Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 110: Attack Again? (1)

Chapter 110: Attack Again? (1)

Davin woke up early after a good rest yesterday. Even though the place he was in was cold with an open sky above, being among a dozen people made him relaxed far better than the first few days in the test. 

He left the temporary camp built by woods and leaves to go outside. Few were still guarding the place while most slept. Jacob might be among them. Through some great luck, he had become the leader of the pack.

Apparently, the first-day Jacob was dropped in the test zone, he saved a few fellows from a group, and the number raised to a couple of a dozen by the fifth day of the trial. None of the fellows he saved could be called as an elite, but having a group together did help. It was far better than faring alone in the test.

Even with that, Jacob made excellent choices to not stay in one place more than one night, and his personality made him not try anything ambitious till now, as he knew almost nothing.

Yesterday, he told Davin, he was looking for them as well, and made his underlings search in the surrounding areas with his marked arrow. Supposedly not a well thought out plan, but it did find him.

'Guess, having an innate ability does help a lot,' he sighed at the thought. Unlike Jacob, Wrik, Anton, or Tanya, he did not have that luck or innate ability. He did not linger on that thought, brought out his sword, and started practising the kata. 

After about an hour of practising, he found Jacob had come back and was sitting on the log where they made the fire yesterday. The burned wood and ashes were still there, while Jacob lit up the fire again. Surprisingly, he did not use any lighter or stones, but a flame made of his mana. 

So this guy even succeeded in awakening his elementthat made Davin sighed again.

He moved near Jacon when the archer said, "We will move from here after the meal.''

Davin nodded. There was not much surprise as Jacob already mentioned it yesterday.

They had not found a proper solution to find Wrik and others other than using the emergency crystal bead, though nine of the two thought about using it immediately.

"Anton really got captured," Jacob added, sighing a little.

Davin said nothing. He already feared that, but hearing it made him clenched his fist. He felt he was useless.

"After some digging last night, I found out Anton made quite a ruckus before getting captured by Scythe." Jacob gave a hollow laugh before continuing. "Supposedly, that guy almost saved a prisoner from there, before the Scythe personally stopped him." 

Davin raised his eyebrows as his face darkened. He was told to find Wrik and others, but if Wrik himself got caught! "Who was he trying to save?" he asked.

"I don't know exactly who it is, but the description tells it should be the big guy." Jacob warmed the dry jerky on the fire, as he said that. "But they have not given in."

"We need to find others as soon as possible."

.. .

It was a bad day for the scouting mission; No, it was a bad day to do anything. The sun was about to rise, but could not be seen as the thick mist drifted swiftly along with the blizzard in the mountain range. The temperature had not risen yet, while the cold blizzard made it even worse, along with the heavy snowfall. 

Three silhouettes moved in the awful weather on the snowy path of the mountain. Their pace was slow while they remained in close distance.

"It is really awful day," Wrik said, clasping his numbed fingers.

He revolved the maha mana inside him to resist the cold, while Byul did the same. Even though they were wearing thick fur clothing, the cold made their spine shiver. 

On the other hand, Lily was the same as if the cold had no effect on her. Her back was straight as the spear as she was leading them towards the fortress. 

"Pretty brother, are you feeling cold?" Lily asked as she stopped by a tree covered in snow. 

Wrik shook his head vigorously. He could imagine what this lady would say next if he said he was shivering. "So where's the fortress?" he asked. He wanted to finish the job as soon as possible, or the cold might get to him again.

"It is just in front of us, but the weather may cause quite an issue in completing our task," she said, pointing to the front. 

Wrik saw nothing in front other than the moving mist and blizzard. With a little prompt, the [Eye of Insights] awakened in his eyes as he saw the faint figure of a two-storey fortress on the wall of the mountain. He did not try harder to push his vision, as there was still time left.

"I think our cave is far better than this awful place," Byul said. She was trying her hardest not to look weak in the extreme cold, but a few of her shivers betrayed her. But that did not mean she was giving excuses. The cave was way warmer than this place and it was better location tooat the foot of the mountain, hidden by natural structure.

"That is true," Lily acknowledged as well, even though it appeared the cold was not bothering her. "But this place is safer and also has a natural protection against the enemy."

"Let get to business, shall we?" Wrik cut in between the two ladies. Completing the mission was all on his mind.

"How do we start?" Byul asked again. 

"I have good eyesight. I'll go see how their defence and other stuff is," Wrik said as he was about to leave.

"Pretty brother, be careful."

Wrik put Lily's words to mind, though he always was careful. He moved slowly through the blizzard, keeping an eye for any traps.

After moving for about a couple of minutes, Wrik could see the fortress without enabling his ability, though the vision was vague and unclear. He could see nothing except the structure of the fortress. He triggered the [Eye of Insights] again as a silver glow appeared on his pupil and his vision cleared. 

The fortress was not that impressive, nor was heavily guarded. A few guards stood around the entrance like stone statues with their armour and weapons. Wrik crawled his way around the fortress and found nothing interesting about it. It was a small stronghold that did not hold much of his interest.

It could hold about a hundred men properly at best. Clearly, it was wrong to call it a fortress. The structure of the building was built in a way that has no advantage against enemy attacks, nor could it defend well. 

It was nothing but a safe house.

Wrik moved back to his two companions again to find they had moved a little closer than they were beforenot close enough to be noticed by the guards, but close enough to notice the fortress.

"I knew you would not be impressed by this place," Lily said the moment he reached them. It seemed she had already done a pre-scouting before now.

Wrik nodded. "This place is only good at hiding. It may be quite safe for the first month or more, but it's nothing much," he added. "It does not suit us."

He was right. Even before coming to the test, he planned to take the front places, but hiding here would not active that.

"My thoughts exactly," Lily added. "That's why I planned to take only the flag from here."

"Isn't the flag linked with the fortress as well as the leader?" Byul asked. As far as they were told, the flag was the key to find the fortress as each flag held the location and link to a fortress. One had to claim the fortress with their name as the leader. So without the flag the place was nothing but an empty vessel as the flag hold all the features.

"It is," Lily nodded. "But it could be used with our places as well after a little tinkering."

"What should we do now?" Byul asked again. The blizzards appeared to have no intention of stopping today. 

Lily said nothing. Her plan was to bring in all her sisters to secure the stronghold, but she only had a few in her numbers to achieve that now.

"It is a godforsaken day," Wrik said. Added with the cold and the chilly wind, it was really one of the worst days he had spent. "We should do something in this awful weather as well. 

"What do you propose, Pretty brother?" Lily asked smilingly. 

"Nothing much. Let's start with bringing down their number first."

.. .

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