Book Eater

Chapter 287: Emperor Moves (2)

Chapter 287: Emperor Moves (2)

As instructed, the remaining Seven Swords, the pillars of Andras, had been mobilized and were now moving with the symbol of the emperor in an insane operation. It was like placing the king in the midst of enemies on a chessboard. Of course, the emperor of Andras had to be a powerful sword master, but it wasn't enough to change the tides of battle. This was a suicide operation.

A swordmaster was superior to great magicians when it came to breakthrough ability, but it would only have value if they had a proper follow up. Otherwise, it would just be an ineffective demonstration of force. Furthermore, the remaining Seven Swords and the emperor were all masters, even the most skilled aura users couldn't catch up with them.

What is he planning...?

Theo’s brows furrowed. This plan seemed completely devoid of common sense. The most likely option was a blitzkrieg operation to attack the capital of Meltor, Manavil. Certainly, there was no guarantee that any city’s defenses could withstand at least four masters and dozens of expert aura users. Usually, that would result in the city being overrun and the king’s execution. However, that strategy was dead on its feet when it came to Meltor.

The four magic towers were far too sturdy, and Veronica was recovering her magic power in Manavil. It was impossible for the city to fall to an elite unit. On the other hand, Meltor could now choose to raid Andras’ capital or even crush the elite unit from behind like a hammer meeting an anvil. At first glance, this situation was really too ridiculous.

... Wait. If they broke through the western border, then Master...!

Vince was definitely posted along the western border zone, and the messenger had just reported that four magic soldier units and twenty six war magicians had taken action to delay them. There would be some casualties from the swordmasters' breakthrough. What if Vince was included among them?

“Messenger!” Theo urgently called the messenger over, “Do you have a list of survivors from the west? I want to know the status of the personnel involved in the delaying operation!”

“T-There were too many magic soldiers, so it hasn’t been organized yet. I only have a list of war magicians.”

“Show me.”

The messenger pulled out a scroll, and Theo took it with trembling fingers. The commanders belatedly realized why he was troubled. Vince Haidel was a famous name among war magicians. Orta, Blundell, and the other commanders who had taken action with him several times also looked worried.

Theo scanned the list of the deceased.

From the top, Beruch, Ilan, Zirmud, Haman...

There were twenty six people. It wasn’t a large number, but it was natural for his fingers to hesitate. Vince’s name might be here. Finally, he reached the end and scanned it again several times.

“.... Phew...”

Fortunately, Vince’s name wasn’t present. Then he saw Vince’s name on the list of wounded.

[Vince Haidel: Amputated left leg, serious condition.]

Vince had lost his left leg, but he had survived. Theo felt both deeply sad and greatly relieved. It was enough that Vince survived. Even if he couldn’t continue as a war magician, Vince wouldn’t give up just because he lost a leg.

Orta whispered to him, “I’m sorry but you don’t have time to go visit him.”

“... I know,” Theo said, handing the scroll back to the messenger. “I’ll have some medicine delivered.”

Theo pretended to take the potions out of his pocket, instead taking from his Inventory. They were the highest quality potions he had obtained from Paracelsus’ laboratory. His heart wanted to give Vince an elixir, but Theo couldn’t give Vince special treatment. He would have to go and see Vince after the war was over.

The messenger disappeared with the potions, and the commanders started a meeting under Blundell’s command.

“It’s time to determine our course of action.” The magician who had lived for over a century stroked his beard as he raised two fingers. “It can be divided into two categories. Do we fight that stupid group or head straight to Belfort?”

“Tower Master, I think we should advance,” Benedict, now the former chief commander, declared confidently. “Without the Seven Swords and the emperor, the empire doesn’t have the power to stop us. We only need three to four masters to take down Belfort’s walls. We can end the war in a week.”

“Then we should ignore those guys running around?”

“It is cruel, but yes. That’s correct. There is the Red Tower Master, and the Yellow Tower Master also promised to participate in the capital’s defense. They will be able to hold on until we obtain Belfort.”

Unlike the decisive Benedict, Orta shook his head. “I think the opposite. The emperor of Andras would have surely seen such a predictable operation. Furthermore, we have seven masters right now. We can stop that elite force.”

“That is White Tower Master’s position on this matter?”


There were now only two commanders who had a vote, Chief Commander Blundell and Theodore Miller. In a two on two situation, Blundell’s opinion would be more powerful.

However, he made an unexpected decision. “Hrmm, this old man will abstain.”

Everyone stared at Blundell until he explained, “I only just joined this campaign, so I might not be as sensitive to battlefield matters. Also, indecision would not serve us well. Therefore, I think it is right to let the last commander, Theo, decide.”

“That...” Theo hesitated but sighed as the rest of the commanders agreed.

He closed his eyes and focused on his super-sensitivity.

... Damn, it still isn’t visible.

Theo tried again, but his super-sensitivity only returned darkness. Just like when the bow master’s foresight interfered the other day, an unknown factor was blocking his super-sensitivity.

March to Belfort or go to Manavil...?

What should he do? The future was unclear, but Theo felt like his choice would have catastrophic results either way.

