Book Eater

Chapter 278: Revenge (2)

Chapter 278: Revenge (2)

Hammering out the logistics of reorganizing the army took a fair bit of time. They had to assign roles for Orta as well as the elf reinforcements and the master level guardians. Matters only grew more complicated as most of the elf warriors had their own specialities, ranging from reconnaissance to fighting. The officers spent a lot of time planning how to utilize their allies to their fullest potential. As such, the meeting went on till the sun was high in the sky.

Theo soon left to meet his own unit in an empty parade ground.

He looked around and said, “First, Quattro and the detached group will keep moving with me. Your performance on Karul Plains was exemplary, so I hope to see the same in the future.”


The thirty magicians saluted as one. None of the sub-units commanded by Sylvia, William, and Para had any casualties. It might have been luck, but it might also be from good planning. Theo didn’t think this kind of ideal outcome would continue, but he hoped it would last as long as possible. He didn’t want his heart to be bothered by the loss of familiar faces.

As his eyes swept across his subordinates, Theo’s gaze stopped on a certain blonde-haired girl.


The Yellow Tower Master had created the foundation for what would eventually become the magic towers. Theo used to think that Paragranum had simply picked Meltor as a good place to study magic, but not anymore. If there was someone who had manipulated the war in the North as Gluttony presumed, then the grimoire hiding behind a humanoid shell had also gained.

There was a chance that the recipe to make titanium had been handed over by Paragranum.

“... Next.”

However, it was still too early to question Paragranum. Theo tore his eyes away from the grimoire in the guise of a young girl. In any case, her body was just a terminal, and nothing would happen if Theo killed her. If he wanted to threaten it with Gluttony, he needed to find the grimoire’s main body.

It is obviously hidden somewhere in Manavil.

Theo considered a few suspect locations as he continued onto the waiting elf. The elf’s blond hair was closer to silver, and he looked like a living sculpture. Edwin, the guardian of Elvenheim, had placed himself and fifty elf warriors under Theo’s command.

He held out a hand. “I am happy to be with you again. Third branch of Elvenheim, Sir Edwin.”

Theo shook it firmly. “I am also thankful for your guidance, Benefactor.”

They had eschewed military formality. Edwin was Theo’s subordinate, but he was also a highly honored guardian in Elvenheim. As an elf who was blessed with the power of senior elementals, Edwin didn’t bow to anyone except for the high elves.

He wasn’t someone someone could speak casually to.

I didn’t ask, but things turned out well.

Theo was relieved as he spoke to Edwin, who followed him like a mild puppy. The only one on Meltor’s side who could evenly meet the bow master of Andras, who had aimed for him last time on Karul Plains, in battle, was Edwin. Ellaim wasn’t weak, but right now, the unit needed a master specialized in ranged combat rather than close combat.

It would strengthen the strongest part of the unit, rather than the weakest part. War magicians acted on the principle that they would defeat the opponent before they got close. Close combat was a last resort. A magician who allowed a knight to get close had already lost half the battle.

Furthermore, Theo had yet to examine it in full, but the Gladio that Paragranum had repaired was sleeping in his inventory. Even so, there was a chance that the bow master might strike when Theo’s feet were tied up by another one of the empire’s Seven Swords. The presence of the enemy bow master, who could shoot arrows over a few kilometers, was a nightmare.

In the worst case scenario, the 1st and 2nd Swords will have recovered rapidly and strike me together, but... it is meaningless to worry too much about it.

The probability of that was close to zero. Theo might be a hero, but on the surface, he was just a 7th Circle magician. He wasn’t an opponent that two of the strongest swordsmen in Andras would team up to assassinate.

Meltor still had Veronica and Blundell, so it would be a massive strategic error. Forming one unit with both powerhouses might create an unprecedented level of offensive power, but it would create weaknesses everywhere else. For instance, if Theo didn’t move at all, how long would the 1st and 2nd Swords wait to ambush him?

Meltor would be able to trample on the empire while they were stuck lying in wait. Blundell and Veronica wouldn’t hesitate to exploit that gap. The same could be said of Theo’s command.

“Dame Rebecca, sister of Sir Randolph.”

“Yes, my liege.”

Rebecca took a step forward and knelt on one knee like a knight. Her left hand was on her waist, while her right hand was on her heart. It was the greeting of a person who would devote both her sword and her life to him.

... Indeed, she inherited the same genius talent as Randolph.

