Binding System

Chapter 320  Kill Them All!

320  Kill Them All!

"Destroy it." Right after Ace's voice stopped, the giant lightning dragon rushed toward the barrier, intending to break it.

Aidan, who was standing inside the barrier, felt immense fear when he saw the lightning dragon.

'Calm down. Calm down. Our barrier is strong. His attack won't be able to destroy our barrier.'

In order to keep his frustration in check, he said the same thing over and over again in his head.

However, the reality was different than his imagination.

The moment the lightning dragon came into contact with the barrier, the barrier was destroyed instantly.


The sound of the barrier being shattered into pieces echoed throughout the area.

Aidan and his subordinates widened their eyes in shock when the giant lightning dragon destroyed their barrier easily.

Their barrier was supposed to be really powerful, yet it got destroyed easily, as if their barrier was only as strong as tofu.

"What?! He destroyed our barrier?"

"He destroyed it in one attack?"

"Didn't our lord say our barrier was strong?"

Aidan's subordinates still could not believe what they were seeing.

Aidan said their barrier could only be destroyed by awakeners at the Exalted rank and above.

So, why was Ace able to destroy their barrier?

Why couldn't their barrier withstand Ace's attack?

Was their lord lying to them?

When his subordinates had many questions in their minds, Aidan roared. "Kevin, kill him for me!"

Kevin held his weapon firmer before finally jumping high into the sky, intending to kill Ace in the air.

Like Kevin, Ace also wanted to end the fight immediately. For this reason, he rushed toward Kevin after retrieving his Phoenix sword from his space ring.


Ace swung his sword once, slicing Kevin's neck.

Shortly after that, the sound of Kevin's corpse falling to the ground reverberated in the entire area.

Aidan and his subordinates were stunned again.

Kevin was an awakener at the Grandmaster rank, yet Ace could kill him easily, as if Kevin was too weak to face Ace.

"He…he died?"

"What is this? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

"How could Kevin lose instantly? Isn't he an awakener at the Grandmaster rank like Ace?"

Aidan and his subordinates rubbed their eyes. They hoped their eyes were playing tricks on them because Kevin was their strongest fighter.

However, no matter how many times they rubbed their eyes, what they saw was still the same. Kevin's corpse was lying on the ground!

When they realized what they saw was real, one by one, they began to panic.

'No! This is real. Ace killed Kevin in one move.'

Many of them fell to their knees, while some of them ran in fear.

At that moment, they remembered one of the rumors about Ace.

Fighting Ace was the same as seeking for death!

They thought it was just a bullshit rumor, but now, they finally realized that the rumor was real.

They should not fight Ace.

They should not offend him.

Otherwise, they would end up like Kevin.


"No! I don't want to die."

"Run! Run!"

"He is a devil. We should not have offended him in the first place."

"Mother, I don't want to die."

"Mom…Mom…Save me, Mom."

Aidan's subordinates could not overcome their fear when Ace used the third form of the Yin-Yang skill to kill several hundred of them. They no longer cared about Aidan because, at that moment, they only cared about themselves.

"Kill them! Don't let them run away! It's time to avenge our brothers and sisters!" Colonel Louie shouted.

Lexie and the others rushed toward Aidan's subordinates. They could kill Aidan's subordinates easily because they no longer had the fighting spirit.

Their bodies were consumed by fear, so they did not have any thoughts of fighting Lexie and the others.

What they had in mind was only one thing.


They wanted to run as far as possible, or else Ace would kill them, like how he killed Kevin and the others.

Aidan, who saw his subordinates running in fear, roared. "Stop! I order you to stop and fight them!"

However, none of his subordinates listened to him.

They did not want to fight Ace because fighting him was the same as digging their own graves.

"Tch!" Aidan gritted his teeth in anger.

This was not supposed to happen.

Even if Ace managed to kill Kevin, they still had a chance of winning the war as they outnumbered them more than twice.

But after seeing his subordinates run away in fear, their percentage of winning the war became very small.

The outcome of the war had been determined the moment they ran in fear because an army without a fighting spirit was a useless army. "Aidan, do you like this magnificent view?" Ace slowly descended from the sky.

"Ace, DIE!" Aidan could not control himself anymore and rushed toward Ace, intending to kill Ace.

However, Ace could avoid Aidan's attack easily.

Ace's agility was already at level 120, while Aidan's was only at level 45. Aidan's speed was so slow in Ace's eyes.

Ace could kill Aidan many times if he wanted to, but he did not do that.

Aidan's sin was too great, so he still let him live because giving him a quick death was too good for him. "Aidan, this is for attacking my city." after saying that, Ace slapped Aidan's face hard, causing him to fly five meters from where he was.

Aidan rose to his feet and attacked Ace again.

"This is for destroying my city." Ace slapped Aidan's face again.

Like before, Aidan stood up and attacked Ace again.

"This is for killing many citizens of Nightshire City." Ace slapped Aidan's face again.

Aidan did not yield and attacked Ace again.

"And this is for injuring my women." Unlike before, Ace did not slap Aidan's face.

This time, he hit Aidan's stomach to the point that blood splashed out of his mouth.

"Cough…Cough…Cough…" Aidan coughed up blood.

Ace walked closer to Aidan before finally grabbing his hair. "Aidan, don't you think this view is beautiful?"




The sound of Aidan's subordinates screaming in pain reverberated in the entire area.

Aidan gritted his teeth in anger when he saw his subordinates dying one by one. It was supposed to be their victory because Ace only brought six to seven thousand troops.

But instead of killing their enemies, his subordinates got killed by their enemies.

"Hahaha." Aidan laughed loudly.

It was funny.

It was amusing.

Their numbers were more than twice of theirs, yet they were slaughtered by their enemies easily.

Of course, he knew the reason why his subordinates got slaughtered easily because that person was currently grabbing his hair.

"Oh? It seems like you love this beautiful view." Ace forced Aidan to continue looking at his dying subordinates.

"Kill me! Kill me, Ace! Don't you want to kill me so badly?" Aidan did not want to be humiliated anymore, so he asked Ace to kill him immediately.

"Not yet." At first, Ace wanted to kill Aidan immediately, but he changed his mind when he remembered the citizens of Nightshire City.

Aidan had killed many citizens, so he would let the citizens play with Aidan.

"Aaagghhh…" The blood of sixteen thousand soldiers turned the ground red, and their corpses were strewn across the battlefield.

After killing all of Aidan's subordinates, Colonel Louie and the others walked toward Ace.

"Ace, what should we do to the citizens?" Colonel Louie asked.

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