Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 138:

Chapter 138:

It was the moment the black seal was engraved on the back of my hand.

「Administrator ‘First Dragon Slayer Born in a Thousand Years’ is struck with great fear upon seeing the seal!」

「Administrator ‘Hero of a Fallen World’ is shouting why the seal of tribute is being used!」

「Administrator ‘Seeker of Divinity’ is complaining to the tower that giving the seal is a overkill!」

The previously silent administrators started an uproar all of a sudden.

Other than a few minor messages, they’ve not shown too much reaction until now…….

After using the seal of tribute, the amount of messages from the administrators increased.

「Administrator ‘Ruler of the Sky’ is strongly protesting against the tower!」

「Administrator ‘Monk of Seven Gods’ is freaking out exclaiming what are you thinking?!」

「Administrator ‘Hero of the Black Archipelago’ is requesting to at least take away the The Night Veil that Devours Fire!」

Even the administrators that rarely showed up started to cause chaos.

And seeing their messages I found it odd.

‘……Are these supposed to be not for use?’

All the administrators were acting as if these items were not meant to be used.

Whether it be the Seal of Tribute of The Night Veil that Devours Fire, I’m not supposed to possess it at all.


These items being that of SS- rank was astonishing in itself, but the reactions of the administrators were definitely exaggerated.

They were speaking as if the tower had given me an item that should not be given out.

Just what are these relics for their reactions to be this strong?

So I opened my mouth to ask them about these relics


「You’ve witnessed a leak of unauthorized information.」

「Messages of administrators are temporarily blocked.」

With the messages blocked, I couldn’t even ask them about it.

「The tower of trials are warning the administrators.」

「Witnessing the trials of challenger Han SungYeun will be banned if unauthorized information is continued to be leaked.」

One thing that was certain was that this current situation was not normal.


I opened my eyes narrowly looking at the message mid air.

‘At least the relic is an item that not even administrators can treat carelessly.’

At first I thought that it was just an item with divine powers……

But there might be more to this than it meets the eyes.

‘I’ll have to use it myself to figure it out’.

And immediately, I concentrated on the seal on my left hand.


「Activating the exclusive effect of the item ‘Seal of Tribute (SS-)’, ‘Tribute’.」

「You can choose to make an offering among the [Talent], [Ability], [Treasure] that you possess.」

I pondered on the options shown in the message.

I did presume its effects but to have it really be an exclusive effect of making an offering….

I wondered if it was okay to make an offering to a god that could potentially become my enemy, but it’s not like there were other options.

「You’ve selected [Treasure] as an offering to god.」

「Select a [Treasure] to offer.」

I chose one of the items that I was going to use on Steel Eat.

「You’ve selected the Small Magician’s Staff(D+).」

「Please choose the god to make the offering to.」

But something went off.


「No traces of god can be found on the divine powers.」

「As a holder of individual divine powers, you can make an offering to yourself. 」

An error message popped up and instead of the message asking me to choose a god, something else came up.

「You’ve received an offering of Small Magician’s Staff(D+) from yourself.」

「Converting the item into divinity to accumulate in the heart.」

The item chosen to become the offering disappeared and the divine powers in my heart increased.

“What on earth…..”

Of course it was not enough to raise the rank of divine powers, but the power definitely increased.

‘How absurd. To make an offering to myself…..’

I was unsure of this situation, but one thing was for certain.

‘……I got a new method of increasing my divine powers.’

Unlike before, with no way of increasing my divine powers, I now could increase it through my own methods.

It was different from increasing divine powers through meeting a standard.

It was rather important that I had a way to personally increase my divine powers.

The only issue was that I had nowhere to use the divine powers at the moment….

But, they could be used in the future once I accumulate enough myths.

“This is the only thing left……”

The Night Veil that Devours Fire.

I wondered on what to do with this relic and ended up putting it inside my pockets.

Since it was in the form of a handkerchief there was no need to get it equipped, and it would automatically get activated during dangerous situations when kept on me.

Of course, it’d be the best to not be in such situations, but life never goes the way you want it to so it is best to be ready for anything.


‘The tower never gives these out without a reason.’

The tower gave me an item that the administrators protested against.

One thing that I realized was that the tower never has goodwill without a reason.

That was an absolute fact.

‘I’m sure that I’ll have to use it.’

I will not let my guard down until the very end.

»————- ★ ————-«

One day, two days, three days….….

Time flowed smoothly and I went through multiple battles within it.

All battles have attained victory, and the allied forces eventually took on the offensive tactics.

With me active in every battle, they began to think that the allied forces had the upper hand.

‘To be honest, it’d be quite risky without my contribution…… but there’d be no need to say that out loud.’

