Big Life

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Big Life - Chapter 77

“Ah, what is this? Jongjin . ”

Suhee asked in surprise .

She went to the restroom and all of sudden, everything changed .

There were 30 people in the previously empty line .

“No idea . I think someone posted on Twitter . ”

Jongjin said .

“On Twitter and Facebook, there’s news of a Pyung Cheon Yu signing meeting . I searched it up . They’re all Ranking books or Pegelon books . ”

“I see, then I guess those genre readers are more active?”

“I don’t know . But it’s more like a Pyung Cheon Yu signing meeting . ”

Jongjin laughed .

Suhee smiled as well .

Yet Segyung couldn’t smile .

‘This is awkward . ’

She liked that the line was getting more attention . But it wasn’t for Storm and Gale by Ha Jaegun .

But the line blew up again .

It was about 50 people now .

‘I need to do something . Let’s split the line . ’

Segyung moved after a thought . There were people who wanted to get Storm and Gale signed . It was fair to get their books signed first .

“I believe we need to split the line . ”

Segyung said to him . ’

Jaegun nodded without stopping his hand . Segyung went to the see the director .

‘Phew… I’m thirsty . ’

Jaegun wiped away his sweat .

There was no time to rest . The line had no intention of moving away .

“Writer Ha . Here take this . ”

Somii brought a cold coffee . Jaegun smiled and reached out .

But it wasn’t coffee that he got but corn tea .

“If you drink coffee, it makes it worse . Here . ”

Suhee said as she gave him it . She was smiling . Yet, she looked at Somii a bit suspiciously before turning normal .

“O, oh . I’m sorry . Writer . ”

Somii greeted Suhee after putting the coffee down .

“Hello . I am Jung Somii that you saw before . ”

“Yes, Hello . ”

Suhee said in a sort of a cold voice .

That was it .

The two girls had no conversation between them .

Jaegun didn’t have time to look at either one of them .

Jongjin ran quickly just then

“Hey, Jaegun . where’ s your director . The line is all the way out of the front entrance . ”

“What? Really?”

“The door’s just not open . There’s about 200 people . Twitter and facebook spread the news .

Jongjin said it . Suhee was taking off her coat . Her figure with the skinny one piece was very pretty .

“I’ll help . ”

“Suhee? Are you ok?”

“I will . I’ll get interest back so don’t worry . ”

Suhee smiled as she put her coat away .

Somii also put away her coat with a determined face .

“I’ll help too . I will try to turn the line right . ”

“Ah I’m sorry . I’ll repay you . ”

“No, I like this . ”

Suhee and Somii both moved away in different directions .

Jongjin had no idea what to do when the director came back with one employee .

“Are you a friend of Writer Ha? Could you help us set this up?”

“Ah, of course . Here . ”

Jongjin with Somii and Suhee had work .

The line continued .

The store employees in the genre section also became busy .

“Hey, do you have any more Modern Rankings?”

“Lee went to the storage . But the Pegelon series might run out . ”

“What? Don’t you have 100 books? Crud . Give me everything, but call me . ”

Pyung Cheon Yu’s books were selling fast .

The customers were choosing the books quickly .

The employees were busy putting the books back in place from the storage, replacing the taken ones .

About 1 hour from the meeting .

One picture came on the internet .

It was the picture of the line of the signing event .

-Ack . Pyung Cheon Yu signing event . Hahah . One loss to the Writer Ha Jaegun .

-I came to get the Storm and Gale signed, but the line was too long so I barely got it . The line was separated but it got split all of a sudden… .

- I don’t like it . Maybe they didn’t realize that these many people might come . It’s not the writer’s fault but . .

- Pyung Cheon Yu’s novels are all gone in that store . There are no books . They can’t sell it because they don’t have anymore . ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Is everyone who says this in the store? I’m in the line too .

The attention was all coming to the event . The most attention went to the two girls helping the event out .

-I’m in the line . I was close so I came to get a sign . But the girl who is helping out the line, she’s really pretty .

-Ah that, girl with the bun hair? I saw her . Really cute and pretty .

-Not that girl, but the one piece girl???

-I don’t know what;;; it’s the bun girl and not the one piece but with skinny jeans and sneakers

-Nah, the brown one piece girl . The stocking is really great . ㅋㅋ

-The two girls are different . Writer must know them .

-I just talked to the one piece girl . Wow, amazingly beautiful . Thought she was an actress . His girlfriend???

-What . ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Not about the signing event? I gotta go too .

-I’m going too . I want to see what this is all about .

-I think the bun girl is cuter . My favorite style .

Suhee and Somii didn’t realize because they were helping out with the event .

That they had turned out on SNS to be a hot searching word with ‘one piece girl’ and ‘bun girl,’

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