Theo reflexively read and admired her skills. Rebecca had increased her strength by two whole stages since they had parted in Soldun. She had probably reached Randolph’s level when he had been involved in the duel trial. She was still figuring out her Aura Ability, the last wall before becoming a true swordmaster. It would entirely depend on her capabilities.

Despite his admiration, Theo spoke in a cold voice, “Is this enough to hold fast to what you have promised me?”

He was asking if she could survive on the battlefield where even the life of a swordmaster wasn’t guaranteed.

Rebecca bowed. “I’m sorry. But Brother said that in order to move onto the next stage, action, not practice, is needed.”

Theo nodded. “That’s right. He also crossed this wall because of real action.”

He still remembered the stormy day when he had fought a grimoire from the Age of Mythology next to an infamous sea dragon. That one battle had surpassed the decades of experience that Randolph had built up. It had allowed Randolph to find his Aura Ability and his overall skills to soar. While this war was incomparable to that battle, it might be enough to awaken Rebecca’s ability. However, that wasn’t the answer that Theo wanted.

He kept his tone dispassionate. “Do you intend to use this war as your springboard? If you have such a thought then leave right now.”

Rebecca quietly said, “My liege, please allow me to speak.”

Theo cocked his head. “I give permission.”

Rebecca’s green eyes looked up to meet his. “My liege, I swore to be your sword.”

Theo could see the resolve in her eyes. “So?”

“Swing me freely. My blade will bathe in the enemy’s blood, and only grow sharper.”

Theo replied, “I am a magician. You might not get the role you desire.”

She shook her head. “If I’m interfering, then leave me. I will return to my sheath at your waist.”

Rebecca had abandoned her pride as a knight to follow him. Yet as the beautiful knight spoke in a dignified manner, it was clear that some of her pride still remained. It was enough to overwhelm the people who were listening.

Sylvia looked serious, but Theo couldn’t read her mind and just accepted Rebecca’s request.

“Okay. Make sure that you move according to my instructions.”

“I will keep that in mind, my liege!”

As Rebecca stepped back, Theo realized that all his personnel issues had been sorted out. He now fielded a unit of fewer than a hundred elites. Although it might be difficult to attack Rutben, they had enough firepower to destroy a decent fortress in half a day.

He nodded firmly. “Apart from the lieutenants, I will see the rest of you here tomorrow morning. Dismissed!”

He still had work to do. As the rest of the unit returned to their quarters, Theo convened with his lieutenants. He had resolved to be as efficient as he could with this unit. So, he had to make sure that he could contribute to this war. Theo had looked through the maps and used Alfred’s memories to determine the optimal location to attack.

He tapped a certain dot. “Rutben is too crowded. It is a little further, but how about Elverin?”

William’s brows knitted. “The distance is too great. It will take time for troops to arrive to occupy the area, and there aren’t any great benefits to occupying it.”

Sylvia suggested, “Moselle Castle looks okay.”

Theo traced out a possible route. “Hmm... The terrain is a little murky. We don’t have to rush into things. The East has a saying, “Some opportunities may not be ideal, but opportunity is better than nothing”‘‘something that one hesitates to give up even though it is of little interest’?”

Sylvia nodded. “Then Moselle is put on hold. What is next?”

Someone asked, “What about Dofrun Castle?”

Dofrun Castle was a unique suggestion, so everyone examined the location on the map. Then they sighed.

William scowled. “There’s too many problems. The empire’s rangers are crawling all over that mountain and the whole area is completely covered with defensive lines. The reinforcement response time will be halved.”

Sylvia nodded. “Even if we can fly over the defensive lines, Dofrun Castle itself is quite a strong fortress. If we get surrounded once we’re exhausted, our odds won’t be good. Moreover, it’s also where the Lairon senior officers are staying, so their power would be increased.”

Edwin added, “It seems impossible for anyone to move stealthily toward Dofrun... It’s a fortress that needs to be captured from the front, similar to Rutben.”

Dofrun Castle itself was manageable. The walls weren’t thick, and the elite troops that manned it, including the knights, were of an ordinary level. Theo and his unit could easily destroy the fortress. The problem was the harshness of the path leading to Dofrun.

Defensive lines over the mountainous region that span tens of kilometers.... It’s impossible to pass through without being detected. Dofrun Castle should be excluded from the list of targets.

Theo grunted as he realized that the others were right. Even Alfred, who was called a tactical genius, couldn’t find an answer to this obstacle. Wouldn’t it be better to get a small profit, rather than aim for something big and get into trouble? Theo was leaning toward Moselle Castle.


