Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 98: Casting Silver Dollars (Third

Chapter 98: Chapter 98: Casting Silver Dollars (Third


Feng Jun hesitated for a moment before answering, “In the short term, I can consider a down payment of not more than twenty million. As for later… money will be even less of an issue, as I’m a bit strapped for cash these days.”

The young agent hung up the phone, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, “A down payment of twenty million for a property… and that’s considered being strapped for cash?”

However, right after that, he jumped up, clenching his fist fiercely, “If I nail this deal, I can make a down payment too!”

Let’s set aside the agent’s excitement for now. Wang Haifeng eventually did call up Zhang Wei and Li Qiang to have a small get-together with Feng Jun that evening.

Not so long ago, although the three of them had dealings with Feng Jun, they always felt that since he came from a small place and didn’t have any industry in Zhengyang, he wasn’t worth any special attention.

But in this short month or so, Feng Jun had developed at an astonishing rate. Although he currently didn’t have any industry in Zhengyang, he had opened an account in Shenghai Securities with more than two million in it.

Also, today Wang Haifeng had heard that Xiao Feng was looking for a property with a down payment not exceeding twenty million.

And his “mining” business had even added a halo of the “underworld” around him, and commonly, anyone with such an attribute would be treated with a certain level of respect by most people.

As the drinks flowed, Wang Haifeng suggested everyone go to the KTV to continue the “battle”. Upon hearing this, Zhang Wei gave Li Qiang a look that was a mix of a smile and not a smile.

Li Qiang’s face immediately became slightly flushed, “What are you looking at me for? Let’ s go if you want to go.”

“I’m not really interested,” Feng Jun shook his head, “lately, I seem to be at odds with women.”

Li Qiang spoke with a hint of sourness, “Of course, you don’t need to go to KTV.

Just call someone nearby and everything is solved.”

Zhang Wei burst into loud laughter upon hearing this, and Wang Haifeng also had a strange expression—though he wasn’t present at the time, he had heard the story multiple times.

Seeing Li Qiang’s displeased expression, Zhang Wei finally suppressed his laughter, “Right, Boss Feng, did you manage to acquire Feng Jing? How is it?” “I didn’t get it,” Feng Jun shookhis head, speaking earnestly, “she’s not the type of person you guys think she is.”

The other three burst into raucous laughter, even Li Qiang’s eyes were filled with mirth—you added a beauty’s WeChat, but all you can do is look and not touch. That’s probably more frustrating than not having added her at all, right? Feng Jun had initially wanted to talk about introducing Feng Jing into the fund, but seeing their reaction, he couldn’t be bothered to mention it.

At the same time, he remembered something else, “Zhang bro, does your Shenghai do precious metals trading?”

“Damn, what kind of question is that,” Zhang Wei rolled his eyes upon hearing it, “tell me, which securities company doesn’t do precious metals?” Feng Jun continued, “I’m not talking about futures, what about spot?” “Spot…” Zhang Wei was at a loss for words. He wanted to give some advice but suddenly thought of a possibility and his face became serious, “Are you saying you want to sell the ore you’ve mined?”

“Whatever I dig up, it’s best to deal with someone in the industry… they’re private mines,” Feng Jun looked at him, “I guess there’s no need to go through your securities company, right?”

Thinking about it, he instinctively recalled the scene from the afternoon—gold prospectors laboriously panning for gold, but most still had to sell to companies like Henglong, right?

No matter how well you do in the mining camp, it’s no use. Once you’re in the city, you have to follow the city’s rules. Even if the prospectors are unruly, they can’t overcome those big companies that survive by the rules.

“I also have connections for buying private mines,” Zhang Wei’s eyes widened, “gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum… tell me what you want to sell.”

“I’m not selling, I’m buying,” Feng Jun grinned, “silver… got any connections?”

“Of course,” ZhangWei slapped his thigh, proudly replying, “I can’t guarantee much, but getting you a few tons shouldn’t be a problem.”

It goes without saying that securities companies and precious metals spot trading are intricately connected.

Feng Jun nodded, “That’s good. I definitely want the silver by the ton, but… is it possible to get it roughly processed for me?”

He had discovered that the state’s control over gold was very strict, whereas silver was much looser.

In fact, in today’s society, silver had essentially lost its function as currency, so relaxed regulation was inevitable.

The price of silver was roughly three to four RMB per gram. In the space of the mobile phone that realm, the exchange rate between silver and gold was one hundred to one, one hundred silver dollars for one tael of gold.

In reality, the price of one hundred grams of silver is usually higher than that of one gram of gold. If Feng Jun wanted to bring silver into that realm, he would need to cast it into silver dollars—there are no silver ingots or scattered silver pieces in that realm.

Thus, bringing silver from the real world there would be more costly than bringing gold, disregarding the comparison of their monetary values—for mere weight, a hundred times the mass would definitely consume more energy points.

However, Feng Jun still felt that bringing silver over was worth it—this stuff was unregulated, which meant much lesser risk, right?

