Born in apocalypse

Chapter 18: Killing the dead

Chapter 18: Killing the dead

"Ahh! Thanks for killing them and making my task easier... Otherwise, I don't think I would have been able to fight you—The monster— and win without 'YOUR' precious help."

Warden seems to be mocking Dhruv for his lack of perception during a battle.

With all his mocking, I tried to calm myself after realizing that this could also be one of his plans to distract me... and to my surprise, I found myself calm just a moment later.

"Why are you so confident that your undead can even kill me..? If I can kill them one time, what stops me from killing them a second time... you..?

Hahaha! Don't make me laugh... and if you are delusional enough to think that you can stop me with that pathectic self of your then... live.. No Die in that delusion of yours."

Ahhh! Mocking him felt hella good after listening to all his crap. I made it sound like a piece of cake, but...

Growl, growl, growl...

The sound of undead growling is starting to come from the hallway, and I think the one making these sounds isn't happy. I know what is making this type of sound. At the thought of that, my body shivered and grasped the reality that everything is possible in this world.

I jumped forward to finish the warden at short range without having to get entangled in all the undead mess, but as my spear is about to stab him, an undead comes between us and blocks the spear with his body, making the total number of holes in his body... nine.

Growl... growl..

The wound I had caused should have been deadly to any mortal, but even with two massive holes in his chest, one I caused now and the other was the reason he died, But even with two holes in his body, this motherfucker still lunged forward to bite my head off.

I instantly back off, not wanting to get bitten and become undead— I doubt it is even possible— but who is going to risk it..? Not me.

I moved one foot backward, pulled my hand backward, and thrust my spear with all my strength, but this time my target was not his chest but his head.


With a thunderous blast, the zombie's head got obliterated in a rain of blood and flesh. I waited cautiously to see if this thing could survive without a head or not, but thank God, these things don't seem immortal. With all my time wasted in my experiment, almost fifty undead had already gathered in the room.

I don't practically feel threatened by these undead, as I found after clashing with the first one, but the warden himself is the problem here if he decides to join the fight.

I looked at the warden, and the look on his face lifted my mood, as his face was devoid of light and looked pale white like a dead corpse.

And I know the full reason behind the cause of this type of pale face, as I myself have suffered from it during my training with magic. If I am correct, he had used a spell with almost all his mana, making even standing on his two feet difficult.

All I have to do is get rid of all these undead, and the man will be disposed of pretty much just after that without any mercy, but I have to be quick, as he could have mana absorption skill and could be absorbing mana as I continue to kill.

The undead horde of fifty or so corpses emerges from the dark, their lifeless eyes glowing with an eerie light. Standing at the center of the room was Dhruv, his eyes blazing with determination. Gripping his gleaming spear tightly, he prepares himself for the slaughter that is about to happen.

As he proceeds to kill them, he notices that they don't give any type of reward, not exp, not coin, not nothing, and that itself can be depressing when you are fighting a literal horde of undead.

The undead horde closes in, groaning and moaning, eager to feast on his flesh. The mage... or spearman for the moment, steps forward, the ground trembling beneath him as he charges toward the undead.

His movements are superhumanly agile due to his level thirty-five agility, and he weaves through the horde, striking with astonishing precision. Every thrust and swing of his spear sends undead bodies crashing to the ground, severed limbs flying through the air.

Dhruv becomes a blur of silver amidst the sea of undead. With each strike, several undead fall at once, but the horde is relentless, closing in on him from all sides.

His face remains stoic as he fights with unmatched skill and strength. He spins, parries, and counters, dancing between the undead, seemingly invincible... But he is far from invincible, as all the fighting has started to build up fatigue.

The undead claw at him, their rotten flesh tearing away as they attempt to overwhelm him.

His movements seem fluid and graceful, like a deadly dance, but someone is actively reading his movements, trying to learn the pattern in them. He harnesses his superhuman abilities to their fullest, his spear cutting through the undead with ease.

The ground is now littered with undead bodies, but still, more approach, undeterred by the fallen.

Sweat drips down his brow, as he shows signs of fatigue... Blood starts dripping from all the wounds caused by the teeth, but still, his eyes burn with determination as he fights on, unwilling to be overwhelmed.

The undead horde seems to be closing in, almost engulfing him.

Suddenly, he performs a powerful, leaping strike, sending out a shockwave that throws several undead back, giving him a brief moment of respite. Catching his breath and glancing around, he assessed the situation.

Dhruv grips his weapon tightly, and a faint, pulsating glow emanates from it... as if demanding more slaughter.

His resolve strengthens as he takes a deep breath, ready to face the horde once more. With newfound determination, he charges back into the fray, his spear glowing brighter than before.

The battle only lasted five minutes, but for Dhruv it lasted an eternity, but with his superhuman abilities, combined with his unwavering determination, he manages to thin the ranks of the undead horde.

As another minute passes, the last of the undead finally falls, their twisted bodies returning to lifeless stillness. The spearman stands amid the field of defeated foes, his clothes now splattered with undead remains.

With all the undead lying motionless, he look at the warden... and to his surprise the look on his face turns normal, indicating that he had managed to recover all his mana, As Dhruv didn't want to give him a chance to cast that dreadful spell again, he lunged forward to attack him... not even resting for a bit after fighting with hundreds of undead.

Looking at Dhruv running towards him, the warden smiled... as if everything is going according to his plan.

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