“I...” He started hesitantly and then continued, “I think it is right to block the small unit.”

Theo judged that it was better to interfere with the emperor’s intention, which would be linked to the truth of this Northern Continent.

Blundell clapped and shouted, “Okay, it has been decided. White Tower Master!”

Orta nodded. “I’ll start preparations right away.”

“How long will it take?”

“... I can do it in three hours.”

Returning to Manavil from the front lines in three hours was an impossible feat if not for Orta. The commanders spent the remaining time reorganizing the army, while Theo stared at the rain clouds in the distance. In spite of the favorable situation, his mind didn’t stop churning, just like the surface of the sea before a storm.

This was surely the climax of the unification war. Theo closed his eyes to settle his boiling magic power.


Three hours later, a bright light illuminated a certain location in Meltor.


White dust rose like mist. It was the aftermath of dozens of magicians appearing all at once in a room with no furniture. Even the masters coughed reflexively. Theo alone had been protected by his wind divinity.

Eh? This is...

Theo remembered this room from a few years with Vince...

“The Bergen Barony?”

“You noticed. Have you used it before?” Orta stepped out, waving the dust away. “After estimating the speed of the Empire’s Seven Swords and the emperor, I thought that Bergen would be the best place to deal with them.”

“Ah, that's right. If they go straight through the mountain range...”

“It is the shortest distance to reach Manavil. The mountain terrain won’t slow down four swordmasters, so they will certainly pass through Bergen.”

Indeed, Theo agreed. They had brought the core of their army with them. They had to consider that there would be a minimum of four swordmasters, and perhaps an unknown master like the bow master from the other day.

Thus, six masters had been transferred in. The two guardians of Elvenheim, Ellaim and Edwin. White Tower Master Orta and Blue Tower Master Blundell. Theodore Miller and Randolph Clovis.

There were also senior war magicians, as well as William and Sylvia. A master might be a dominating force, but the more firepower they had, the better. This group could easily defeat the allied forces of the Central Continent. Benedict had been left behind to command the army, but this was still a formidable force.

Yes, if it is this much... It should be enough to win the battle.

Theo followed Orta out of the narrow, dark room. They passed through the secret door into the back alley, and the crowded streets of Bergen soon filled their eyes.

In the front of the group, Blundell cast invisibility magic and said playfully, “Good. There is still a day or two according to the White Tower Master’s calculations.”

Orta snorted. “Please be more cautious, Blue Tower Master.”

“Huhuhu, can’t I joke around? A good night’s rest isn’t possible in this situation, so I should at least joke...”

It was at that moment...

— — — — — — —!!!

It wasn’t the sound of an explosion or a roar. Yet the indescribable sound tore through the sky. The closest description was a type of vibration, a type of shock wave. It would tear apart a person’s eardrums as well as disintegrate inanimate objects. The scene of the clouds being torn apart was proof of how terrible this sound was.


......! ......!

Despite the magicians hastily erecting a barrier of magic power, the people in the vicinity were still deafened. Fortunately, the wave of sound passed over them quickly. However, the crowd was still left spasming on the ground. Buildings were still trembling. If the sound rang out one more time, Bergen would collapse like an earthquake had occurred.


So Theo commanded the wind faster than anyone else.

In the name of Aiolos! Form a wall around the city to calm the air!

Sound was vibration, and vibration was invisible to the naked eye. A wind shield would be able to blunt the vibration before it could cause more serious damage. The mountain breeze responded to Theo’s will and wrapped around Bergen in a hemisphere. It was a feat that normally only a Tower Master would be able to replicate.

Orta and Blundell admired Theo’s quick thinking and added their own spells to the mix.

“Calm Mist!”

“Aerial Winder!”

The double barrier of fog and wind calmed the chaos. The crowd gradually calmed down, and Theo’s wind barrier was bolstered to the strength of a steel wall. It would be able to withstand three or four more sonic blasts.

The magicians turned to look in the direction of the sonic blast. Who had created something like that? It almost seemed like the aftermath of a collision.

Eh? This power is perhaps...?

Theo read the magic power in the distance and was momentarily confused. He had felt this scorching magic power many times. Its density was higher than ever, but only one magician could wield this kind of fiery magic power.

Blundell came to the same conclusion. “This strength, surely it isn’t that tomboy!”

Orta was flabbergasted. “This is ridiculous! They are supposed to be a few days away from Bergen...!”

But then, the explosion rang out again.




This time, there were multiple smaller explosions. The earth shook again as the clouds were pushed even further away by the flames. It was like someone had unleashed five consecutive 7th circle spells. They didn’t know why, but Veronica was seriously battling someone!

No, it isn’t just anyone!

They already knew the situation. Veronica alone couldn’t deal with Andras’ true strength. The emperor would be directly commanding the Seven Swords.

“It can’t be helped. Join in!”

They abandoned their plan to stay in Bergen and build up defenses, and prepared to head toward the gigantic flames. Blundell took the lead, followed by twenty magicians. The glare, noise, heat, and shock waves reaching Bergen was proof of the power involved in the conflict.

The curtains were rising on the final battle to end the unification war.

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