Then an old memory popped into his mind.

Maybe that trick would...

Theo looked at Edwin’s face. He remembered what he had experienced when he first stepped into Elvenheim. His mind shone as he thought of a similar method.

“What if we..”

The next day, Theo and his unit disappeared from Meltor’s military camp.


Berbatov Mountains was one of the largest mountain ranges in the Empire, with peaks that reached six thousand meters in height. The spectacular terrain and its geographical proximity to the border had given birth to its nickname as the Imperial Wall. The rangers who defended the Berbatov Mountains were always proud of this fact, not even allowing birds to fly above them.

Every day, some unlucky birds die from arrows.

“Ohh, that was pretty good practice. Did you shoot two at the same time?”

“Two for one, right? I decided to try it out.”

“Very interesting. Should I also try it?”

Hitting two birds with one arrow... The imperial archers were certainly remarkable, but the Berbatov rangers were the only ones who could show this type of hyper accurate archery. Every ranger was good enough to distinguish faces on the horizon, and they could even see leaves moving from kilometers away. They were the reason Meltor had never targeted these mountains. They could always burn down the entire mountain range, but it was never worth it.

The rangers were filled with pride, and eventually, one of them shot down three birds with one arrow.

“It’s another peaceful day today. Won’t we die of boredom?”

“I agree. I wish an intruder would pass by.”

“Eh, just one person? There should be at least a hundred people.”

“Hahahaha! Is that so? Indeed, I should be able to shoot a hundred people!”

This remark might seem arrogant, but it was the truth. The rangers of the Berbatov Mountains could shoot hundreds of people alone. They would be called garbage if they missed one shot in ten. If they missed one in a hundred, they would consider themselves fools. If they missed one in a thousand shots, they would avoid going out, stating it was an unlucky day.

The Berbatov rangers couldn’t have imagined that as the two knights in the watchtower were chatting, there really were almost a hundred invaders passing under their feet.

Fools, shoot me if you can.

Theo laughed as he walked through a tunnel eight hundred meters under the Berbatov rangers. It wasn’t easy for a swordmaster to detect something eight hundred meters below ground. Good eyesight and a bow were useless. Theo borrowed Mitra’s eyes to watch the rangers above ground, enjoying this bold infiltration.

“Hah, I never thought it would be reproduced this way...” Edwin murmured as he walked next to Theo.

This method was intimately familiar to Edwin. It was the way of the forest. Ellenoa had demonstrated it to Theo when he first arrived in Elvenheim, when she had moved tree branches, roots, and bushes to create a road that hadn’t been there previously.

However, Theo had applied the concept under the ground, not to the forest, making a tunnel which went for several tens of kilometers.

Theo smiled. “It is only possible with your help, Sir Edwin.”

They would be noticed if they used magic, even at this depth. So, Theo had made this tunnel purely by borrowing Mitra’s power. But Mitra didn’t have the raw power to do something like this. She could only make a tunnel that only went for two or three kilometers. However, Theo had just been given fifty elementalists who could supply Mitra with power.

One murmured, “I can’t refuse the Dancer’s partner...”

Another smiled. “An auspicious day...”

Theo ignored the burdensome rumors behind him and kept walking. His super sensitivity whispered that things would turn disastrous if he asked what they meant. Theo turned his attention to other matters.

We’ll be in position by evening. It should be fine to rest a little bit and start in the middle of the night.

Dofrun Castle itself wasn’t far. It just seemed far away due to all the defensive lines in the mountains. If they moved in a straight line, it was only a day’s journey away.

According to the agents of the White Tower, the high-ranking officials of Lairon were staying in Dofrun Castle. Theo’s eyebrows twitched as he remembered the ugliness he had seen from those in Lairon. They would spread the flames of war in the name of their god for the purpose of gaining benefits from it.

The cardinal and crusaders. No, the priests are enough.

They were an important variable, since they could treat those injured on the battlefield. Therefore, the mission would prioritize killing the ones in Dofrun. If they were allowed to prepare their chants, the knights of Andras would become close to immortal.

They always did like pushing others from behind.

That was why they had participated in the Soldun civil war and were participating in this war. They didn’t take action personally. Instead, they killed their enemies by using other people. Wasn’t this just an indirect form of murder?

The people of Lairon were the type of people who looked down on others while keeping their own hands clean.

“... This time, I will properly grind their faces into the mud.”

Theo would use this opportunity to teach them that they couldn’t stay concealed forever.

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