After clearing the special assignment ‘object of admiration’ the battle formation of allied forces improved.

As well as the skills of the priests increased.

The corpses acquired after multiple battles added on to the number of the allied forces.


「Consumption completed.」

「Strength increased by 4.」

「Stamina increased by 1.」

「Agility increased by 2.」

「Tenacity increased by 4.」

「Expelling 0.8% of toxic energy within the body.」

With continuous consumption of steel, my constitution changed more.

‘Now I have an idea of what the toxic energy is.’

Any impure substances that I’ve accumulated before I became a player are categorized as toxic energy.

And the effects from expelling these toxins were quite simple.

It became easier to use mana.

But, perhaps because I’ve absorbed impure energy for too long and I have too much toxic energy in my body,

‘It would take a long time to get rid of it all.’

Even if I have absorbed many items, only a total of 8.8% of the toxic energy was expelled.

“I’m sure time will solve that.”

I muttered, flicking the blood away from both of my swords in the middle of the battlefield.

The battlefield of the 4th day of the holy war felt like my own house.

The enemies started to run away once their battle formation was broken from hundreds of their men being defeated.

―R,Run away! It’s the slaughterer! We’re all going to die at this rate……!

―U-ugggh……! Dear god! Why do monsters like him exist……?

―Damn it all! The filthy corpse priests summoned a devil……!

Hearing the fearful screams made me scoff.

Just a few days ago, I was ready to die at least once…..

Even after some time, the enemies continued to drop like flies.

“……Was I worrying for nothing? At this rate, the trial will end without an issue.”

After another round of killing the enemies, I realized again of how much I’ve grown.

After all, if Nam GungHyuk did not swoop in before me, the 14th floor could’ve been easily cleared by me.

‘Did I worry for no reason…?’

It was the moment I let down my guard.


The mana surrounding the area started to move unnaturally.

I was momentarily surprised at the mana suddenly shooting up to the sky.

I raised my head to look at the sky with a purple mana circle.

Despite my lack of knowledge on mana, it seemed extraordinary.

‘Are they planning to shower mana from the sky?’

It seemed likely.

At this point, the priests of the battle cult mostly retreated from the battlefield.

It wouldn’t be surprising for them to do a large area attack using a mana circle.

‘Its bothersome, but I can block it.’

I looked towards the sky while quickly getting ready to activate the Counter Shield.

But unlike my expectations, the mana circle did not shoot out an area attack.

― The church of dark dares to attack the cult of battle? You must be seeking death.

Only a man with pure white wings appeared from the circle.

I felt a shiver run down my spine at that echoing voice filled with divine powers.

― The god of battle is merciful, thus will grant your wish.

My instincts were blaring an alarm telling me that it’s dangerous.

As if something uncontrollable appeared in this place

―Consider it an honor! You dogs serving the god of dark!


― the god will personally deliver punishment to the wicked!

With that sentence, a crimson ring appeared by the man’s head.


And an unbearable presence descended into the man.

Ba-bump, Ba-bump.

My heart felt pressure as if I saw something I was not worthy of seeing.

‘Ah, this…. I know this feeling…..’

The pressure that I’ve experienced before slowed my thoughts.

「The god of battle consumes a large quantity of divine powers to attempt an incomplete <advent>.」</advent>

「Under the <advent>, some myths and powers in god’s possession can not be used properly.」</advent>

「Reserve Disciple ‘Gerhan Nevia’ is under <advent> and can not use divine powers properly.」</advent>

「The difficulty of individual trial of challenger Han SungYeun increases drastically.」

I realized looking at the continuous messages that covered my sight.

「The tower of trials deemed it as a difficulty that the challenger Han SungYeun can handle.」

「The trial will continue.」

That the tower never gives out favors without a reason.

If I was given a relic that can revive me, then there is a reason for it.

And in this insane tower of trials, no matter how much you grow, safety is never guaranteed.

[ ……I can finally kill the insolent dog of the tower myself.]

How long could I resist the reserve disciple with the advent of a god-like entity?

A momentary thought, but the answer was given shortly.

[ Die. Blame yourself for daring to look upon the authority of gods.]


「You died.」

I was killed even before I could resist.

And I knew the moment that my heart was pierced.

How much stronger a mere human had to grow in order to fight against a god.


「Activating the exclusive effect of item The Night Veil that Devours Fire(SS-), ‘Night Veil’.」

「Momentarily reviving after using The Night Veil that Devours Fire.」

「Entering the state of ‘Discipleship’ after using The Night Veil that Devours Fire.」

The reason why the administrators were yelling to retrieve the relic.

「The god of dark is looking at you with a smile.」

「The god of dark is permitting you to use the blessings of discipleship.」

The darkness with authority swallowed me up.

[To be continued.]

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