People are like that; when times are hard, they can tolerate more risk. But as one’s wealth grows, a strong sense of risk management often emerges. “Rough processing is definitely not a problem,” Zhang Wei replied with a smile, “Just don’t process it into all kinds of silver ornaments. It’d be best if you could standardize a template… processing it all into silver dollars would be ideal.”

“Alright then,” Feng Jun nodded, thinking to himself that he had just been looking to have silver yuan made. He pulled out a silver yuan from his pocket and slapped it onto the table with a snap, smiling as he spoke, “Just make it all into this kind… start with one ton.”

The silver yuan he had taken out was brought from the mobile phone space, and did not match any silver yuan in the real world.

Zhang Wei picked it up curiously, turned it over to inspect it, then held it between his fingertips and blew on it with a “whoosh”.

With a “ding”, the silver yuan sangout, its sound crisp and lingering, the true ring of pure silver.

“Hey? It really is a silver yuan, isn’t it,” Li Qiang stretched out his hand and snatched the silver yuan away.

He had some knowledge and after looking at it, he even recognized the seal characters on it, “Great Dao… Where is this silver yuan from?”

“Just think of it as a prop,” Feng Jun replied with a smile, then turned to Zhang

Wei, “The pattern on this silver yuan isn’t too complicated, is it?”

Zhang Wei scoffed disdainfully, “The cost of minting this thing is even lower than that of a one-yuan coin. The value of the silver yuan mainly lies in the silver itself…”

At this point, he looked at Feng Jun in surprise, “What do you want a ton of this for?”

“Just think of it as props for filming,” Feng Jun casually deflected.

Seeing the other party still seemed to want to ask more, his brows furrowed with impatience, “I’m here to buy silver. I don’t have to explain to anyone what shape I want it processed into… Just say whether you can do this transaction or not.”

It’s true, when a person shows temper, it actually made Zhang Wei feel embarrassed to ask further—the value of the silver yuan mainly lies in the silver itself, not in the craftsmanship of minting.

So he chuckled, “I was even wondering if you wanted to buy a small island and then declare independence, considering minting your own currency.”

Obviously, that was a joke, but Zhang Wei’s imagination was certainly not small to come up with such a quip.

Feng Jun gave him a sidelong glance, “Is that settled then?”

“Settled is settled,” ZhangWei answered nonchalantly. One ton of silver worth over three million yuan, and with him as a middleman, he could make a six- figure income. However, for him, this sort of deal also came with certain risks, so it was just making a bit of money.

The key issue was he felt too embarrassed to ask Feng Jun for a deposit. If Feng Jun were still the penniless guy from before, he definitely would have asked for money, but now… the other had over two million yuan in his account at Shenghai Securities.

It was Wang Haifeng who spoke up, “Feng Jun, how about giving him a deposit?”

“No need, no need,” ZhangWei waved his hands hurriedly, “Cash payment upon delivery… I’d be grateful just to receive the processing fee.”

Feng Jun looked at him, “The processing fee is no problem. Is two percent enough?”

Having agreed on this matter, it was getting late. Zhang Wei, thinking about his upcoming small income, enthusiastically invited everyone to go sing.

Feng Jun straightforwardly declined. He still had to continue his cultivation in the park.

That night, he completed the third picture of the fourth stance, and by his estimation, he should be able to finish the fourth picture by the next evening, and then… would he reach the intermediate martial master level?

Feng Jun couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Lang Zhen had cultivated for over a decade to reach the early stage of a martial master, and had later fallen back due to an injury.

Admittedly, Lone Wolf had been able to fight an intermediate martial master without falling short while he was still at the early stage, but that was simply due to his strong combat strength; he never actually reached the threshold of an intermediate martial master.

Feng Jun couldn’t help but doubt: Even with the protagonist’s halo, such rapid cultivation seemed a bit exaggerated.

All the while, he was pondering whether he might be practicing a fake Tun Na technique and did not realize someone was following behind him.

The next day, he brought the Green Jade to Henglong, considering the transaction complete.

Liang Haiqing was not there at the time. After the staff at Henglong checked the goods, they casually asked, “Boss Feng, would you like to wait for Boss Liang?” “I can wait,” Feng Jun was easy-going, “Bring me some books on jade knowledge.”

An hour later, Liang Haiqing returned. Hearing that Feng Jun was waiting for him, he hurried over.

Upon entering the reception room, he took the initiative to apologize, “Boss Feng, the people from Gold have been a bit unruly. We frequently have disputes with them over bargaining. Yesterday’s incident was really not related to me.” It seemed he thought Feng Jun was refusing to leave as a way to seek retribution.

“What’s done is done, just don’t let it happen again,” Feng Jun dismissed with a wave, speaking indifferently.

He really did need to see Liang Haiqing about something, but it wasn’t to dwell on yesterday’s issue, “We’ve cooperated a few times now, trading three pieces of jade, and it’s been fairly pleasant, right?”

“Pleasant,” Boss Liang nodded repeatedly, grinning, “Extremely pleasant.” The smile was not only sincere but also a touch ingratiating—how could it not be pleasant? It absolutely had to be!

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