Book Eater

Chapter 248: Ominous Identity (1)

Chapter 248: Ominous Identity (1)

The emperor’s authority was absolute in the Empire, the middle kingdom of the East Continent. When a duel trial was conducted in the presence of a notary who had been appointed as his agent, the result was impossible to overturn or distort.

As such, Lee Inyoung fell from power and the dispute of the Lee Family, which had lasted for over a hundred years, came to a close. Still, the consolidation didn’t promise to be easy. While the faction war was done with, the majority of the Fairy Dance Lee family didn’t think much of the sixteen year old Lee Seol.

They were afraid of the eyes of the imperial family and pretended to be quiet, but there was nothing strange about indirect insults. Since Lee Seol had no support base, Theo’s authority shot through the roof. Therefore, Theo didn’t intend to hesitate if he needed to use force.

But he didn’t need to.

Theo sat on the unfamiliar cushion next to Lee Seol and said to the man sitting in front of him, “…I am grateful for your help.”

Theo couldn’t figure out why the person was helping them. Every favor came at a price. There might be some people who didn’t follow this principle; however, he had never thought of this man as one of them.

The man replied, “I never thought I would come forward to help.”

Theo sighed inwardly. “Speak more informally.”

Lee Joonyoung, the man in front of Theo, didn’t relax as he corrected his manner of speaking. He was still injured from the duel trial, but his body was already close to a master so he was recovering. The bandages wrapped around his body couldn’t hide his peculiar ambition.

Theo continued, “If you have difficulty calling me by name, just call me Outsider.”

Lee Joonyoung nodded. “I will do so. Outsider, can I answer your first question?”


Lee Joonyoung replied, “This is the right thing to do as a member of the Fairy Dance Lee family. Your authority has been established with the duel trial, so dissidence will only incur the anger of the emperor.”

Theo frowned. “That is a superficial reason. I hope that you will tell me your true feelings.”

“… Those are my true feelings. I knew that my father pursued his own desires, but I thought taking over the family was a necessary evil to end the hundred years of confusion. However, more paths have emerged, so I am just following them.”

Lee Inyoung had sought the position of head of the family; however his defeat in the duel trial had shattered his ambitions. Moreover, the family’s missing hidden techniques had been demonstrated in the duel trial by the foreigner, Theodore Miller.

Lee Seol had been accepted as the next head of the family by the emperor’s notary. For Lee Joonyoung, this was a chance to restore two lost hidden techniques, so he needed to latch onto it. Switching his allegiance for a better path forward was a natural choice for someone like Lee Joonyoung, who was born and raised in the martial arts world.

Theo couldn’t understand how it made sense to him, but he could sense something else.

He’s serious.

His super sensitivity, which had evolved to an almost psychic ability, found truth in Lee Joonyoung’s words. He was a young hot-blooded person, so he disregarded his father’s fall.

At the same time, Theo couldn’t easily let his guard down against him. However, without Lee Joonyoung’s assistance, the integration of the Fairy Dance Lee family would’ve taken months and years, instead of weeks. It was hard for Theo to understand the reasons, but he finally acknowledged Lee Joonyoung and let it be. It didn’t matter as long as Lee Joonyoung didn’t betray Lee Seol.

“…Okay, I believe that,” Theo acknowledged. He asked Lee Joonyoung. “Then explain why have you requested a meeting with me and Lee Seol?”

“Ah, yes.”

Lee Joonyoung seemed to be reconsidering his next statement, and then turned to speak to Lee Seol, who was seated beside Theodore.

“I think the keeper should know the reason too.”

Lee Seol nodded. “Mm.”

Theo’s eyebrows twitched for a moment at the title. Lee Seol had yet to be properly inaugurated, so calling her keeper was like pointing out what her position actually was. However, Theo felt like Lee Joonyoung wasn’t stupid enough to make such pointed comments out loud even if he felt that way.

Lee Joonyoung clarified, “The duel trial confirmed Lee Seol’s inauguration, however, there is still room for the family to make trouble.”

Theo’s eyes narrowed. “For example?”

Lee Joonyoung replied, “There are three qualifications needed in order to become the Fairy Dance Lee family’s head. The first doesn’t matter anymore, but it’s the knowledge of at least one hidden technique that has been passed down for generations. Secondly, the agreement of the majority. This isn’t difficult either. The problem is the third requirement.”

“What is the third qualification?” Theo couldn’t hide his doubts as he asked.

However, it was Lee Seol who responded before Lee Joonyoung. “Age.”

Theo turned to glance at her. “Age?”

Lee Seol replied, “Yes. The law states that the minimum age to become the head of the family is seventeen. I still have a year till my coming of age ceremony.”

Theo frowned. “Even so, it was a duel trial conducted by the emperor. Isn’t that enough to disregard a small law?”

Lee Joonyoung nodded in agreement but he smiled wryly as he explained, “Yes, it is normally not a problem. However, similar provisions exist in the law of the empire. The decision of the duel trial can’t be reversed, but it is enough reason to buy time.

“…The grace period can be extended?”

“That’s right.”

Theo understood what Lee Joonyoung was trying to say and stroked his chin. They couldn’t oppose Lee Seol becoming the head of the family, but they could use this law to delay her inauguration.

It was an obvious ploy.

They intend to treat her as a figurehead. What a nettlesome strategy. I thought they gave up because they couldn’t win openly.

A year wasn’t a long time, but it wasn’t short either. It was more than enough time to hide the internal assets of the Fairy Dance Lee family. In a year, they would act like they were giving the leadership of the family back to Lee Seol, but they would have consolidated the real power of the family under them. Then, all that was left was to find fault with Lee Seol’s leadership.

However, it was difficult to overthrow them with force. After all, Theo wasn’t planning on remaining on this continent.

