him, “Haven’t you seen a woman before?”

Her response wasn’t too enthusiastic, unlike those who would open their arms for a hug, but it showed she wasn’t averse to Feng Jun’s company. Otherwise, she definitely wouldn’t have acted so informally.

Feng Jun had to admit, the woman before him was truly enticing.

Her face was barely made up, yet she had at least a ninety-percent score in looks; her figure was lean but still exquisitely proportionate, and while she appeared to be around twenty-seven or eight, there was a hint of an unconventional taste to her.

Feng Jun cleared his throat, “I’m saying, let’s get a private room, it’s so noisy out here, how can we talk business?”

He didn’t actually expect her to pick up the tab, so he naturally suggested getting a private room.

Of course, apart from the inconvenience for chatting, the most crucial thing was that it wasn’t appropriate to engage in intimate behaviors in a public setting.

Feng Jing replied with a smile and shook her head, “The private rooms are all full, let’s just sit in the dining hall.”

Full? Feng Jun gave her a skeptical look, not quite believing her words, but at this very moment, it was clearly not convenient to call her out.

After the two settled down, they ordered several dishes, humbly deferring to each other. Feng Jun insisted that she drink liquor, but she stated she could only drink wine at most.

“I don’t usually drink. If it weren’t for wanting to learn from an expert today, I wouldn’ t be drinking at all.”

Hearing this, Feng Jun could only force a dry laugh, “I’m hardly an expert. You might even be better than me.”

Soon enough, the food and drinks were served, and they chatted as they ate.

Feng Jing began by asking Feng Jun, in today’s sea of red in the stock market, which stock did you pick as the sole green one?

When she heard he was not holding any stock, thus had no losses, she didn’t show any sign of being duped; instead, she asked with genuine interest, why didn’t you enter the market when it’s a fluctuating market that’s fully operable?

Feng Jun didn’t have much expertise in stock trading. He had set up his account purely to support Zhang Wei. Even so, he knew that a fluctuating market didn’t necessarily require participation, but being completely uninvested was rather rare. Even conservative investors would dip their toes with a light position.

So he decisively changed the subject, “How much money do you have in the stock market, seven figures?”

Asking this reminded Feng Jing of his own words, so she smiled and shook her head, “I won’t let you take a look at my account. How about you? Do you dare to show me your seven-figure account?”

Feng Jun had just escaped poverty and always liked to flaunt his wealth when he could. Upon hearing this, he promptly opened his stock trading app on his mobile phone and said with a grin, “It’s not a lot of money, but you see… I’m really not holding anything.”

What he opened was the trading interface, with indices like total securities assets and securities market value, the latter showing zero.

Feng Jing looked twice and covered her mouth, laughing softly, “Two and a half million… It does seem like it’s your account.”

“Hey, there’s a little bit more than that,” Feng Jun grumbled with a darkened face. He indeed had invested a total of two and a half million when he opened the account. However, with no positions, those funds would be automatically moved into cash management, earning a not-so-low interest rate. By now, he had a few thousand in financial returns.

Of course, his dark face was probably just for show. Two and a half million might not sound good, but who would care about the phrasing if they really had that much money?

But Feng Jing’s thoughts weren’t on that. She took out her mobile phone, asked earnestly, “Take a look at the stocks I selected, then give me some advice, will you?”

Feng Jun gestured dismissively and said flatly, “I won’t look. By casually commenting on the stocks you’ve picked, I’d be asking to offend someone… In the world of stock trading, even spouses don’t consult with each other, let alone you and me.”

However, the more he resisted, the more persistent Feng Jing became, “Then just help to see if I should liquidate, that should be fine, right?”

At that moment, Feng Jun felt a mix of laughter and frustration, “If I tell you to liquidate and then the stock rises, won’t you curse me to death?”

“I’m not in a hurry for you to commit now,” Feng Jing showed a stubborn streak, “and I might not even listen to what you say… just help me take a look, okay?”

Faced with such a request from a beauty, Feng Jun really couldn’t refuse and took her mobile phone.

After looking for a while, his frown deepened, “You’ve heavily invested in… six stocks?”

Feng Jing’s total securities assets were over six million, holding roughly twenty stocks. Most of them were one or two thousand shares, with even four or five stocks consisting of just a single lot—meaning a hundred shares.

These were probably stocks she used for observation, which wasn’t surprising as their total value wasn’t much.

Yet, at the same time, she had six stocks with a market value over five hundred thousand each. Just these six summed up to a market value of over four million.

Feng Jing was a bit embarrassed, “I thought they were all pretty good, and I didn’t know which one to sell… Now my position is too heavy.”

Well, indeed your position exceeds eighty-five percent, with a market value of five million one hundred thousand, Feng Jun thought to himself with a silent sneer. In such a fluctuating market, such heavy investment left no room for maneuver.

But he didn’t criticize her, as stock trading styles vary greatly from person to person. What suits one may not suit another.

He hesitated before asking, “You mean you don’t want me to recommend stocks but to help you pick out the ones you think are unsuitable?”

“Exactly,” Feng Jing nodded earnestly, “I’m someone who… holds on to the past. That mentality isn’t suitable for trading stocks. But this account was taken over from my father, and if I don’t manage it well, I’ll have to return it to him.”

After a pause, she sighed with a frown, “Actually, his is his, mine is mine. I don’t even want it, but my mom doesn’t want me to give it back to him… they’re divorced.”

Feng Jun was taken aback with his mouth agape, “Really? Just over a bit of stock trading, and it’s tied up with family ethics?”

“It’s theaccount my mom wanted,” Feng Jing shrugged, showing her collarbones clearly through her thin black T-shirt, “When they divorced, my father took eight apartments and more than ten million in cash, leaving only one apartment for my mom… She feels it’s unfair.”

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