So instead of panicking, Theo asked Lee Joonyoung, “So, the solution is?”

“There are two effective solutions.”

Indeed, Theo nodded. Perhaps Lee Joonyoung had thought of a solution before coming here. He was an outstanding martial artist and also quite smart.

Lee Joonyoung was a master of the pen and sword. If Theo hadn’t come, the Fairy Dance Lee family would’ve fallen into his hands. Then why was Lee Joonyoung smiling? The Fairy Dance Lee family had not given birth to tigers in a long time, but it seemed, in this case, a dog had given birth to a tiger.

Lee Inyoung was probably just the face of the faction, while Lee Joonyoung was the brains. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been possible for him to integrate the factions together so quickly.

Theo listened while staying wary.

“I will take full responsibility and launch a preemptive strike with Sir Theo’s forces. In the end, the other side will choose if they should fight or not. If they fight, we can win.”

Theo murmured, “Cutting the grass and pulling out the roots as well.”

To cut the grass and dig out any roots…

That was the act of eliminating the root of the problem in advance. From a short-term point of view, this method was really efficient. However…

Kuk, I’m not telling you to take Lee Seol’s position.”

Lee Joonyoung took a step back from the momentary explosion of pressure coming from Theo while simultaneously inwardly admiring it. He thought he had understood Theo’s strength in the duel trial, but the scale of the power Theo just revealed had just gone beyond his estimation.

Quickly bowing, Lee Joonyoung gave his next solution.“There is precedent for the guardian of the next head to temporarily take the spot if the head isn’t qualified yet. This is backed by family law, so the other side won’t be able to do anything.”

Theo sank into thought. “But…”

Certainly, it was a solution. Despite his instinctive protest, Theo understood that this was the most efficient way. Theo met the first qualification. No one would raise any objections since Lee Inyoung, the chief of the largest faction, would come under his authority. The biggest problem was that Theo had no intention of staying in this place for a long time.

Lee Seol had acted as the mountain’s keeper for more than ten years and maintained her pride as a member of the Fairy Dance Lee family. For Lee Seol, Theo was the first protector she had ever met. It was thanks to him that she had managed to acquire the Fairy Dance Lee family.

“I am asking this of you.” Lee Seol stepped back and bowed flawlessly.

Theo smiled bitterly as he realized he couldn’t refuse the request.

Sigh, it can’t be helped. I was going to stay for a month anyway… and I have to pass on both of the lost hidden techniques.

It would take some time, and he needed to study Lee Yoonsung’s Boundary of Heaven and Earth. Moreover, he was reminded of the saying that haste makes waste. It would take several months to return to the West Continent, and he needed to take responsibility for his actions here.

After rationalizing his decision, Theo shrugged and patted Lee Seol’s head lightly. “If you don’t mind me for a few months, I will be your guardian.”

Leo Seol’s eyes filled with tears. “…Sir Theo!”

“I might be a foreigner, but I will temporarily lend you my name. I will act as the temporary head of your family for you. Understood?”

Lee Joonyoung politely replied, “As you command, Temporary Head.”

Temporary Head… It wasn’t a title Theo was used to. He sighed as he realized he would have to get used to it.

This was still the prelude of his journey in the East Continent. Thus, Theodore Miller embarked on acting as the temporary head of the Fairy Dance Lee family.


Three months later, Theo completed his work on the Fairy Dance Skills Series.

He had perfectly encapsulated Lee Yoonsung’s memories. Originally, he hadn’t had any plans to write down so much, but the existing texts of the family had so many missing parts that it was easier to rewrite the whole thing than fill in the gaps.

Theo had spent at least eight hours a day writing.

Well, I haven’t just been writing a book.

Memorizing was different from muscle memory, so Theo had devoted himself to training. He had already pushed his magic to his current limit, but he could feel himself improving every day in martial arts.

In the end, he couldn’t discover a clue to the final hidden technique, but he trained the remaining three to a level which he could use. He wondered if he could now last five minutes against the 2nd Sword?

His Circles were now able to rotate more strongly and smoothly than before. His body had also become robust after acquiring the hidden techniques, so he couldn’t really be called a magician anymore. The time he devoted to martial arts had resulted in his overall development. The feeling of being blocked by the 8th Circle subsided, and he could now fully concentrate on Fairy Dance.

It was sooner than he’d planned, but it wasn’t a bad thing. This just meant that the jobs he had to do had been quickly reduced. The discord in the Fairy Dance Lee family had almost died out as Lee Joonyoung assisted Lee Seol in consolidation.

Once he finished the last book of the Fairy Dance Skills Series, it would be time for him to say goodbye.

I need to talk to Lee Seol about it when she gets back.

Lee Seol and Lee Joonyoung were at a meeting in a nearby estate and had been on the road since early morning. It was a long time to sit and wait. Then at the moment when Theo was about to get up…

“Temporary Head!”

Rapid footsteps rang out from the hallway, and an attendant barged in with a harried expression.

“Being so noisy indoors. What’s going on?”

The attendant bowed hastily. “I’m sorry! A guest suddenly arrived and asked for you…”

However, Theo’s questions were soon resolved as the person entered.


She opened the door without hesitation and smiled as she found Theo. No, it just felt like she smiled. The cotton cloth from last time was still covering her face.

“It has been a long time, Lord Theo.” The voice that seemed to melt into one’s eardrums was also still the same. The voice and ominous presence caused Theo’s body to immediately prepare for battle. He still remembered the chill he’d felt when he’d first met her.

Theo was convinced that nobody could stop her if she came as a guest.

“…It has been a while, Shim Samho.”

She was a delegate of the emperor and the notary of the duel trial. The woman who introduced herself as Shim Samho stood before Theo.

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